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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Flammable


    If this plugin looks good (vanilla) - I do not mean rust vanilla look but close to the Uno games that we can play (for example, steam uno version) so players won't need to use brain and knowledge, type complicated commands all the time (only to start or open interface) then within the clickable buttons/UI everyone on the server or in close range (configurable) can play Uno, I am happy to support this plugin too and buy a copy when released.
  2. uMod had plugin for this if not mistaken... but not exsctly sure... If remember InstantBuy removes the Cooldown when you sell something ex. Fert so you can click spam the buttton without waiting for the the arrow animation and do sales faster than vanilla. Only problem is that input is still limited to 33 (if not wrong - this was in my server) so you can't type 8888 or 340 or 3886, etc and sell all at once and have to spam click Buy.
  3. I will pay for sure, if anyone is capable to do it please let me know.
  4. I 100% agree that we should support Facepunch. I am gonna buy Spraycan pack and for sure a lot of my players will do this too. Just for all the casual players which do not pay for cosmetic stuff would be nice if spraycan features can be "Unlocked" via plugin/harmony code, etc... I do not care for the custom sprays if can't be done. Hope Free spraying can be at least possible.
  5. Not a plugin developer but I guess this is not possible. As I remember there was a plugin like this somewhere (maybe here on codefling) - plugin set/spawn drones around monuments and road and they auto fly all the time but you access them via Computer Station in-game (like flyable cctv), it's a feature only for in-game use unless Facepunch add update to Rust+ and allow us to see our in-game cameras from the mobile app but I do not think this will happen.
  6. Weird because removed the plugin and issue resolved.
  7. When have this plugin loaded Chinook from Oilrigs do not spawn/drop scientists because they are missing at all from the heli. I am sure this plugin caused the issue on my serer because when unloaded it, everything went back to normal.
  8. Flammable


    nvm, my problem (not mine exactly but the project I work on) is solved with other plugin already, anyways thanks for the reply
  9. Flammable


    Can I disable gather rate completely with this plugin? Setting for default group values to 0 to stop completely any resources yield. Then add custom permission rates ex. Lumberjack with only get x1 wood, miner will get x1 nodes (metal and stone) but nothing else... Scientist probably only sulfur x1 and nothing else... I see there's sulfur added as separate configurable option but not sure if can add other resources too or it's simply called Gather and everything is multiplied.
  10. Btw I love the teleporation plugin (not sure which one exactly) but on most modded servers there's special place in Military Tunnels where you can teleport back home without getting Blocked by Monument error in chat and having to PvP back to your base
  11. Shortly said I have 2 players doing only offline raids all the time and others also prefer this too. I know it's part from the game and do not want to complete remove it with plugins or forcing stupid rules but instead make players face with AI defense while real players are not there to defend their base. For low pop serer chance to get countered is also low and if you offline when everyone sleeps... Eeeh not fun at all.
  12. Yeah my top players are always 2 same guys in a team - one of them is knows as the worst player in my country but he do offline everything possible... if raid and encounter someone or raid turns into online won't be SAD but still prefers to Offline. You just go to sleep and boom offlined by him. I know Offline raiding is shit but part from the game and should exist that's why do not force stupid rules or block offline raiding with plugins. My idea is to just make challenge for doing offline raid too... Not possible to make bots defending from the base I guess like it's real player but I am sure heli defense or outside bots might come in handy (these 2 players won't hate my idea unless completely stop offline raids) only wonder how can impact counter raiders but yeah... Used to add Rust+ notifications without need to use smart alarm everyone like this but you can't wake up 03:50 at night to defend, you will get anyways raided at the end but making it harder for raiders would be better I guess
  13. Can we have a Form added in future updates with option to send the form contents to discord webhook or whatever elsewhere? This will allows players to send feedback/reports/suggestions more easy to the server staff. Maybe steamlogin required to access the form or just without login (might be vulnerable to spam) I guess this suggestion will be great addon to the website and useful for everyone. I can share from where have seen the idea (and how exactly looks like if neded)
    Bought this website template today. Had no time to setup it but checked configuration and it's simple and easy to adjust everything. Also already have seen example websites of other customers. It's amazing template with Rust feel. If you need casual and at the same time professional Rust themed website up and running without a lot of effort do not hesitate to buy it. Only wish we had simple Steam Login (or without the login) just form for users to fill (suggestions/reports/whatever else)... and just send it to discord channel or else the info "New Submission from USERNAME: , TEXT:..." Overall rating: 10/10
  14. I will repeat again - I am not plugin developer just joined this thread because found that my players learned about the secret SHIFT + TAB exploit somehow and ESP where others live on my low pop server. That's not good and was thinking if someone make plugin like this I might share costs with you.
  15. The offline raids will always be Rust issue. I know there are a lot of plugins (good and bad, broken and fixed) that stop offline raids/force something as a rule, then players find way to abuse them and do workarounds. What I am having as idea is "Do not block offline raids and modify vanilla rules, just punish players for doing offline raiding". Normally if you do Online raid someone will defend. If you do Offline raid Attack Helicopter should spawn and come fast to the raid area and patrol above the the base with x2 speed, shooting at offliners making raid more difficult. Heli Rockets disabled (to prevent raiding), Also Crate Drops completely disabled if taken down (this is punishment not bonus heli event) Patrol time configurable in the config Also other cleaver things are welcome if you have ideas. Maybe NPC's can spawn and come to defend the raid as a configurable waves? Let me know what's possible and I might be happy to get this written if not extremely expensive.
  16. BUMP Not sure if modifying this info is allowed but BLOCKING plugin for SHIFT+TAB player list should be made if possible and I am willing to share costs with you @RustLover I was thinking it's not a big deal but some of my players in my server looks like found the exploit recently somehow and use it to ESP others (find bases) on low pop where max 10 players play you can abuse this to find where exactly someone is living... Ooof btw this is working from 4 years so no hope for FP to fix it soon...
  17. Yeah, Thanks for the reply. : )
    How to make easy clickable buttons? This plugin is the right choice for you. Bought it to recreate some Training Grounds features but this plugins will come in handy for a lot more in future. This is another great plugin by David so do not hesitate to buy it for all your need. You just need to imagination and it's done.
  18. Flammable

    King and Lords

    What about clans? Clan X have player 1,2,3,4 inside and if whole clan take over the plugin? I see how this can be abused as hell. That stops me from buying the plugin... Want to know if system can be implemented to allow different players from the server, not teammates to claim these roles.
  19. Currently you can use RCON tool to see chat history for Global and also Team chats. (have Better Chat and Coloured Chat plugins installed if matters for the request) If someone ask me in Global chat "#Admin When's Whip?" or How to use /skin thing, #admin" for example I will reply with "say Message" and that's fine. But most of the time players type #admin in their team chat and that's not because they forgot to toggle to Global. They tag me on purpose in Team chat because want to ask something private... If then use say everyone gonna see my replays and that's not ok. Also if case is not top secret I answer in Global with say but they still type in Team and I looks like idiot speaking to myself. Anyone can make me small plugin if possible to type to specific Team chat and only member of that team to see the message (Have clans reborn with locked teams to clans so if you have no clan, can't have team) Idk if that will be more easy in my case to grab a team. Sorry for long text, hope explained good and it's possible. Shortly summarized (access all team chats somehow and type like team members can do if offline from Rust+, but from RCON console instead)
  20. Nope, I am not developer just said my opinion what can happen if somehow can be modified, FP won't like this.
  21. Hehe, you want to prevent the little cute bug from this steam panel or just disable it because players can see who's online? Not sure if possible because this is related with steam and modifying the info might be dangerous and against FP ToS.
  22. Great cinematic!
  23. Idea: Use custom map without building prevention spheres around the monuments but sadly vanilla ones can not be broken down and sphere is included always in them. Same for roads, caves and etc.


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