Is it possible to set a commission limit of no more than approximately 30% of the price?
This would be helpful for plugins that are low-priced. Or for renewal, for example, if a plugin costs hypothetically $10+, and the license renewal(symbolic support) will cost $1-2 each year.
For example, if a plugin costs $1, the current commission would be 12% ($0.12) + $0.49 = $0.61, this is more than half of the price.
If you add a check to ensure that the commission does not exceed approximately 30% of the plugin's price, then the commission for a plugin priced at $1 would be no more than $0.30, and this would not affect the commission for more expensive plugins. With the current settings(and 30%), the limit will activate up to a price of ~$2.72.
Something like this:
const double MaxCommission = 0.3d;
double price = 1d;
double commission = Math.Min((price * 0.12d) + 0.49d, price * MaxCommission);//In this case, it will be $0.30 instead of $0.61