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Everything posted by Mevent

  1. Mevent


    Set permission in config: "Permission": "shop.attire", And grant this permission to the group: oxide.grant group Hunter shop.attire
  2. Mevent


    Version 1.0.6


    Adds a Genie Lamp to the game, which you can unwrap and receive an award. This will greatly diversify the game on your server. My advice is to add them to your underwater crates and use Dynamic Config to set up rewards over the course of the wipe Commands genie.give [targetId] (give a lamp) Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission to rub the lamp": "genie.use", Config { "Genie Image": "https://i.imgur.com/aNIcQzk.png", "Enable opening progress?": true, "Work with Notify?": true, "Delay to receive": 5.0, "Update Frequency": 0.1, "Opening effect (empty - disable)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/gestures/lick.prefab", "Progress effect (empty - disable)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/item.select.fx.prefab", "Finish effect (empty - disable)": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/presents/effects/wrap.prefab", "Permission to rub the lamp": "", "Genie lamp Settings": { "Display Name": "Lamp", "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Skin": 2540200362 }, "Awards": [ { "Type": "Item", "ID": 1, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 3500, "Chance": 70.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 2, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 2500, "Chance": 70.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 3, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "leather", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1000, "Chance": 55.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 4, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "cloth", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1000, "Chance": 55.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 5, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 500, "Chance": 50.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 6, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1500, "Chance": 65.0 }, { "Type": "Item", "ID": 7, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": null, "Plugin name": null, "Amount": 0 }, "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 150, "Chance": 65.0 } ], "Drop Settings": [ { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Chance": 50 }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_2.prefab", "Chance": 5 }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab", "Chance": 5 } ] } VIDEO
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  4. Mevent


  5. Done in 1.0.7
  6. Yes good idea
  7. Try use "Type": "Plugin",
  8. Mevent

    Scroll in categories

    Unfortunately, we cannot do this... The game doesn't allow it
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.13
  10. Mevent


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.11
  11. Mevent

    I can't add stuff

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.12
  12. Mevent

    cant add command to item

    The fields should not be changed. You just need to enter your command in the "Command" field and a link to the image in the "Image" field
  13. Mevent


    Version 1.0.12


    A player puts all his blueprints in a book and then he can gift that book to another one who can unlock all of the blueprints the player had So it allows players to put all their blueprints in a book that can be unrwaped Features Beautiful user interface Performance Interface customization Access by permission (optional) Auto wipe (optional) Sound effect (optional) Commands necronomicon.give [name/userId] [all/itemIDs...] - give a book with a specific set of blueprints Config Examples { "Book Item Settings": { "Display Name": "Necromonicon", "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Skin": 2537078809 }, "Work with Notify?": true, "Cost": 100, "Permission": "", "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Active Color": { "HEX": "#74884A", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 95.0 }, "Disactive Color": { "HEX": "#595651", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 75.0 }, "Effect (empty - disable)": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-success.prefab" } VIDEO
  14. Mevent


    Example for ServerRewards: "Economy": { "Balance add hook": "AddPoints", "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards" },
  15. Mevent


    Try to pre-check the config
  16. Mevent


    Version 1.0.12


    Blocking items after wipe Features Beautiful user interface Performance Interface customization Setting up items by category Support for blocking items by SkinID On-screen alert Ignore blocking by permission Commands block (open interface) wb.indent [seconds] (to slide the blocks) Permissions wipeblock.ignore (ignore blocking) Hooks void OnWipeBlockEnded() API bool AnyBlocked() int SecondsFromWipe() bool IsBlocked(ItemDefinition def) bool IsBlocked(string shortName, ulong skin) bool IsBlocked(ItemConf item) bool IsBlocked(int cooldown) int LeftTime(ItemConf item) int LeftTime(int cooldown) Config Examples Config
  17. Mevent


    Version 1.0.12


    Custom notifications Commands notify.show [type] [message] notify.player [steamid] [type] [message] notify.allplayers [type] [message] Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (example: notify.use)": "notify.use", notify.see – So a player can see notifications notify.notify – So an admin/moderator can see how it looks before sending it notify.player – Send notification to specific player (they need the notify.see permission) notify.allplayer – Send notification to all players (they need the notify.see permission) API private void SendNotify(string userId, int type, string message) private void SendNotify(ulong userId, int type, string message) private void SendNotify(BasePlayer player, int type, string message) Config Examples Config
  18. Mevent


    Yes, I will add sizing to the config
  19. Mevent


    Can you explain the problem in more detail?
  20. Check after update
  21. Mevent

    cant buy raids

    What is "raids"?
  22. Hi! Send me please ur config and data files
  23. Mevent

    buy the plugins

  24. Mevent

    buy the plugins

    Wdym? O.o


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