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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    check if a gold egg is injected i see it on my testserver now aswell tho when using your cfg so i need to do a diff measure to skipp the eggs if set to 0
  2. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    can u activate the debugg and check console ill hop on testserver again
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.1
  4. Will be fixed in next update
  5. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    Changed Fixed In from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
  6. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    V1.1.4 should fix that
  7. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    ill do some testing thx for the feedback
  8. Krungh Crow

    Bug in Names

    yes its hardcoded into client files even the recyclers u can place with plugins show a chest description or the repairbench descriptions
  9. Krungh Crow

    Bug in Names

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Krungh Crow

    Bug in Names

    That is correct we cannot change description only icons and names. The description is clientside so all custom items are having the description of the skinned item that was used
  11. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    main page description has a list of the eggs above the cfg
  12. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    set default egg to a diffrent egg it will choose the default one of all the others didnt trigger but was set to have a egg injection
  13. Version 1.2.1


    Trade market for bones where prices are dynamic and change each gameday at a set time. Features : Dynamic prices that will change on a set time. The market will exchange your animal bones to resources (whatever is set in configuration). Prices are made with a min/max setup and uses the random amount generated then saves it to a data file this price is then used as the value of the bones you want to trade (value is per 10 units). Support for the HumanNPC plugin This requires SkinAndBones and Fishr plugins to work (these handle the various bones) Commands : /bone market /bonemarket : Both these commands will open the Bone Market Interface. /bone info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Permissions : bonemarket.useshop : Grants permission to use market through Chat commands. bonemarket.usenpc : Grants permission to use market through NPC (HumanNPC) Configuration : The following Fonts are available for ANY UI text in plugins ! droidsansmono.ttf permanentmarker.ttf robotocondensed-bold.ttf robotocondensed-regular.ttf { "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#4A95CC>Bone Market</color>] : ", "NPC Vendor settings": { "Use NPC shop": true, "NPC Id's": [ "2745013248" ] }, "UI Settings": { "Font to use": "droidsansmono.ttf", "Market Title": "Bone Market", "Market Title Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Market Description": "Trade market for hunters\nTrade your Bones right here !!!", "Market Description Color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.90", "Bone item text Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Use a background image": false, "Background Image link": "https://i.ibb.co/6NQmCgZ/Quail-Bird-Hunting-Silhouette-Free-Vector.jpg", "Background Image transparency (0-1)": 0.2 }, "Market refresh time (gameday)": 7.0, "Market Trade item (shortname)": "scrap", "Market Trade item (View name in GUI)": "Scrap", "Market Unit Value": { "Bear bones Low value": 2, "Bear bones High value": 6, "Boar bones Low value": 1, "Boar bones High value": 3, "Chicken bones Low value": 1, "Chicken bones High value": 3, "Horse bones Low value": 1, "Horse bones High value": 3, "Fish bones Low value": 1, "Fish bones High value": 3, "Stag bones Low value": 1, "Stag bones High value": 3, "Wolf bones Low value": 1, "Wolf bones High value": 4 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "FullInventory": "Your inventory was full handout is dropped on the floor", "FullInventoryUI": "Your Inventory is full handout will drop on the floor", "Info": "\n\n<color=#4A95CC>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone market</color> : Opens the market interface where prices change each gameday", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "OnlyNPC": "The Bone Market is only available at the Bone Trader NPC in Town", "Succesfulltrade": "You traded your bones for {0} {1}", "MarketReset": "Market started a new day with fresh trade prices.", "NotFound": "You dont have any to trade", "NotEnough": "You dont have enough bones for this trade" }
  14. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.0.2


    FishR will add a configurable amount of resources gained from gutting for each fish type and handles the new Bone Type Fish Bones. Features : Configure the amount of resources and bonus items gained from gutting fish. Changes the bonefragments to fish bones used by other plugins in this series. Commands : /fishr info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Configuration : The Fish normally giving a bonus item by Rust are already having the Bonus Items listed and can be changed accordingly or added to the fish not having this by default. { "Main config": { "Debug": false }, "Anchovy": { "Fish Bones": 2, "Raw Fish": 1, "Animal Fat": 1, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Cat fish": { "Fish Bones": 18, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 18, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Herring": { "Fish Bones": 1, "Raw Fish": 2, "Animal Fat": 1, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Orange Roughy": { "Fish Bones": 18, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 18, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Salmon": { "Fish Bones": 16, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 16, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Sardine": { "Fish Bones": 1, "Raw Fish": 1, "Animal Fat": 5, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Small Shark": { "Fish Bones": 20, "Raw Fish": 20, "Animal Fat": 20, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Small Trout": { "Fish Bones": 5, "Raw Fish": 4, "Animal Fat": 8, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Yellow Perch": { "Fish Bones": 6, "Raw Fish": 4, "Animal Fat": 9, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "GutUnsuccesful": "<color=#4A95CC>Gutting was unsuccesfull !</color> gut the fish in your inventory instead.", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=green>/fishr info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Version": "Version : V" }
  15. Version 1.4.0


    Skin and Bones is a nifty system that provides animals with bones and skulls you can use for trading, crafting and skull crushing. Features : When harvesting animal corpses this will skin the bonefragments to each respective animal type bones. Injects animal corpses with skulls which are skinned upon gathering. The plugin is a core system to give animals the new bones and skulls to be used in other plugins in this series. With the new animal skull you have the option to crush them for bones just like with human and wolf skulls. Admins can give themselves skulls and bones with commands. Supported animals : Bear Polarbear : This will be shared component with regular Bears Boar Chicken Horse and RidableHorse Shark Stag Wolf Permisions : skinandbones.admin : To be able to use the chatcommands. Commands : /bones {animalname} {amount} : Gives the animals bones and amounts (bear, boar, chicken, fish, horse, stag, wolf) /skull {animalname} {amount} : Gives the animals skull and amounts (bear, boar, chicken, shark, horse, stag, wolf) Configuration : When having the (Convert Bones : false) the plugin will keep the vanilla bone.fragments , only the skulls will be added and skinned. { "Main config": { "Debug": false }, "Convert Bones": true, "FX on Fail Crush": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/skull_door_knocker/effects/door_knock_fx.prefab", "Bones From Skullcrushing": { "Bear Bones": 30, "Boar Bones": 15, "Chicken Bones": 10, "Horse Bones": 25, "Shark (fish)Bones": 40, "Stag Bones": 15, "Wolf Bones": 20 }, "SkinID's Skulls": { "Bear Skull SkinID": 2582058305, "Boar Skull SkinID": 2582176436, "Chicken Skull SkinID": 2582166639, "Horse Skull SkinID": 2582200089, "Shark Skull SkinID": 2583809564, "Stag Skull SkinID": 2582184045 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "CommandBones": "<color=4A95CC>/bones {animalname} {amount}</color> : Gives the animals bones and amounts\n(bear,boar,chicken,fish,horse,stag,wolf)", "CommandSkull": "<color=4A95CC>/skull {animalname} {amount}</color> : Gives the animals skull and amounts\n(bear,boar,chicken,shark,horse,stag,wolf)", "CrushMessage": "</color>You crushed a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> into {1} <color=#4A95CC>{2}</color>", "CrushMessageFail": "You failed crushing the <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color>.\nTry crushing them from your inventory", "GiveMessage": "You where given <color=#4A95CC>{0}x {1}</color>", "GiveErrorAmount": "Value needs to be higher then 0", "GiveErrorBones": "The server uses normal :bone.fragments: bone.fragments", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" }
  16. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  17. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    think i found it ill run some tests and hopefully release the patch in an hr or so
  18. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    recalculating the limit of 1 egg. will be tested after i get the lil one from school
  19. Krungh Crow

    3 golden eggs

    happened after server restart ? and which gather multiplier is used ?(plugin)
  20. ah the seating
  21. Krungh Crow


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Krungh Crow


    in console (it is a rust item so it can be spawned by admins like this) give cardtable (to yourself) give playername cardtable (to target player)
  23. regarding the licenseplates for now it counts as a normal roadsign so it can be used in crafting (roleplay element) the signal is a regular reskinned/named signal and works as intended (roleplay element) working on a series of plugins with usage of custom items which the plates is a part of
  24. Krungh Crow

    text error

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  25. Krungh Crow

    text error

    works fine unless the plugin was edited incorrectly. Custom colors and chatmessage system will be added in a future update (no eta)


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