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Everything posted by Country_Sass

  1. Country_Sass

    Brad Duping

    I'm having this same problem with FancyDrop; how can we prevent the duping?
  2. How do you remove items from boxes; such as hacked crates - and how to edit the category of the items for spawn chance?
  3. Country_Sass

    Smart Base

    Having issues with Coffins. I go to mark a second coffin and it just says "Coffin is Marked" in chat, but only opens the 1st coffin, but then the 2nd coffin doesn't open anything. Also, if the UI bugs out, people using a Keybind it keeps the UI open and they cannot close it and have to relog.
  4. Completely understand! Would be a great feature to have in the future!
  5. Don't know if this has been suggested yet but I'd love to possibly view 2 different loot tables at a time. ie: Load Easy & Medium base loot and see them side by side and edit from there, then export separately. Don't know if this could even be done but would be nice to then refer back to my lower tiers and make sure my numbers coincide with levels and are progressive.
  6. I run a PVE • PVP server, and we have a PVP island on every wipe. This is set up using Dynamic PVP and Zone Manager to allow for PVP to happen within this area. Players can be killed, bases can be raided in this zone. I'm looking for a way or a plugin that when you're within this zone a KDR scoreboard, and/or death notes shows up on the players screen. When they are outside of the zone the scoreboard goes away. KDR Scoreboard could be reset every wipe. Open to other ideas on how to achieve this or even other options to give more fun to the PVP zone.
  7. Also, is there a way to disable hammer pickup of items? My players found they can literally pickup anything and it's endless pickups with a hammer.
  8. I use Loottable GUI, is this plugin compatible with those settings for containers? Plugin URL for reference: https://codefling.com/plugins/loot-table-stacksize-gui
  9. I'm not seeing the stack splitting in the composters? Is there something else that needs to be done?
  10. Country_Sass

    Smart Base

    No worries at all! This is still a quick turnaround! Love the ability to add different perms; a few bugs on my end: I have "use" set on the permission to Grant All using Permissions Manager. 1. When I assign Large Box 1, 2, and 3 - they still all show as I can't use them in the UI. 2. When 1 coffin is granted, all 3 say I can still use them. 3. When 1 small box is granted, all 3 say I can still use them. 4. TC is not granted, however it is showing on the UI I must assign the box and it can be used. Love the progress on it so far! If there's anything I need to do on my end to help troubleshoot please let me know!
  11. Country_Sass

    Smart Base

    Great thanks! My thoughts behind it is if it helps; give VIP only 1 large box, and 1 small box, and VIP+ get 2 large boxes and 2 small boxes. Kind of just having more control. Also; today I'm having issues testing the plugin that once I reload the plugin to test/use it - it's then not allowing me to use or move anything to or from my inventory.
  12. Country_Sass

    Smart Base

    Is there a way to limit the number of boxes a player can have?
  13. Country_Sass

    Bradley Drops

    I have a cooldown set on when players can throw another signal so they aren't spamming a ton of brads - however now when a player tries throwing a supply signal when they are cooldown, it now duplicates the signal and they can endlessly get more and more supply signals for brads.
  14. I'm looking for a plugin to use as a perk for certain groups; ie: a player that raids 20 medium bases will get a raid base.medium permission. I'd like for the plugin to be able to: • Be group permission-based • Adjust the time it takes for a player that has a med kit in their hot bar to stand up after they are down/wounded
  15. For sure interested in this for ServerRewards!
  16. Okay, so suggestion would be perhaps just remove water from the lootables for the time being?
  17. I'm getting the same thing as well with my players. A few of them it's when they access the washing machines with water. Others I have no idea what they accessed. But disabled the plugin for the time being. This is the error they got when they disconnected. Kicked: RPC Error in ItemCmd Hope this helps; didn't realize how much my players where using this plugin - so this is a nice knowing when they are asking "why can't I loot the fuel pumps anymore"
  18. Okay! No worries! Thank you! Want to just use BotReSpawn to it's max capability :D
  19. Is there a way to make it were say 4-5 bots roam in a group together?
  20. Thank you both!!!! Now off to create my little sky minions!!!!
  21. I must be blind! Where do I turn parachutes on?
  22. I like this idea!!! Different than the typical zombies so many servers use! I like the unique! I'll have a look at it! Which Paratrooper plugin do you use?
  23. I have BotRespawn and my players love it, but they are now asking for Zombie Hordes. Ideally I'd love to not have two "NPC plugins" and was wondering if there's a way I can replicate/create zombie hordes using BotRespawn?
  24. I have a PVP zone within my PVE server; players can go here and 1v1, build a base to be raided by other players, etc. However I want a little more of a warning than just the typical Zone Manager message when they enter so they understand THEY are responsible for what happens. I'd love it if there was an announcement box that would pop up on the screen when you enter a PVP zone (using Zone Manager) or in the Chat, it says something about "Entering this PVP zone means your body becomes lootable. Staff have no involvement if you lose your stuff; etc etc." Of course editable. Few things I'd like in terms of functionality: • Box pops up once they walk into the zone • This box is could be similar to Welcome Panel, or /info where I can add some text into it; ie: PVP rules and warnings. Not exact but same "popup" appearance. • Can adjust the background and such, be transparent, colored, etc. • Have a "CLOSE" button for a player to close it or possibly the ability to click outside the box for it to close. • Can reopen this panel by doing a command like /pvp or something that can be set.
  25. Absolutely!


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