First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns. Due to the nature of digital goods, refunds are not possible without a special exception from the author. Codefling has no involvement in the refund process other than acting on behalf of the author in the event they're away, or inactive.
While we do often accept refund requests, having an automated system is both dangerous, and pretty pointless given the criteria for refunds. The only automated method I could think of that would work is allow for a refund if the file hasn't been downloaded. But I've yet to see this be the case yet.
As for your specific issue, it's always no permission unless specified by the author. Meaning, you cannot do anything but use as-is unless otherwise specified. I do agree though that this information should be visible before purchasing, so I'll see about adding that as an option on file upload to display on the file page if the author has locked a map and is not planning on sharing the password.