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About 0g.Ghost.7373

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  1. Can you add support for CustomLoot? A different CustomLoot table for each their would be awesome.
  2. I am guessing I have one dropping them. hmmmm
  3. Where could 50 grenade.beancan's be coming from? No other NPC drops 50 of them except the scarecrows from Advanced Random Scarecrow Spawner....
  4. All good. I added skins to some items they dropped. I noticed it when testing. I thought I broke something.
  5. Anyone else having it where when you loot them, the first spot is empty and the body/bag(if you use a knife to skin) takes forever to despawn?
  6. Anyone else having splitting problems? I had 1000 Cash, tried to split 25 off. Well it stacked 25 but the original stack still had 1000. Playing around with it, I ended up with 1250. I dropped it in a box with a conveyor and looked into the box it was sent to and there was 975. I am leaning towards it being the plugin I use to control stacks....
  7. Anyone else getting this error? Started after I bought this plugin. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  8. Just updated and tried uc_clean_config Had one file needing removed. It removed them all.
  9. I can't seem to get the command uc_check_config to work. I type it in server console, nothing. I type it in F!, nothing.
  10. Well, I bought your plugin, I guess I will let you know. lol
  11. Correction, it gives on respawn but not on first connect.
  12. How well does the gathering boosts work with plugins like SkillTree?
  13. Can we sell custom named/skinned items for custom named/skinned items? Like use XX blood with skin 1234567 and name cash to buy X rocket launchers with skin 3564564 and name toxic rocket launcher?


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