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  1. More information about "Cargo Plane Crash"

    $19.99 $14.99

    Cargo Plane Crash

    Adds a cargo plane crash event to your server. The crash site is guarded by NPCs that patrol the area and can chase players.
    You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin.

    Support for third-party plugins Great customization options in the config
    Console commands:
    callcargoplane - force the event to start crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash cpc_stop - force the event to end
    Chat commands(need admin privileges):
    showcrashzone - displays the crash area setcrashzonecenter - set the center of the crash zone to where the player is callcargoplane - force the event to start crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash cpc_stop - force the event to end cpc_add_crashzone - adds a new zone at the location where the player is, can be used if you use multiple zones(you can set the name and radius - /cpc_add_crashzone "name" "radius") Hooks:
    void CargoPlaneCrashStarted() // called when the event starts
    void CargoPlaneCrashCrashed() // called when a cargo plane crashes
    void CargoPlaneCrashEnded() // called when the event ends
    CargoPlaneCrash config:
    { "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false, "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true, "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380, "Create a dome for PVE mode": false, "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4, "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300, "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Cargo Plane Crash Event", "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event", "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome) Be careful, if the crash site is near the player's base and the player is not the owner of the event, he will be ejected from his base outside the dome": false, "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event", "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true, "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds)": 3600.0, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 600, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "CargoPlane speed(recommended 4 to 6)": 5.0, "Minimum amount of online players to trigger the event": 1, "Crates amount(spawn after crash)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Airdrops amount(spawn after crash)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Fireballs amount(spawn after crash)": 5, "Passengers amount(spawn after crash)": 2, "Explosion marker on the map(spawn after crash)": true, "Explosion marker lifetime(in seconds)": 300, "Enable signal smoke(spawn after crash)": true, "Signal smoke lifetime(in seconds, max 214)": 214, "Map size(crash zone size), you can see the zone, use the chat command /showcrashzone": 4500.0, "Starting altitude, defaults to map size, can be increased if cargo plane hits high ground(no more than 10000 recommended)": 4500.0, "Crash zone center. Use chat command /setcrashzonecenter to set to player position. You can check crash zone center, use the chat command /showcrashzone": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use multiple zones": false, "Select a zone from the list sequentially(if false, then the crash zone will be chosen randomly)": false, "Zones list": [ { "name": "0", "radius": 300, "center": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "name": "1", "radius": 200, "center": { "x": 100.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "CargoPlane event started", "Crash message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Cargo plane crashed", "Message about coordinates(will display the coordinates of the crash site. If empty, no message will be displayed)": "", "Kit name(you can use kits for passengers if you have Kits plugin)": "", "Passenger name": "Mister bot", "NPCs amount(spawn after crash)": 2, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Kit for NPCs. The NPC will use the weapon that is in the first slot of the belt(requires Kits plugin)": "", "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Crashsite NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Crashsite NPC1", "Crashsite NPC2", "Crashsite NPC3" ], "Prohibit building near the crash site": false, "How long construction is prohibited near the crash site(in seconds)": 1800, "Event marker on the map(spawn an event marker at the crash site)": false, "Event marker name": "Cargo plane crash site", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Do not spawn crates and NPCs when a cargo plane falls under water (if the water depth is greater than)": 0.5, "Do not choose a crash site near monuments": false }
  2. More information about "Big Wheel Game Stats"


    Big Wheel Game Stats

    Big Wheel Game UI statistics. Collecting statistics of a Big Wheel Game. And abillity to display statistics through UI with scrolling of content.
    Note: To make players avatars available, in the ImageLibrary config file you need to:
    set true in the "Avatars - Store player avatars"; set API key in the "Steam API key (get one here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey).".  


    bigwheelstats.use - Provides access to use UI. It works if the parameter "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?" is enabled in the config file. bigwheelstats.admin - Provides the same permissions as bigwheelstats.use. Additionally, it allows changing the name of the BigWheelGame directly in the UI.  

    { "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?": false, "Is it worth clearing statistics during a wipe?": true, "Big Wheel Game - Default name": "BIG WHEEL GAME", "Big Wheel Game - New best player announce effect prefab name": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "UI. Text - Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Hud - Icon Url": "https://i.imgur.com/HvoFS7p.png", "Hud - Icon Color": "#808080", "Hud - Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Hud - Icon Is Raw Image": false, "Hud - Icon AnchorMin": "1 0", "Hud - Icon AnchorMax": "1 0", "Hud - Icon OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Hud - Icon OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - Main Background Color": "#1A1A1A", "Panel - Main Background Transparency": 0.95, "Hit - Yellow Color": "#BFBF40", "Hit - Yellow Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Green Color": "#408C8C", "Hit - Green Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Blue Color": "#03598C", "Hit - Blue Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Purple Color": "#8026CC", "Hit - Purple Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Red Color": "#B24C59", "Hit - Red Transparency": 0.4, "Panel - Close Url": "https://i.imgur.com/O9m6yZF.png", "Panel - Close Color": "#D94026", "Panel - Close Transparency": 0.6, "Panel - Close Is Raw Image": false, "Panel - Close AnchorMin": "1 0", "Panel - Close AnchorMax": "1 0", "Panel - Close OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Panel - Close OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - 404 Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/ke7jDDm.png", "Panel - 404 Icon Color": "#000000", "Panel - 404 Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - 404 Font Size": 24, "Panel - 404 Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Panel - 404 Font Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - Background Color": "#4C4C4C", "Panel - Background Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - OffsetMin": "-320 -255", "Panel - OffsetMax": "320 255", "Menu - Font Size": 18, "Menu Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Menu Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Menu Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Menu Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Menu Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Menu Buttons - Font Transparency": 0.5, "Menu Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Menu Buttons - Font Active Transparency": 1.0, "Wheel - Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/MhW63JV.png", "Wheel Info - Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info - Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info - Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info - Online Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal Info - Online Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Offline Color": "#FF0000", "Personal Info - Offline Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Font Size": 16, "Personal Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Personal Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Personal Info Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Header - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Column Header - Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Active Color": "#595959", "Column Header - Active Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Font Size": 16, "Column Header - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Header - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Column Item - Font Size": 16, "Column Item - Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Transparency": 0.3, "Column Item - Even Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Even Transparency": 0.6, "Column Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Item - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Size": 18, "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Transparency": 0.4, "Personal HitsList - Lose Color": "#E6004C", "Personal HitsList - Lose Transparency": 0.4, "Players List - Name Font Size": 12, "Players List - ID Font Size": 10, "Players List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "BWGs List - Name Font Size": 12, "BWGs List - ID Font Size": 10, "BWGs List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "Footer - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Footer - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer - Font Size": 16, "Footer Buttons - Between Button Text": "...", "Footer Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Footer Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Footer Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Footer Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Footer Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Footer Custom Button - Command(Leave empty to disable)": "", "Footer Custom Button - Color": "#808080", "Footer Custom Button - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer Text - Font Size": 12, "Footer Text - Font Color": "#808080", "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } }  

    EN: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "My stats", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Top players", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Wheel list", "MsgHitYellow": "Yellow", "MsgHitGreen": "Green", "MsgHitBlue": "Blue", "MsgHitPurple": "Purple", "MsgHitRed": "Red", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "My button", "MsgFooterText": "Showing {0} to {1} of {2}", "Msg404Player": "Player {0} not found", "Msg404PlayersList": "Players list is empty", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Big Wheel Game {0} not found", "Msg404BWGsList": "Big Wheel Games list is empty", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Win spins", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Lose spins", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Scrap spend", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Scrap win", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Scrap result", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Scrap record bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Scrap last bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Scrap last win", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Item", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Hit", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Bid amount", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Result", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Player", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Total", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Loses", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Wins", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Record bid", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Record win", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Result", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Big wheel game", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Best player", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Empty", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Yellow", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Green", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Blue", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Purple", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Red" } RU: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "Моя статистика", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Топ игроков", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Список игр", "MsgHitYellow": "Желтый", "MsgHitGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgHitBlue": "Синий", "MsgHitPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgHitRed": "Красный", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "Моя кнопка", "MsgFooterText": "Отображены с {0} по {1} из {2}", "Msg404Player": "Игрок {0} не найден", "Msg404PlayersList": "Список игроков пуст", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Игра {0} не найдена", "Msg404BWGsList": "Список игр пуст", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Всего ставок", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Выигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Проигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Потрачено скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Выиграно скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Итог скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Последняя ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Последний выигрыш", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Предмет", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Число", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Ставка", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Итог", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Игрок", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Всего", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Проигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Выигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Рекордный выигрыш", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Итог", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Игра", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Лучший игрок", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Пусто", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Желтый", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Синий", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Красный" }  

    BWG_HUD_show - Shows HUD. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required. BWG_Panel_open - Opens UI panel. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required.
  3. More information about "Armored Train"


    Armored Train

    New Year Update
    The New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config.
    You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear

    New Year's map from the video:  
    Halloween Update
    Have you already prepared your server for Halloween?
    On the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I have prepared for customization of all armored train cars.
    After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config.
    This plugin will add an armored train to your server, which can travel both in the subway and by rail.
    It can consist of any number of wagons. A helicopter can accompany it.
    Bradley, npc, turrets, simsites can be installed on the train.
    The plugin allows you to create any number of train presets, for which the order of wagons, the helicopter preset, the probability of spawn and the duration of patrolling can be specified. Each wagon or locomotive can be configured separately. Any speed can be set by the locomotive.If there is no spawn of trains on the surface on your custom map, read the section “Custom spawn points”
    Custom spawn points
    If you are using a custom map in which there are no spawn trains on the surface, but there is a railway, then for the train to work on the surface, you need to add custom spawn points of the train.
    Stand at the point where you want the train to spawn Enter the command /atrainpoint If you receive a message that a point has been created, enable “Use custom spawn coordinates [true/false]” in config For correct operation, it is recommended to create several spawn points of the train
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration /atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground /atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground /atrainstart <trainPresetName> –  launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration /atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> /atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> /atrainstop– stops the event /atrainpoint– creates a custom spawn point of the train in your position  
    Console commands (RCON only)
    atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground atrainstart <trainPresetName> –  launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> atrainstop – stops the event  
    en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Api
    bool IsArmoredTrainActive() bool StopArmoredTrain() bool StartArmoredTrainEvent() bool EndArmoredTrainEvent() bool IsTrainBradley(uint netID)  bool IsTrainHeli(uint netID)  bool IsTrainCrate(uint netID)  bool IsTrainSamSite(uint netID)  bool IsTrainWagon(uint netID)  bool IsTrainTurret(uint netID)  Vector3 ArmoredTrainLocomotivePosition()  
    OnArmoredTrainEventStart OnArmoredTrainEventStop  
    Contact me in Discord: Adem#955

  4. More information about "Shipwreck"



    This plugin will allow players to visit the depths of the ocean to discover 3 new locations included in this plugin: a Sunken Cargo Ship, Submerged Ore Farm, and a Shipwrecked Barge.
    In the wreckage you will find a high concentration of loot. Just be careful! The COBALT group has already arrived and is exploring the site.
    They have submarines and divers already in the water!

    Patrol Submarines
    Subs do a LOT of damage, but they have low visibility and low accuracy. Very unreliable at Titanic depths. Subs are a serious threat if you arrive in a submarine yourself. Try to sneak up behind them and destroy them, you don't want to be the one to sink, trust me!
    Cobalt NPC Divers
    High accuracy, but not much armor and don't pack a huge punch. Almost harmless if you arrive in a submarine, but they are still a threat! Keep your eyes on these guys, it might just be you or them!
    Killer Sharks
    These sharks have smelled all the blood in the water, after being drawn to the area already by all of the disturbance. They are here, they are mad, and they are bloodthirsty and hungry!
    The plugin includes 3 locations:
    Shipwrecked Cargo Ship
    There are three rooms in the Sunken Cargo Ship location that are opened with a keycard. The map type can be selected within the configuration file.
    Sunken Barge
    A great place to find some Shipping Containers, as well as Killer Sharks! The Cobalt group has been busy in this area, they must have taken this Barge down recently as well.
    Submerged Ore Farm
    An ore rich location with multiple farmable ore nodes, as well as some other scattered loot including fuel barrels.
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration /shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration /shipwreckstartmyloc – launches the event in a random configuration in your location /shipwreckstartmyloc<shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration in your location /shipwreckstop – stops the event /screatepath– starts recording the route for the npc/shark/sub /ssavepath <npc/shark/subPresetName> – saves route for npcs/sharks/sub /scancelpath – cancels route recording Console commands (RCON only)
    shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration shipwreckstop – stops the event Config
    plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English location_en – example of location configuration in English plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian location_ru – example of location configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Hooks
    void OnShipwreckStart() void OnShipwreckStop()  
    My Discord: adem9554
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  5. More information about "Satellite Dish Event"


    Satellite Dish Event

    It’s an event in the Satellite Dish location

    The event begins with a chat warning: a bioweapons deal will be in the Satellite Dish.
    When the time is up, extra crates, NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Satellite Dish. Then a locked zombie’s cage will appear. A CH47 will fly to this location to make a transaction.
    When the CH47 arrives, it will drop the locked crate as a payment for the biological weapon. Then it will land and zombies will begin boarding on the CH47. As soon as the CH47 has picked up all the remaining zombies, it will fly off the map.
    If you kill at least one zombie, an alarm will start. The alarm can be ended by answering the phone on the Satellite Dish within 10 seconds.
    If you don’t stop the alarm, reinforcements will arrive as Bradley to this location. It will parachute down from the aircraft.
    All crates looting, NPCs, zombies, Bradley can be changed by configuration.
    It is possible to change the configuration of all NPCs or use the BotSpawn plugin for NPCs.
    There is a camera in the location for viewing the event and lighting for night events.
    When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file).
    It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin.
    All players in the event zone have a timer with countdown to the end of the event
    It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration.
    Dependencies Required
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /satdishstart - start the event
    /satdishstop - end the event
    /satdishpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Satellite Dish is read)
    Console commands (RCON only)
    satdishstart - start the event
    satdishstop - end the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnSatDishEventStart() – called when the event starts
    void OnSatDishEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnSatDishEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!


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