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Version 1.1.61
Ever wanted to be able to rain death on your enemies while being in what is essentially a flying tank!? The GunShip plugin allows you to spawn 16 different preconfigured customized vehicles allowing for new ways to play the game! Whether it is base raiding, pvp, or monument clearing youll always have the right tools, and the right firepower, to get the job done! The plugin itself requires one main dependency but has a few optional ones as well. After Entity Scale Manager is installed all vehicles will be able to be spawned in and used right out of the box! Support Please read through this as well as the extended documentation available on my discord before flagging a ticket! Open a support request here or join the discord and get in touch with me directly! I may not answer right away, please allow around 24 hours for me to be able to help you with your request! Dependency Setup REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES: Entity Scale Manager OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES: Death Notes Sign Artist Server Rewards Economics Raidable Bases Entity Scale Manager (Required) Once downloaded, upload the plugin to the same directory as the GunShip plugin and check console to ensure it has loaded, once it has reload the GunShip plugin (if needed). OPTIONALLY you can change the following setting in the config file of Entity Scale Manager to make the scaling spheres disappear. // Change the below value to true if you would like to enable it in the EntityScaleManager.json config file. { "Hide spheres after resize (performance intensive)": false } Death Notes (Optional) Implementing Death Notes allows players to see custom death messages when a player kills something or gets killed by something on a server. When using Death Notes with the GunShip plugin you can see additional custom death messages for when a NPC / Player is killed by a GunShip vehicle. Near the end of the DeathNotes.json configuration file in the oxide/config directory you can add the following lines to enable the custom death messages! "muzzlebrake.entity": "Armed Sedan", "lasersight.entity": "Heavy Technical", "smoke_grenade.weapon": "Light Technical", "hammer.entity": "Apache Attack Helicopter", "spraycan.weapon": "Huey Attack Helicopter", "flare.weapon": "Viper Attack Helicopter", "detonator.entity": "Enforcer UAV", "supplysignal.weapon": "Cargo Truck" Append the above lines to the end of the 'Weapons' section of the config. It should look like something below. Sign Artist (Optional) Sign artist is used to load custom images onto signs from a url. In the GunShip plugin it is used to load the specified image to all signs by default when they are initially spawned in. Upload the the oxide/plugins directory and enjoy! Reseller Info As of version 1.0.5 the reseller framework has been added! This new feature allows server owners to optionally add the 'reseller' / salesman role into their servers allowing a assigned player to sell other players gunship vehicles. Additionally if enabled the assigned player can also make a comission of the configured currency for the sale depending on how much money they took off of the original price of the vehicle. For a reseller to be able to make commission the option for enable reseller comission must be enabled. If you want the ability to allow resellers to edit the price of the vehicle within the configured discount range enable the Allow Resellers to Modify Price option in the config file. The actual comission is based off of the amount that the reseller did not take off of the sale. For example, if the reseller ran /sellgs huey 15 false they would make 5% of the total sale meaning that the comission is (sale price) * ((configured discount max) - (specified discount)) = reseller commission amount Custom Item Info Land / Air Vehicles Item Shortname: box.wooden Water Vehicles Item Shortname: boogieboard Steam Skin IDs: Permission Info System Permissions - Enables VIP perks / settings for players with this permission. gunship.spawn - Required to spawn any gunship vehicle (just to use the /gunship command). gunship.nocooldown - Players with this permission do not have a spawn command cooldown. gunship.admin - Players get admin settings / perks. gunship.target_immune - Players with this permission cannot be targeted by GunShip managed AutoTurrets (Vehicle Auto Turrets). gunship.nowipefee - Players with this permission do not pay a wipe fee for any vehicle (Start of wipe fee). gunship.norespawnfee - Players with this permission do not pay a respawn fee to spawn their vehicle after paying the wipe fee. gunship.norecallfee - Removes the cost of using the /gunship.util recall vehicle_name command gunship.nohominglock - Players that have this permission cannot be locked onto by a gunship smart missile system (what the guardian uses) gunship.reseller - Allows a player to use the reseller commands and sell vehicle items to other players and make commission (if enabled) Vehicle Permissions gunship.apache - Huey Attack Helicopter - Guardian Homing AA Helicopter gunship.stinger - Agile Missile Attack Helicopter gunship.viper - Agile Gunner Attack Helicopter gunship.cobra - AA Helicopter gunship.huey - Heavy Attack Helicopter gunship.reaper - Heavy Attack Helicopter gunship.technical - Light Armoured Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.heavy_technical - Heavy Armoured Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.cargo_truck - Heavy Armoured Ground Transport Vehicle gunship.sedan - Heavy Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.fighter - Agile Attack Helicopter gunship.stallion - Heavy Cargo Transport Helicopter gunship.cougar - Light Cargo Transport Helicopter gunship.enforcer - Tactical UAV gunship.attack_rhib - Light Gun Boat Command Info Player Commands: /gunship - USE: /gunship <vehicle_name> - The base GunShip command. Used for spawning vehicles. / - USE: / - Displays the help information for all vehicles. (Grey Names: No Permission, Yellow Names: Has Permission) /gunship.util - USE: /gunship.util <kill/recall/find> <vehicle_name> - Kill, recall, or find, the specified vehicle (if it is spawned) Admin Commands: /clearsave - USE: /clearsave - Wipe the save file in its entirety. /gunship.reloadconfig - USE: /gunship.reloadconfig - Reload the configuration values without reloading the plugin. /vehiclereport - USE: /vehiclereport - Get the information of the actively spawned vehicles. /checkstatus - USE: /checkstatus - View a report of the information relating to the vehicle you are looking at. /resetwf_all - USE: /resetwf_all - Reset the wipe fees of all players. /resetwf_player - USE: /resetwf_player <player_name> - Reset the wipe fees of the specified player. Debug Commands: /getlayer - USE: /getlayer - Return the layer information of the entity that you are currently looking at, prints to RCON console. /getparent - USE: /getparent - Return the information about the parent of the entity you are looking at (if any). /getname - USE: /getname - Return the name, item id, and skin id, of the currently held item. Reseller Commands (Requires gunship.reseller): /sellgs - USE: /sellgs <profile_name> <discount_percentage> <is_one_time_sale (true/false)> - Create a vehicle sale offer for the player you are facing /processsale - USE: /processsale <"confirm"/"cancel"> - Confirms or cancels the current sale offer and sends it to the customer Reseller Customer Commands: /buygs - USE: /buygs <"confirm"/"cancel"> - Confirms or cancels the given sale offer after being sent by a reseller Configuration File { "General Config": { "Chat Settings": { "Chat Message Icon": 0, // The default icon of all images sent by the plugin "Chat Message Prefix": "[<color=#d93d3d>GunShip</color>]" // The default chat prefix of all messages sent by the plugin }, "Sign Settings": { "Load Default Image on All Vehicle Signs": false, // Whether or not to load a default image when a vehicle is first spawned in "Sign URL Load (Requires Sign Artist)": "", // The URL of the default image to be loaded on the the sign "Load default image on vanilla vehicles": true }, "Vehicle Purchase Settings": { "Enable Wipe Fee": true, // Whether or not to enable the wipe fee "Enable Respawn Fee": true, // Whether or not to enable the respawn fee "Respawn Fee": 500.0, // The Respawn Fee amount "Recall Fee (To disable set to 0)": 200.0, // The recall fee amount "Payment Settings": { "Use Economics Plugin (Priority, will use this over SR if enabled)": false, "Use Server Rewards Plugin": false, "Use Custom Currency": true, // Whether or not to use a custom currency instead of SR or Economics "Points Name (when using SR or Economics)": "dollars", "Custom Currency Item Shortname (Specify item shortname [e.g scrap, or metal.refined])": "scrap", // Shortname of the custom currency "Custom Currency Skin (0 = Default Skin)": 0, // The Skin Id of the custom currency "Custom Currency Display Name (Leave empty for default item name)": "" // The display name of the custom currency } }, "PvP Settings": { "Enable PvE Mode (Disable all Damage between Players / Owned Entities and GunShip Vehicles)": false, // Enable the PvE Damage profile "Damage Options (Individual Settings)": { "Disable Gunship Damage to Owned Vehicles": false, "Disable Gunship Damage to Players": false, "Enable Friendly Fire": false, // Disable Friendly fire between teammates "Disable Player Damage to Gunships": false, "Disable Player Damage to All OWNED Vehicles (Global)": false, "Disable Global Fireball Damage": false, // Disable Fireball Damage to everything! "Disable Fireball Damage to GunShips": true,// Disable Fireball damage to gunships only (Above value overrides this) "Allow Fireball Damage in Raidable Base Raid Zones": true, "Disable Gunship To Building Damage": false, // Disable GunShip to OWNED player building damage "Disable GunShip Vehicle decay": true, "GunShips Override True PvE Damage Checks": false // Override the behaviour of TruePvE using the above damage settings for outgoing gunship damage "Building Damage Settings": { "Disable GunShip to Building Damage": true, "Allow Owned Building Damage (Players can damage their own buildings)": true, "Allow Friendly Fire Building Damage Between Teammates": true } } }, "Gunship System Targeting Settings": { "Allow GunShip Turrets to Target Sleepers": false, "Allow GunShip Turrets to Target Players": true, "Allow Gunship Sam Sites to target players": true, "Allow Gunship SAM Sites to target Patrol Helicopter": false, "Allow Non-GunShip SAM sites to target gunship vehicles": true, "Allow Gunship Homing Missiles to Lock onto Patrol Helicopter": true, "Allow Gunship Homing Missiles to Lock onto Bradley APC": true, "Enable Homing Lock PvP": true, // Enable the gunship smart missiles to lock onto players (Guardian Smart Missiles) "Enable Homing Lock Friendly Fire (between teammates)": false // Allow homing lock from smart missiles to friendly players (teammates) }, "Spawn Cooldown Time": 120.0, "Use Vehicle Locks Plugin to Manage Vehicle and Storage Access": false, "Drop items and fuel from GunShip vehicle on death": true, "Disable Auto Save Message": true }, "Spawn Point Config": { "Enable Spawn Point Config": false, "Spawn Point Data": { "Spawn Point List": { "default": { "Monument Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab", "Spawn Point Location (Local)": { "x": -87.03, "y": 0.3, "z": 37.91 }, "Spawn Point Rotation (Local)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } } } }, "VIP Permission Config": { "VIP Permission": "vip", "Enable VIP Cooldown Config (if false, uses default)": true, "VIP Perks Config": { "Enable VIP Perks (Set False to Disable All)": true, "VIP Vehicle Respawn Cooldown": 15, "VIP Respawn Fee Amount": 150 } }, "Permission Config": { "Spawn Permission": "spawn", "No Cooldown Permission": "nocooldown", "GunShip Turret Targeting System Immunity": "target_immune", "No Wipe Fee Permission": "nowipefee", "No Respawn Fee Permission": "norespawnfee", "No Recall Fee Permission": "norecallfee", "Administrator Permission (Enables Config from Admin Permission Config Settings)": "admin", "Homing Lock Immunity Permission": "nohominglock", "Admin Settings": { "Admin Default Minimum Permission Level -> Player Connection Level 0, 1, or 2": 2, "Admin Default Permissions (players with auth level >= configured level)": { "Auto Override Storage": true, "Auto Override Mount": true, "Admins Can be targeted by Gunship System": true, "Auto Override Spawn Cooldown": true, "Auto Overrride Wipe Fee": true, "Admin Override Respawn Fee": true, "Enable Wipe Fee Reset Commands (/resetwf_player & /resetwf_all)": true }, "Admin Permission Config (players with the gunship.admin permission)": { "Auto Override Storage": true, // Admins can open any gunship vehicle storage regardless of auth "Auto Override Mount": true, // Admins can mount any vehicle regardless of auth "Admins Can be targeted by Gunship System": true, // Allow admins to be targeted by gunship auto turrets "Auto Override Spawn Cooldown": true, "Auto Overrride Wipe Fee": true, "Admin Override Respawn Fee": true, "Enable Wipe Fee Reset Commands (/resetwf_player & /resetwf_all)": true } } }, "Vehicle Mod Config": { "Vanilla Vehicle Global Settings": { "Drop Dead Vehicle Items": true, "Scraptransport Helicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Boxes to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Minicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Storage Box to Minicopter": true }, "Sedan Config": { "Add Radio to Sedan": true, "Add Boxes to Sedan": true }, "Attack Helicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Player Attack Helicopter": true, "Add Boxes to Player Attack Helicopter": false } } }, "Vehicle config": { "Vehicle Control Config": { "Disable remote turret control of gunship auto turrets": true }, "Apache Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Apache", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6500, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "apache", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Minicopter Fighter Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Minicopter Fighter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2800, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "fighter", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Sedan Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Armed Sedan", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2000, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "sedan", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Sedan": true, "Add Boxes to Sedan": true } }, "Technical Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Light Technical", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 1900, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "technical", "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Heavy Technical Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Heavy Technical", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "heavy_technical", "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Cargo Truck Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cargo Truck", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2800, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cargo_truck", "Add Default Image to Signs": true, "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Cougar Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cougar", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cougar", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Stallion Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Stallion", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 5200, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "stallion", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Stinger Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Stinger Attack Minicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4400, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "stinger", "Infinite Rockets": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 2.0, "y": 2.0, "z": 2.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Huey Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Huey Attack Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 7600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "huey", "Infinite Rockets": false, "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } }, "Disable MiniGun Scaling (Enable No Sphere Setting in EntityScaleManager if visual issues)": false }, "Cobra Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cobra AA Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cobra", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Viper Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Viper Attack Minicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "viper", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Enforcer Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Enforcer Attack Drone", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "enforcer" }, "Guardian Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Guardian AA Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "guardian", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Attack RHIB Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Attack RHIB", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 3100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "attack_rhib" }, "Reaper Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Reaper Attack Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6500, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "reaper", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } } }, "Item Spawn Settings": { // For non-reseller spawn items, only for use with small wooden box spawn item "Enable Item Spawning": true, // Whether or not Item Spawning is Enabled "Require Vehicle Permission to Place Vehicle Item": false, // Require the player to have the associated permission for the vehicle to be able to spawn it with a item "Grant Vehicle Permission on Item Use (Recommended for Shop use)": true, // Grant the vehicle permission when the spawn item is deployed "Grant Vehicle Wipe fee On Use (Recommended for Shop use)": true, // Grant the vehicle wipe fee when the spawn item is deployed "Only Allow Wipe Fee to be Paid via a Reseller": false // Only allow wipe fee payments through a spawn item / reseller transaction }, "Reseller Config": { "Enable GunShip Vehicle Reselling": false, // Enable the Roleplay reselling framework "Sale Confirmation TTL (seconds)": 300, // The amount of time a transaction can take before it expires "Allow sale of a vehicle that a player already has": false, // Allow full vehicle sales even when a player already has the vehicle perm "Reseller Permission": "reseller", // The reseller pemission suffix -> gunship.reseller_permission_name "Reseller Price Editor Options": { "Allow Resellers to Modify Price": true, // Allow resellers to set a discount percentage "Enable Reseller Commission": true, // Allow resellers to be paid comission for the discount remainder percentage of the sale "Price Disount Percentage": 20.0, // The % amount the reseller can play around with in a sale "Sale Pricing Options": { "One Time Sale Price Options": { "Total Price Discount Percentage (0-99)": 40.0 // The initial % discount of a vehicle's wipe fee in a one-time-purchase sale }, "Full Sale Price Options (Grants Vehicle Permission)": { "Total Price Discount Percentage (0-99)": 0.0, // The initial % discount of a vehicle's wipe fee in a full vehicle sale "Enable item give on full sale": false } } } }, "Experimental Settings": { "Enable NoDismount on Vehicle Load Data": false, // Disable players getting dismounted from vehicles when the plugin reloads (not recommended) "Enable No Drone Sway for All modified drones": false // Enable No Sway Script for all drones w/ attatched entities (enabled for enforcer) }, "Debug Settings": { "Log Death": false, // Log Death Info "Log Vehicle Kill": false, // Log Vehicle Death Info "Log Vehicle Respawn Script": false, // Log Raw Respawn Script Output "Log Raw Save Data (Not Recommended to Turn on)": false, // Log Raw Save Messages "Log Pre-load info": false, "Enable Damage Logs": false, // Log Damage Output "Enable Gunship Item Logging": false, // Log Internal Item Logging "Enable Reseller Logging": false, // Log Internal Reseller Logging "Enable Engine Modifier Logging": false // Log info / changes related to the adjustment of vehicle's engines on spawn } } Monument Spawn Nodes (API / Command Implementation) The monument spawn node feature allows you to set up preset spots where you can spawn vehicles via a command (intended for use with a third-party plugin). Node Setup Enable the spawn node config by setting "Enable Spawn Point Config" to true Goto a spot within a monument where you want to have the vehicles spawn. Execute the /getspawnpoint command in chat, this will give you the closest monument’s prefab path as well as the relative position within the monument for use within the config file. The data from this command will also be printed to RCON as well. Either copy or directly edit the entire entry of the “default” preset in the “Spawn Point List” within the GunShip.json config file and change the name from “default” to whatever name you want to use to reference this spawn point later on. Change “Monument Prefab” to the prefab given by the command you ran in step 2 Change x, y, z entries within the “Spawn Point Location (Local)” entry to that of the coordinates that were given from the command in step 2 Confirm your changes and save the changes to your config file. Vehicle Spawning / Node Usage To actually spawn a vehicle at a created node run the following command via RCON or a hook (within a plugin, the arguments and usage will be the same) Command: SpawnVehicle_AtNode <node_name> <vehicle_name> <player_steam_id> Arguments: Node Name: The name of the node, (e.g “default”) Vehicle Name: The name of the vehicle (e.g “huey”) Player Steam Id: The steam id of the player you are spawning the vehicle for Example: > spawnvehicle_atnode “default” “huey” “81658972110849190” Use with a NPC Vendor By default the command will work similar to the /gunship or /gs command in that it will try to check if a player has paid the wipe fee (if enabled) for the specified vehicle, if not, charge them, and if they don’t have enough funds it will not spawn the vehicle. Additionally if the spawn node is blocked by another vehicle the new vehicle will not be spawned. As such it is recommended to not charge the user on a sale through a third party plugin such as through an npc vendor. However if this is not possible please refer to the below message. When using a third party plugin’s vendor it is recommended to do the following if you do not want the gunship plugin to check for a player’s purchase or for any vehicle obstructions to avoid the vehicle spawn being canceled. Change "Disable Vehicle Payment Processing" to true Change "Check For Spawn Node Obstructions" to false !! IMPORTANT !! The API does not assign the vehicle’s permission, and if "Disable Vehicle Payment Processing" is set to true the player will not have their wipe fee processed. If you want to have the player get the permission for the vehicle as well as have their wipe fee paid without having the gunship plugin charge them and potentially cancel the command if they do not have funds please add the following commands to the list of commands to be ran. > addplayervehicle <player_steam_id> <vehicle_name> > o.grant user <player_steam_id> gunship.<vehicle_permission> API bool CheckIfGunShip_API(NetworkableId entId) // Returns if whether or not the specified Net ID is a GunShip Vehicle bool GiveGunShipItem(BasePlayer player, string profilename) // Give the specified player a gunship spawn item bool SpawnGunShip(string profileName, ulong playerId, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool checkFunds, bool takeFunds, bool overridePermission, bool limitCheck) // Spawn a GunShip vehicle bool AddPlayerVehicle(string player, string profileName) // Add the specified vehicle to the list of purchased vehicles for that player bool RemovePlayerVehicle(string player, string profileName) // Remove the specified vehicle from the list of purchased vehicles for that player bool SpawnVehicle(string nodeName, string profileName, string playerID) // Spawn a vehicle at the specified node$32.99 -
Version 2.5.4
Upgrades your furnaces, ovens, refinery, mixing table & etc to beyond. Upgrade each attribute of your furnace; Supports different oven types; It is possible to define default attributes for all ovens on the server; You can set a default value for all base ovens (replacing quicksmelt); You can enable/disable any features you want; Option to keep attributes when removing the furnace; Option to auto split ores; Automatic fuel calc based on the upraded oven attributes; Now BBQ and Campfire can also be improved; Option so that only the furnace owner can upgrade it; Option so that only owner's teammates can upgrade it; A new completely redesigned UI; NEW Supports Mixing Table furnaceupgrades.use - This is the unique permission. required for all players to upgrade furnaces$15.99 -
Version 1.2.0
TheTorchHolder is a plugin designed to manage the protection of torches within a TorchHolder. Players receive the TorchHolder in the Frontier Packet! This plugin protects torches held by players within a TorchHolder from damage as long as they remain inside it. If a player takes a torch out of the holder and uses it, normal damage will still occur. This means that the plugin is performance-friendly and does not have to query as many hooks, which has a positive effect on the operation of the server! Features: - Protects torches from damage as long as they remain in the TorchHolder. - When torches are used outside of the TorchHolder, normal damage is incurred. load, run, enjoy Support Discord *If you need a free alternative that follows a simple logic by making torches generally immortal, I would be happy if they use the NoTorchDamage plugin by my colleague Kaho.$1.99 -
Version 1.4.0
"MyHouse" is an extensive plugin for Rust that enhances and improves the house management system in the game. It offers players the ability to name, find, and manage their houses, as well as use additional features like doorbells and mailboxes. The plugin aims to enhance the social player experience in Rust by providing players with more opportunities to personalize their houses and interact with others. It adds an extra layer of community and competition to the game by encouraging players to build impressive houses and share them with others. Features: House Naming: Players can name their Tool Cupboards (TCs) to make their houses easier to identify. House Searching: Players can find named houses of other players on the map by searching for the player’s name. Doorbells: Install and manage doorbells with 7 different sound options. Mailboxes: Enhanced functionality for mailboxes, displaying information about the house. House Rating System: A complex rating system that considers various factors like player votes, house statistics, house age, and number of owners. UI System: A user-friendly interface for managing and displaying all house functions. Commands: /myhouse <name> - Names the Tool Cupboard the player is looking at. /rename <name> - Renames an already named Tool Cupboard. /removemyhouse - Removes the name from a Tool Cupboard, making it unsearchable by other players. /findhouse <player name> - Finds and marks the named houses of another player on the map. /myhousehelp - Opens the help menu with an overview of all commands. /addbell - Adds a doorbell at the location the player is looking at. /removebell - Removes an installed doorbell. /set bell [1-7] - Changes the doorbell sound. Permissions: myhouse.use - Allows basic use of the plugin (house naming, house searching). myhouse.doorbell - Allows installation and management of doorbells. myhouse.mailbox - Allows use of advanced mailbox functions. Config: The plugin settings can be adjusted in the MyHouse.json file in the config folder. Here you can change properties like cooldown times, sound effects, and default language. { "CooldownSeconds": 20.0, "EggActiveDuration": 20.0, "DefaultSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/egg_upgrade.prefab", "DefaultLanguage": "en" } Multilingual Support: The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages: default: EN DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord$39.99 -
Version 1.2.0
RPLootProtection has been developed for Role Play servers and serves to control and prevent the looting of players under certain conditions. It should help to promote and refine role play on your server. The plugin aims to create a fairer gaming experience by preventing players with no RP background in vulnerable states (e.g. offline, sleeping, dead) from being looted without proper authorization. It gives server operators the flexibility to customize loot protection to their specific needs to give role play more options. Features: Permission system: It defines different permissions for different states such as sleeping, offline, death and unconsciousness. Inventory Protection: It can lock or unlock a player's inventory containers (equipment, belt, main inventory) based on the player's state and permissions. Loot Control: It checks if a player is allowed to loot another player or their remains based on permissions. Event handling: It reacts to various player events such as joining, disconnecting, falling asleep, waking up, being wounded, recovery and death. Admin override: Administrators with a special permission can bypass the protection measures. Permissions The plugin defines the following permissions: rplootprotection.sleep Protects a player's inventory while they are asleep. rplootprotection.offline Protects a player's inventory when they are offline. rplootprotection.death Protects a player's inventory after death. rplootprotection.knock Protects a player's inventory when they are knocked down. rplootprotection.lootmates With this permission, players can still loot their mates. rplootprotection.admin Allows administrators to bypass the protection measures and plunder protected players. These permissions allow fine-grained control over when and under what circumstances a player is protected from looting. Server administrators can assign these permissions to individual players or groups to achieve the desired behavior for their Role Play server. The admin permission (rplootprotection.admin) is particularly useful for moderators or administrators who need to be able to check or log all players, regardless of their protection status. You may also be planning to offer a police job, which could then also receive the .admin authorization. load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord$9.99 -
Version 1.2.0
ChristmasDead Features Are you also a big Christmas fan and want a little more Christmas feeling in the game? With this plugin you can turn the bodies of NPCs and players into a snowman. Animals get a Christmassy wreath. I have set it so that the items spawn offset next to the corpse so that it does not interfere with looting or mining! You can adjust the duration in the config until it despawns. Config: { "Spawn Snowman for Players": true, "Spawn Snowman for NPCs": true, "Spawn Christmas Door Wreath for Animals": true, "Show Duration (Seconds)": 15 } V1.2.0 is now gingerbread_barricades_snowman load, run, enjoy$1.99 -
Version 2.0.0
BlackMarket is a complex plugin that awakens the dark dealings of the underground. It offers players a completely new gaming experience by introducing illegal trading activities with special currencies. Thanks to the various customization options, the plugin can be perfectly adapted to individual needs. ⇨ MoneyWash Dealer: ↪ The MoneyWash Dealer offers the possibility to exchange black money for a special currency. By default, Scrap is exchanged for Golden Scrap - my exclusive currency that is used on my server. Players can thus safely launder their illegal winnings to use them for other transactions. ⇨ Black Market Merchant: The Black Market Merchant provides access to various stores: ↪ Weapons Shop: Players can purchase exclusive weapons here. ↪ Ammoshop: A place to stock up on ammunition. ↪ Special Items & Fun Items: Players can purchase unique items or fun items that can only be paid for with special currencies such as Golden Scrap. You can, of course, customize the stores to suit your needs. ⇨ Dynamic dealer behavior: ↪ The two dealers don't stay in one place for long. To avoid being caught, they change their position every X minutes. As a result, they always remain hidden and ensure an immersive and dynamic gaming experience. ↪ no Commands ↪ blackmarket.moneywash - Allows basic use of the Money Wash Dealer. ↪ - Allows basic use of the Black Market Dealer. ↪ The plugin offers numerous configuration options so that it can be easily customized to the needs of each server. See this one: How can I set up BlackMarket? load, run, enjoy Support Discord ⇽ Free Download GoldenScrap Plugin *Attention because there are frequent questions after the purchase I would like to explain 1-2 things here! If you buy the plugin, it is naked! You must define your monuments before putting it into operation. Since everyone has different needs, I have made the plugin simple so that everyone can adjust these settings with copy/paste and numbers. I have made you an example using airfield. You can set this for each monument. You make these settings only once! The dealers spawn at a map wipe regardless of the direction of the monument, how high it is or how it is inclined again at this point. Do the work for yourself. If you find great spots, please share them on discord via ticket. Maybe I’ll make a long list of choices if enough people get in touch$39.99-
- #blackmarket
- #market
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Version 1.8.6
Welcome to Volcano Island, a fully custom lightweight Low entity Rust map featuring unique custom monuments and a fully functional above-ground train system! This map is packed full of engaging areas for players to explore and loot while also giving players a familiar feel with vanilla monuments. This map is designed specifically with a low entity count to help players with low-end pc's from getting major FPS drops. Map size: 4250 Prefab Count: 9490 Custom Monuments Volcano Reactor - Red card + fuse puzzle room - Fuse holder located in control room A - 1st power switch is located in control room B - 2nd power switch is located in control room C (must be done in order) - 1 hackable crate - 3 diesel can spawns - 1 Minicopter spawn - Loads of scientists (If you fall into the lava you will die ) NukeTown ( OG COD MAP ) - No puzzle Room - 1 Hackable Crate - 1 Recycler - 1 Green Card Spawn - Multiple Scientists - 1 diesel can spawn Cern Collider - Red card + fuse puzzle room. - Fuse holder located on the engine connected to the collider - Power switch located on the opposite side of the fuse holder on the engine - 1 Hackable crate - Multiple Scientist Rusty Race Track - Blue card + fuse + lowgrade fuel puzzle room - Generator Located in the workshop (LGF Required) - Fuse holder is located in the watch tower - Switch is located on the generator outside on the racetrack - 1 Red Card spawn - 1 hackable crate - 1 recycler - Multiple scientists - 1 diesel can spawn Custom Fishing Village - 1 Drone Station - 1 Recycler Other monuments Missile Silo Train Yard Launch Site Giant Excavator Power Plant Water treatment Plant Arctic Research base The Dome Airfield Harbor Bandit Camp Outpost Stables Mining Outpost Gas Station Abandoned Military Base Abandoned supermarket Sewer Branch Oil Rig small + large Underwater Labs Underground train tunnels Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away @ DocNorris#5423.$19.99- 35 comments
- 5 reviews
- #custom map
- #rust
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Version 2.2.0
Description: This plugin shows your players with authorization a fuel display. No more lost crashes because the tank is empty. You always have the fuel level in view. Features: Opens a UI with fuel display showing how much fuel is in the tank as soon as you start the engine Removes the UI automatically as soon as you get out. Permission: fueldisplay.use Required to see the Fuel display load, run, enjoy Support Discord$4.99 -
Version 1.0.1
ZONE EVENT Description : This plugin allows you to carry out an event, the goal of the event is to stay in the zone for an allotted time, if the player leaves the zone or if he dies the timer starts from zero. If the player manages to stay in the zone until the end of the timer, he will earn a reward defined by the server administrators. Setings : - Capture Time - Zone Position - Zone Size - Webhooks Discord Chat - Commands : /ze.start <x> <y> <z> /ze.stop Permissions : ownerid <steamID/user> WuyZar's Discord : Game interface : Auto discord message :$7.90 -
Version 1.0.0
Hey friends, welcome to my boat! Today I have something really nice for you: My plugin for the Tug boat offers you numerous additional options. It's perfect for farming, but also for monitoring your own protection! As soon as you start the engine, you have access to the boat radar. If you move away or switch off the engine, the radar is closed. You can use the radar to move through the world. The position and direction of travel are displayed based on the compass direction. You can also use the radar to scan the underwater world using sound - just like a real boater. Enemy players, sharks and, of course, underwater loot are displayed on your radar based on the position on the radar. Make the water world more interesting for your players! I hope you have a lot of fun with this plugin. If you want, you are welcome to join our support discord. This plugin works perfectly with our TugFarm plugin! Features: UI - A real-time radar Compass - Display of the compass direction Loot - Detection of underwatercrates Sharks - Detection of sharks NPCs - Uncovering NPCs Commands: You have no Commands Permissions: mytugboat.use Allows to use this Plugin. load, run, enjoy$10.99 -
Version 1.0.2
The Dangerous Landmine plugin for Rust improves the realism of landmines by giving them a chance to explode when placed. This feature introduces an element of risk when placing landmines and makes the gameplay more exciting and unpredictable. A nice side effect is that you can reduce the spamming of landmines on the server by certain players. The normal explosion damage is not affected by this plugin. Features: Explosive Placement: Landmines have a configurable chance to explode when placed, adding an extra layer of danger. Configurable Explosion Chance: Adjust the probability of a landmine exploding upon placement through the configuration file. Adjustable Explosion Radius and Damage: Configure the explosion radius and damage to suit your server’s gameplay style. Permission-Based Usage: Only players with the appropriate permission can place landmines with the explosive risk feature. Permissions Grants players the ability to place landmines with a chance of exploding. dangerouslandmine.use Config { "ExplosionChance": 50.0, // Probability (in %) that a landmine will explode when laid. Default setting is 50%. "ExplosionRadius": 5.0, // Radius (in metres) of the explosion. Default value is 5 metres. "ExplosionDamage": 100.0 // Maximum damage caused by the explosion. Default value is 100 damage. The max value 100 is in the centre of the landmine and weakens outwards } load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord$0.99 -
Version 1.6.0
A little event for your players! Reward your players and give something back! With this plugin, you can make a random player happy! Functions You can start the VIP shuffle event with the following command: /flashvipshuffle From version 1.4.0 you can now create a shedule to start and automate the VIPShuffle at a specific time period: flashvipshuffle To start the event, you need the authorization: vipshuffle.check This permission is used to check if a player has the right to execute the VipShuffle command /flashvipshuffle. If a player does not have this permission, they are informed that they do not have the required permission. Config (new, You can now exclude certain user roles from the competition) If you want to pay out VIP for certain days via the console, you need the free plugin Timed Permissions. Load, run, enjoy Support Discord$7.99 -
Version 2.0.0
Features This plugin creates a secret crate after a restart, mapwipe, fullwipe or forcewipe. The coordinates are displayed in the chat and the players have to find the crate on the map. As soon as it has been located, the crate is removed from the map. I have set it up with Event Manager and other plugins so that it is only executed after a fullwipe. It's very popular, especially when they reward players with building materials, it doesn't hurt anyone and the winner is happy that he can build something small straight away. Functions You can also trigger it as an admin and owner without authorization. /flashstarterevent When others use this comand, they give the authorization starterevent.use Config: { "Event Start Delay (Minutes)": 10, "Box Skin ID": 2753036242, "Box Contents": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 6000 }, { "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 4000 }, { "ShortName": "cloth", "Amount": 200 }, { "ShortName": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 100 } ], "Announcement time before event (Seconds)": 300, "Mystery Box Lifetime (Minutes)": 180 } load, run, enjoy Support Discord$12.99 -
Version 1.2.0
BarDoorCloser Who has ever walked through a real bar door? I loved it as a child. Preferably with a lot of effort so that the door slams completely open on the other side. It bothered me so much that these doors don't close automatically! That's why i have written a plugin which i would like to offer you for free download. I would be happy if you also look at my other works. Have fun with your new bar doors load, run, enjoy Support Discord$0.99 -
Version 2.0.0
TheIceThrone "TheIceThrone" plugin bestows upon players sitting on the Ice Throne in the game Rust a complete restoration of their health, food, and water reserves. It's designed to provide an additional reward for players engaging with this special object, enhancing the gameplay experience by offering a unique interaction with the game world. Permissions theicethrone.use load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord$0.99 -
Version 1.5.1
Yet another very simple plugin, but hey we all start somewhere, players with the permssion, giveairdrop.spawn can use the command "/spawnairdrop" by default it has a cooldown of 5 minutes New Update: Instead of giving the player an airdrop signal, now it spawns an airdrop prefab 100 units above the player, Added a notify message for the player to look up, this message can be configurated The notify message can also have its colour configurated, the default is white.$2.99 -
Version 1.0.0
The ServerUpkeep plugin is a handy tool for Rust server owners. This way they can keep their community alive and better cover the costs of running them. Show your players how your server is doing. ServerUpkeep allows administrators to set a default retention period and notify players when the retention time expires. The plugin provides a visual representation and shows the number of days remaining. Administrators also have the ability to extend the ukeep duration if necessary with a simple console command. The plugin is compatible with Tebex, Tip4Serv and also for PayNow. Decide for yourself how many days ServerUpkeep will be credited. Features: What happens if the ServerUpkeep is not enough and the timer falls to 0? - Then the server will be shut down automatically. - You can then make an announcement on Discord or wherever to ask for support. Instructions for use: Simply enter the following in your shop under send command and adjust the days to be credited once the purchase has been completed, depending on the customer's purchase package. upkeep.add [days] You can also subtract days by simply putting the minus operator in front of it: upkeep.add -[days] Config: { „DefaultDays“: 7, „NextUpkeepTime“: „25.02.2024 21:56:32“ } DefaultDays are the days when the plugin is activated to prevent the server from shutting down again immediately after booting. NextUpkeepTime: Is required to calculate the remaining days. The time specification has no direct use yet but will be required for future updates. **load, run, enjoy**$10.99 -
Version 1.0.0
A very simple plugin that allows a player to spawn a minicopter nearby if they're carrying 750 scrap. (scrap price for minicopter can be set in config) The epitome of simple plugins. Feel free to mess with it, incorporate it into your own plugins, break it, and whatever else!Free