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Version 1.0.2
Seren Island is a 4k custom map. That was made and splat painted in World Creator, because of it map have barren vibes. Big open spaces in the middle of the map with many lakes. Wider beaches for clan bases or raidable base plugin to work without problems. You can find 2 bigger and few smaller monuments on the map. Underground rail system is connected to both Oil rigs. Custom Monuments: Star Port: Large scale monument with big variation of loot and blue card room. Crawler: Medium scale monument with up to tier2 loot and blue card desk. Camp Ruins: Small scale monuments that can be found along the road. Original Monuments: 1. Underwater Labs 2. Fishing Village 1.2.3 3. Harbor 1 4. Harbor 2 5. Airfield 6. Arctic Research Base 7. Junkyard 8. Military Tunnel 9. Power Plant 10.Outpost 11.Sewer Branch 12.Satellite Dish 13.Launch Site 14.Lighthouse 3 15.Abandoned Military Base 16.Water Treatment Plant 17.Giant Excavator Pit 18.The Dome 19.Bandit Camp 20.Oil Rig 1 21.Oil Rig 2 Customer can modify map; password will be included into Zip file. Be aware of the TOS-Restrictions, map can't be sold or transferred to 3rd parties If you gonna have some questions, contact me: PT EliRival (Eli) #9320Free -
Version 4.4
Welcome to Hemp Island, this is a custom hemp leaf shaped map, Perfect fun map for the hemp farmers Map size: 4k Prefab count: 6800 Comes with 4 custom monuments Hemp Factory Area 51 Scuba Tank Broken Dome Working underground tunnel systems Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use. If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away DocNorris#5423$16.95 -
Version 125 211024a
Embark on an adventure to explore the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World in this beautifully crafted custom map by Niko. From the Great Pyramid of Giza, to the Lighthouse of Alexandria, this map features amazing points of interest for players to explore as they venture through the marvels of a long forgotten world. This 3,000k map boasts 72,000 entities and includes specialty plugins for snow, smoke machines and a functional Ski Lift for players to enjoy the Ski Resort monument! Tested with CARBON Explore the Seven Wonders Great Pyramid of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Temple of Artemis Statue of Zeus at Olympia Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria Also Featuring Large Airport Modern City Missile Silo Murder Mansion Ski Resort (current plugin not working will be swapped out on a future update) Santa's Grotty Pumpkin Farm Theatre Vanilla Monuments Mining Quarries Harbour Sewer Branch Gas Stations Fishing Villages Super Markets Mining Outposts Junkyard Lighthouses Outpost Bandit Camp Arctic Bases Military Bases Dome Underwater Labs Oilrigs Satellite Dish Stables Short Film$44.95 -
Version 2.0.1
Details Crimson Tide is a large-sized map designed from the start to be great with cars with special attention given to the roads to add a nice mix of smooth and bumpy parts in the network of interlacing roads. To complement the map there is a rail network and full river system to add even more transport options. There are a lot of custom monuments in this map in all shapes and sizes from underwater to underground not to mention the huge lift and cable bridges. Size: 4000k Railway Features a working surface railway with twin directional lines that runs around the full map and through underground tunnels and over rivers and even down to the subways and with no dead ends its perfect for other plugins like cargo train event also map comes with its own custom work cart and wagon spawning plugin. Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Custom NPC Normal RustEdit Scientist’s have been replaced with my own set of NPC’S from the various factions from the rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller and Underwater Dweller) if you do not like my NPC’s simply don’t install the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you want. A special thank you to Steenamaroo for building the plugin for me. Monuments Rad Town 1 Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Railway Maintenance Nuclear Submarine Submarine Base Felling Field The Forth Bridges Deep Water Harbour Bandit Camp Excavator Fishing Village Gas Station Horse Stables Launch Site Lighthouse Military Tunnels Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Outpost Powerplant Sphere Tank Supermarket Trainyard Junkyard Underwater Labs Desert Military Base Arctic Research base Ferry Terminal Help And Contact If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord$40.00 -
Version 2.1.1
Ten years have passed since the stalkers and the military left the Zaton. Now this once dangerous but lively location has turned into a gloomy, desolate place, absorbed by nature and time. Nature is slowly but surely taking its toll. Vegetation enriched with mutations caused by radiation has completely captured the Zaton. Trees and shrubs have sprouted even through asphalt and concrete, turning once industrial areas into a real jungle. The Zaton has become a haven for all kinds of animals. Without human presence, they feel like they own the territory. The old camps and bases now serve as the lairs of these creatures. The gloomy silence is interrupted only by the occasional footsteps of unseen creatures that wander among the ruins. Now a Zaton is a place that draws in like a trap. And everyone who comes here knows that only a few can come back. But those who return may find answers to the darkest secrets of the Zone — or disappear forever. Map Features Map size: 4000; Prefabs count: ≈42000; Optimized monuments to reduce the load on the client; Adapted to the classic/RP servers; Caches of useful loot are hidden all over the map; Chinook drop zones on custom monuments; Custom APC path; Custom safezone; Ziplines; Underground sctructures; A large number of small locations; Custom puzzles on monuments; Vertical gameplay is implemented; The gameplay is adapted to RUST; Custom camera codes; The enigmatic and slightly mystical atmosphere of the zone. List of Monuments Sawmill; Swamp; Burnt Farmstead; «Izumrudnoye»; Krug Antenna Complex; Oakpine Anomaly; Iron Forest Anomaly; Fuelling Station; Substation Workshops; Circus Anomaly; Waste Processing Station; Scar Anomaly; Old Barge; Preobrazhensky Bridge; Ranger Station; Dock Cranes; Shevchenko; Skadovsk; Dredge Station; Boiler Anomaly; Testing Workshop of Item №62; Bloodsucker Lair; Radtown; Overpass "Jupiter 5" The Oasis. In the future, the map will be updated based on reviews. О карте Прошло десять лет с момента, когда сталкеры и военные покинули Затон. Теперь эта когда-то опасная, но оживленная локация превратилась в мрачное, запустевшее место, поглощенное природой и временем. Природа медленно, но уверенно берет свое. Растительность, обогащенная мутациями, вызванными радиацией, полностью захватила Затон. Деревья и кустарники проросли даже через асфальт и бетон, превращая когда-то промышленные зоны в настоящие джунгли. Затон стал прибежищем всех видов животных. Без человеческого присутствия они чувствуют себя хозяевами территории. Старые лагеря и базы теперь служат логовами этих созданий. Мрачная тишина прерывается лишь редкими звуками шагов невиданных существ, которые блуждают среди руин. Теперь Затон — это место, которое затягивает в себя, как ловушка. И все, кто сюда приходит, знают: назад могут вернуться лишь немногие. Но те, кто вернется, могут обрести ответы на самые темные тайны Зоны — или исчезнуть навсегда. Особенности Карты Размер: 4000; Количество префабов: ≈41000; Оптимизированные монументы для снижения нагрузки на клиента; Адаптирована для классических/RP серверов; Тайники с полезным лутом, спрятанные по всей карте; Зоны сброса ящика с чинука на кастомных монументах; Кастомный путь патрулирования БТРа; Кастомная сейвзона; Зиплайны; Подземные структуры; Большое количество маленьких локаций; Кастомные загадки на монументах; Реализован вертикальный геймплей; Геймплей адаптирован под RUST; Кастомные коды от камер; Загадочная и слегка мистическая атмосфера зоны. Список Монументов Лесопилка; Топь; Сгоревший хутор; «Изумрудное»; ВНЗ «Круг»; Аномалия «Соснодуб»; Аномалия «Железный Лес»; Заправка; Цеха подстанции; Аномалия «Цирк»; Станция переработки отходов; Аномалия «Рубец»; Старая баржа; Мост им. Преображенского; Лесничество; Портовые краны; «Шевченко»; «Скадовск»; Земснаряд; Аномалия «Котёл»; Логово кровососов; Испытательный цех изделия №62; Путепровод "Юпитер 5" Оазис. В будущем, карта будет обновляться по отзывам.$60.00- 7 comments
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- #stalker
- #stalker laboratory rust
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Version V1
Mountains Isle is a rust custom map showcasing unique layout of the map with the monuments being carefully carved into the mountains giving the players access from each monument to another via mountain tunnels or underground railway system or by air vehicles! All monuments are connected with a road either dirt roads on the mountains or tunnels carved from one side to another and of course underground railway system. It is a unique concept for Rust and i bring this to you ! It features procedural monuments with a few additions Procedural Monuments : Lighthouses Fishing Villages Ferry Terminal Airfield Military Tunnel Missile Silo Bandit Town Desert Military Base Quarries Sphere Tank Train yard Powerplant Outpost Warehouse/Supermarket/Gas Station Harbor 1/2 Oil Rigs Custom Monuments : Bomb shelter Sunken Cargo Size : 4000 Entities : 16192$17.00 -
Version 3.2.2
Welcome to Grand Falls Having the LARGEST, fully functioning and lag free waterfall ever made on a Rust map GRAND FALLS is a unique picturesque map built for both PvE & PvP! Prefabs: 26914 Map Size: 4000 Optimal FPS Custom Monuments: Crater Lake Beautiful and relaxing lake you can swim and fish at, and you can build on. Grand Falls The largest and fully functional waterfall ever created in Facepunch/Rust. Elysium's Abandoned Bunker A zombie outbreak inside a decommissioned Research lab - Elysium Guards and Researchers try to contain the hordes still trapped within. Great for both PvP and PvE with many loot rooms and Hackable Crate! The Bunker has unique lootables, static objects can be looted! (Contains Red Card) Elysium Compound Highly Guarded Puzzle Monument with Bradley, Hackable Crate and NPCs. Good for both PvE & PvP. (Monument cannot be done solo!) Custom Buildable Air Island Custom Bridges Transit Tunnel System Facepunch Monuments: Oil Rigs 1 & 2 Launch Missile Silo Small Harbor Large Harbor Junkyard Arctic Research Base Sat Dish Airfield Ranch Bandit Camp Outpost Water Treatment Giant Excavator Military Tunnels Fishing Villages All Quarries Underwater Labs Ferry Terminal Power Plant Gas Station Supermarket Trainyard Abandoned Military Base Dome Railways This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!$19.99- 11 comments
- #custom map
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Version 3.1.0
Features: Geared more towards an unique and custom map for PvE servers, but can be used for PvP as well. Fylas’ Island, once a location for the Elysium:Project -- a secret organization created by Cobalt to repopulate Earth using clones. However, the project barely got off the ground and now remnants of their footprint remain. Abandoned Research labs and Elysium’s Military presence still take hold on this island as a deadly outbreak looms. Both Custom Monuments have Betternpc Profiles you can plugin in and go or edit to your liking. Prefabs: 14300 Map Size: 4000 Optimal FPS Abandoned Research Bunker A zombie outbreak inside a decommissioned Research lab - Elysium Guards and Researchers try to contain the hordes still trapped within. Great for both PvP and PvE with many loot rooms and Hackable Crate! The Bunker has unique lootables, static objects can be looted! (Contains Red Card) Elysium Compound Highly Guarded Puzzle Monument with Bradley, Hackable Crate and NPCs. Good for both PvE & PvP. (Monument cannot be done solo!) Custom Monuments: Abandoned (Elysium) Research Bunker Elysium Compound Prepper’s Haven (Safe Zone) Custom Bridges Transit Tunnel System Facepunch Monuments: Oil Rigs 1 & 2 Launch Missile Silo Small Harbor Large Harbor Junkyard Arctic Research Base Sat Dish Airfield Ranch Bandit Camp Outpost Water Treatment Giant Excavator Military Tunnels Fishing Villages All Quarries Underwater Labs Ferry Terminal Power Plant Gas Station Supermarket Trainyard Abandoned Military Base Dome Railway This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!$19.99 -
Version B7 050424aLF
This map has been modified to work better with Harmony Mods, it will still work with Oxide if Harmony is not available to you. Harmony is now part of Rust by Facepunch. Please read the ReadMe file before use Enter the BioSphere World where domes protect all that is holy, step outside and your at the mercy of Rust You will find many new custom monuments based upon the premise that Rustkind has survived in these domed cities MEGACITY ONE, main living dome ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, domed city two MUSHROOM CITY, multiple smaller linked domes for growing stuff RADIO TOWER LOS RUSTOS BEACH RESORT, chill out on the beach, if you kill all the scientists OIL DERRICK ASYLUM BEACHED CARGO, cargo means loot PAIN THERAPY COMPOUND DRAGON Along with a number of smaller additions BioSphere REBORN - YouTube If you have any problems you can contact me as follows Discord (Best) please join the discord for news, updates, bug reports etc Finally, please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use. Thanks Niko Thanks for downloading this Rust Custom Map, 4K in size, Highly Modified Procedurally Generated. (66K Objects)$29.95 -
Version 1.9.5
Welcome to River Island, a fully custom Rust map featuring the latest ziplines + unique custom monuments and a fully functional above-ground train system! This 4k map is packed full of engaging areas for players to explore and loot while also giving players a familiar feel with vanilla monuments. Custom Monuments Broken Dome hackable crate diesel can spawns multiple loot spawns Hacksaw Ridge Green card + fuse blue is required 10 scientists spawn on the ridge 1 Mlrs Launcher Chinook drop zone 1 Blue card spawn 1 Recycler Old Farm Blue key card + fuse puzzle room Green and red card spawn 1 recycler Area 51 Blue card + fuse puzzle room train down to the underground of area 51 loads of loot spawns Chinook Drop zone 1 Recycler Clock Tower Red card + fuse puzzle room 1 green card spawn 1 hackable crate working elevator to the top Forbidden Temple Blue card + fuse puzzle room 1 red card spawn inside 4 scientist Train Stations 1 green spawn 2 work cart spawns at each station Also includes 3 custom buildable caves on the map and 1 massive custom bridge. Other monuments Launch Site Satellite dish Arctic Research base Abandoned military base Bandit Camp Stables Junkyard Abandoned supermarket Power Plant Water Treatment Oil Rig small + large Underwater Labs Underground train tunnels Ferry Terminal Missile Silo Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away @ DocNorris#5423. Prefab count: 9000.$19.99- 34 comments
- 4 reviews
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- #4k
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Version 1.1.6
Welcome to Impact isle, this map is 4k in size. It includes all main Rust monuments as well as my Get away Resort, Aquadome and a cave style buildable dome *( sold separately)*. also included is a custom bradley path located in the Aquadome **(The Get away resort, Aquadome and cave style buildable dome are *not* included in the package for editing but can be purchased if you wish to edit the map with them)** Prefab count is 19569 Enjoy$10.00 -
Version 2.0
Welcome to Crook Island, Crook island is 4k in size and has plenty of places to explore with many unique monuments Full custom terrain FPS optimized Prefab count: 15700 Custom Monuments ● Crook City - High rise building puzzle room blue key card and a fuse is required 15 scientists inside with multiple loot spawns - Hotel puzzle turn power on in high rise main loot then red card is required - Bank puzzle room red + blue card and a fuse is required 5 scientists inside guarding the vault - Crane has a lift to the top - Construction site has 1 hackable crate + loot spawns - Multi storey carpark has multiple loot spawns - Boxing gym has 2 murderers fighting in the ring + multiple loot spawns - Pub has some loot inside - Supermarket has loot spawns and 1 recycler - Skyscrapers have mini copter spawns and scientists on top ● Bradley Camp - Bradley patrolling the road - 15 scientist - 1 Mlrs - loads of area to explore ● Area 51 - Blue card + fuse puzzle room - train down to the underground of area 51 - loads of loot spawns ● Drill site - Blue card + fuse puzzle room - Jump down the hole to enter the under ground - 10 scientist in the underground with multiple loot spawns ● Church - A small monument with green and fuse puzzle - 4 zombies in the grave yard - Blue card spawn ● Skatepark - Few loot spawns - 1 Recycler ● Prison - Red card+fuse puzzle room - Loads of murders - 64 prison cells + loads of areas to explore ● Buildable cargo ship - 1 cargo ship that your players can build on the deck ● Outpost - Added airwolf vendor to purchase mini and scrap heli Other monuments - Launch Site - Airfield - Satellite dish - Military tunnels - Bandit Camp - Stables - Junkyard - Abandoned Military Camp - Abandoned supermarket - Power Plant - Water Treatment - The Dome - Oil Rig small + large - Underwater Labs - Underground train tunnels Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use. If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away DocNorris#5423$39.95-
- #custom maps
- #rust
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Version 1.2.6
How can I view the map? You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an "administrator" and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it. Discord Server: February 12, 1947 ... Meteorite J20 collided with the planet Earth. People in a hurry began to take out its fragments to the landfill because the radioactive background from it was very large. Our time... The meteorite turned out to be a useful space fossil. Scientists have occupied it and something is constantly being pumped out of it. The remnants of the meteorite still emit radiation but not as much as before. What are these scientists guarding? Thank you, my dear friend, for reading to the end the nonsense that I wrote above and not closing the page in the middle of the text. The history of the map does not revolve only around a meteorite and there are also monuments that do not relate to this in any way but they are no less interesting. And there's also a little reference to a great movie ;). The landscape was created in World Creator. I wanted to do something unusual and interesting but at the same time leave everything familiar to the players. I've worked on something that won't inconvenience the players. Most of the terrain is normal terrain familiar to players. There is no perversion in it and everything is normal. Below I have specified custom and standard monuments. Thank you for your attention and good luck! Custom monuments: Custom Harbor (Verf) Radioactive dump (with NPCs) Dam Factory-2 Large factory (with NPCs) Underground cannabis plantations (with caves under construction) Pit Stop Meteorite J20 Lost airfield (Standard airfield under the sand + a little customization) Lagoon in the desert "Cobalt" U.S.S Monuments from Facepunch: Train Yard Outpost Sewer Branch Power Plant Bandit camp Sphere Excavator Satellite Dish Quarrys Lighthouses Swamp Oil Rig Large Oil Rig P.S. If you want to change the map for yourself / your needs, please contact the author.$34.99- 1 comment
- 2 reviews
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Version 1.1.7
How can I view the map? You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an "administrator" and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it. Discord Server: Under the map there are 5 stations that are connected by 1 branch of tunnels. the tunnels contain rocks, non-loot piles of garbage, and bots. In the creation of the map, my good friend Gruber provided me with his RT. I suggest you also look at his product. A little about the map: Size: 4к Prefab Count: ~38к Custom monuments: Сoncrete plant Borgund Pack of Roadside Monuments + Gas Station + Warehouse “Cobalt” U.S.S Subway Station Polis + 2 more underground stations Monuments from Facepunch: Train Yard Outpost Sewer Branch Power Plant Bandit camp Sphere Excavator Satellite Dish Quarrys Lighthouses Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Harbor 1 Harbor 2 P.S. If you want to change the map for yourself / your needs, please contact the author.$34.99-
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- #custom
- #custom map
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