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Спасибо, что актуально, и именно так должен действовать плагин. Я считаю, что в старых версиях не было этого исправления, и лодка могла подойти. Но это вызывает другие проблемы, и лодка застревает внутри грузового корабля, и это становится беспорядком. У вас была другая идея для того, что вы считаете фиксированным? Это проблема, если их не уничтожают честно. Но также есть планы по добавлению NPC на грузовой корабль, по крайней мере, в будущем, возможно, появятся еще идеи.
- #boat
- #facepunch
- (and 15 more)
- #boat
- #facepunch
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Did you click the links? The 1st link is available within the 2nd link if you look at it and click on the (Create Ticket) button. Yes there are also public forums but this is private and it's where site matters like yours are handled. It says so in the 2nd link, 2nd option. Had you reached out in live chat like I asked I would have given the conversation to Death and I am sure his answer would still be the same. Please notice that neither of us have indicated that there is a formal email for you to use. Use the link provided and create a private submission. Only staff have access to it and Death is going to be the one to help you most likely so I would submit it where he asks.
I have the live chat open and will have it open for awhile so just message me, it will translate both directions.
Use the live chat so we can translate easier, it works similar to a DM and it is secure.
This is exactly what we need and it means a lot to think that way about it. It's very helpful for the progression of good work like this to have a community that knows bugs will happen but that together we can fix and overcome anything. Thank you for doing the extra work and confirmation! Are you in the Mad Mapper Discord already? You should join we could put this in a ticket and leave it there as a note until the developer can help address it. We may if anything just need to also look at the teleportation plugin as well but we will cross that bridge if we arrive there. Did you make any change or you've tested it and this has been the results? One last thing only curious, have you tried going back to the zone after teleporting just to see if it will retrigger and remove if you go back and leave the event zone? Curious if the explanation to your community can avoid it for now, and can be fixed in that way.
Hi To the right side of the screen there should be an option. Is there perhaps some kind of sanction where you live that is preventing it? Are you logged into your account? This could actually in some ways be done yes, it might seem odd to some but it could still be done. I have not seen it tested that I know of but you could for example just reduce their sense range and view cone to such a point that they would hardly sense anything until provoked, and could then be given a larger chase range to chase players at that point. Most NPCs will always be aggressive to some extent but you can greatly control to what extent they act this way with a plugin like this.
If you are comfortable with it, you can actually use the live chat. There are very few people that have access, mostly only the staff, Death, Steenamaroo, Raul, and then myself. The chat is private. You could also reach out to the staff I just mentioned especially if you know or are comfortable already talking to any of them.
Yes it could be something like that, perhaps their state is saved when they TP from within the event. Test it as you suggested from leaving the event zone first then teleporting, and if you can reproduce it that would be great, perhaps it can be blocked in the future with an update. Thank you for the feedback.
What is preventing them from building? There's no such function in the plugin but perhaps you have something else preventing it because they used some demolitions? Is that what you are referring to? I will talk to the developer though because I think that must be what you are talking about. We can discuss possibilities if that is what it is.
There isn't more to say so I would appreciate if you would stop replying? You have already posted all of this before so we can move to the Mad Mapper Discord and you can discuss further with KpucTaJl your suggestion and request, or please drop it. I have been hired by the developer to support his work so any time this is a reply somewhere I will read it to see if it is important and I try to reply every time. I will seek moderation if at this point you're only going to continue on like this. Nobody said you had to. The settings are already there and you won't even try using them unless its going to work the way you want it to, which it won't right now. We've established that. I suggested that if you're so stubbornly stuck on exactly how you want the loot to work, regardless of the fact that it is not how this plugin is written, that it was an option and one that I would recommend. It was a recommendation. Not once have I told you what to do or that you don't have options. I'll say that you have been invited to the Discord and the developer is happy to have a discussion about this both privately and publicly in the Discord where our active community is. We would both be happy to help make sure that anyone interested can add their thoughts and opinions and maybe either another option would be written and included, or he might rewrite the loot table if enough people would like for it to change. I really don't know what the hell else you would want to hear or why you are still just repeating yourself at this point aimlessly now. There is a whole library of work that would also be added to or changed so just show the respect of coming to the Discord and talking to the developer. He is literally pumping out updates lately and I'm hired to be here and to offer anyone needing 1 on 1 or important matters to come to the Discord where we are most active and can usually respond quickest. If you aren't going to accept the invite no problem. Please stop saying anything at all if there is nothing more to say and you're done. The weekend has actually started so I'm hoping to! Hopefully if any more of it is spent on this subject it will be IN THE MAD MAPPER DISCORD WHERE YOU CAN DISCUSS THIS WITH THE DEVELOPER. I really do hope you have a great weekend as well. Thank you for the feedback and suggestions.
@Hawkhill I invited you to the Discord. The developer is fine with discussing it, hearing more of what you have to say, having me open the discussion if you join to see if others want to join in or share their thoughts and opinions as well. I don't consider working towards resolution or having a debate is a waste of time. But that's just me. If you decide to stop explaining to me what I already acknowledged understanding multiple times, we will be in the Mad Mapper Discord and could take the conversation to the community. May not have considered it at all yet but there is a large library of plugins that would be affected by a change like this so it's not just a simple quick easy sure let me do that for you type of thing. Just stating that in case it has literally not been considered. Please though I'm sarcastic here and there but I am trying to help. I get what you are saying and have the whole time but it doesn't work like that currently. None of my suggestions or explanations were actually acknowledged but regardless, the developer and I are down to take the conversation and kick it around if you want to suggest changes. Otherwise we hope you have a great weekend as well and I'm sorry that my explanations and support have been turned more into an argument than an attempt to resolve your issues.
At this point we are going back and forth quite a bit, are you in the Mad Mapper Discord already? Can you open a ticket there and you could tag me if wanted but tag KpucTaJl in a ticket and he can get back to you and discuss the suggestion. He has been busy working on updates recently and would hear it out and explain his answer. Guaranteed. He is already doing updates on a lot of plugins so while he is in update mode would be a good time to talk. @Hawkhill if you need a link let me know I can get you one. It would be in some of your documentation and on the sites and such though in a couple places if you aren't already a member.
Having actually randomized loot assures that not the same thing drops again and again. Hence that is the way this plugin works. How are we now explaining the same thing? You don't need to explain that to me. It is what I have spent quite a bit of time now explaining to you or trying and failing perhaps. I gave a link did I not? It has probabilities of items that will barely drop in a vanilla crate, as examples of what you could use if you still insist on using min max and using probabilities and using random items as well. The 100% items are not being prevented, they just never even get rolled. Min and max chooses a number, once that number is hit no more loot pulls. The plugin is not written to start at 100%. If you want that my recommendation is find a loot table plugin that you can build a loot table in, use that, and set the plugin to default settings instead or lead it to the path you desire within your custom built loot table. Several loot plugins are already supported. Agree to disagree. There are plenty of ways to customize the loot table without forcing for it to be rewritten. The majority of the community use it as is without issue or direct it to a 3rd party loot table otherwise if we want a different system such as what you are describing quite repeatedly. The order that the items are placed in the file don't matter that's just organization if anything at that point, the rolls are otherwise random intentionally. Again the drop chance isn't the probability it will show in crate, it's the probability that if rolled, it will drop. Have you even tried removing the min max settings, or even if you don't do that just lower the percentages on things? Have you clicked the example link to look at low probabilities and high end probabilities in a vanilla crate for comparison? You have to do that if you're going to try to combine your own loot table with a vanilla loot table in my opinion. I can help write some documentation and tips for the developer to add to the description and just in general as the prefab pulls are the most mistaken so far in my experience doing support 24/7 for the guy. nivex is an awesome developer and wrote a loot table system, an extensive one, one that has several folders and blows most peoples minds, and it's configs on configs on configs in the data directory. It's sick and complicated and well written, not to mention well maintained and supported. I've even supported and will and do support his product when I can and have the time any chance I can. But that's another plugin and has nothing to do with what we are talking about. I have explained how THIS plugin works several times now and we are even explaining the same things at some points. I understand that some plugins work differently but this one doesn't unless you have a 3rd party loot table and point the loot to your loot table. Not to mention there is still always that option of trying lower probabilities or simply dropping the min/max requirement as it is the way to unlock getting 100% of what you want and then a few other items. With the right probabilities the numbers will be incredibly consistent.
Forgive me for skipping some of the other messages but you are still not understanding how the probability works unless you're going to turn off the min max requirement. It's not picking certain drops first and you're trying to force it to. It's not going to. It's going to pick random drops and roll the probability to see if it goes through, it it goes through it takes a min/max slot. Period. The only way to have as much control as you want is to turn min max requirement off and might likely want to reduce some of the extra loot aside from the 100% loot that you want. The dev has already created a way to get guaranteed loot you are just trying to turn the more randomized (intentionally) loot table to work differently than it does. The plugin will pick the 100% drops 100% of the time just turn min max off.