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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Npc disappear on reload

    I understand what is happening @SmaX94. Only reload the plugin or plugins you need to reload not all of them. I misunderstood that part. When you reload all plugins they are probably loading in the wrong order and BetterNpc is probably trying to load without NpcSpawn which will not work. Only type the name of the plugin you want to reload. oxide.reload BetterNpc o.reload BetterNpc Apologies for taking a moment to realize what you were saying.
  2. How much work was done after the server was launched? Maybe all you need is a wipe? It depends on what order you've done things or if you've already tried that though. So far it looks solid but might need to be tested further before I can give you a very good answer for sure.
  3. If you use PveMode with BossMonster it will lock the loot to the person or team who do the most damage to the boss that are the only ones able to loot them @m3dus4.
  4. Jbird

    Npc disappear on reload

    You should be able to simply reload the plugin as you stated. It's odd that they start with the server fine but won't reload. Do you know how to find and view your console and or your logs @SmaX94? There may be an indication there as to what is going on when you reload especially and you can watch it then especially to see what it's saying. If you are able you could join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket to look into that more privately. Confirm a few things though like the versions of NpcSpawn and BetterNpc, and make sure your server and oxide are all up to date as well. Those are some of the basic steps to check.
  5. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    The video would be in English too would be the only problem there. heh But see if this makes sense if I simplify for now. When you add a new item to the laptop loot you have to do two things. Add an image to the /data/Images folder Add the information to the /config/DefendableBases.json file The plugin already comes with examples of each so you will replicate the process. Add the image then add the information to the config file to match the image, name it in the config, and give it's path and name in the images folder such as Images/ImageName.png
  6. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Thank you. I think you meant @Begi See above. Are you using it as well?
  7. Jbird

    Better Npc

    To that regard even though it is still a bit of work, copy and paste the portion(s) of the file that you want to be the same. They are all structured the same so those sections can be copied and pasted if you are careful not to lose or add any commas or brackets.
  8. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Currently there are no ways to affect all NPCs at the same time, mostly due to haw much variance there is between them by default. That being said, although it is a little bit of a pain at first, just take your time with it start on smaller monuments and files to get used to the adjustments then you will get quicker with it. Eventually there will be an in game editor but it is not complete yet. Until then you can do a few things like increase their aim cone (their cone of shots being increased makes them miss more), and lower their damage within the configuration for each file. No worries. Did throw me off for a moment. I was starting to reply and noticed there was another page with replies after it already. happens.
  9. Any time. Just update us whenever you are able.
  10. Jbird

    death notes

    Did you get any update here yet @Dad Frog? No rush just checking in.
  11. The error you are showing is from when another plugin is trying to use that same hook. So you have another plugin that adjusts or affects Air Drops. Generally the error you shared is harmless. What do you get when you reload the plugin? Does it load fully, do you see any messages that seem like errors where it does not load a directory or file? Jump in the Mad Mapper and create a ticket if you'd like and we can work on it there too. But just let me know what you get either way when reloading the plugin and we can go from there.
  12. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Shipwreck should not be affecting where this spawns at all. We have had no other notifications that anyone is having similar problems within the team. It does spawn it's own ship depending on the preset but it would not affect Harbor Event no. As to why it is spawning out of place though I can only guess either a procedural map or my other guess was already disproved.
  13. Jbird

    BUG Report

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ @FastBurst
  14. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Are you using a procedural map? Are you using a plugin that adds recyclers to monuments? If you are using this, usually MonumentsRecycler, you may run into issues like this and need to disable cargo ship.
  15. Let me know though @Bictoq if you do think you find any reason that they would interact in some way. But this plugin is written to avoid being in patrol state on the cargo path.
  16. There is no reason that I can think of at all that the server would somehow register a RHIB boat as a cargo ship. Do you look at the location to see what is there? Is it from an event? I would look to your server host if you have one and ask about it because it sounds more like a server error unless there is a plugin you have that does something with cargo ships that could be the cause. I haven't heard a similar report that I recall at least lately.
  17. Jbird

    Loot not dropping

    The NPCs are intended not to drop any loot themselves. It is intended that the goal is the loot box on the boat that is available when you kill all of the NPCs. You could include more in the loot there to compensate for the NPCs and to make them worth chasing and defeating depending on your servers loot tables @kraken. The loot crate is on the front of the boat.
  18. Jbird

    Movement inside prefab

    UPDATE Working out in ticket on MM Discord. If any issues are found update to the site will be issued. Seems to potentially be something we can sort out within the prefabs and builds though.
  19. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    If you are trying with custom files also try with default files as well and let me know your results, no rush of course.
  20. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Hello there. Are you by chance in the Mad Mapper Discord or would you be willing to join, to create a ticket? We could dig into this more to try to find what the error is being caused by and resolve it. Did you customize the files or are you using default files? It may be more of a server issue but I only say that because there are no known issues with the plugin or we would have heard about it by now, so it is special to your server in one way or another. Will have the developer look at the error itself as well to see what it is telling us about the issue so he may reply soon as well. What version of NpcSpawn and BossMonster are you running?
  21. You can do this in the configuration actually. You can set the min and max for each preset of boat @WerWolf.
  22. Jbird

    Door code

    I don't think that Raidable Bases has any issues @WOLF PACKwe would hear more about it I think. But perhaps the auth setup plugin could be a culprit? Would you try unloading it and see if the issue persists?
  23. Excellent sounds like a plan. Thank you for the update @Kobani.
  24. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Funny you should mention it's coming in a future update. Stay tuned!


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