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Everything posted by Jbird
You are welcome to join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket if you want to dialogue with KpucTaJl in more detail. We don't know about something until it is reported or requested, and keep in mind you are talking about a game that updates constantly, sometimes things do change that were written and intended differently when the plugin or previous updates are released. I was simply pointing out that neither he nor I remember hearing anything about this type of request when I mentioned it to him and we discussed. Thank you for confirming. I've added this to our notes.
- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
- (and 26 more)
Hey @War_Zombie do you have plugins that use the chinook normally or that modify the crate drops? Generally this error is harmless but most of the time when it occurs it is due to another plugin using that same hook. One option is simply to disable the CH47 event in the data folder. If you have questions or any issues with this event and want to make it work just let me know.
Can you confirm that message is going to all of chat? Some of the messages are only for the players in the event zone. I can add something to our notes if those messages are going to all of chat and not just those in the event or in the area. The developer already considered this but there has not been feedback or requests for it before to our recollection. Generally people are able to remove messages they don't want or just remove chat messages entirely. I believe the newer GameTip option works the way you are trying to use this which might be an option you could use and might like. But if you can't get it situated let us know and we will add something to our notes.
- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
- (and 26 more)
- 1
- #abilities
- #boss
- (and 16 more)
Two things you can do. It looks like you have access issues and the host or server is not allowing you to create the folders. 1) You can check this video to setup authorization. 2) You can also instead just create the folders manually and they will already be there. Blocking the folder creation will not help as you'll still not have the folders you need and will run into another error. data/NpcSpawn/NavMesh data/NpcSpawn/Preset Add these two folders then reload and you should be fine.
Thank you for the quick update and response. Glad you had it worked out so quickly!
My guess from what you are saying is that you are changing it to a 0% probability. You never want to have quantities or probabilities of 0 in loot tables. Instead you want to remove that entry entirely. Be careful not to break the formatting in the configuration but just delete the rockets and C4 from the loot tables instead of trying to enter 0 anywhere and reload the plugin once this is complete.
The same format as usual. "Custom positions for the event to appear on the map": [ "(0, 0, 0)", "(-22.222, 44.444, 66.666)", "(33.333, 55.555, -77.777)" ], Though I don't recommend using the GC point as a spawn point. This will ignore the height parameter in the file as well.
The developer and I are a bit stumped as we've not seen the error before. It's not indicating anything very helpful yet is it? Was hoping your logs would show a bit more information. Please do let me know what you find out if you're able to figure out at all what's going on. A few thoughts and ideas. If you have not already done so, try a fresh install, especially if you do any customization, and feel free to make a backup of your config so that you can go back and try to piece out what might be going on. Also check versions on everything including your oxide or carbon versions. What map are you using? I don't very likely think it is a map issue but just in case it could be. Maybe there is some customization added to the monument, or something along those lines. It would also be worth testing the plugin with all unnecessary plugins unloaded, just testing the map with the event and core plugin. Maybe there is something going on with interaction from another plugin. Keep me posted on any new findings or if you just end up stumped.
Happy to hear it @RAYCON thank you for the update!
First time seeing this error, can you confirm that your oxide/carbon is up to date? When you reload the plugin do you get any errors at all? Is the server hosted or do you host it yourself? If it is hosted have you asked your host about the error? Is this error showing up in console or is it showing up client side? Take a look at your server logs to see if you can get more detailed information with the error if it is appearing server side.
Confirm manually that carbon is the most up to date version in case there is any problem with the update process during restarts. Try removing the configuration file, and loading the plugin again so that it will create a new fresh configuration, and let me know if the error persists. If you have the ability to test this without other plugins present this would help to confirm or deny if another plugin may be causing the interaction and error. Do you have the seed number for the map in case the map needs to be tested? How many supermarket monuments are there on the map?
Can you confirm a couple things @RAYCON? Can you confirm first that your carbon is updated? What map are you using? Is it a custom map? If yes, what is the map? If no, what is the map seed and size? Also, was this with the default configuration that you are trying to run the event, or have you made any changes and customization?
Please create a new support request @Covfefe this has been closed for months and the original creator will get updates and pings for responses. I understand that you may have replied here because it is about the same plugin but to keep different issues separated and to avoid pinging someone who's ticket has been closed for months please create a new request if you have follow up questions or requests. As to your question I don't know what you mean as there is nothing special about this plugin regarding player deaths. The only suggestion I can give with so little context is to ensure that heavy scientists are included in the configuration for the plugin, because that is the base NPC used for all NpcSpawn NPCs. The configuration for that plugin is going to control what does or doesn't appear though so this is really a question for DeathNotes to be honest if the answer isn't something simple like just adding heavy scientists because they weren't already in the config..
Nothing at all to apologize for @Jack if anything I'm actually sorry I didn't get back to you sooner as well. Really appreciate the updates and the feedback though and really glad to hear it's sorted! Definitely sounds like good and thorough feedback for the developer so props for doing some diligence in your testing and sorting out the issue to give them some really good feedback, maybe it's something they will be willing to address in a future update. Thanks again for letting us know and glad you have this running properly now. Have fun with it!
One way to specifically address this part of the question, would be to edit the NPC configuration and to decrease their sense range so that they are not sensing or seeing people further away. There are a few ways you can configure NPCs to be less aggressive and slower to notice players. In regards to this part of the question there is a separate plugin called PveMode that was created after many of the events such as this one already existed. It was created to add additional options for servers to lock damage and looting of an event under certain circumstances. You can completely configure this as desired so you could make ownership very easy to obtain, and then you could block targeting or damage to and from the event within these configuration options. They just require PveMode to work so depending on if you own it, or if you want it, the first option should be helpful.
They should not be getting removed by BetterNpc in this instance, if you have it configured as above and everything has been freshly loaded. If it is then yes wait to hear back from the other developer. They would need to troubleshoot with you the reason that those NPCs are not showing up with BetterNpc present. Of course if there seems to be any issue you are the developer can let us know what you find. Hopefully implementing the fixes suggested using the API from the Description will sort things out.
One way to specifically address this part of the question, would be to edit the NPC configuration and to decrease their sense range so that they are not sensing or seeing people further away. There are a few ways you can configure NPCs to be less aggressive and slower to notice players. In regards to this part of the question there is a separate plugin called PveMode that was created after many of the events such as this one already existed. It was created to add additional options for servers to lock damage and looting of an event under certain circumstances. You can completely configure this as desired so you could make ownership very easy to obtain, and then you could block targeting or damage to and from the event within these configuration options. They just require PveMode to work so depending on if you own it, or if you want it, the first option should be helpful.
Thank you for jumping into the Mad Mapper Discord @Et3rn47 glad we could sort this out! For reference if anyone comes across a similar error, unload the plugin, remove your data file, and load the plugin back onto the server. Should clear things right up!
Hiya @Jack hopefully I can help out with this and if nothing else clear things up so that you can get a resolution sooner rather than later. Firstly I want to mention that there is an option in BetterNpc to remove or not to remove other NPCs in the area. Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It deletes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument So there is one option, a short term fix if nothing else as this is likely set to true for you at the moment and at that location. The only thing you may run into when setting this to false is you'll get a mix of default NPC, BetterNpc NPCs, and when the event runs you'll have those NPCs as well. If that's not an issue though then maybe this solves the issue. As far as with the AirfieldEvent plugin you would need to ask that the Developer use the API available in the plugin description to remove BetterNpc NPCs during the event, and spawn them back in when the event ends. I'll share that text here for reference. API void DestroyController(string name) – It destroys the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} void CreateController(string name) – It creates the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} These APIs can be used with standard monuments, custom monuments (NPC locations) and roads. The name of this monument is in standard monuments {name}. It is the name of the file in the Custom and Road folder in custom monuments and roads They can use this API to have the plugin compatible with BetterNpc and to fully avoid this issue, and to have everything working in unison properly.
Always recommended to check update notes in case any important changes are made that could affect how you use the plugin, big config changes especially. But hey we are all human, no worries @MrLiquid.
ZombieHorde and Better NPC (Interaction?)
Jbird replied to Beaverthelieber's Support Request in Support
Are they not attacking them or just not damaging them @Beaverthelieber? Do you use any other plugins that allow or control NPCs? Or maybe you have TruePVE and can make sure heavy scientists are added to the NPCs group? Normally that's all you'd need to change. But we can try to sort out what's stopping them in this case.