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Everything posted by CryEngine

  1. CryEngine

    Limit Entities

    Sorry, the problem is fixed, i don't know how, but i just reinstalled rust server from zero, ( all setting the same ) just server files that i have, the 2 years old xD maybe thats was a problem. Thank you Bro
  2. ah, nvm, my bad. i look in to the config and i'v seen that there is no cacti prefab config in the tree line. added "Cacti": { "prefabs": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-1.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-2.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-3.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-4.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-5.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-6.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_cactus/cactus-7.prefab" ] }
  3. Yes, the same problem, cacti doesnt cacti xD its a tree, i think that is new prefab updated, buy no, in plugin latest version of prefab list.
  4. CryEngine

    Limit Entities

    bcuz all what i need is assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab 6 per base, not more. UPD. When u play with friends ( team system ) so u can put x2x3 and more items, when you solo, works perfectly. any idea to fix it?
  5. CryEngine

    Limit Entities

    How i can fix it? i do 6 items for expamle per player, but doesnt works, 1 player can put items, after teammate also can put the same items in the same base. what i do wrong? "Permission": "limitentities.default", "Priority": 0, "Limits Global": { "Limit Total": 10000, "Limits Entities": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab": 10, "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil jack/mining.pumpjack.prefab": 1, "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 30, "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 20, "assets/prefabs/deployable/quarry/mining_quarry.prefab": 1, "assets/prefabs/deployable/tool cupboard/cupboard.tool.deployed.prefab": 6, "assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab": 6 } }, "Limits Building": { "Limit Total": 10000, "Limits Entities": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 30, "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 20, "assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab": 6 } } },
  6. CryEngine

    Out of date?

    just the same name.
  7. CryEngine

    Air Event

    sorry, my bad. i don't know why, but after update my config was broken, thank you.
  8. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    wow, how it works, the same now. works. sorry
  9. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    Doesn't work after update
  10. CryEngine

    Entity Limit

    doesnt work
  11. How disable gettin this seeds from gathering ores? reloaded and still get them, also per hits, not the chance. { "Maximum number of rocks that a player can deploy [0 = no limit]": 0, "Maximum number of trees that a player can deploy [0 = no limit]": 0, "Maximum number of bushes that a player can deploy [0 = no limit]": 0, "Mining node drop rate [%] - [0 = off]": 0, "Tree drop rate [%] - [0 = off]": 10, "Collectable plant drop rate [%] - [0 = off]": 3, "Chance for loot to be added to a minecart when it spawns [%] - [0 = off]": 0, "Allow players to hold sprint while placing a rock to have it embed into the ground?": false, "How much deeper should the rock sink when shift-placing?": 0.5, "Currency to use [SCRAP, ECONOMICS, SR, CUSTOM]": "SCRAP", "Custom currency details": { "name": "cash", "skinID": 2661030582, "shortname": "blood"
  12. CryEngine

    Air Event

    How to fix after update? im not coder, just for this time replaced ScientistNPCNew to ScientistNPC. I need add a correct type of Scientist? for example ScientistNPC_Full_heavy?
  13. CryEngine

    Boss Monster

    Another problem, they are not moving haha) FastBurst , thank you, my config restarted.
  14. CryEngine

    Boss Monster

    omg, you are god for me doesn't work chat announcement, i don't know why, i have the same config that before update
  15. CryEngine


    Great plugin, sadly that i need create now every profile again, and npc attack npc, i don't know why xD any way to make support from other kits plugins? i have paid private version, or it is impossible? just make redeem kit by command for example, hiden kit from paid plugin, kit.bot and etc? i hate this free version sorry
  16. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    already set it, i will make video maybe, no matter when its player or admin, you can do it "Eject Mounts": { "All Controlled Mounts": true, "Boats": true, "Cars (Basic)": true, "Cars (Modular)": true, "Chinook": false, "Horses": false, "MiniCopters": true, "Pianos": true, "Scrap Transport Helicopters": true
  17. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    Took a new bug. When you pick 4module car to sphere (must do it to half of car comin in the sphere ), after sit in the car, then press X to switch seats, you can walk in restricted area of sphere ( all cars, horses and etc restricted in the config. )
  18. CryEngine


    it doesn't matter, Sorry mate, I already found the problem, another plugin took hook
  19. CryEngine


    Hello, i have a problem, fire tools doesn't works with gather rate, i have x5 server, but when you use firetools, its only x1, can you help me please?
  20. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    Found today huge bug. When you open menu with /buyraid. you have scrap okey, fine, but when you stay near cupboard, in the same time you lookin on opened cupboard, press buy any base then fast move scrap to cupboard, the base gona spawn, but doesnt take the scrap, because it is not in your inventory. Any route to fix it? maybe delay to check scrap in inventory, i don't know. i have latest version.
  21. CryEngine

    Raidable Bases

    great plugin, thank you so much, also when you sell with highest price, i buy lol, there is a lot of human life time work. But i have one question, how i can refund the bases? i cant found this command. Everything is done, but not this. Thank you.


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