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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Version 1.0.6


    Scuba arena is a free for all underwater slaughter-fest. It allows up to 14 players to participate in underwater combat, adding a multi-directional element to your players strategy, while providing endless fun. The plugin handles the running of the game, and allows players to join from anywhere, stripping their equipment while the game is played and giving it back to them when they are finished. Setup is a breeze; simply drop the prefab in your map (underground, submerged in water), load the plugin and it will do the rest. Games are configured to start every hour by default. You can follow the installation guide here if you want more of an indepth look at it. Admin commands: - /startsa <optional: seconds> - manually starts the game. Will default the start delay to the configured time if no seconds parameter is provided. - /endsa - ends the current game, returning players to their original locations. - /addreward <shortname> <quantity> <skin> - adds the specified item to the rewards list. You can find item shortnames here: https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/ This can also be done via the config file. User commands: - /sa - joins an active game (if it hasn't started yet). - /leavesa - leaves the current game and returns the player to their original location. - /claimreward - claims a reward for winning ScrubaArena. Will not provide a reward if they have not won any games. Permissions scubaarena.admin
  2. imthenewguy

    vip_group always the same

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. imthenewguy

    vip_group always the same

    No worries. Hmu on disc if you have any further issues im the new guy#0001
  4. Hey mate add me on discord. im the new guy#0001
  5. imthenewguy

    vip_group always the same

    Hey mate, the issue is you have the same Token skin for each one. The skin needs to be unique for every token or it won't work.
  6. Updated the posted config. Not sure if I'll add markers unless I extend it and add make it cycle through locations randomly. I added the functionality as I created a fishing platform on my server that I wanted to have as a permanent hotspot.
  7. im heading to bed. Add me on discord and send me the config and I will take a look at it im the new guy#0001
  8. Is there already an entry called "stones" in the config?
  9. Do you mean 10000 stones in the config? Did you want to add a screenshot?
  10. Is what I am using it for on my server Have disabled tech tree, so this is a good source of blueprints. Will hopefully introduce some more content shortly. Glad you are enjoying this
  11. The plugin doesn't adjust any loot chances, it simply looks to see if you caught any of the configured fish then rolls the dice to see if you also get a casket
  12. You can add a custom item using the chat command. For example: /tbadditem <Display Name> <item shortname> <skin id> <max quantity> /tbadditem "Gold Nugget" battery.small 2405961582 5 The only thing with custom items is that it uses the defaut image from the shortname. I may update this in the future.
  13. 1. I will change it to function using the propper hooks if they are released. I did this as an interim method so I could get it working. Has been running on my server since wipe and it appears to be working well. 2. The plugin includes all items in the configuration file, including the ones you mentiond. They are easy to disable and once done, won't need to be done again unless there is a major change to the config. 3. Turning off chat messages only stops the message "You are no longer fishing" and "You are now fishing". The purple casket message will always appear, as will the messages when a player tries to pick up an item, open a container or move items around in their inventory while fishing. Hope this helps.
  14. Version 2.0.4


    Buried beneath the deep blue oceans of rust lay a trove of lost treasures. This plugin introduces a casket system for fishing that your players will absolutely love! FishingTreasure is a plugin that uses the newly introduced fishing mechanic in Rust, to provide your players with the chance to obtain a casket. When opened, the casket will roll on the loot table 3 times, rewarding the players with 3 random items of varying rarity. Fully customisable loot system that automatically adds all new items to the game (configurable). Items can also be manually added via the config or a chat command in game. Supports custom items with unique DisplayNames and skins. Includes 3 tiers of rarity – common, rare and elite. Each can have its drop chance configured to the desired rarity. Hotspot system that allows for areas to be added as a "hot spot", which increases the drop chance of a casket by a multiplier (configurable). fishingtreasure.admin – allows users to spawn caskets, add items, force an update of items and remove items. { "General Settings": { "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0, "Permission based chance modifiers [1.0 = 100% increase to the base chance value]": {}, "Loot rolls per casket": 3, "Casket info": { "shortname": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "skin": 2560835553, "displayName": "casket" }, "Sounds when opened": { "Common": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/bronze_open.prefab", "Rare": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/silver_open.prefab", "Epic": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab" }, "Should this plugin handle the item splitting for caskets? [set to false if using a stacks plugin]": false }, "Hotspot Settings": { "Enable fishing treasure hotspots": false, "Name the hotspot shows when it appears on the map": "Fishing Treasure Hotspot", "Sphere darkness": 6, "Hotspot size": 50.0, "Minimum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 1600.0, "Maximum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 2000.0, "Delay between hotspot deployments [seconds]": 3600.0, "Minimum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 1.0, "Maximum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 4.0, "Should the hotspot check to see if players have entered/left the zone and notify them?": true, "If monitoring for players, how often should we check for players in the hotspot?": 1.0 }, "SkillTree settings": { "Set to true if you want to add the FishingTreasure buff to the skill tree": true, "Maximum level for the modifier buff": 5, "Chance increase per level for finding caskets [0.2 = 20%]": 0.2 }, "Loot Table": { "Common": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 100, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Rare": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 25, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Epic": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 10, "loot": [ // Loot here ] } } } /casket - spawns a casket in the users inventory API object OnCalculateFishingTreasureChance(BasePlayer, float highestMod) - Used to override the default casket chance.
  15. imthenewguy

    Multiple Commands

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  16. imthenewguy

    Multiple Commands

    Ive written an extended plugin that will extend the functionality, allow for this. Add me on discord and I will flick you a copy (along with some basic instructions) when i wake up tomorrow. im the new guy#0001
  17. imthenewguy

    Multiple Commands

    Hey mate, I thought I replied to this already but apparently not haha. The best way to achieve this would be via the kits plugin - create a kit with the desired items then run a command to give the kit to a player upon redemption using the console command option.
  18. add me on discord. I have added the feature but its untested. im the new guy#0001
  19. Hi mate, it's a static location. Always the same.
  20. imthenewguy


    Add my disc so I can watch/troubleshoot it over a stream. im the new guy#0001
  21. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. imthenewguy


    Np. Let me know how you go with unloading all plugins on your server and running only the recyclers plugin
  23. imthenewguy


    Did you check your config file to see if the values above were set correctly? I just did another test on a freshly made server, both with and without other mods running and it seems to work. The issue could be another plugin on your server. Might be worth unloading all plugins (o.unload *) and then load recyclers plugin so it is the only plugin running on your server, then test to see if the problem persists.
  24. imthenewguy


    If M3 is opening up your recycler, it sounds like you have bound M3 to +use. Need to unbind that. Also check that your config has the option set to true for picking up recyclers.


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