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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Title priority has now been added, as has FishCaught. These will both be in the next update. Thanks for these suggestions folks - Sorry it's been a bit quite in here for a while.
  2. @Rockefeller- I'll take a look into that soon, along with fish caught and plants gathered. @youronlylight
  3. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    It would be in the next update, although I'd be happy to DM it to you in advance.
  4. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    Also, DM crates have now been added to the default loot options page. Turns out I had excluded them manually - Not sure why; they seem to work fine.
  5. Steenamaroo

    No Weapons

    I believe this issue is as a result of Mevent Kits.cs introducing a delay when giving out the kit items. I guess this must be a recent change as people are suddenly reporting it now. Hopefully we can get it rectified quickly. Thanks for reporting, and for giving details!
  6. @406_Gromit- Thanks again for reporting this. I've found the issue and it is fixed for the next update.
  7. @Sveervoox- Hi, are you using Mevent Kits? I identified an issue with this combination yesterday, thanks to reports from another user. Hoping Mevent will be willing to make a small change to rectify this soon. I'll reply back here as soon as I know more, if that is the case. @highmark9090- Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the plugin. I'll take a look and see what would be involved in adding some more values to the spawnpoint overrides system. @406_Gromit- The miner's hat should work without any additional mods. I'll take a look today and find out what has changed. Thanks for letting me know!
  8. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    @damnpixel- I think you might have some other plugin dropping the facemasks on the floor. I just killed an npc, with Wipe_Clothing_Percent 100, and there was no facemask on the ground. It showed as being on the npc's model, (as is normal), but was removed from the inventory.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    My pleasure. Thanks for posting them! Ah, the facemask falls to the ground? Ok, I guess it must be something new I wasn't aware of. Thanks for letting me know - I'll take a look and see if I can prevent that.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    "Okay I understand. But it's still a shame that it's infinite. An option to choose?" How would that work? The npc would get one clip and then run out and then be defenceless? I mean, I have control over it...I could do that, but I don't see how it would work. I could make the syringes/grenades limited to the amount you put in the inventory. I can see that making sense - There is a cooldown between uses, but I could see some server owners wanting the npc to only have, say, 3 syringes, for example. I'll note that for the next update! "Same with "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, and "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100, And yet the FaceMask falls to the ground and you can loot it" Where is the facemask, when this happens? Is it in main container of the npc's inventory? If so, that's coming from a loot plugin, most likely. I can check, but the Wipe_Clothing_Percent completely strips the clothing bar.
  11. Steenamaroo

    Multiple problems

    Hi, Can you elaborate a bit on these, please? I'm not sure I understand. Ammunition is infinite.. The npcs have no means of getting new ammo if they run out so it pretty much has to be infinite. For grenades and syringes yes; the supply is unlimited. They only ever have one or two on their person, though. Before they throw/use the quantity is set to two so that afterwards they still have one. For that reason I think any applied skins should work - BotReSpawn never destroys or recreates the item so if it's skinned in the kit it should be skinned on the npc. "Smoke grenades are also not used by the NPCs" Yes, that's right. They are a different type in game, so I'd need to write those in. "Losing the FaceMask even though turned off." I'm not sure what you mean here, sorry. "And the DM Loot Crates would be coll too, you could select them from the Rust_Loot_Source" I though those were available under Rust_Loot_Source. I'll have a check and make sure.
  12. Steenamaroo

    No Weapons

    Hi, Have you redeemed one of the kits to confirm 100% that the weapons are in the belt area, and not main? As far as I know there's no issue with knives - The npc should happily use them as weapons.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Discord Integration

    Hi, Not at present, no, although it's something I was meant to be looking into. Another user actually sent me some mods that he'd been using to push stats to discord - I'll catch up on that soon!
  14. Hi, The changes would need to be made in UI, or when the plugin is unloaded. If you manually edit the config file while the plugin is loaded, your changes will be overwritten.
  15. Hi, Target_Other_Npcs values, set via UI, are Ignore/Defend/Attack. In the data file those are stored as 0,1,2, so your setting is 'Attack'; that sounds correct. I don't think vanilla npcs attack other npcs - That's not something BotReSpawn controls right now. I'll take a look at the deaths screen info but I think that's probably something else I can't change from BotReSpawn. Technically all BotReSpawn npcs are classified as Scientist, which has some limitations.
  16. @Jbird- Feel free to DM me in discord about this. Maybe we can figure it out faster. Would it be possible for you to fire up a clone of your server for testing, so you're free to unload things without worrying about your pop? I could send you a copy with some debug to trace how far the code is getting and, maybe, find out why it's stopping.
  17. My pleasure. Thanks for the suggestion.
  18. Steenamaroo

    Auto Update Leaderboard

    Hi @BjarkeH I just took a look. It looks like it should be working fine. The admin permission is required for wiping leaderboards, though. I've now changed that so admin perm is required *if* a player is using the command, which means it can then be used from console/rcon too. Also, that command would wipe local data, but not SQL. To wipe SQL leaderboards you'd need to just drop them in your SQL panel. Does that answer the request, or is there more to it? Also, I'm attaching a copy that addresses those headshot requests. Added PVP Headshots only option - Defaulted to true. (npcs dont count) Added PVP Headshots only count if kill - Defaulted to false. I meant to send it to you earlier! PlayerRanks.cs
  19. Hi @Covfefe I've added the following for the next update. Victim_Bleed_Amount_Per_Hit : 1 Victim_Bleed_Amount_Max : 100 I think this should cover your request, with additional flexibility. Setting Victim_Bleed_Amount_Per_Hit to 0 would be the equivalent of setting Bleed Effect: false. Setting Victim_Bleed_Amount_Max to 100 would be like setting stacking true, and setting Victim_Bleed_Amount_Max to the same as Victim_Bleed_Per_Hit would be like stacking false. Additionally you could have, for example, 10 per hit, but a max total of 40, so it's like stacking is true, but with a limit I've still to do a bit of testing but hopefully that makes sense. Thanks again for the suggestion!
  20. Oh? Ok. I didn't think I needed to test that...it was pretty simple. I'll get back to you with a tested copy. Edit : Update sent.
  21. That plugin is free and has MIT license so there's no issue with making modifications to it. I'll DM you a copy now that should spare BotReSpawn npcs.
  22. Ah, I see. There's another approach - I have a free plugin called NPCKits which you can use to kit out, and adjust the health for, vanilla npcs by location. It's not what you asked for, but I think a lot of people use it to make the vanilla npcs blend in with nearby BotReSpawn ones. Alternatively if the plugin you have that's killing off default npcs is free / has permission for modifications, I can make it ignore BotReSpawn npcs for you.
  23. Hi @damnpixel- to what end? The behaviour is custom and unique to the plugin so really using a different prefab would just change health and/or inventory, both of which can be customised already. @Yastreb - Custom loot isn't straight forward, If I'm honest. I'll DM you and talk you through it. @Tabmorine - No problem. Don't hesitate to ask if you need to know anything.
  24. By default BotReSpawn doesn't apply any kit so what you get is a default scientist with hazmat suit and LR300 or mp5, as far as I know. What you'd want to do is set Keep_Default_Loadout for your profiles to false, then create a kit, with Kits.cs plugin, which contains the clothing and weapons you'd like the npcs to have, then select that kit for the profile in BotReSpawn UI. The kit you make could contain the hazmat suit for regular scientist appearance, but also whatever weapons you like.
  25. Hi, Rust_Loot_Source option and CustomLoot plugin are two unrelated things. Rust_Loot_Source allows you to choose a loot profile out of the ones that exist in the game. If you selected an oil barrel from that list, then your npcs will have the same loot as an oil barrel would, for example. You could make high-tier npcs have the same loot profile as a hackable locked crate...That kind of thing. CustomLoot is totally separate - It can replace the loot in all kinds of npcs/crates/barrels, including BotReSpawn npcs, but you have to make up the loottables for it yourself. There are no settings in BotReSpawn relating to CustomLoot - If you choose to use CustomLoot to give these npcs customised loot, all the work is done at the CustomLoot end. Let me know if you need any more detailed info on how to do that.


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