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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Conflict with TruePVE,

    Hi, I'm not really sure that's a conflict. BotReSpawn's peacekeeper mode uses player hostility so yes, if some other plugin prevented player hostility then peacekeeping BotReSpawn npcs wouldn't attack them. I guess you probably want to turn peacekeeper off for certain profiles?
  2. Hi, Does it definitely happen when killing them, or when farming their corpse? If it happens upon the kill then do you have any kind of auto-harvest plugin?
  3. Confirmed fix in both BotReSpawn and NPCKits. Papa Bear DMd me shortly after this. Thanks again, all!
  4. Sorry folks, I didn't get notifications for this until @Malkizid @ pinged me. Thanks for that. There is an issue with names introduced in the wipe update but I have since sorted it out and will be pushing a public update soon.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    Change of plan. Looks like I can patch around it fairly easily. I'll do updates for BotReSpawn and NPCKits soon.
  6. Steenamaroo


    Scratch that - Looks like I can patch it fairly easily. I'll push updates for both soon. Thanks again.
  7. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Thanks for letting me know. I'm aware of this. It's something I can work around in BotReSpawn if necessary but for NPCKits it would mean a quite a bit of work for every npc type in the game. I'm hoping FP revert or make a change to accommodate us but who knows. Keeping an eye on it, thanks!
  8. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    Hi, Thanks for reporting it. Looks like Facepunch locked it down making it so that displayName can't be set. There is a way around it but, for BotReSpawn anyway, it's a long way. I think I'll wait it out incase Facepunch reverse the change or accommodate the modding community. It's happened before. See above^^ RadiableBases isn't really relevant here. It's a different plugin.
  9. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    Thank you ^
  10. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    I tested here to confirm, although it's just a simple PrintToChat - Completely unrelated to the displayNames issue and unlikely to break. Maybe something's changed with another plugin that filters or alters chat? I'd suggest double-checking that Announce is true and the text is setup as you want for some profile, then reload that profile. Ensure that the npc spawns either by going there or checking bots.count. If the npc spawns but you see no announcement, I'd probably unload all other plugins then try again.
  11. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    Announcement_Text seems to be working fine. Make sure you have Announce_Spawn set to true, as well as putting in your Announcement_Text, and also make sure you make these changes with the plugin unloaded, then load the plugin after the changes have been saved.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Bot names not working

    Hi, Thanks for reporting it. Looks like Facepunch locked it down making it so that displayName can't be set. There is a way around it but, for BotReSpawn anyway, it's a long way. I think I'll wait it out incase Facepunch reverse the change or accommodate the modding community. It's happened before.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Update requiered

    Hi, I released V1.2.8 yesterday in anticipation of this. You'll need to update to that.
  14. Oh, I see. Yes, CustomLoot does nothing at all unless you enable profiles within the config and set up a valid loottable to go with them so, simply put, if you just install it on the server and do nothing else, it wont change or interfere with anything. What you'd do is install it, set up RandomRaids config to use a CustomLoot profile name (which you make up), then the first time RandomRaids tries to ask CustomLoot for loot, CustomLoot will create a config entry, under API, of that name. In console you'd see the following as confirmation. CustomLoot had a call for a profile that doesn't exist. Adding profile {NameHere} using loottable 'default'. From there you can set up that new profile as if it was any other. If you need any help beyond that, let me know.
  15. There's a global Remove Backpacks Percent in the global settings menu. Make sure that's set to zero and you should be good
  16. There's API so that other plugins can make calls to CustomLoot. RandomRaids could offer that as an option, if it doesn't already.
  17. Hi, BotReSpawn has both Backpack_Duration and Corpse_Duration Corpse_Duration is under Death tab and Backpack_Duration is under Other.
  18. Steenamaroo


    Consider it done.
  19. Hi, A number of versions ago I removed "pr" as a hard-coded command and, instead, rely solely on the 'chatCommandAliases' entry in config. I'm not sure why you're seeing a change now, unless you recently updated from a fairly old version of PlayerRanks, but the solution is to add "pr" to that chatCommandAliases entry.
  20. IncludeAllApprovedSkins will automatically add the ids of any rust workshop approved skins to your 'skins' list. It should, anyway. It wont delete entries that you have added - It should just add more, if it finds them..
  21. Hi, No. By default the plugin only shows the 'skins' entry for items if they have skins in game by default. If you have some item which doesn't show the 'skins' option, but you want it to, you can either add it to 'AllowSkinsFor', or enabled Show_Skins_For_All. One's a scalpel, one's a lump hammer.
  22. If memory serves you should keep the probabilities to zero for those ammo items - gunsWithAmmo is a probability ignore/override setup, but the settings for minstack + maxstack are taken into account so that you can manage the amount of ammo that will spawn with each weapon.
  23. In the config for each entry you'll find a setting called "gunsWithAmmo" If you set that to true then any guns which spawn will be accompanied with an amount of appropriate ammunition. To directly answer your question, though, no. You can't have multiple loot tables apply to any given container type.
  24. I'm sorry, I'm not going to take all of the unique points from some other plugin and integrate them in to mine. I'm always open to suggestions and ideas but, in my opinion, that's a scummy move.
  25. Ok, I had to watch the videos to find out what these abilities are, unfortunately. That should be in listed in the description. Melee only Fire ammo You can do these at present within your kits setup Slow down players with fire. It's not the same but you can give BotReSpawn npcs incendiary ammo, molotovs, or even flame throwers. With molotovs in their belt they'll switch to, and throw, only when line-of-sight is briefly broken, which means they'll use it in a sort of tactical way and still mainly rely on their main weapon - Whatever you give them. Flame thrower is treated as a close-range weapon, like melee, so you can combine it with a rifle to have the npc use fire up close, then switch to bullets at slightly longer range. The npcs (with guns) do periodically increase, and decrease, their distance to their target, rather than just stick to the target like glue, so this setup can get interesting. Summon other npcs You can sort of do this with the assist range settings, causing nearby NPCs to get involved and help out another. Again, it's not exactly the same thing...I appreciate that. Radiation I could see adding in a radiation element. It's been requested before and in keeping with the vanilla game. Whether it's the npcs themselves which have a radiation radius or their attacks which inflict it, that's something that was requested and considered a long time ago. Summon wolves Invisibility Freeze Electric shock Honestly, I'd be reluctant to pursue any of these. These appear to be the qualities which make that particular plugin different. To incorporate or, let's call it what it is, copy those isn't something I'd want to do. I appreciate the suggestions, though.


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