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Everything posted by Zoreeno

  1. Yeah i was just hoping to be able to do it from the console remotely through RCON
  2. Is it possible to change this command to include a <primitive> or <guns> option as well? startarena <heightMod> <lobbytime>
  3. Zoreeno

    Setup Furnaces

    This plugin hasn't worked since the October 6th game update. You can set the multiplier as high as you want and it will always smelt at default rust speeds.
  4. Zoreeno

    Skill Tree

    Idk if it's a good fit for SkillTree or not or how it impacts overhead, but the Defendable Bases plugin stores all of it's images on the actual server in a folder "Images" it never has any image issues since the plugin just accesses the files directly. I can still create my own images by creating them in photoshop or w/e and then saving them into that Images folder on my server. May be something worth looking into?
  5. Newest version seems to be working good. One of the matches it declared a winner with 2 people still alive for some reason. Also the message on death don't seem to be working for me "Send a message to the contestants when a player dies?": true,
  6. did you like... just read my mind, man?
  7. I'm getting some plugin conflicts with Alpha Loot and with Skill Tree. Skill Tree is just adding scrap to the crates, which isn't a big deal, but When Alpha Loot is loaded all of the crates on the arena are empty. If i unload Alpha Loot they have the loot in them, but as soon as i reload Alpha Loot, they are empty again If Alpha Loot and Skill Tree are both loaded, the crates only have scrap with nothing else. Any suggestions?
  8. Worked perfectly. Brilliant! I'm sold. Can't wait to sneak this one in on the players
  9. So you're saying i can grab event helper and test it's function with BOH without and event for it to run?
  10. Looks really cool and best of all lightweight. I have a question that you may be able to answer... We use the Bag Of Holding plugin that converts the large Halloween loot bags into physical backpacks that players can find and store items into. These backpacks are physical with other items inside (players own items). Do you know if your Event Helper is able to return the players backpack with all the items inside of it (with skins in tact) to the player when the event ends? or will it have trouble handling an item with other items inside. I assume it works with the more common backpack plugin on Umod, but I'm curious about this newer plugin that uses physical items as the backpack.
  11. Zoreeno

    Furnace Levels

    I did some testing with a stop watch. It seems that if you leave the default level (level 1) at 0.5, the Small Furnace smelts slightly faster than Rust default (about 1.5x) but the Large Furnace smelts 1/2 the speed (about 0.7x) than Rust default. You can tune that down to 0.4 and the Small Furnace will be about 2x the default Rust speed but the Large Furnace is still under the default Rust speed (about 0.85x). I didn't start getting default Rust smelting speeds on the Large Furnace until i set it to around 0.35, which at that point the Small Furnace was smelting at about 2.4x Rust default speeds. These tests where using Metal Ore with all slots full. Some of the results varied as it almost seems like default Rust doesn't always smelt at the exact same speed every time, the start up is slower sometimes, it's weird. But these numbers are fairly accurate. I don't know if this is even fixable to have a flat rate increase on both the small and large furnaces at the same time with the way FP redesigned oven smelting/cooking. But if anyone can figure it out, Its David Maybe the only way is to have a different value in the config for Small vs Large furnaces?
  12. Hey man this is a really cool outpost, Players love it a lot. I did have to make a couple edits that i thought maybe you should know about. In the sewers you are using the prefab "Sewer Tunnel Door" which has a transparent side. If you switch this to "Sewer Tunnel Doorb" it fixes it. Also that light above the doorway is flipped backwards and sorta floating in the air. Everything else seems good from what i can tell. Nice work on this one.
  13. I saw that you released a new plugin Roam Bubble last week and have been pushing updates for it. Looks like a pretty cool plugin. We'll be standing by for you to recover so that you can take a look at the issues on this one. Hope you feel better soon, tonsillitis is rough.
  14. Zoreeno

    Commands Item

    Is it possible to extend this plugin to allow other types of items to run commands? Food for example... I would love to be able to have players click "Eat" on a skinned candy bar and it would run a command.
  15. I think if you read the support requests thoroughly you would see that people do in fact understand how the hook works, it triggers the carry over when it detects a new save file was generated. Your plugin is even putting in the console that it detected a new save file and is moving player data over to the overall database, but the problem is that it's not carrying over all the data correctly. I posted all this to you in these discussion threads and in the support ticket. So it would appear that the issue is not that people do not understand the OnNewSave hook... but that you are not understanding the issue with your plugin.
  16. Zoreeno

    Skill Tree

    I had no idea that command existed. I guess i should have looked closer at the list of commands in the description. This worked perfectly. Thanks!
    This plugin is great! Although it looks intimidating by the description and the length of the config file, I was able to get my own custom bags created and usable by players in no time. The gathering feature that can be enabled/disabled on the bags is really what sets this plugin above the rest and makes it worth the asking price. You can custom configure the bags and what they do or don't accept however you want. We've created our own skins and custom bag configurations, inserted them into the loot table and made some of the more powerful bags rarer to find, ect. With a little creativity you can set up the progression of the bags how you need. The support on this plugin has been extraordinary so far, responses have been fast and explanations of why certain things are set how they are have been extremely detailed. Good job on this one guys!
  17. Zoreeno

    Skill Tree

    I'm using a plugin that allows me to give players custom items via a command. My goal is to give the player the custom item as a level reward. The problem I am running into is that the custom item that we are giving out has a space in the display name so i need to put "" around the display name so it knows what the display name is. So as an example. I can run the plugin's command in console like this: createitem chicken.cooked "Homemade Moonshine" 1 2860127847 {id} The plugin's command uses the syntax: createitem <shortname> <displayname> <quantity> <skinid> <playerid> In another plugin, I'm able to use the command in the config to give items with a space in the display name like so: "Command": "createitem chicken.cooked \"Homemade Moonshine\" 1 2860127847 {id}" the \ \ characters allow the items display name to contain a space without the "" causing an error within the Json file (if that makes sense) However in Skill Tree it doesn't work. Is there another trick to be able to include something with "" around it within the skill tree commands for level rewards? (sorry if that's confusing, it's difficult to explain)
  18. Zoreeno

    Items Deleted

    Works good. I'll let the players try to break it, but I'm pretty confident that you got. it. Thanks for being so quick to identify and fix the issue.
  19. Zoreeno

    Items Deleted

    I figured that having it detect if the bag is full was more complicated that it seems haha. I'll give your newest update a quick test before I head to bed and let ya know
  20. Zoreeno

    Items Deleted

    Hey thanks for the quick check and the detailed explanation! That makes perfect sense as to why it's happening. I won't pretend to know anything about coding a plugin of this scale, but would it be easier to write something in that auto disables gather mode when the bag is full? Or could that cause other issues in itself?
  21. Zoreeno

    Items Deleted

    Hey there. My players reported an issue to me that I was able to replicate on my test server. The issue is that if you have the Bag Of Holding bag completely full and gather mode is enabled it will delete items if you try to drag/drop an item into the BOH from your main inventory. It only happens when gathering is enabled on a full bag. I thought maybe i had set something wrong in the config and/or i have another plugin that might be conflicting. So to be sure, I loaded up my test server with all plugins removed except BOH and generated a default config (the only change i made to the default config was set "Enable Gathering Mode" to true (was default on false). The issue still occurs. I've provided a clip showing the issue if that helps. https://streamable.com/euv1j5
  22. You got a good point there. The description for this plugin over there is beautifully laid out, with the accordion menus and all. Was very easy for me to read through. Well good damn job on this one, I've been very impressed so far and my players are loving it. I'll be dropping a review for you guys on both sites once I've had it running for a week or so.
  23. The folks complaining about the price.... Maybe they don't understand the time and effort that goes into plugins as complex as this one. I could understand the complaint if the plugin is half working and has an author that is too busy to support it, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all on this one. For what this plugin can do, i find it worth a high asking price. PS: I wish i knew you were going to release this on Codefling, i would have waited to buy it. I bought my copy for the other marketplace. Not that i don't like that marketplace, it's fine and the owner is a great dude, but Codefling's design is just so much better
  24. You can close this out.


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