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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. If I had a build server, I would buy it for sure. Of course, the plugin could be better, but the price is affordable and reasonable. I wonder why everyone expects these plugins to be expensive if released. Why do only specific brands have to host their minigames, build, or whatever unique server you can think of? Everyone should be able to make one. Thanks to this dev for creating something for the community instead of for himself like others always do. By the way, Is the building paste instant, or is it paste entity by entity, wall by wall? I'm not sure how some servers do it 'lag-free' but it pastes the whole base instantly, and that's way better.
  2. Thanks, but one dev in the past made for me a plugin where the patrol helicopter spawns and flies to the base and defends. Just removed it because almost all of the players didn't like the idea. Then used CRaidController to set no raid hours and again went hated. I think the game should be kept as it is.
  3. I am not exactly sure, but you get enough I think. If needed in the future can add more.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Zombie-styled kits profiles if you want to have true-looking zombies on your server. BRAAAAAAINS! A ready-to-use data file for Rust Kits plugin from uMod. The kits are perfect for any PvE server. Works with almost any bot-spawning plugins (such as BotReSpawn, NPCKits, Events like Convoy, ArmoredTrain, etc). After you download the file, you can place it in your oxide/data/Kits/kits_data.json directly or merge it with your existing datafile (PLEASE do a backup first of your Kits data if you do merge with my file) Kits are Zombie themed (based on the Frankenstein parts) and Scientist/Hazmat themed. NOTE: Due to Frankenstein parts having extra protection, you might need to tweak their stats via a plugin or adjust your NPC settings in the corresponding plugin (the bot's health, for example) Each zombie/hazmat style has a couple of weapon variations (ex., light1, light3, scarecrow1, scarecrow2, nomad1, nomad2, etc.). There are a lot more kits than the preview images. Kits do not have images in-game, but I am sure you won't need this anyways. (If a lot of users request images, I will add them in the future, maybe an image of the weapon that's used in the kit) Kits are visible only to the players with kits.admin permission and auth level 2, so you do not have to worry about being claimed/seen by the regular players. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
  5. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    oh ok, thanks
  6. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    What's this for? Why do we need to retype this?
  7. So If I set the base value to 4500.0, the chance, for example, should be 45%, or the base value is from 1-100 representing 1% - 100%, and the only permission multiplier is, let's say, "weird," 1000 = 10% more. But why is 100% permission increase = 6% instead of 16% if we start with base 3%?
  8. I will buy this plugin now, and thanks for the RCON command. That's all I need. As I said, all my players ask their top-secret questions in team chat, and I respond from RCON because I'm not in-game. I already see the chat messages they send in RustAdmin RCON, but if others want to see team chats in-game added, you can add this (under toggle or permission, so it's not spamming all the time). I hope the messages you sent via this plugin are logged in the chat section like, say, command, or that's impossible.
  9. This plugin looks useful, but for now, this stops me from buying it: Can you make an RCON command? I hate when players ask me something in their team chat, and I see the message, and then I have to reply only globally. The whole server sees my replies, looking like an idiot talking to himself. Maybe do "[TEAM] Admin: Message content" where "Admin" can be customizable Name in the config. Right now, I must be in-game to use this and still alt-tab to my RCON program to read the chat. It's too complex and useless at the same time. What's the first green message, "TO Bishop's Team," and who sees this? Only you as an admin? Can it be disabled, or is it planned to be there because you need to see what you typed while you are not on their team? From RCON, I already see the whole global/team chat and would like to have it disabled if possible.
  10. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    I will be able to test tomorrow, but anyways thanks for the fast fix of the issue. I hope its fine now.
  11. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    Tried now and It was somehow fixed and I saw the FREE rerolls button. Just let me know if possible to patch the supply drop issue and it should be all good.
  12. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    Yes, AlphaLoot and lucky there are no other issues. Edit: Also noticed you have FREE (5) while I had the button from above all the time. Doesn't show the 1 free loot reroll as a free.
  13. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    It's like this for me.
  14. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    I will test the update now. Can you please fix the button position on the airdrops? It needs to be placed correctly. For all other containers, it is positioned OK.
  15. I do not see the Auto Update items feature in v2.0. Can you add it back if you removed it? Of course, I have to go through every item in the config again in v2.0 and re-setup it (to ensure the WIP/unused things or redirected item skins are disabled). After that, I liked how the v1.0 plugin auto-created the items to the loot when they were added to the game. This way, you do not have to add the new items manually when the game updates. If the thing is WIP (ex clan table), you can toggle it to false and, if needed, toggle it back to true later. Also, "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0 = 3% chance but from 100 or 1000? If you combine it with a hotspot or other multipliers, and the final chance is above 100% (ex. 230%) that means every single catch will give a casket?
  16. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    Also, can you explain this? "Free Rerolls (Daily)": 10 - you can reroll 10 crates/timer per day "Daily Reroll Limit": 11, -?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! "Free Rerolls VIP (Daily)": 15, - VIP's can reroll 15 crates for the day "Daily Reroll Limit VIP": 20, -?!!??!?!?!?!? I can't get it well
  17. Flammable

    Loot Reroll

    @SinKohhTell me that I didn't buy this plugin for nothing. Can I use a scrap item as a reward currency? I do not like or use any virtual balances on my x2 server.
  18. I don't know who will modify this paid plugin but I have a simple solution that I use when activating the Uber Tool. Every time I respawn, I have set up an auto kit that includes a t-shirt with my skin so I can look fabulous. This way, Uber Tool does not equip the scientist suit on me. if you do not want to set up a kit for you, give yourself something to wear before using the /ubertool command. This can be every piece of clothing - sunglasses or something else. Unless you are fully naked, Uber Tool will always "bug" and not equip you with the Scientist suit.
  19. Flammable


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.4.5
  20. By "I will give it a go", do you mean updating the existing plugin or creating a new one for me? I am not in a hurry. I want to work correctly and be useful. I read what this Decay logger is about, and it sounds good but will only help if I have a (stupid) player, for example, who didn't put stuff on his TC (whole thinking he did) and then says, "Base had upkeep yesterday for one week, now it's gone today." The actual case that I am worried about is when the player truly had upkeep resources and didn't get raided but then says... Entities/Deployables were missing, half of the base was gone, or my entire base disappeared. If somehow other player/s did malicious damage via glitches (while it's PvE) plugin will show reasons like (Damaged by Attack Helicopter or Bradley APC if they abused somehow Armored Train, for example, or whatever else) or if the base wasn't damaged at all, maybe reasons like "Corrupted map," "Unknown Reason," "Game Glitch" etc. can be shown matching as close as possible to the real reason.
  21. Is there any existing plugin (not raid tracker) that can log (no res decay / attack heli damaged / something save corrupted? / else? ) what happened with every player building that's cupboard protected on the map? If there's no such a plugin, I will happily pay to see it done. This will save me valuable time instead of trying to "find what happened to the damn base" while no logical explanation exists. Example: Some players report - "My base was gone entirely" or "Part from my base was missing" while I had upkeep, played in yesterday, and was ok. Also, it's a PvE (no player raiding allowed), making things even more mysterious. I am sure others will benefit from this plugin as well. I thought Rust was good and bug-free, but obviously, that's not the case.
  22. I tried to use the Halloween-themed dungeons on my server because they are more "every-season" suitable instead of the Christmas ones that make sense only during the winter season. The result is awful because, as always, Facepunch removes something from the "usable by every player" part of the game and breaks half of the functionality. Ex. halloweendungeon.population 1 will spawn the Halloween-themed door portals, but inside will always be Christmas dungeons. Still better than nothing.
  23. Flammable

    Admin Map

    Thanks, got it. About 3. Maybe you can add an adminmap.bypass/hide permission so you won't be seen on the map. (sounds useless because that's planned to be admin tool, and you don't want to have hidden players at all, but idk maybe you can hide as admin from other admins or from users with the 1. feature given)
  24. Flammable

    Admin Map

    Am I stupid because I can't understand the purpose of this ? "Added display player markers by permissions. This should not be used in conjunction with the admin map." Maybe you can give the permission to player so he can see others on the map without using /amap? or what? And what's the possible use for this? "Added {admin.steamid} and {admin.username} expressions for specifying in commands" And how to use this? "Made the display of other users with the admin map enabled" What should I look for on the map to see if the other admin use /amap enabled? Like different marker color or?
  25. Flammable

    Admin Map

    Thanks for the fast reply. Can you (if doesn't exist already) also include the Tugboats on the TC map? I hope that's possible.


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