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Everything posted by RR_Tappi

  1. RR_Tappi

    Vehicle Buy

    I have the problem that some images in the game are no longer displayed, although they are accessible in the browser (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: duosub.image_0 - Image URL: https://wiki.rustclash.com/img/screenshots/submarine-duo.png (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: horse.image_0 - Image URL: https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/ridable-horse.png (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: hotairballoon.image_0 - Image URL: https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/balloon.png (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: rowboat.image_0 - Image URL: https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/rowboat.png (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: snowmobile.image_0 - Image URL: https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/snowmobile.png (16:22:25) | Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Image Name: solosub.image_0 - Image URL: https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/submarine-solo.png
  2. RR_Tappi

    Volcano Island

    Bots are here now Question, I'm probably missing something, but if you kill the bots you don't get any server reward points It can't be related to the BotRespawn plugin? Zombies and other bots that I have inserted with BotRespawn, I get RPs
  3. RR_Tappi

    Volcano Island

    Oops you are right Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees
  4. RR_Tappi

    Welcome Panel

    still want to have a button only visible to admins
  5. RR_Tappi

    Volcano Island

    There are no bots in the volcano, and there are none at the other custom monuments either?
  6. RR_Tappi


    How do I deactivate the PVP/PVE messages? My own base or another player's base, a message always appears when entering and leaving. Can this message be turned off? The zone should of course remain, but the messages should go away
  7. RR_Tappi

    Admin Button

    I would like to have a button that is only visible to admins. An alternative would be to make the content visible to admins Thanks and greetings Tappi
  8. RR_Tappi

    Welcome Panel

    Is there a way to create a button only visible to admins ???
    The plugin worked perfectly right away. Unfortunately I had some difficulties with the configuration, but that is also because I don't speak English But excellent German 5 stars from me Modder responded quite quickly, considering that he also has a private life and a job
    After a few initial difficulties, it now works perfectly. 5 stars from me Modder responded quite quickly, considering that he also has a private life and a job
  9. Ok Thank you i will testing
  10. You can create a team if you look in your inventory (TAB key) at the bottom. Is there any way to limit this? Would like to allow a maximum of 3 players (Solo-Duo-Trio Server) Many Thanks in advance Greets Tappi
  11. RR_Tappi

    Bradley Drops

    On another server, we were also able to throw directly from the base. And the tank did not land on the base This is my actually Config "Min Distance From Building Privilege To Use Signals (Important: Greater or Equal To Proximity Check Radius)": 5.0, "Strict Proximity Check (Checks for objects close to signal, prevents APC landing on objects)": true, "Strict Proximity Check Radius": 20.0, "Remove Entities In Landing Zone Radius (Requires Strict Proximity Check Enabled)": true, Edit Ok I got it
  12. RR_Tappi


    Ok then it's the BradleyDrop
  13. RR_Tappi


    I have a Problem with Bradley Drops When I am at my base, I am in the PVP zone. But I cannot throw a Bradley signal there. If I leave the PVP zone, I can also throw Is this due to AgileZone or BradleyDrops
  14. RR_Tappi

    Bradley Drops

    Is it possible for me to throw the signal in a PVP zone? TC creates a PVP zone with this plugin "AgileZone" You have to leave this PVP zone, only in the PVE zone can you throw the signal. was thrown inside and was refunded Heli signal no Problems .... Just Bradley Signal was thrown too close to a players base and was refunded ...... thats my base
  15. RR_Tappi

    Heli Signals

    "Heli Wave Options": { "Heli Wave Signal (Normal)": { "SkinID": 3104667036, "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "wave_normal", "Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command": true, Ah ok, I completely overlooked that. false ..... true Ok thank you And the helicopters that are supposed to come with the wave, I put them in the list? Right? "Heli Wave Profile List (Helis Called in Order From Top to Bottom)": [ "Heli Signal (Easy)", "Heli Signal (Medium)", "Heli Signal (Hard)", "Heli Signal (Elite)", "Multi Heli (Easy)", "Multi Heli (Medium)", "Multi Heli (Hard)", "Multi Heli (Elite)" ]
  16. RR_Tappi

    Heli Signals

    First of all, thank you very much for this plugin Has anyone created the configuration for Heli Expert and Nightmare, Multi Heli Expert and Nightmare, as well as for Heli Wave (easy, medium and hard)? Ok, I have Expert and Nightmare, as well as Multi Expert and Multi Nightmare. It was basically just copying Elite and adapting BUT how does the wave work? Would be cool if someone could help me
  17. RR_Tappi


    I noticed: When a TC is set, a PVP zone is also created - very good! But the zone is limited to a set radius If you build beyond this radius, the PVP zone unfortunately does not expand Or did I miss something? a dynamic zone would be ideal "TC Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "TC RuleSet": "exclude", "TC Zone Flags": null, So I just build my base everywhere beyond this radius and no one can raid me anymore Do I understand this correctly? Can't this PVP zone be created using the building zone?
  18. I took TruePVE and everything works great The only thing that is a bit annoying is that when you leave or enter your own base, PVE and PVP messages come up
  19. RR_Tappi


    I installed it and it works great. The only annoying thing is that when I enter or leave my base, the message PVE - PVP appears
  20. OK Thank you


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