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Version 1.0.0
WindyCleft (OneGrid) A small map in the (OneGrid) style with unique monuments featuring intriguing puzzles and a fully customized underwater monument. Specially designed for OneGrid servers and servers with up to 150 players online. Custom Monuments: Fuel processing plant – a semi-ruined factory with two floors. Two Tower – Two towers connected high in the mountains with military crates. Mysterious house – at first glance, it’s just an ordinary wooden house in the forest under the mountain, but it’s only at first glance. The house hides a secret military bunker with a puzzle and security. You’ll find many interesting things there. Angar – it used to be used to unload military trains, but after the war in 2050, the island’s new residents started using the hangar to repair their cars. However, from the past, there is one room that no one has been able to open yet; they say there is something very valuable inside. Zavod – an old factory that once supplied the island with fuel; now only one external fuel processor remains. Post – a small roadside monument. Puzzle – a monument from the Hapis map slightly modernized. ??? – During a rescue operation with a sunken ship, Captain Morrison discovered an unusual underwater signal. He reported this information to the Cobalt Corporation, and since then, no one has seen them. Old residents say there was once an island there, but it sank after a volcano eruption. FacePunch Monuments: Fishing village Oil Rig SuperMarket Gas Station HQM Quarry Sewer Branch The map will be constantly supported and updated. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord.$19.00-
- #maps
- #custom maps
- (and 28 more)
Version 1.0.25
Grid Power rust plugin allows players to harness electricity directly from the Power Grid on any map by climbing Power line Poles to upgrade Transformers with components and protect their grid section, while also enhancing vanilla visuals with realistic, adjustable slack on hanging wires and lights. Questions? Support? Join the discord: In short Draw electricity straight from the Power Grid in Rust - on any map, be it a procedurally generated or a custom one! Ladder up the Power line Poles to upgrade their Transformers with components like Root Combiners (to replace missing/stolen/destroyed outlets that you plug into) and Tech Trash (to permanently upgrade power output level, up to a configurable point). Maintain the service with long-lasting Fuses. But most importantly, protect your precious part of the grid from vandalism, theft and sabotage that will inevitably come from those jealous players! Whatever you do, just be careful up there... high voltage happens to be highly dangerous. Always wear protective gear (like a hazmat suit) and don't touch the wires while they're live! As a bonus, this plugin also improves vanilla visuals with realistically hanging wires / hoses / Xmas lights, the slack of which (how loose they appear to be hanging) can be adjusted while placing. And this feature is completely optional, too. Goodbye, straight lines that look like steel rods - hello, actual laws of physics! But don't take my word for it - let the video speak for itself: Still not convinced? Check out this in-depth, 20+ minutes long review and tutorial by srtbull! 1.0.2 UPDATE: Introducing working Street Lights for eligible poles! The lights go on between between 20:00 and 8:00 by default. Quick start (for admins) Upload the GridPower.cs file to your oxide/plugins folder and you should be good to go, it's all plug-and-play. No need to restart your server! If you're loading it for the first time or it's a new map wipe, the plugin will automatically locate all Power Line Prefabs on your map, randomly choose some of them (according to chances set in the default config) and attach extra electrical entities to them to make them functional. Those entities should persist throughout the wipe and will be replaced if missing, on every plugin reload/server restart. Each Power line Pole will be assigned a number and its position will be stored in the data. This will work on any map that contains at least one of the following prefabs: assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/decor/powerline-small/powerline_pole_a.prefab assets/content/props/powerline_poles/powerline_pole_a.prefab Quick start (for players) Locating functional Transformers Not all Power Line Poles were made equally. Only a percentage of them (by default, 33% on average) will be functional. How do you recognise a functional one? Look up - if you see a Button attached to the top of the Pole, and maybe even some pre-existing Root Combiner Outlets, that's it! [insert image here, maybe a player looking at a powerline pole with binoculars] Laddering Up Now that you have located a functional pole, you need to climb it. Normally you cannot deploy Ladders on Power Line Poles and many other places (but oddly enough, you CAN deploy them on the horizontal planks at the top of a Pole!). However, Grid Power re-implements all the client-sided deployment logic to allow bypassing of that arbitrary-seeming limitation. If you try to deploy a Ladder on a Power Line Pole, don't be discouraged by the fact that the "ghost guide" is red instead of blue/amber. Click anyway and it will force it through! Ignore the message in the chat saying that the deployment failed - just like the colour of the ghost guide, it's all client-sided and as such there's nothing the plugin can do about it, visually speaking. But trust me, everything works as intended, despite what the client messages are telling you. The Ladders can then be destroyed/picked up to be reused. Maintenance A Transformer can have up to 4 Outlets (Root Combiners). That's where the players draw the electricity from. Those Root Combiners can be damaged/destroyed/repaired/picked up with a hammer (if you have Building Privilege) any time. If there's less than 4 Outlets, right-click on a Root Combiner Item in your inventory or drag it into the Fuse Box of the Transformer. You will hear a deployment effect and the Root Combiner will be deployed on the pole. In order to be able to draw power from that Transformer, you need to put a Fuse inside. Right-click a Fuse in your inventory or drag it directly to the Fuse Box. Don't worry - inside of the Transformers, those Fuses will last for much, MUCH longer than inside regular monument Fuse Boxes. By default, a brand new Fuse inside of a Transformer Fuse Box will last you for 12000 seconds (= 200 minutes, = 3.33 hours). This value can be increased or decreased in the config. You can see how much time a fuse has left in the Transformer GUI. By default, the Power Grid will produce electricity between 8 AM and 8 PM. The power output will follow a smooth curve, being the lowest in the morning/evening, and peaking at 2 PM. Exactly how much RWs will be produced on each Outlet is determined by the Transformer's Tech Trash level. By default, each Tech Trash inserted increases the peak power output by 5 RWs (up until a certain point - by default, that level is capped at 50, which translates to 250 RWs per Outlet at peak hours). Upgrade the level by right-clicking the Tech Trash item in your inventory or dragging it directly into the Fuse Box. Inserting Root Combiners/Tech Trash is still possible even if there's already a Fuse inside of the Fuse Box. The Fuse won't be replaced as the sole Item in the slot, since Root Combiners/Tech Trash are consumed immediately. Hooking Up & Hanging Out Once there's at least 1 Outlet present, you have a Fuse at hand, and the Grid is currently producing power - you're all set. Take a Wire Tool, pick your favourite wire colour with the [RELOAD] button, typically R, and connect to the outputs of the Root Combiner Outlets to your own electrical devices, usually a Battery or another Root Combiner. You will notice the text on top of your screen telling you what the current Slack of your wire tool / hose tool is. You can increase it with the [DUCK] button, typically CTRL, and decrease it with the [SPRINT] button, typically SHIFT. Larger Slack value means that the wire/hose will appear to be hanging more loosely. Smaller values will make it look tighter. Values close to zero will make it look like they look in vanilla Rust - i.e. not so good in comparison The final Slack value will be applied the moment you finalise your wire/hose connection. This hanging improvement applies to anything you do with Wire Tools/Hose Tools, not just Transformer Outlet connections! For the Advanced Xmas Lights, it's even better: you can adjust the Slack of each segment individually! After you place the Advanced Xmas Lights segment down, and you're just about to place the next segment, adjust the Slack of the segment you have just placed down with [DUCK] and [SPRINT] buttons. You will see a preview of what it will make the segment look like. Placing the next segment down confirms the Slack for the segment before it. Danger! High Voltage! If the Grid is currently producing Power (by default, during daytime) AND a Fuse is inserted in the Transformer, all Root Combiner Outlets are considered live on that Transformer. You can tell whether a Transformer is live or not: first, check your electric devices plugged in directly to the Grid. If they're not currently receiving any charge, they're not live. Similarly, you can look at the diodes on the Root Combiner Outlets. If they're not on, the Transformer is not live either. Lastly, it's pretty clear from the Transformer GUI. If a player tries to connect/disconnect a wire to/from a live Outlet, or they're trying to pick up the Root Combiner Outlet with a hammer, and they're not wearing one of the items on a pre-approved list (see the Advanced Config section below), there is a 1.0 (100%) chance they will get electrocuted to death. Another way to guarantee electrocution is trying to clear connections named INTERNAL. Leave those alone! Wearing protective clothing reduces that chance to 1 in 10 (10%, according to the default permission profile - see below). You can set that chance to 0.0 (0%) if you want to give your players a peace of mind. Another way to guarantee 0% electrocution chance is making sure the Transformer is not live: either wait for the Grid to stop producing Power or take out the Fuse before doing anything else. Permissions (Oxide.Grant user YourName [permission name starting with gridpower.]) By default, the plugin generates 3 permission profiles in the config - one for admins, one for normal players with no specific permissions (default) and one for VIP. More on permission profiles and config values they can handle can be found in the section Advanced Config. Unless you have added more permission profiles, only these two below are going to be used by your config: gridpower.admin Holders of the admin permission will also be able to run the /gp_cfg and /gp_emergency_cleanup commands gridpower.vip1 Holders of this permission will follow settings and limits associated with with that permission profile. The permissions below are also registered, but not used by default. To use them, just create some permission profiles with those permissions as the key. gridpower.vip2 gridpower.vip3 gridpower.vip4 gridpower.vip5 Automatic street lights Depending on your map design, some power line poles might have lamps on them. All those lamps will now emit light, by default between 20:00 an 8:00, which just so happens to be the time when the grid production goes back to 0. You can also set the street lights to be always on, regardless of the time of day. The time settings for the street lights are independent of your power production time settings - they can overlap, one can start before midnight and end after midnight while the other one does not, etc. Those street lights will work even on non-functional power line poles, e.g those without a button on top of them. When on, the lights will flicker from time to time. How often they will flicker and how long individual flickers are going to be depends on your config - look below. Admin F1 console/chat commands (must have ownerid/moderatorid/gridpower.admin permission) If you're typing those commands from the F1 console or the server console, drop the preceding slash in the command name. /gp_cfg Will allow the admins to change non-permission profile related config values on the fly (see below) /gp_emergency_cleanup Instantly kills all the plugin-related entities: fuseboxes, admin generators, root combiners and buttons. It won't remove the power line entries in your data, however. All the killed entities will be re-generated according to your current generation settings in the config next time your server restarts or the plugin reloads. If you want to permanently get rid of them, unload the plugin, delete your oxide/data/GridPower.json, and load it back in. /gp_pole [add/remove] This command will allow admins to add or remove functional power line poles at any time. Just look directly at the pole you want to modify and type the command with an argument (either "add" or "remove", depending on what you want to achieve). If you want to add a pole and it already is functional, or if you want to remove a pole, but it isn't functional - you will get a warning. Same if you try to add a pole, but the pole you're looking at is building blocked by a nearby monument. "Ent killing" (or using a plugin like Remover) the power line fusebox is the equivalent of permanently removing it from the data and it won't be re-generated any more on next reload. Wiping your save file also automatically removes all the extra components and replaces them with new ones tailored to your map, in accordance to your generation settings. Configuration (oxide/config/GridPower.json and /gp_cfg console/chat command) Vast majority of the settings can be configured with the /gp_cfg chat command. Typing it in the chat/console with no parameters should dump a rundown of config fields and their values. In order to run any of the config commands, you will need to have ownerid or moderatorid (or the gridpower.admin permission). /gp_cfg GridConstantPower [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, the Grid will always produce electricity at its peak (100%), 24 hours a day (DEFAULT: false) /gp_cfg GridProductionStartAtHour [fractions (like 13.37) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the power production starts climbing up from 0 (DEFAULT: 8.0) /gp_cfg GridProductionEndAtHour [fractions (like 0.69, nice) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the power production settles back at 0 (DEFAULT: 20.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsConstantPower [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, the Streetlights will be on 24 hours a day. (DEFAULT: FALSE) /gp_cfg StreetlightsTurnOnAtHour [fractions (like 20.4) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the street lights turn on (DEFAULT: 20.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsTurnOffAtHour [fractions (like 8.2) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the street lights turn off (DEFAULT: 8.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsReliability [fractions (like 0.5) between 0.00 and 1.00] The reliability of the streetlight. The less it is, the more often it will flicker. At 1, which represents 100%, it never flickers. (DEFAULT: 0.95) /gp_cfg StreetlightsFlickerLengthMin [fractions (like 1.2) between 0.00 and Positive Infinity] The minimum random length of the flicker, in seconds (DEFAULT: 0.1) /gp_cfg StreetlightsFlickerLengthMax [fractions (like 2.4) between 0.00 and Positive Infinity] The maximum random length of the flicker, in seconds (DEFAULT: 0.5) /gp_cfg GeneratorChancePowerlineFunctional [fractions (like 0.5) between 0.00 and 1.00] The chance that a valid Power Line Pole will be made functional during generation. (DEFAULT: 0.33) /gp_cfg FuseRequired [logical values (true or false)] If set to false, the Transformers won't need Fuses to produce power, just the right time of the day (if power is not 24/7) (DEFAULT: TRUE) /gp_cfg BuildingBlockPreventsButtonPress [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, if there's any Tool Cupboards in the range of the Transformer, you need to be authorised on all of them to open the Transformer GUI (DEFAULT: TRUE) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialLevelMin [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The lower limit for the random Tech Trash level of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 1) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialLevelMax [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The upper limit for the random Tech Trash level of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 5) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialOutletsMin [integers (like 1) between 0 and 4] The lower limit for the random number of Outlets of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 0) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialOutletsMax [integers (like 3) between 0 and 4] The upper limit for the random number of Outlets of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 4) /gp_cfg PowerlinePowerPerTechTrash [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] How much RWs at peak hours are provided per 1 Tech Trash Level upgrade (DEFAULT: 5) /gp_cfg PowerlineMaxTechTrashLevel [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The maximum level that a Transformer can be upgraded to (DEFAULT: 50) /gp_cfg PowerlineFuseDurationSeconds [fractions (like 420.69, nice) between 0.0 and Infinity] How long (in seconds) a brand new Fuse inserted in the Transformer Fusebox will last (DEFAULT: 12000.0) /gp_cfg FuseItemShortname [strings (like "fuse")] The shortname of the item that acts as the Fuse for Transformer Fuseboxes, must be a valid Rust item shortname /gp_cfg FuseItemGuiName [strings (like "Transformer Fuse")] The custom GUI display name of the item that acts as the Fuse for Transformer Fuseboxes, can be anything, or left blank for default /gp_cfg FuseItemSkinID [positive long integers (like 2783151202)] The skin ID of the Fuse item if using custom, leave at 0 to accept any items of the shortname specified by FuseItemShortname Protective clothing (only editable through oxide/config/GridPower.json) "ProtectiveClothing": { "hazmatsuit": null, "scientistsuit_heavy": null, "hazmatsuit_scientist": null, "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper": null, "hazmatsuit.spacesuit": null, "boots.frog": null, "hazmatsuit.nomadsuit": null, "pants": [ 1581896222 ], "hoodie": [ 1581890527, 1582492745 ] }, Each entry has a key (the item shortname in quotes) and a value. If the value is null, it means all possible skins for that item shortname are accepted. In the example above, we're allowing all rubbery one-pieces (value is null, so any skin) and we're also allowing pants with 1 possible skin or a hoodie with 2 possible skins to be treated as protective clothing. You will see that there's no comma after the last entry on the list. BEFORE SAVING, ALWAYS VALIDATE YOUR JSON WITH A TOOL LIKE JSON LINT! Permission profiles Using profiles you can quickly create/edit different permissions for different players, for example, if you have more than 1 VIP tier on your server - just add some new profiles. Different players can have different limits and permissions associated with using the Power Grid. To check which permission profile the player should fall under, the plugin goes through all permission profiles and checks whether the player has that permission granted. The permissions are checked in order, meaning that if the player doesn't have the first permission, it will try the next permission on the list, etc (similar to how Auto Kits checks which kit to give to a player based on their permissions in order). If the player doesn't have any permissions from the list granted, they will fall back to the "default" profile. That's the only one that you shouldn't remove! If you remove it, a new one with default values will be created. So if you don't want your default, non-VIP players to use the power grid, don't remove the default profile, just take away privileges in that profile (like upgrading/deploying ladders/pressing the button). You don't have to use the built-in VIP permissions - any REGISTERED permission from any plugin will do just fine! By default, three permission profiles are generate in the config: default, gridpower.admin and gridpower.vip1. The default permission profile will apply to any player who doesn't have any permissions listed in the profile list - let's have a look at it: "PermissionProfiles": { "default": { "PermissionRequired": "default", "GridCanDeployLadder": true, "GridCanDeployRootCombiners": true, "GridCanConnectDisconnect": true, "GridCanPressButton": true, "GridCanUpgrade": true, "GridDangerousWireElectricutionChance": 0.1, "HangingXmasLights": false, "HangingWiresAndHoses": false, "SubdivisionsPreview": 10, "SubdivisionsFinal": 50, "SlackMax": 5.0 }, PermissionRequired should contain an already existing permission registered by any plugin in the form of pluginname.permissionname GridCanDeployLadder allows players to deploy ladders on Power Line Poles GridCanDeployRootCombiners allows players to deploy Root Combiners on Power Line Pole transformers by inserting them into the Fuse Box GridCanConnectDisconnect allows players to use a Wire Tool to connect their own electrical devices to the Grid GridCanPressButton allows players to access the Transformer GUI GridCanUpgrade allows the players to upgrade the Transformer peak output by inserting Tech Trash into the Fuse Box GridDangerousWireElectricutionChance defines how likely it is that a player will die from electrical accidents, even while wearing protective clothing HangingXmasLights allows the players more control over how much the Advanced Xmas Lights will be hanging (purely visual) HangingWiresAndHoses allows the players more control over how much the Wires/Hoses will be hanging (purely visual) SubdivisionsPreview is the number of intermediary points used while showing the hanging Xmas Lights preview catenary curve of the last placed segment. The more points, the smoother it looks. (purely visual) SubdivisionsFinal is it the number of intermediary points used for the final catenary curve of the hanging wires/hoses/xmas lights. The more points, the smoother it looks (purely visual) SlackMax sets the maximum "looseness" of the wire/hose/xmas lights that the player is allowed. The more the slack, the longer the wire appears overall. API hooks (for plugin developers) All methods utilise the [HookMethod] attribute, which means you don't call them through Interface.Call, you need to first create this field in your plugin's main class... [PluginReference] private Plugin GridPower; Then, call the hooks like so. It's pretty self-explanatory what information they will provide you with. bool isPowerConstant = (bool) GridPower.Call("GridPowerIsConstant"); bool isGridProducing = (bool) GridPower.Call("GridIsProducing"); float productionHourStart = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetProductionHourStart"); float productionHourEnd = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetProductionHourEnd"); float currentGridEfficiency = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetEfficiency"); bool areStreetlightsAlwaysOn = (bool) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsPowerIsConstant"); bool areStreetlightsOn = (bool) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsAreOn"); float streetlightsHourStart = (float) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsGetTurnOnHour"); float streetlightsHourEnd = (float) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsGetTurnOffHour"); Translation support (oxide/lang/en/GridPower.json) Almost every string the players see, including the text displaying in the chat and the GUI, can be edited. Just load the plugin and let it generate the file - after you edit it, reload the plugin.$24.99- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
- 3
Version V1.2
A small map centered around the newest monument, the missile silo. This map features an extended fishing village with all the amenities of both outpost and bandit camp. All the terrain on this map has been hand-made for the best experience. This map is also perfect for those who have potato PCs because of its high-fps design. The map features a full progression system, from greencard to redcard, allowing t1-t3 progression throughout the wipe without mods. "good things come in small packages" Monuments: Missile Silo Military Base Fishing Villages Lighthouse Mining Outpost Small Harbor Supermarket Sewer Branch Both Oilrigs Underwater Labs Map Size: 1500 Editable: Yes Beautiful: Yes$8.00 -
Version 1.0.2
Simple API for retrieving in-game grid coordinates from a Vector3 position, and vice versa. string[] GetGrid(Vector3 pos) returns the grid coordinates for the given position. object IntersectionPosFromGrid(string a, string b) returns Vector3 intersection (top left on map) for a given set of map coordinates. returns string message if input strings are not valid. object MiddlePosFromGrid(string a, string b) returns Vector3 centre of grid for a given set of map coordinates. returns string message if input strings are not valid. object RandomPosFromGrid(string a, string b, int radius) returns Vector3 viable player position for a given set of map coordinates, within the provided radius of grid centre. returns string message if input strings are not valid. returns string message if no valid location can be found. *Useful for Tping or spawning players/npcs.Free -
Version 1.0.5
Grid based teleportation plugin with daily limits, cooldowns, and permissions. Also has useful admin features. Note - GridTP is accurate right to the lines in both axis. Permissions. gridtp.admin gridtp.clickmap gridtp.precisemap gridtp.tomiddle gridtp.tocorner gridtp.whereis gridtp.back gridtp.toplayer (for VIP cooldowns and daily limits) With 'precise' perm, players can TP to the precise spot they clicked on the map, or the nearest safe spot. With 'middle' or 'corner' perms, players can use map right-click or chat commands to TP to a safe spot in the middle of the grid, or the top left corner of the grid. Config. Hour at which daily limits reset : 22 Log details of successful Tps : false Disable map use for regular players : true Disable map use for everybody : true Prevent TP into building-blocked : true* Prevent TP from within building-blocked : true* Prevent TP into monuments : true* Prevent TP from within monuments : true* Prevent TP from whilst swimming : true* Disable TP whilst mounted : true* Maintain admin height when TPing in noclip : true Player should be sleeping after TP : true* Custom Chat Command : "gridtp" Config also includes daily limits, (0 means disabled) and cooldown times for precise/middle/corner TPs Notes. Holders of admin permission are not subject to the options marked '*' Map right-click takes 'admins' precisely where they clicked when in noclip, and to the closest safe spot when not in noclip, regardless of other perms. Data. If logging is enabled, the data file stores steamID, username, time and TP type for each successful TP. Data file also stores a date for reference when resetting daily limits. Manual editing of the data file is never required. Chat Commands. /gridtp <letters> <numbers> - Attempt to TP to the specified grid. /gridtp back - Attempt to TP back to previous location (one use per TP) Admin or back permission required. /gridtp limits - Display your remaining daily Tps. /gridtp whereis <playername> - Displays player grid coordinates. Admin or whereis permission required. /nomap - Toggles right click map to TP. Admin perm only. /gridtp wipelogs - Wipes all data file TP logs. /gridtp toplayer <playername> - Tps close to specified player. /gridtp reveal <playername> - Publishes player grid coordinates to the server. /gridtp trackpublic <playername> - Toggles publishing player grid to the server every time it changes. /gridtp trackprivate <playername> - Toggles displaying player grid to you every time it changes.$10.00- 7 comments
- 5 reviews
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- #admin tool
- #teleport
(and 5 more)
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Version 2.0.0
Discover the ULTIMATE RUST ONE GRID MAP, featuring a breathtaking landscape perfect for high-FPS and fast-paced PVP. The dynamic terrain utilizes many hills and valleys to minimizes sight lines making the Map feel much larger. While having custom underwater caves offers strategic building and hiding spots. At the center, the iconic Dome dominates, surrounded by HQM and Sulfur Quarries to entice players to the middle of the map to fight over loot and ore. NEW FLOATING ISLANDS expands buildable terrain, offering unparalleled fun and creativity for players who LOVE TO BUILD. Explore 12 unique buildable monuments marked with "X" on the map, each providing more unique base-building opportunities. This map promises thrilling PVP action and immersive gameplay, making it the BEST One Grid Rust Server Map ever created! FEATURES: • Size: 1000 • Prefab Count: 2285 • Map Optimized for Performance! • Map Password Included. • Vast array of 12 EPIC Custom Buildable Monuments! Caves, Underwater Bunkers, Floating Sky Platforms, Bus Stops, Warehouses and more! • Designated Building Zones (marked X on the minimap) • 3 Floating Islands in the sky to build on to add more buildable terrain for a small map. • 3 Majestic Underwater Buildable Cave Bunkers! • Monuments crafted for peak performance with minimal entities! • The terrain features varied elevations to reduce sight lines, making the smaller map feel much larger! • Everything crafted with One Grid players in mind to have lots of loot and many places to build! • Underground railway. • Custom Combined Outpost/Bandit Camp/Fishing Village Safe Zone! Gambling, Vending Machines, Vehicle Vendors and more! CUSTOM BUILDABLE MONUMENTS: • Amount: 12 Total! • 3 Buildable Underwater Bunkers • 3 Buildable Floating Islands • Custom Large Size Bus Stop Base • 2 EPIC Scale Rock Formation Caves • Medium Sized Glass Roof Cave • + MANY MORE! Facepunch Monuments: Dome 2x Lighthouse Supermarket Oxum's Gas Station Mining Outpost HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Bandit Town/Outpost/Fishing Village Combined Underwater Labs 5x Large Power Substations 4x Small Power Substations 4x Bus Stops To Enable the Travelling Vendor on Custom Maps its optional to use this Oxide Plugin: Help Discord: @DarkoRust$14.99- 8 comments
- 4 reviews
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- #one grid
- #custom map
(and 43 more)
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- #one grid
- #custom map
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- #pvp rust map
Version V1
Discover the ULTIMATE RUST ONE GRID MAP, featuring a breathtaking mountainous landscape perfect for high-FPS and fast-paced PVP. The dynamic terrain utilizes a large mountain for players to summit and winding roads to minimizes sight lines making the Map feel much larger. While having custom underwater caves offers strategic building and hiding spots. At the center, the iconic Dome dominates, surrounded by HQM and Sulfur Quarries to entice players to the middle of the map to fight over loot and ore. Map offering unparalleled fun and creativity for players who LOVE TO BUILD. Explore unique buildable monuments marked with "X" on the map, each providing more unique base-building opportunities. This map promises thrilling PVP action and immersive gameplay, making it the BEST One Grid Rust Server Map ever created! FEATURES: • Size: 1500 • Prefab Count: 1199 • Map Optimized for Performance! • Map Password Included. • EPIC Custom Buildable Monuments! • Designated Building Zones (marked X on the minimap) • Majestic Underwater Buildable Cave Bunkers! • Monuments crafted for peak performance with minimal entities! • The terrain features a massive mountain with a road leading to the top to reduce sight lines, making the smaller map feel much larger! • Everything crafted with One Grid players in mind to have lots of loot and many places to build! • Underground and Above Ground Railway. Not connected but accessible by Tunnel Entrances. • Full Outpost and Bandit Camp • Fishing Village CUSTOM BUILDABLE MONUMENTS: • 9 Total • 4 Buildable Underwater Bunkers • Large Custom Buildable Cave • Custom Large Size Bus Stop Base • Epic Buildable Sphere Tank players will love! • Buildable Bunker Building • Buildable Warehouse Facepunch Monuments: Dome Satellite Dish 1x Lighthouse Supermarket Oxum's Gas Station 2x Mining Outpost HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Bandit Town Outpost Fishing Village Underwater Labs 5x Large Power Substations 4x Small Power Substations Help Discord: @DarkoRust$14.99- 3 comments
- 2 reviews
- #one grid
- #custom map
(and 47 more)
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- #one grid
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- #slayers rust
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- #monument
- #custom monument
- #buildable monument
- #creative
- #creativity
- #pvp
- #fun
- #pve
- #beautiful
- #terrain
- #dome
- #underwater
- #lighthouse
- #cave
- #home
- #rock
- #custom prefabs
- #city
- #buildings
- #house
- #high performance
- #low prefab count
- #custom puzzles
- #cargo
- #rust map
- #pvp rust map
- #pve rust map
- #hqm quarry
- #outpost
- #bandit camp
- #fishing village
- #large oil rig
- #small oil rig
- #sphere tank
Version 3.0.1
Small custom map, perfect for an action-packed one grid server. This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! FEATURES Balanced map layout Detailed landscape Cliffs are designed to be easily climbable Ring road (compatible with various plugins) Compatible with all game modes Tugboat spawn points Underground train tunnels Custom ziplines CUSTOM MONUMENTS Secret Hideout - A hidden hideout where players can obtain the red keycard and some loot. - Also contains recycler and oil refinery Underground Vault - A monument where players obtain the blue keycard and loot. Also contains an oil refinery. - Radio Tower at the surface with 2 zipline points at the top, 1 leading to fishing village and the other to lighthouse. Bandit Fishing Village - Safe zone: contains vending machines, recycler, marketplace & more Bridge Custom decor along the shore line: players can find loot barrels and food boxes FACEPUNCH MONUMENTS – 2 Lighthouses – Gas station // added 1 more recycler outside, giving solo players a better chance at recycling – Radtown – Fishing Village – Underwater Lab – Small Oil Rig – Large Oil Rig // added recycler inside red card room NOTES – The password for the editor is included with the map, just in case you want to remove/edit something. – Need help? I’m most active on my discord server @$14.99 -
Version 8.0.0
In the heart of this EPIC ONE GRID RUST MAP, spanning a compact 1500 in size, lies a breathtaking landscape crafted for high-FPS and fast-paced PvP gameplay. Amidst towering mountains and sprawling valleys, players navigate custom buildable underwater caves that offer strategic advantages for building and hiding bases. At its center, a colossal mountain dominates the skyline with a Custom Buildable Warehouse Monument and many more Custom Buildable Monuments all optimized for peak performance with minimal entity counts. This central area becomes the hub for players to practice PvP while fending off enemies and honing their raid defense and offense skills. NEW BUILDING EXPERIENCE! Scattered across the terrain are many bespoke buildable monuments, each marked with an X on the map, drawing players in with fresh and exciting base-building locations. This masterpiece of design not only promises thrilling PvP encounters but also showcases a commitment to immersive gameplay and efficient server performance, making it the best released Map for One Grid Rust servers to date! FEATURES • Size: 1500 • Prefab Count: 3874 • Map Optimized for Performance! • Map Password: Included. • Vast array of many EPIC Custom Buildable Monuments! • Designated building zones (marked X on the minimap) • Majestic Underwater Buildable Cave Bunkers! • Legendary Battle Iceberg Build Zone: An expansive above water custom-built zone featuring multiple icebergs for epic building, raiding, and intense PVP combat! • Monuments crafted for peak performance with minimal entities! • EPIC Scale PVP Mountain center of map with Buildable Warehouse Monument! • Everything crafted with One Grid Servers in mind for peak performance and EPIC scaled FUN! • Monumental and realistic landscape! • Underground railway. • Combined Outpost/BanditCamp/Fishing Village Safe Zone Monument on the water. CUSTOM BUILDABLE MONUMENTS • Amount: 6 Total! • Custom Underwater Bunkers • Battle Iceberg • Customized Large Bus Stop Base to Build inside • Bunker Base on Mountain to build inside • + MORE! Facepunch Monuments Airfield Dome Large Oilrig Small Oilrig Satellite Dish 2X Lighthouse Gas Station 1X Quarry Supermarket To Enable the Travelling Vendor on Custom Maps its optional to use this Oxide Plugin: Help Discord: DarkoRust$14.99