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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.3


    Experiments is a plugin introducing the old research system in Rust! Do you remember when tech tree was not around and you could gamble your scrap for a random blueprint? This plugin introduces just that and is made to be as close to the old system as possible with a ton of configurable options! Features: - Gamble scrap for a random bp at each workbench tier. - Disables tech tree system - Restrict certain blueprints from the random search - Change cost of research for each tier Here is a preview video I made to show off how the system works! Config: { "Block Tech Tree?": true, "Disable Research Sound?": false, "Experiment Time (Could effect timing with the reseach sound)": 10, "Tier 1 Scrap Cost": 75, "Tier 2 Scrap Cost": 500, "Tier 3 Scrap Cost": 1000, "Disable Default Blueprints?": true, "Blueprint Blackist": [ "electric.blocker", "electric.orswitch", "mask.balaclava", "fridge", "water.barrel" ] }
  2. Version 0.0.4


    This plugin allows you to remove the gibs from almost everything in the game whenever it gets destroyed. It is also fully customizable for the best server/user experience. Note: I personally recommend just using default config unless you want certain things to have gibs while not wanting certain other things to have gibs. Default Config: { "Remove ALL gibs from destroying/removing everything. (Including decaying things)": true, "Remove gibs from exploded entities.": false, "Remove gibs from ent killed entities.": false, "Remove gibs from entities killed by cargo driving through base.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being killed.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being hurt.": false, "Remove gibs from mountable things (chairs, couches, vehicles, slot machines, etc).": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers after being looted fully by a player.": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers killed by Patrol Heli/Bradley.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when using a hammer to demolish them.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when not enough Stability.": false, "Remove gibs from tool-cupboard when placing in another building privilege zone.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when their ground is missing.": false, "Remove gibs from traincars when they die.": false, "Remove gibs from barricades blocking the train (EX: the blockades in tunnels underground).": false, "Remove gibs from boats when the pool they are in get destroyed.": false } Video Demo:
  3. Version 1.1.4


    Adds re-spawnable items with command. With this plugin, you can: • Define spawn points for different items anywhere in your server's world. • Set custom intervals for spawning items, allowing you to control the frequency of loot respawns. • Specify random quantity ranges for items, adding an element of unpredictability to your server's loot economy. Whether you're looking to create themed loot areas, simulate dynamic item distribution, or simply enhance the gameplay experience on your Rust server, this plugin gives you the flexibility and control to do so with ease. Commands (ONLY ADMIN); • /addspawn <name> <x> <y> <z> <item> <quantity> <interval> ► You can create a spawn point with static time and item count. • /addspawnq <name> <x> <y> <z> <item> <randomMin> <randomMax> <interval> ► You can create a spawn point that only includes random item count. • /addspawnr <name> <x> <y> <z> <item> <intervalMin> <intervalMax> <quantity> ► You can create a spawn point that only includes random time. • /addspawnqr <name> <x> <y> <z> <item> <randomMin> <randomMax> <intervalMin> <intervalMax> ► You can create a spawn point that includes both random time and item count. • /deletespawn <name> ► You can delete spawn points with this command. • /showspawns ► Prints out spawn points in f1 console. ➡ "<name>" This defines your spawn points name which you can use in /deletespawn. ➡ "<x> <y> <z>" This is positions for items to be spawned you can use console command "client.printpos" to see where you're standing at. ➡ "<item>" You need to use the short name for the item you want to be spawned, you can find the short names here. ➡ "<quantity>" This defines the item count. ➡ "<interval>" This defines the respawn time in seconds. ➡ "<randomMin>", "<randomMax>" you can adjust those values for how many items will be spawned for random item count. Ex; 1 10, Spawned item count will be in between 1 and 10. ➡ "<intervalMin>", "<intervalMax>" you can adjust those values for how much time later the item will be respawned for random time. Ex; 1 10, Item will respawn every 1 to 10 seconds. This is how the default config looks like. (I don't reccomend you to use config file if it is not necessary) { "Spawn1": { "Interval": 5.0, "IntRandom": true, "IntMax": 5.0, "IntMin": 1.0, "Position": { "x": 100.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 50.0 }, "ItemName": "ammo.rifle", "Quantity": 16, "Random": false, "RandomMin": 0, "RandomMax": 0 }, "Spawn2": { "Interval": 10.0, "IntRandom": false, "IntMax": 0.0, "IntMin": 0.0, "Position": { "x": 100.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 50.0 }, "ItemName": "scrap", "Quantity": 0, "Random": true, "RandomMin": 10, "RandomMax": 30 } }
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Ever wanted to prevent your players from having homing launchers target their teammates helicopters? Well with these 2 plugins you can! They can even toggle between being able to target their teammates and not being able to using a simple command. This can be configured from the config and has the ability to have more than 1 command to toggle it. Just open the zip (or unzip it) and place the two .cs plugins in your plugin folder. To switch between team targeting, just type /teamlock or /nolock. Can also do /teamlock on and /nolock off. (Assuming you have those as the commands in the command list in the config) Default Config: { "The command a user will use to toggle the locking of teammates.": [ "teamlock", "nolock" ] } Video Example:
  5. Version 1.0.2


    Hassle free setup. Takes less then 10 minutes to install. Removing countless hours of work instantly. Whats included? + BETTER CHAT - v2.2.78 + TRADE - v1.2.44 + BETTER LOOT - v3.5.8 + AUTO AUTHORIZATION - v1.3.3 + QUICK SMELT - v5.1.5 + GATHER MANAGER - v2.2.78 + NO ESCAPE - v2.1.35 + CLANS - v0.2.6 + STACK SIZE CONTROLLER - v4.1.2 + ALWAYS DAY - v1.0.1 + SPAWN MINI - v2.5.0 + RECYCLER SPEED - v2.0.2 + NTELEPORTATION - v1.7.8 + VANISH - v1.8.0 + REMOVER v4.3.41 + MORE! Server Feautures: - 5X Gather Rates. - All loot tables are perfectly balanced. - Players can teleport with a simple command if they are not combat or raid blocked. - Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. - Time set to Always Day. Can change to your liking. - Clans, Recycler speed, & Remover tool. - And so many more features..... Not all plugins have to be used. You can modify all plugins to your exact liking if you wish. All of the items above are modified for 5x server.
  6. Version 0.0.7


    A plugin that allows server owners to prevent their staff from bypassing suicide cooldown, along with adding configurable suicide cooldowns. Working on a better unload and load process. Documentation Just use the config to enable/disable the default respawn cooldown of 60 seconds, if you put false for the Default Suicide Cooldown, then it will follow whatever cooldown value you put into Suicide Cooldown. This can be however long you want, from 0-9999999. Initalization Upon loading the plugin, it will update the users cooldown if the default cooldown is disabled and the cooldown is less than 60 seconds (the default). This means if you have it set to 40 seconds, and the users cooldown is at 50, it will be set to 40 instead. However, if the cooldown happens to be 120 seconds, the plugin during loading will do nothing because I have no fair way of making a user who suicided prior to loading the plugin wait longer after already waiting a while. Unloading Upon unloading this plugin, if the cooldown for the user is longer than the default cooldown, it will update their cooldown to the default cooldown. However, if your suicide cooldown is less than typical respawn times, it does nothing since I couldn't find a fair way to set it to 60 without knowing that they did or didn't just wait 50 seconds to try to suicide (ie, if the suicide cooldown happened to be 55), and then the plugin got unloaded and the user now has to wait another 60 seconds. Config (Default Config) { "Default Suicide Cooldown": false, "Suicide Cooldown": 10, "Round the suicide cooldown to a whole number when displaying to user": true, "Send responses to the user via F1 Console": true, "Send responses to the user via chat": true }


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