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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. The submarine.json file is empty or it doesn't exist You are missing this data file. The error is showing at around the 13 second mark and you see it more than once in your console.
  2. Jbird

    Supply Drop Issue

    You can find it here @RaidersInc. oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event/AirDrop
  3. Jbird

    weird things are a happening

    What plugins are you using with NpcSpawn @MrLiquid? Are you using BetterNpc?
  4. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Did you update any other plugins just recently? What version of HarborEvent, NpcSpawn, and PveMode (if you have it) are you using?
  5. { "ShortName": "multiplegrenadelauncher", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "ammo.grenadelauncher.he" }, { "ShortName": "multiplegrenadelauncher", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot" }, I did check and I do believe those attachments will work @laodu so you can give them ammo as above.
  6. Did you remove the old spawn coordinates from the other map @Doughaffernen? Or do you still have a map ID in the file? If you have already tried that and do not have a map ID in the folder then we will still need the server console messages when the plugin is reloaded.
  7. Jbird

    Rust Rewards

    BetterNpc uses NpcSpawn and by default the NPCs are Heavy Scientists that are then modified by the plugin. You likely have 30 as a reward for heavy scientists. You can change the path in NpcSpawn to another NPC type of your choosing if it helps sort that out for you.
  8. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Just something to keep in mind, this will be a Safe Zone at least when the ferry approaches and leaves. A custom file can be made for the location but I wanted to mention that, although it may be some time yet before it is in effect and it may be some time still after that where non official servers can use it.
  9. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Any time no problem. There actually is not a modifier for the Chinook that comes. The Chinook file you referenced is for the Hackable Locked Crates dropped by a Chinook, the default Facepunch event. It will add guards to the Hackable Crates when they are dropped by Chinook. BetterNpc would be difficult to implement this as far as performance, as every NPC on the map would need to be tracked with their distance from players constantly. This is much easier to do for more restricted situations or plugins. This is not an option for BetterNpc. No apologies necessary. Think of it this way, smaller cone in regards to their shots. So making a smaller cone will make it more accurate. A large cone will allow them to miss more.
  10. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Any time. Let us know if you run into any other questions or issues. 1am is prime time! Well.. sometimes haha.
  11. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Those files come with the download. Move all of the folders and files from the download and you can edit them from there. The Custom folder will be empty by default. Some maps will come with custom files or you can create your own and they will go here.
  12. Oh that's the CS file not the json. Don't listen to me. Didn't look closely enough, I'm using lack of caffeine as an excuse.
  13. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Why aren't you using the default Harbors? You cannot add anything to the Monument folder the monument should already be there except for the ferry terminal and a few others. You could create Custom locations and then change the location based on the new location and rotation of a monument on a new map and leave the rest of the profile in tact as far as map to map changes.
  14. To add to what Mals already said, that looks like it could also be an error in the config to me.
  15. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    No it will not likely the event wouldn't launch actually. You can use 1,000,000 as the number here it's simply a threshold, make it a very large number if you don't want any restrictions.
  16. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Can you explain further what you mean by this? What default is not being replaced? Give as much detail as possible please so I don't feel dumb haha. The description explains most but what do you need explained or what do you need assistance with and I can point out what you could or should do. Correct I recommend the grenade launcher as it has been made to work in a previous update, for that type of attack.
  17. Jbird

    Better Npc

    oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event/CH47.json oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument/Airfield.json Give them a rocket launcher to use, but they will mostly only use them against players behind barriers and inside buildings, when they need to raid.
  18. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    Keep us posted if there is anything we can do to help. Or new behaviors can possibly be taught to the drivers if we can reproduce and figure out the cause of any issues. Bring as many details as you can if you have further issues!
  19. Jbird

    Error messages

    The answer is in your question it seems @Aton. The contents of the data folder, need to be placed in your servers data folder. Just like the CS file went into your plugins folder, those files are provided for a reason.
  20. Jbird


    Do both vehicles show up, are all NPCs there? Can you get a video clip of this @benzin85?
  21. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    Did you check for any console errors? Sometimes depending on the map one or more of the vehicles get stuck somewhere, and never make it. Likely this is what happened and probably because they didn't arrive the other NPCs were confused and missed their rival friends. If this ever happens again look around to see if a vehicle is getting stuck and where, and let us know the map and situation. Screenshots and anything you can get.
  22. Jbird


    GasStationEvent is dependent on (needs) NpcSpawn to function is why I asked, and it is a separate (free) download. Thank you for letting us know that it's all working though @benzin85 glad to hear it!
  23. Jbird


    Also make sure you have NpcSpawn installed @benzin85 this is overlooked often if it's the first plugin that needs it for you.


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