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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy

    Real PvE

    I have already said I understand why you don't want to use CallHook whenever something takes damage; it's very heavy, even when nothing is subscribed to it. It is the same reason I do not want to use it in my plugin for this use case, because few (if any) plugins besides yours listen to the OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP hooks, so I need to either: a) Call the hook anyway, which takes up hooktime even if no plugin is actually subscribed to it (in oxide at least, I don't think Carbon has that issue). b) Reference your plugin and any other plugin that handles it in the same way, to see if they are loaded and determine if I should call that hook, which at that point I might as well use the way more efficient HookMethod. My plugin does not run 24/7, but it can run a number of times over the course of a day depending on the config. Also it would add significant hooktimes having to use CallHook for every single player at the event in a single game tick when the event begins, because PVP isn't enabled until the game actually begins. HookMethods are a much more efficient way to integrate with your plugin so I will use those until a standard arrives that works with the MAJORITY of PVE plugins.
  2. There is no way to access the enhancement menu through command.
  3. imthenewguy

    Real PvE

    The part where you don't want to call a hook whenever damage is done make sense, I am not debating that. The part that doesn't is the way other plugins need to interact with yours. If we are going down the road of efficiency, it is more efficient to call a hookmethod as it takes significantly less time to call than CallHook does. This is especially the case for oxide as I believe it still calls the hook, even if no other plugin is subscribed (unless they changed how that works). What other PVE plugin subscribes to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP hooks? TruePVE (which is the most popular) doesn't, and I can't see any documentation that refers to it's usage in SimplePVE, War Mode or PVEMode that show usage of those hooks. Do you have a hookmethod that I can call that functions similar to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP so I can register the players in my event for PVP? I am happy to check if your plugin is loaded and call the hookmethods directly if this is the case. I am not going to be calling a hook that "maybe" might be subscribed by one plugin in the instance that the server is running your plugin, so if not, I will just make this as non-compatible with my PVP events.
  4. imthenewguy

    Skill Tree

    What is a VIP time?
  5. imthenewguy


    Is the issue that you are seeing debt?
  6. Can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? I'm not understanding.
  7. imthenewguy

    Real PvE

    Yeah I don't remember speaking about it. I am sure we did, but I don't remember it lol. If I understand correctly from the documentation, you want me to do a CallHook for every player that has joined the event, and again when they leave? That's wildly inefficient. Are the methods registered as HookMethods by chance, or do you have a HookMethod I can call instead? That uses a lot less resource. I have to reference your plugin anyway, so might as well use a HookMethod rather than CallHook.
  8. imthenewguy

    Skill Tree

    You would use the command o.usergroup add {userid} vip (or whatever your vip group is called). Keep in mind the plugin won't remove them from this group until their data is wiped.
  9. imthenewguy

    start concole

    The json file needs to contain part of the map name in order to be considered. So if the map is called derby-oasis-proceduralmap.4250.111671107197.264_49aa9250decc9a2bd2bb45d102b4b1d2.json, and you load a rust map called oasis-proceduralmap.123456123561, the 2 map names are not the same, and the map name specified. Here is an example of how to make tracks work across multiple maps that have the same layout. The following 3 map files have the same terrain layouts, MyZombieMap_v1, MyZombieMap_v2, MyZombieMap_v3. Let's say I create a new race course on MyZombieMap_v1 called Derby, the json file would be called Derby-MyZombieMap_v1.json. I wipe the server, and load up MyZombieMap_v2. MotorbikeRacing loads up, checks for files that "contain" the map portion of the json file's name, in this case it would be MyZombieMap_v1. Since MyZombieMap_v1 is not found in the map name MyZombieMap_v2, it would fail to load. To fix this, I would rename the json file to Derby-MyZombieMap.json. This would fix the issue as the text "MyZombieMap" is found in all 3 map files, so it would be loaded.
  10. imthenewguy

    Skill Tree

    Yeah you would need to do this for each level that you want it to trigger, keeping the same fields under each level as I showed above, and ensuring the syntax doesn't get messed up.
  11. No idea, I don't use ZoneManager. I just know that it sends a string, so whatever the string value (which I assume is the name) is.
  12. imthenewguy

    Barrel Smasher

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. imthenewguy

    start concole

    Whats the name of the map in data? It creates a json file under oxide/data/MotorbikeRacing/ The prefix of the name should be the map name, and the suffix is the name that you gave it when creating the track.
  14. imthenewguy

    Barrel Smasher

  15. imthenewguy


    Ive posted on his plugin page with what needs to be done.
  16. imthenewguy

    Real PvE

    Hey mate can you add a hook call to allow plugins to prevent your plugin from stopping damage? The standard is calling CanEntityTakeDamage to determine if your plugin should handle it. object CanEntityTakeDamage(BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info)
  17. This plugin subscribes to CanEntityTakeDamage, which is what most PVE plugins use to determine if they should allow damage or not from other plugins. I would advise you tell the dev to add support for it so it works with most arena pvp plugins. object CanEntityTakeDamage(BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info)
  18. imthenewguy

    Skill Tree

    The reward settings that ships with the default config has this exact example. "List of rewards the player receives based on level": { "100": { "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": { "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#4cff03>100</color>!": "You have reached a milestone level!" }, "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [ "say Test data reset." ] } },
  19. I have a potential fix for this that I am going to trial on my discord server. Will push the update if it's successful.
  20. imthenewguy

    Armor Buffs Not Applying

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. imthenewguy

    Armor Buffs Not Applying

    Sounds like you don't have permissions set for the plugin. Ensure you have itemperks.use allocated to the relevant group.
  22. imthenewguy

    Barrel Smasher

    Have you tried unloading all other plugins to see if the issue persists? It works fine on other servers.
  23. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  24. "t1" in config should be "tier1"
  25. disable repairing to max.


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