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Everything posted by OfficialJaco

  1. I have removed every plugin except BotReSpawn and Kits. I had `Bleed Amount is Percent Of Damage` set to True, but changed it also to False and it made no difference. I was using the skinning knife as a weapon and changed it to machete and it made no difference. Each time the bot hits, it stays at 1 bleed. Doesn't stack, doesn't even do any bleed damage.
  2. Victim Bleed Amount Per Hit is set to 10 Victim Bleed Amount Max is set to 100 But when a bot hits me with a melee weapon, it only does 1 bleed and it's barely noticeable. It never goes above 1. Nothing I change in /botrespawn makes a difference. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it's just not working.
  3. No longer needed. I already have a plugin for it. Thanks anyways
  4. OfficialJaco

    Out of Stock

    This is what I currently have right now in the config. I had "MaxStock" set to 10 because I thought it meant there would be 10 orders in the vending machine and if I have the Refilltime set to 10, every 10 seconds it would refill 5 stock in the vending machine until the max stock, which is 10. Maybe I am not understanding that correctly, but currently, MaxStock is the total amount of the item to buy being stocked into the machine. I am selling scrap for everything, so all 7 orders all withdraw from the MaxStock of 1000000 scrap. When I had it set to 10, some orders were already out of stock because it was more than the amount stocked. It's a little confusing the way it's set up, but I at least understand that part. What I don't understand is the refillamount and refilltime, because regardless of what I set it to, nothing changes, unless I am still not understanding what it's meant to do.
  5. OfficialJaco

    Out of Stock

    { "ShopName": "Resources 4 Scrap", "SpawnCorrection": { "x": -2.5, "y": 0.0, "z": 7.0 }, "SpawnRotation in degrees": 0.0, "Use Permission to access Vending machine": false, "VendingSellOrder": [ { "ItemBuyAmount": 25, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": 1272768630, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 20, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": -2099697608, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 50, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": -1938052175, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 50, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": 1776460938, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 300, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": 1381010055, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 200, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": -946369541, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 500, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -932201673, "ItemToSell": -265876753, "MaxStock": 1000000, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 } ] }
  6. OfficialJaco

    Out of Stock

    I will share it when I get home but everything is the default config, all I did was change the items being sold and bought
  7. OfficialJaco

    Out of Stock

    3 of the items I have in the vending machine are always out of stock and 2 have 1 in stock. Once I buy two of the items in the vending machine, all of them are out of stock. It never refills
  8. I am looking to pay someone to make me a plugin that allows players to claim any vehicle without needing to type in a chat command. I want players to be able to interact with a claim button by opening the vehicles inventory and registering it to themselves with a register limit for each vehicle. I only want it to prevent other players from driving, looting or pushing it unless they are on the same team, or if the vehicle is within TC range of another player, then the person with building privilege can push it.
    Needed a plugin like this that was more customizable for my PVE/PVP server. Had a suggestion I sent to the developer to fit my servers needs and he responded fairly quickly, was very helpful and I honestly couldn't be happier with the outcome and the work he put into it. Plugin is definitely worth what I paid for!
  9. Actually, either changing what you suggested or the latest update you did for the plugin fixed this issue. Well done
  10. Okay, and I also set the pvp countdown to true but it didn't do anything. Could that also be because DynamicPVP hasn't updated yet?
  11. "Separate UI Icon": true, If I turn this on, it works as intended, but once I go into a PVP zone and then leave it, the text disappears and doesn't return, even after I reload the plugin. The only way to fix it is to turn this setting to false, reload the plugin, then turn it back to true but the problem remains every time you enter a PVP zone and leave it again.
  12. Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you
  13. Maybe there's already a plugin made that does this; I have not been able to find one, but I am looking for a plugin that puts red circles on the map to let players know where the PVP zones are located. If anyone knows of a plugin that already does this, can you let me know what it is? And if there isn't one already made, I may be interested in paying for one to be made if it is possible.
  14. This is what I was wondering also
  15. I had a similar idea but I was thinking of a computer station. That way players still have to work towards being able to do it instead of having it right away with a TC
  16. I figured it out because I had used the BotSpawn plugin in the past and it finally came back to me, but I would imagine someone using it for the first time might be as confused, if not more confused than I was. Maybe just explain that kits first need to be created using the Kits plugin and then it can be accessed using the BotReSpawn UI. Just a minor change in the description but I think it would clear up any confusion and help people that are using it for the first time understand it better. Thanks for the response and hopefully I explained my issue good enough.
  17. I actually figured it out, I just wish there was a better explanation of it in the description because it took me forever to figure out
  18. I cannot figure out how to put custom kits on my bots. When I click "Edit Kits", nothing happens and I am having a difficult time finding information about how to set it up.


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