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Everything posted by IIIaKa

  1. IIIaKa

    Carbon Vanish Modul?

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. IIIaKa

    Carbon Vanish Modul?

    I apologize for the late response, but currently, there is no compatibility with the Vanish Module from Carbon. However, you can install Vanish/BetterVanish on Carbon and work with them.
  3. IIIaKa

    Vanish module

    Hi. Is there any APIs(IsInvisible) and Hooks(OnVanishReappear, OnVanishDisappear) in the Vanish Module? Because this page is empty: https://docs.carbonmod.gg/docs/optional-modules/vanish-module
  4. Hi. On the attempt to retrieve the last save time, I encounter an error, although everything works correctly in Oxide. covalence.Server.SaveInfo?.CreationTime 1. 'IServer' does not contain a definition for 'SaveInfo' and no accessible extension method 'SaveInfo' accepting a first argument of type 'IServer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS1061] (ExtendedStats 45 line 195)
  5. IIIaKa

    Compile failure

    I launched the plugin on Carbon, got the same error. It seems to be related to Carbon. I need to investigate why there is SaveInfo in Oxide but not in Carbon...
  6. IIIaKa

    Date Format

    If so, you can just create new file in this folder: ***\rustserver\oxide\lang\ge\AdvancedStatus.json and place this: { "MsgDays": "dt", "MsgHours": "h", "MsgMinutes": "m", "MsgSeconds": "s", "MsgLessThanOneMinute": "< 1m" }
  7. IIIaKa

    CustomVendingSetup conflict

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.1.1
  8. IIIaKa

    CustomVendingSetup conflict

    Hello, thank you for the offer. I've decided to simply disable the custom fee for the vending machines modified by the CustomVendingSetup plugin.
  9. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    I added new config property for this: "On which side should the currency symbol be displayed? True - after the balance(right), false - before the balance(left)": true, In your case, you need set it to false.
  10. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Are you referring to the display of the bar or the placement of the currency symbol?
  11. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  12. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    Nevermind, just redownload BalanceBar.
  13. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    In the current version, no, but I will definitely add it in the next update.
  14. IIIaKa

    Plugin Not Showing Visible.

    Hi. For Balance Bar to function, Advanced Status and Economics are required. If they are installed, check your configuration file. Most likely, "Is it worth displaying the balance only when players in the safe zone or building privilege?": true, is set there. If the value is set to true, the bar will only be displayed in the building zone or SafeZone, if false, it will be always display.
  15. IIIaKa

    Console spam still

    Thank you very much for the bug report!
  16. IIIaKa

    Date Format

    I didn't quite understand what you mean by "add the d to the t." Could you provide an example of how it should be written? "WIPE IN 6dt 12h 10m"?
  17. IIIaKa

    Compile failure

    Hi. Could you please provide your config file (without mysql credentionals(replace them with empty values) and 'List of deployed names') and the full error log? The error indicates that IServer does not contain SaveInfo, although it should. Also, are you using the latest version of the server? And which server modification are you using, umod or carbon?
  18. IIIaKa

    Date Format

    What is the time format in Germany? I'll try to add the ability to use different formats. For example, you can provide the current date and time.
  19. Version 0.1.2


    The plugin enables the collection of a vast amount of gaming data with subsequent transmission to a database(MySQL). This functionality empowers website owners to display the desired statistics from the database on their sites. Moreover, it offers the capability to send data via API, which proves highly beneficial in scenarios where your gaming server and database reside on separate machines, and the database restricts connections beyond localhost. Please note that an instruction manual will be included in the downloaded file, and it is imperative for users to read it thoroughly. Collecting(The full list is available below in the section Collected Data) : Server information; Player information; Team information; Clan information(in future); Feedback(F7) information; Report(F7) information. Sending data through: direct MySQL; via API(POST query) to MySQL. { "Current Server ID": 0, "Time in seconds for updating data in the database(0 to disable)": 300.0, "DataBase - Display upload messages": true, "DataBase - Upload method(true for API, false for MySQL)": true, "API - Service URL(Specify the address of your website)": "https://site.com/ExtendedStats/index.php", "API - Service Key(Generate your own API key)": "GlBRw-elM6v-gjko3-cxSDk-Tsy7B", "MySQL - Host": "localhost", "MySQL - Port": 3306, "MySQL - Database name": "db_playrust", "MySQL - Username": "root", "MySQL - Password": "root", "Data Base - Servers Name": "db_servers", "Data Base - Players Name": "db_players", "Data Base - Players Deploys Name": "db_players_deploys", "Data Base - Players Explosions Name": "db_players_explosions", "Data Base - Players Farms Name": "db_players_farms", "Data Base - Players Kills Name": "db_players_kills", "Data Base - Players Raids Name": "db_players_raids", "Data Base - Teams Name": "db_teams", "Data Base - Clans Name": "db_clans", "Data Base - Feedbacks Name": "db_feedbacks", "Data Base - Reports Name": "db_reports", "Wipe - Clear data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - Clear database data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - List of data to clear upon detection of wipe": [ "players", "teams", "clans", "feedbacks", "reports" ], "List of deployed names": {}, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } ServerData: ServerName ServerIdentity ServerIP ServerPort QueryPort ServerDescription ServerHeader ServerURL ServerTime ServerTags MaxPlayers ServerEntities ServerUptime ServerMap MapSize MapSeed FirstSave LastSave WipeID ServerVersion ServerProtocol RconPort RconPassword PlayersData: Info UserID DisplayName Language UserGroups CurrentTeam CurrentClan Flags - Online/Offline, Banned BanReason Connection Connections - Number of connections to the server Ping PlayedTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required IdleTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required FirstConnectionIP LastConnectionIP FirstConnectionDate LastConnectionDate FarmStats Balance - Economics plugin required BankBalance - BankSystem plugin required Points - ServerRewards plugin required Experience Reputation - ReputationMaster plugin required Barrels Fish_Attempts Guts Supplies Excavator_Supplies Chinooks Surveys Blueprints CraftList GatherList CratesList - List of open crates with quantities FishList MonumentsList - Number of monument visits. MonumentsWatcher plugin required DeployedsList KillStats InflictedDamage - Damage inflicted exclusively on real players Kills FriendlyKills Deaths Suicides WoundsInflicted - Only real players TimesWounded - Only real players Chickens Boars Stags Wolves Bears Sharks Scientists Patrols Bradleys VehicleStats(kills) Bikes Cars RowBoats RHIBs Submarine_Solos Submarine_Duos Tugs Heli_Minis Heli_Attacks Heli_Scraps Balloons Trains Train_Wagons Train_Wagon_Cabooses HitParts - List of body part hits with quantities, only real players KillParts - List of body part kills with quantities, only real players KillWeapons - List of kills from various weapons with quantities, only real players RaidedDeployableConstructionsList RaidedConstructionsList RaidStats Cupboards Doors Windows Foundations Ceilings Walls Doorways WindowFrames Stairs Hatches External_Wooden_Gates External_Wooden_Walls External_Stone_Gates External_Stone_Walls External_Ice_Walls External_Ice_Short_Walls RBStats - The number of raided bases by difficulty level. RaidableBases plugin required RBEasy RBMedium RBHard RBExpert RBNightmare ExplosionStats Rocket Rocket_HV Rocket_I Rocket_Smoke Rocket_Missile Rocket_MLRS Torpedo Explosive_Ammo Grenade_Explosive_40mm Grenade_Smoke_40mm Nade_F1 Nade_Moly Nade_Flash Nade_Smoke Nade_Bean Satchel C4 TeamsData: TeamID TeamName LeaderID TeamMembers ClansData(temporarily not working) : ClanID ClanName LeaderID ClanMembers FeedbacksData: ID UserID Subject Type Message Time ReportsData: ID UserID TargetID TargetName Subject Type Message Time
  20. IIIaKa

    Advanced Status

    Hi. Try to update AdvancedStatus. Thank you for reporting the error. Your feedback helps improve the plugin. However, I would kindly ask you to create a support thread next time.
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.1.11
  22. IIIaKa

    Small plugin problems

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  23. IIIaKa

    Small plugin problems

    На счет Hex, я считаю, что он более удобен в использовании чем RGBA. И он более распространен, нежели RGBA. И к тому же хоть и AdvancedStatus используют только разработчики, все равно цвета будут выбирать владельцы серверов, им тоже будет удобней использовать Hex. На счет текста, выход только 1, уменьшай размер шрифта, либо сам шрифт. Так как бар должен быть вровень с игровым баром, нет возможности сделать бар шире. Но есть возможность сделать его выше, тем самым более менее вместить несколько строк. На счет первого сообщения, не совсем понял о чем ты. Можешь мне в тг @iiiaka написать, со скринами.
  24. Try redownload AdvancedStatus and BalanceBar, please.
  25. IIIaKa

    Console spam still

    Try redownload AdvancedStatus, please.


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