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Everything posted by IIIaKa

  1. IIIaKa

    Custom monuments

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.1.4
  2. IIIaKa

    Custom monuments

    In version 0.1.4, support for custom monuments has been added. They are created automatically, but you'll need to adjust the sizes for each monument individually, and some may require rotation.
  3. IIIaKa

    Custom monuments

    Request by @ArrowKeys
  4. IIIaKa

    Monuments Watcher

    Welcome to the MonumentsWatcher Plugin Discussion Section! Hello! This section is exclusively for discussing MonumentsWatcher plugin. Encountered Issues? If you're facing any difficulties with the plugin's functionality, feel free to create a topic in the Support section for assistance! Ideas and Suggestions? Have ideas to share or new features to suggest? Feel free to start a discussion by creating a topic in the Support section. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences - together we can make our plugin even better!
  5. Request by @Gust
  6. IIIaKa


    I'm not sure if this would be a useful feature, and I'm not sure if such a proposal has been made before. But it would be great if we could add an approximate raid cost display in terms of explosives for each base. This list could be added individually for each base, by their names. Of course, it's not entirely clear what to do with bases that are forcibly upgraded or where doors change upon spawning.
  7. IIIaKa


    Hi, you can change Rules in the langs files: *server*\oxide\lang\*language*
  8. If you have anything to add, feel free to write in this thread.
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  10. Hello, you need to set the value of the 'Display Layer' property to 'Under' in the config file of the AdvancedStatus plugin.
  11. IIIaKa

    Carbon support

    If you have anything to add, feel free to write in this thread.
  12. IIIaKa

    Carbon support

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. IIIaKa

    Carbon support

    Oh, you mean vanish from uMod? Since the IsInvisible method in the Vanish plugin from Whispers88 doesn't work correctly (sometimes it returns true for players who is visible). I have requested the author to either add or modify this method. In the meantime, I have added a modified plugin(you can find it on the plugin's page).
  14. IIIaKa

    Carbon support

    Hi, currently, there is no compatibility with the Vanish Module from Carbon. However, you can install Vanish/BetterVanish on Carbon and work with them.
  15. IIIaKa


    Got it, thank you!
  16. IIIaKa

    The issue with loot

    I think I've figured out the loot settings, you can close the topic.
  17. IIIaKa

    The issue with loot

    I spawned new base, initially, there were 126 items in the loot. After destroying the toolcupboard, it reduced to 102 (-24). Upon opening the loot, there were: 17,000 (17 slots) wood; 122 (1 slot) crude oil; 6,000 (6 slots) sulfur. Each of these three items occupies one slot in the loot config. As far as I understand, the numbers 100 and 200 are not the quantity of items to be selected from the list but rather the number of slots. Is there a way to limit the selection based on items(rather than occupied slots) from the loot config or disable the limitation altogether, so the plugin traverses the entire list and spawns items based on their probability? Initially sorting the list by probability, so that items with a 100% chance appear first, in case there are fewer slots than items in the list. Until the container space runs out or the list is exhausted.
  18. IIIaKa

    The issue with loot

    I can't seem to figure out how the loot spawn system works. I created a loot list (easy) with 300 items, with 78 having a probability of 1.0. I added it to the Difficulty_Loot folder. In the Profiles folder, for easy bases, I set: Amount Of Items To Spawn For Buyable Events (0 = Use Default Value): 0, Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value): 100, Amount Of Items To Spawn: 200, Amount Of Items To Spawn Increased By Item Splits: false(I also didn't understand what this does) I restarted the plugin, spawned a base (UI shows Loot = 150), collected all the loot, and found out that even half of the items with probability = 1.0 didn't appear (there's enough space in the containers). Why didn't items with a 100% probability appear? Even though there was space in the containers, and the minimum number of items was greater than them. What did I do wrong? In the config folder: Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items: true
  19. IIIaKa


    Hi. I can't understand what the difference is between the folders Base_Loot and Difficulty_Loot. I thought that in the Base_Loot folder there should be files for a specific base(name in copypaste), but you're saying it's for a profile(easy, medium and etc.): What did you mean by 'same name as a profile'?
  20. IIIaKa

    Zombie Horde

    @original4d Hello. Could you please tell me specifically what is not working? Also, please try updating the plugin to version 0.1.1.
  21. IIIaKa

    Raid ID

    1)Is there a hook that triggers when the owner of a raid base changes? Or a method through which I can obtain the owner of a raid base by passing its ID or Location? 2)I have a Dictionary<string, RBData>. My plugin is loaded after a couple of bases have spawned. How can I add them? 3)How can I assign/remove owner to raid via external plugin? 4)There is no radius argument in the OnPlayerEnteredRaidableBase and OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase hooks. 4)Is there a method wich eject player from raid via external plugin? 5)Wouldn't it be better in the OnRaidableBasePurchased hook to leave the userID as type ulong? It's passed everywhere as ulong, but here it's passed as a string. 6)Is there hook when loot container destroys? 7)Is there hook for: "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes) (20.0) - Resets the raid as public after this time"? The advance thanks for the answers!
  22. IIIaKa

    Raid ID

    Hi, I can't understand what raid ID is for. It's always equal to "0" and it never changes anywhere.
  23. IIIaKa

    High memory usage

    *deleted file*
  24. IIIaKa

    High memory usage

    I could be mistaken, but it seems to me that the problem(window lag) lies in the circle animation.


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