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Everything posted by Snaplatack

  1. Snaplatack

    Not Working

    Do admins, with admin perm, bypass the ability to raid. And do admins with Auth Level 2 bypass?
  2. Snaplatack

    Not Working

    It still didnt work during those hours. Ill delete the time of day and test
  3. Snaplatack

    Not Working

    Hello! So I have the plugin configured and it doesnt seem to be working. The message says that the player is 100% protected but I can damage the walls. Here is my Config { "Raid Protection Options": { "Only mitigate damage caused by players": false, "Protect players that are online": false, "Scale of damage depending on the current hour of the real day": { "0": 0.0, "1": 0.0, "2": 0.0, "3": 0.0, "4": 0.0, "5": 0.0 }, "Scale of damage depending on the offline time in hours": { "0": 0.0, "24": 0.25, "48": 0.5, "62": 0.75, "96": 1.0, "120": 2.0 }, "Cooldown in minutes": 1, "Scale of damage between the cooldown and the first configured time": 0.0, "Protect all prefabs": true, "Protect AI (animals, NPCs, Bradley and attack helicopters etc.) if 'Protect all Prefabs' is enabled": false, "Protect vehicles": true, "Protect twigs": false, "Prefabs to protect": [ "abovegroundpool.deployed", "advendcalendar.deployed", "andswitch.entity", "audioalarm", "autoturret_deployed", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.cover.wood", "barricade.metal", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.stone", "barricade.wood", "barricade.woodwire", "bathtub.planter.deployed", "bbq.deployed", "beachchair.deployed", "beachparasol.deployed", "beachtable.deployed", "beachtowel.deployed", "beartrap", "bed_deployed", "black_berry.entity", "blue_berry.entity", "boogieboard.deployed", "boombox.deployed", "box.wooden.large", "button", "cabletunnel", "campfire", "cardtable.deployed", "carvable.pumpkin", "cctv_deployed", "ceilinglight.deployed", "chair.deployed", "chair.icethrone", "chineselantern.deployed", "chineselantern_white.deployed", "chippyarcademachine", "christmas_door_wreath_deployed", "clantable.deployed", "coffinstorage", "composter", "computerstation.deployed", "confetticannon.deployed", "connectedspeaker.deployed", "corn.entity", "counter", "cupboard.tool.deployed", "cupboard.tool.retro.deployed", "cursedcauldron.deployed", "discoball.deployed", "discofloor.deployed", "discofloor.largetiles.deployed", "door.double.hinged.bardoors", "door.double.hinged.metal", "door.double.hinged.toptier", "door.double.hinged.wood", "door.hinged.industrial.a", "door.hinged.industrial.d", "door.hinged.metal", "door.hinged.toptier", "door.hinged.wood", "doorcloser", "doorcontroller.deployed", "doorgarland.deployed", "double_doorgarland.deployed", "dragondoorknocker.deployed", "drone.deployed", "dropbox.deployed", "drumkit.deployed", "easter_door_wreath_deployed", "electric.flasherlight.deployed", "electric.sirenlight.deployed", "electric.sprinkler.deployed", "electric.windmill.small", "electrical.blocker.deployed", "electrical.branch.deployed", "electrical.combiner.deployed", "electrical.heater", "electrical.memorycell.deployed", "electrical.modularcarlift.deployed", "electrical.random.switch.deployed", "electricfurnace.deployed", "elevator", "fireplace.deployed", "fishtrophy.deployed", "flameturret.deployed", "floor.grill", "floor.ladder.hatch", "floor.triangle.grill", "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch", "fluid.combiner.deployed", "fluidsplitter", "fluidswitch", "fogmachine", "frankensteintable.deployed", "fridge.deployed", "frontiermirror.large", "frontiermirror.medium", "frontiermirror.small", "frontiermirror.standing", "furnace", "furnace.large", "gates.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "generator.small", "giantcandycane.deployed", "giantlollipops.deployed", "goldframe.large", "goldframe.medium", "goldframe.small", "goldframe.standing", "goldmirror.large", "goldmirror.medium", "goldmirror.small", "goldmirror.standing", "gravestone.stone.deployed", "gravestone.wood.deployed", "graveyardfence", "green_berry.entity", "guntrap.deployed", "hazmat_youtooz.deployed", "hbhfsensor.deployed", "heavyscientist_youtooz.deployed", "hemp.entity", "hitchtrough.deployed", "hobobarrel.deployed", "huntingtrophylarge.deployed", "huntingtrophysmall.deployed", "icewall", "igniter.deployed", "industrial.wall.lamp.deployed", "industrial.wall.lamp.green.deployed", "industrial.wall.lamp.red.deployed", "industrialcombiner.deployed", "industrialconveyor.deployed", "industrialcrafter.deployed", "industrialsplitter.deployed", "innertube.deployed", "innertube.horse.deployed", "innertube.unicorn.deployed", "jackolantern.angry", "jackolantern.happy", "kayak", "ladder.wooden.wall", "landmine", "lantern.deployed", "large.rechargable.battery.deployed", "largecandleset", "laserdetector", "laserlight.deployed", "legacy.shelter.wood.deployed", "legacy_furnace", "lightupframe.large", "lightupframe.medium", "lightupframe.small", "lightupframe.standing", "lightupmirror.large", "lightupmirror.medium", "lightupmirror.small", "lightupmirror.standing", "lock.code", "lock.key", "locker.deployed", "mailbox.deployed", "medium.rechargable.battery.deployed", "microphonestand.deployed", "minecart.planter.deployed", "mining.pumpjack", "mining_quarry", "mixingtable.deployed", "mortarblue", "mortarchampagne", "mortargreen", "mortarorange", "mortarpattern", "mortarred", "mortarviolet", "newyeargong.deployed", "orswitch.entity", "paddlingpool.deployed", "photoframe.landscape", "photoframe.large", "photoframe.portrait", "piano.deployed", "pinata.deployed", "planter.large.deployed", "planter.small.deployed", "pookie_deployed", "potato.entity", "poweredwaterpurifier.deployed", "pressurepad.deployed", "ptz_cctv_deployed", "pumpkin.entity", "railroadplanter.deployed", "reactivetarget_deployed", "red_berry.entity", "refinery_small_deployed", "repairbench_deployed", "researchtable_deployed", "rfbroadcaster", "rfreceiver", "rockingchair.deployed", "rockingchair.rockingchair2.deployed", "rockingchair.rockingchair3.deployed", "romancandle", "romancandle-blue", "romancandle-green", "romancandle-violet", "rug.bear.deployed", "rug.deployed", "rustigeegg_a.deployed", "rustigeegg_b.deployed", "rustigeegg_c.deployed", "rustigeegg_d.deployed", "rustigeegg_e.deployed", "rustigeegg_f.deployed", "sam_site_turret_deployed", "scarecrow.deployed", "scrapframe.large", "scrapframe.medium", "scrapframe.small", "scrapframe.standing", "scrapmirror.large", "scrapmirror.medium", "scrapmirror.small", "scrapmirror.standing", "searchlight.deployed", "secretlabchair.deployed", "shelves", "shutter.metal.embrasure.a", "shutter.metal.embrasure.b", "shutter.wood.a", "sign.hanging", "sign.hanging.banner.large", "sign.hanging.ornate", "sign.huge.wood", "sign.large.wood", "sign.medium.wood", "sign.neon.125x125", "sign.neon.125x215", "sign.neon.125x215.animated", "sign.neon.xl", "sign.neon.xl.animated", "sign.pictureframe.landscape", "sign.pictureframe.portrait", "sign.pictureframe.tall", "sign.pictureframe.xl", "sign.pictureframe.xxl", "sign.pole.banner.large", "sign.post.double", "sign.post.single", "sign.post.town", "sign.post.town.roof", "sign.small.wood", "simplelight", "skull_door_knocker.deployed", "skull_fire_pit", "skullspikes.candles.deployed", "skullspikes.deployed", "skullspikes.pumpkin.deployed", "skulltrophy.deployed", "skulltrophy.jar.deployed", "skulltrophy.jar2.deployed", "skulltrophy.table.deployed", "skylantern.deployed", "skylantern.skylantern.green", "skylantern.skylantern.orange", "skylantern.skylantern.purple", "skylantern.skylantern.red", "sled.deployed", "sled.deployed.xmas", "sleepingbag_leather_deployed", "small_fuel_generator.deployed", "small_stash_deployed", "smallcandleset", "smallrechargablebattery.deployed", "smartalarm", "smartswitch", "snowmachine", "snowman.deployed", "sofa.deployed", "sofa.pattern.deployed", "solarpanel.large.deployed", "soundlight.deployed", "spiderweba", "spikes.floor", "spinner.wheel.deployed", "splitter", "spookyspeaker", "stocking_large_deployed", "stocking_small_deployed", "storage_barrel_a", "storage_barrel_b", "storage_barrel_c", "storageadaptor.deployed", "storagemonitor.deployed", "strobelight", "survivalfishtrap.deployed", "switch", "table.deployed", "telephone.deployed", "teslacoil.deployed", "timer", "torchholder.deployed", "trophy.deployed", "trophy_2023.deployed", "tunalight.deployed", "twitchrivals2023_desk", "twowaymirror.window", "vendingmachine.deployed", "volcanofirework", "volcanofirework-red", "volcanofirework-violet", "wall.external.high.ice", "wall.external.high.stone", "wall.external.high.wood", "wall.frame.cell", "wall.frame.cell.gate", "wall.frame.fence", "wall.frame.fence.gate", "wall.frame.garagedoor", "wall.frame.netting", "wall.frame.shopfront", "wall.frame.shopfront.metal", "wall.window.bars.metal", "wall.window.bars.toptier", "wall.window.bars.wood", "wall.window.glass.reinforced", "wantedposter.deployed", "wantedposter.wantedposter2", "wantedposter.wantedposter3", "wantedposter.wantedposter4", "watchtower.wood", "water.pump.deployed", "water_catcher_large", "water_catcher_small", "waterbarrel", "waterpurifier.deployed", "weaponrack_horizontal.deployed", "weaponrack_single1.deployed", "weaponrack_single2.deployed", "weaponrack_single3.deployed", "weaponrack_stand.deployed", "weaponrack_tall.deployed", "weaponrack_wide.deployed", "white_berry.entity", "windowgarland.deployed", "woodbox_deployed", "woodframe.large", "woodframe.medium", "woodframe.small", "woodframe.standing", "woodmirror.large", "woodmirror.medium", "woodmirror.small", "woodmirror.standing", "workbench1.deployed", "workbench2.deployed", "workbench3.deployed", "xmas.lightstring.deployed", "xmas_tree.deployed", "xorswitch.entity", "xylophone.deployed", "yellow_berry.entity", "_base_car_chassis.entity", "_basetrainwagon.entity", "_cardtable_base", "_snowmobilebase", "1module_cockpit", "1module_cockpit_armored", "1module_cockpit_with_engine", "1module_engine", "1module_flatbed", "1module_passengers_armored", "1module_rear_seats", "1module_storage", "1module_taxi", "2module_camper", "2module_car_spawned.entity", "2module_flatbed", "2module_fuel_tank", "2module_passengers", "3module_car_spawned.entity", "4module_car_spawned.entity", "attackhelicopter.entity", "blackjackmachine.caboose", "blackjackmachine.static", "car_2mod_01", "car_2mod_02", "car_2mod_03", "car_2mod_04", "car_2mod_05", "car_2mod_06", "car_2mod_07", "car_2mod_08", "car_3mod_01", "car_3mod_02", "car_3mod_03", "car_3mod_04", "car_3mod_05", "car_3mod_06", "car_3mod_07", "car_3mod_08", "car_3mod_09", "car_3mod_10", "car_3mod_11", "car_3mod_12", "car_4mod_01", "car_4mod_02", "car_4mod_03", "car_4mod_04", "car_4mod_05", "car_4mod_06", "car_4mod_07", "car_4mod_08", "car_4mod_09", "car_4mod_10", "car_4mod_11", "car_chassis_2module.entity", "car_chassis_3module.entity", "car_chassis_4module.entity", "cardtable.caboose", "cardtable.caboose_static", "cardtable.static_configa", "cardtable.static_configa_hidden", "cardtable.static_configb", "cardtable.static_configc", "cardtable.static_configd", "ch47.entity", "ch47scientists.entity", "chippyarcademachine.static", "locomotive.entity", "magnetcrane.entity", "minicopter.entity", "parachute", "rhib", "rowboat", "scraptransporthelicopter", "sedanrail.entity", "sedantest.entity", "snowmobile", "sofa.static", "sofa_pattern.static", "submarineduo.entity", "submarinesolo.entity", "testridablehorse", "tomahasnowmobile", "traincaboose.entity", "trainwagona.entity", "trainwagonb.entity", "trainwagonc.entity", "trainwagonunloadable.entity", "trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity", "trainwagonunloadableloot.entity", "tugboat", "twitchbus", "workcart.entity", "workcart_aboveground.entity", "workcart_aboveground2.entity" ], "Prefabs blacklist": [] }, "Team Options": { "Enable team offline protection sharing": true, "Mitigate damage by the team-mate who was offline the longest": false, "Include players that are whitelisted on Codelocks": false, "Prevent players from leaving or disbanding their team if at least one team member is offline": false, "Enable offline raid protection penalty for leaving or disbanding a team": true, "Penalty duration in hours": 12.0 }, "Command Options": { "Commands to check offline protection status": [ "ao", "orp" ], "Command to display offline raid protection information": "raidprot", "Command to fill the offline times of all players": "orp.fill.onlinetimes", "Command to update the permission status for all players.": "orp.update.permissions", "Command to change a player's offline time": "orp.test.offline", "Command to change a player's offline time to the current time": "orp.test.online", "Command to change a player's penalty duration": "orp.test.penalty" }, "Permission Options": { "Permission required to enable offline protection": "offlineraidprotection.protect", "Permission required to check offline protection status": "offlineraidprotection.check", "Permission required to use admin functions": "offlineraidprotection.admin" }, "Other Options": { "Play sound when damage is mitigated": true, "Asset path of the sound to be played": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", "Display a game tip message when a prefab is protected": true, "Game tip message shows remaining protection time": false, "Message duration in seconds": 3.0 }, "Timezone Options": { "Timezone": "America/Chicago" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 12 } }
  4. Snaplatack


    So if I get this, it will send alert to the player that they are getting raided through rust+? And do they have to use the /raid command to enable this?
  5. Suggestion: When spawning vehicles, have the vehicle come with fuel/parts for it
  6. Yes. I was doing all of it. I would claim a zone, build open the menu to fly and do god mode, and click f to turn flying on and off. Then after a little bit of using it like someone would, everything would slow down and eventually nothing would work
  7. Okay. Thank you.
  8. Can I send on discord? Sent in a Codefling message
  9. I also see [Creative] 0.500061, [Creative] 10.99353, [Creative] 1.637573, in console whenever I have massive lag spikes. When I hit F, it usually doesnt show this, (unless F is spammed) Spamming F shows this, Calling 'OnPlayerInput' on 'Creative v1.1.1992' took average 2196ms (CPU Usage goes from 10% to 35-42% when F key is spammed), and everything is frozen. I can move but cant do anything like build, switch out of flying, etc. After Disconnecting from the server since I cannot do anything, I get this error when I try to rejoin. I dont see the [Creative] Numbers, anymore tho because the server is locked up and requires a restart to let me back on.
  10. Snaplatack

    Pressing F lags my Server

    Hello @Ryuk_. I am having a weird issue where everytime I hit `F` to fly, my entire server lags and I see a spike in network usage. When I click fly on the menu, the issue doesnt occur. I have asked my host if its a DDOS attack and am waiting to hear back. Just seeing if anyone else has had this issue. Now seeing it when claiming zones. Those take like 10-20s to load to a point where I can build.
  11. Snaplatack

    Custom Buttons

    So it only supports chat commands. When you put the command in the config, it only executes the command in chat. There is no option to run in game console commands via the config.
  12. Snaplatack

    Custom Buttons

    @David Any plans to add console command support?
  13. Okay. Thank you!
  14. Hello. I had an error log message go to a player instead of me whe I searched for a non existing file.
  15. Does anyone know if this syncs with the prefabs at all monuments and between wipes? I would love to get it for an RP aspect but I dont want to reset it every wipe
  16. Just a fun plugin that allows players with permission to load fireworks into an attack heli with a pre configured limit and shoot them like normal rockets.
  17. Snaplatack


    Search Function?
  18. All good. Just checking
  19. any updates on this fix? @Ryuk_
  20. it worked., thanks
  21. No I started the server with the extension. I was using a custom map last wipe and didnt change any Rust edit settings. Ill try to just delete the map and rename the save files and see if it works. I know 100% I had rust edit installed.
  22. Whats the least amount of stuff I could delete to be good enough? I dont want my players to lose their stuff
  23. 12/07 15:42:29 | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'Funicular v1.0.2' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.Funicular.OnServerInitialized () [0x000ba] in <7a6586d339e04c13baefb953fdadd165>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Funicular.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x000c0] in <7a6586d339e04c13baefb953fdadd165>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <122610edeac6402c8915b76845a2714f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 12/07 15:42:29 | Loading inbuilt skin manifest from GitHub... 12/07 15:42:30 | Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'OilRigDiscordNotify v0.0.6' took 210ms 12/07 15:42:30 | boombox.serverurllist: "Phonk,https://s2.radio.co/s2b2b68744/listen,Beats,http://stream.laut.fm/lofi,Chile Radio ,http://iradio.utalca.cl:8000/am" 12/07 15:42:30 | [Radio Station Manager] Configuration changes saved to RadioStationManager.json 12/07 15:42:30 | [Sign Artist] Waiting for Steamworks to update item definitions.... 12/07 15:42:30 | [UberTool] ImageLibrary has finished processing UberTool's required images. UberTool is now active 12/07 15:42:30 | Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'WorkcartSpawner v1.3.0' took 599ms 12/07 15:42:33 | Server startup complete 12/07 15:42:33 | [RustEdit] - The RustEdit extension is up to date! <===== 12/07 15:42:37 | [RustEdit] - Processing 68 IO entities 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - Successfully connected 68 IO links 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - Processing 2 VendingMachines from map file 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - 2 VendingMachines successfully processed! 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - 141 loot containers processed! 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - Created 4 keycard desk respawners 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - 100 resource entities processed! 12/07 15:42:38 | [RustEdit] - 61 junkpiles processed! 12/07 16:03:38 | Failed to call hook 'OnInputUpdate' on plugin 'Funicular v1.0.2' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.Funicular.SpawnFunicular (System.Int32 roadNumber, System.Boolean moveUp) [0x0004e] in <7a6586d339e04c13baefb953fdadd165>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Funicular.OnInputUpdate (IOEntity entity, System.Int32 inputAmount, System.Int32 slot) [0x0007e] in <7a6586d339e04c13baefb953fdadd165>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Funicular.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x000e0] in <7a6586d339e04c13baefb953fdadd165>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <122610edeac6402c8915b76845a2714f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0
  24. I do
  25. no. but rust edit does load up and the garage doors are there when Im in rust edit


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