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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. Stranger


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 4.0.0
  2. Stranger


    Will be releasing a fixed version tonight!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Drag n' drop! Easily add these Counter-Strike Rust arenas to any existing map! Anyone remember playing those good 'ole CSGO competitive matches either as a solo or 5 queue? Well I do, and y'know what I would love to make entire csgo maps but that's most likely not going to happen at this moment! So, here's the warmup 1v1 arenas which were made specifically for CSGO, and now Rust! I'll be looking forward to creating more in the future so make sure you keep an eye out for Stranger Includes: Cache + Train + Overpass Warmup 1v1 Arenas, created for Rust! Requires: Rustedit DLL + Rustedit Program Prefab Count: "Cache": 386 Prefabs "Train": 180 Prefabs HDRP COMPATIBLE "Overpass": 358 Prefabs HDRP COMPATIBLE Support: Message me either through Codefling, or Discord! Stranger#5693 Shoutout to all of the map makers over in CSGO and thanks for all the memories i've shared while playing each of your maps!
  4. Version 3.0.1


    This is a fully furnished prison with a Green, Blue, and Red key card rooms. This is a fully furnished version of the prison, and not the bare bones version. That version can be found here. The player has to bring 3 fuses, 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green key card to access all the areas of the prison. Installation Notes You HAVE TO install a key lock on all of the doors after you boot up your server, or fresh wipe your server. Unfortunately RustEdit does not have the ability to lock doors. So if you want to lock all the jail cells (Which is highly advisable since all the Red Keycard loot is in the jail cells), you should. If you want to prevent a jail cell from opening, go into RustEdit, look at a jail cell, and in the bottom right hand corner (see screenshot here) you will find the door controller that controls that jail cell door. Just delete the door controller, and don't forget to keylock the jail cell in game. Code Locks also work as well if you want those instead. Details This project includes: Just the prefab file. No masks to be applied. Prefab Count: 2829 More Detailed Instructions Start Rust Edit & open up your map file Extract the zip file into your RustEdit/CustomPrefabs folder Go back into Rust Edit and click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List Under the Custom category you will now find Prison-Bare Double click on the prefab and it will spawn it into the map Drag it to the general area you want to place it Customize the area around the monument to your liking. Contact Stranger#5693 - Decorations DJRedNight - IO/Structure
  5. Version 1.0.1


    This prison is just the bare bones foundation for you to modify or use however you wish. The only stipulation is that you have to leave the Credits on the back wall alone. I made the text super small so that way it doesn't ruin the players emersion in game. Details This project includes: Just the prefab file. No masks to be applied. Prefab Count: 736 More Detailed Instructions Start Rust Edit & open up your map file Extract the zip file into your RustEdit/CustomPrefabs folder Go back into Rust Edit and click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List Under the Custom category you will now find Prison-Bare Double click on the prefab and it will spawn it into the map Drag it to the general area you want to place it Customize the area around the monument to your liking. Contact If you have any issues with the prefab: DJRedNight OR Stranger through Discord: Stranger#5693
  6. Stranger

    Where do i place file

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. Stranger

    Where do i place file

    Unzip the File and drag it into the Rustedit\CustomPrefab(s) folder within your computers directories. Hope this helps!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Description Devil's Palace is a rendition on a cursed church inhabited by the Bandits who believe in the Rust God Iris. Iris is a mean and cruel God, always unforgiving in RNG, and always makes your time in Rust all that bit harder. If you die in Rust, blame her. If you get a crap roll, note that it's not the RNG gods that just shafted you... It was Iris. Details This project includes: Height Mask Topology Mask Splat Mask Prefab Count: 478 More Detailed Instructions Start Rust Edit & open up your map file Extract the zip file into your RustEdit/CustomPrefabs folder Go back into Rust Edit and click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List Under the Custom category you will now find Devils Palace Double click on the prefab and it will spawn it into the map Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Customize the area around the monument to your liking. Contact If you have any issues with the prefab, please shoot me a message on Discord: Stranger#5693
  9. its an irish plastic barrel, they're unsinkable!
  10. Version 3.0.0


    | Secret Missile Silo A | What appears to be a government cover-up, Cobalt was tasked with concealing one of the many decomissioned missile silos. By using clever decorating, and what seems like a pop-up mining quarry, the rushed attempt to hide the mystery had become a failure. While both the quarry and silo lay abandoned, those who have authorized access, can attain the loot which was left behind. Question left to be asked is, will you be one of them? Drag n' drop! Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 1321 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map. A refreshing look based apon Facepunch's Large Excavator and Sewer Branch . Something all players can recognize. Loot consists of: Numerous Barrels, 6 military (green) crates, 10 basic (tan) crates, scattered food and medical boxes. Does not include a "Monument Marker" keep this in mind when placing the monument. Custom Silo Blast Door, requires 2 fuses and blue keycard. Thanks to !knockree for the help! NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works). NOTE #2: It is suggested to paint your own alpha texture onto the missle silo entrance, this is a problem within Rust Edit.
  11. Version 2.0.0


    Creeping Mansion Variations|Drag n' drop! Make your own monument or concept out of the shell of this building! Features: Simple, Detailed, 1932 (Variant A)~ 2022 (Variant B)~ prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a map allowing for a more diverse role play experience, by customizing and adding in your own details! Does not include a "Monument Marker" keep this in mind when placing the building. Does not include a "Prevent Building Sphere", keep this in mind when allowing players to build in or around the building. Variant A: Does not include "clutter" or any unnecessary garbage or plants. Perfect for those who want to decorate the mansion themselves! Variant B: Includes clutter such as trash laying around, trees growing inside and around the mansion, corn spawns outside out the house. NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works).
  12. Version 3.0.0


    Drag n' drop! Nothing crazy looking, something Facepunch should have made themselves. Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 2038 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map. A refreshing look on rust's outpost structures. Something all players can recognize. Includes an interactive Recycler and Large Oil Refinery. Loot consists of: Numerous Barrels, 4 military (green) crates, 7~ basic (tan) crates, scattered food and medical boxes. Does not include a "Monument Marker" keep this in mind when placing the monument. Exclaimer: The following video is for the Arena variant, keep in mind however that these are very similar. The difference being the surround terrain and inclusion of real loot-able crates and barrels. Enjoy! NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works). NOTE #2: It is suggested to paint your own alpha texture onto the sewer tunnel entrances, this is a problem within Rust Edit.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    | Shelter Variations | Drag n' drop! Nothing crazy looking. Features: Simple, Detailed, very very low prefab count! 199~ prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a map allowing easy forest expansion! Both Shelters include a single tan crate, and a few scattered barrels. Included are two different versions, one which includes a single green crate as well as a research table. The later instead features a tier 1 workbench.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    | Custom Ocean Scrap Piles | Drag n' drop! Nothing crazy looking, something Facepunch should have made themselves. Features: Simple, Detailed, very very low prefab count! 120~ prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a map allowing for more ocean expansion! Includes 2 tan crates, 1 single green crate, and a few scattered barrels and tool boxes.
  15. Version 4.0.0


    Drag n' drop! No puzzles, no loot. Nothing crazy looking, something Facepunch should have made themselves. Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 2125 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map, allowing for a wide variety of gameplay choices, deathmatch, capture the flag, team deathmatch. The choices are unlimited! A refreshing look on rust's outpost structures. Something all players can recognize. Includes an interactive Recycler and Large Oil Refinery. Does not include a "prevent building sphere" keep this in mind when placing the arena. NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works).


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