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Decaying Residential Area | HDRP | Monument | STRANGER 3.0.0

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About Decaying Residential Area | HDRP | Monument | STRANGER

Drag n' drop! Nothing crazy looking, something Facepunch should have made themselves. 


  • Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 2038 prefabs in total!
  • Can easily be inserted into a existing map. A refreshing look on rust's outpost structures. Something all players can recognize.
  • Includes an interactive Recycler and Large Oil Refinery.
  • Loot consists of: Numerous Barrels, 4 military (green) crates, 7~ basic (tan) crates, scattered food and medical boxes.
  • Does not include a "Monument Marker" keep this in mind when placing the monument.

Exclaimer: The following video is for the Arena variant, keep in mind however that these are very similar. The difference being the surround terrain and inclusion of real loot-able crates and barrels. Enjoy!

NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works).

NOTE #2: It is suggested to paint your own alpha texture onto the sewer tunnel entrances, this is a problem within Rust Edit.

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