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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. have to look at `MenuTip`
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Crafting of Stationary Paper with new skins for organisiation and a locked `Admin Note` Features : Vanilla Notes get a new skin when crafted Craft different stationary papers each with their own skin and name Admin Note cant be rewritten or crafted if a player doesn't have the stationarypaper.admin permission assigned (to avoid abuse) Set a crafting price (wood for now) the Admin Notes are free to craft by admins Chat notification when not enough wood to craft in your inventory Craft canceling if no free inventory space Popup with costs when crafted (custom items don't show in notifications when crafting) Can be added to kits Backpacks safe (Bank does not support custom item names) Permissions : stationarypaper.admin (to be able to craft the admin note) stationarypaper.normal (To craft the notes for vanilla price : 10 wood) Commands : /note info : for a full listing of Configuration setup and commands /note admin : Crafts a Admin Note (locked for editing) /note bomb : Crafts a Bomb Letter (Does not explode) /note crow : Crafts a Crow Note /note information : Crafts a Info Note /note love : Crafts a Love Letter Configuration : { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=purple>Stationary Paper</color>] " }, "Crafting Costs": { "Wood ammount": 100 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "NoteCrafted": "You succesfully crafted a <color=orange>{0}</color>", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=orange>/note info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InfoAdmin": "<color=orange>/note admin</color> : Crafts a Admin Note", "InfoBomb": "<color=orange>/note bomb</color> : Crafts a Bomb letter (does not explode)", "InfoCrow": "<color=orange>/note crow</color> : Crafts a Crow Note", "InfoInfo": "<color=orange>/note information</color> : Crafts a Info Note", "InfoLove": "<color=orange>/note love</color> : Crafts a Love Letter", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "InventoryFull": "You need at least 1 more slot in your inventory,canceling the craft", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use that command!" } Skins are uploaded with : Totally worth it
  3. Krungh Crow

    spawning underground

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  4. Krungh Crow

    Motionless animals

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  6. Krungh Crow

    Motionless animals

    works perfect on my testserver. Do you have any other animal related or navmesh related plugins running ? I might have to remove the no run section and see if it could still be a issue
  7. the new AI is kinda botched i noticed oxide released a attempt to fix this nre i will do more testing myself too
  8. ye normaly u can set a skin for example rock like it should be a rock skin now it is saying `custom item`
  9. allso noticed the item is a custom itemand not a rock
  10. Large lootbags with a skin has everything in and can make it trigger to send a randomised chatmessage that way u can edit the loot or reward with an loot plugin
  11. Krungh Crow

    Motionless animals

    all backtothewild does is alter stats vs customai which built its own behaviour and if u set server variables to ai.move false ai.think false then there will be issues
    I just tried this wonderfull tool. Works like a charm and uses your steam workshop account if u are logged in to it (active connection) Streamlined and userfriendly
  12. Krungh Crow


    it is just a phrase but the idea seems interesting but that is what the random spawn is roughly doing (getting a moment to get cought hunting)
  13. Krungh Crow

    spawning underground

    yes and new npc-animal behaviour and appearance this will have some impact on plugins using npc and animals allso
  14. Krungh Crow

    spawning underground

    yeah i got the terrain bit covered but the new rocks(cliffs) hdrp are a pain in the but lol
  15. Krungh Crow

    Motionless animals

    they move on my test server they do pause (confusion) when reaching original treshold then attack again i have to think of a complete monobehaviour to make them agro allways and dont give up on attacks
  16. Krungh Crow

    Motionless animals

    animals wont move if u ported around in vanish and unvanish i have not changed the the immobile animals in the plugin. i set the chance to flee to 0 so that could be it i could change it to treshold instead
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4 Added the Test feature to disable spawns in 1 zone in the config @Solsey
  18. yes that is basic behaviour CustomAi built a new behaviour method for it. So far i managed to hand them the flag to never flee so that would skip the whole running away behaviour ^^
  19. yeah i have the NPC vs Animal attacks tested "Global settings": { "Use Global Targeting": true, "Animals ignore NPC's": true, "NPC's ignore Animals": true }, that would stop their targeting wolf/bear/boar allready have the agressive tag so you dont need a behaviour for that So basicly u want them not to run away when their HP gets low (treshold) ?
  20. agro range will be very heavy to the server and requires a monobehaviour to check each tick or trigger (not suggested especialy if there are allot of animals ). looking into the attackbehaviour itself now ill get back to that.
  21. i can have a look at it
  22. Krungh Crow


    "Kit ID": [ "diver","diver2","diver3" ], divide kitnames with a , then it chooses a random one each time he spawns
  23. testing the zones (never used zones so its a little puzzle for me) so far i have it to block spawns in 1 zone (but i think users like to have it blocked in multiple zones (id's) if needed) Ill keep u posted extra progress so far "Suicide block": false, "Zone block": true, "Zone ID": 29190840
  24. ah i need to check into that too thx for the report


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