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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Krungh Crow

    NRE error as follows

    you get this with backpack drop false also ? (disabled)
  2. Think it has a flag to ssign to players need to verify tonight
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Make frankie spawn with a boosted HP or DMG ratio using a multiplier setting and permissions Features : Simple configuration setup. Spawn Frankie with a HP boost using multipliers (permission) Spawn Frankie with a Att Boost using multipliers (permission) Permissions : frankiespower.health : Permission to have boosted HP on the players Frankie. frankiespower.damage : Permission to have boosted Att on the players Frankie. frankiespower.chat : Permissions to be able to use the chat commands. Commands : /frankiesp info : Replies plugin info and version to chat Configuration : { "Main config": { "Debug": true, "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#4A95CC>Frankies</color><color=red>P</color>] " }, "Frankie config": { "HP multiplier": 3.0, "Attack multiplier": 1.1 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/frankiesp info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "Frankie_Spawned": "Frankie is boosted with {0}HP and {1} Strength", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use that command!" }
  4. Krungh Crow

    Vote Map

    does it log the votes somewhere before wiping the data ? Optionaly send it to discord when votes are wiped ?
  5. if i read correctly u can add recipees in the cfg to do what u need
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Simple plugin that nulls damage you accidentally do to your own Frankenstein pet. Features : Checks owners steam id and attackers steam id. Nulls the damage to Frankie if it is your own spawn. No config needed Permissions : frankiesfriendlyfire.use : To block and null all damage to your own Frankie
  7. well i see it has a dmg cap of 20 ish but noticed he is speedy gonzales if he is using a spear
  8. ye i am diving into the frankensteinpet stuff its a new consept so still puzzeling their behaviour and releasing small plugins on the go like with the weapons. The game wipes the frankstein npc inventory by default. stuff like that
  9. Yeah its a different plugin
  10. Kits are working again in 1.1.1 Regarding invisible npc to show the ghost costume only i am not sure how-to
  11. i look into it
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This will propperly give the Frankensteinpet his name. Features : When using Killfeeds displays "Frankenstein" instead of a npc ID or frankensteinpet Compatible with ScientistNames plugin No config or permissions
  13. Version 1.1.0


    Simple plugin that makes your Frankenstein pet wield a random melee weapon each time he is awoken Features Will Get glowing eyes once wielding another weapon Each time he will wield a different melee weapon. selected from a list Support for random skins or preset through cfg. Configuration : { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Use Random Skins": true, "Melee weapons": [ { "shortname": "machete", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "pitchfork", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "knife.bone", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "knife.butcher", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "longsword", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "mace", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "salvaged.cleaver", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "salvaged.sword", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "knife.combat", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "bone.club", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "spear.wooden", "skin": 0 }, { "shortname": "spear.stone", "skin": 0 } ] } }
  14. done
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  16. dont worry we all have these moments
  17. get out of noclip or vanish ?
  18. that is in the planning
  19. Krungh Crow

    Not spawning

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. i am using TargetHealthHUD plugin for that besides players need to be patient and not lasy getting everything handed to them
  21. u can check map for the health tho on how mutch is left
  22. Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  23. u sure they are HumanNPC npc's ? not scientists or murderers ?
  24. weird nothing changed with animals testing it now


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