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Everything posted by copcopekcro
- #custom loot
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Not sure the cause of this ocasional error
copcopekcro replied to Chill Roleplay's Support Request in Support
ok.. I will look for it -
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Not sure the cause of this ocasional error
copcopekcro replied to Chill Roleplay's Support Request in Support
when you get that error ? -
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- #custom loot
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When i come home we will talk, i dont have that problems on my server.. And didnt have that problems with other servers..
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- #custom loot
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Hey .. So i rly dont know what is problem ,rest of prefabs working fine .... You can change for now prefab to something else ,rest of prefabs works fine... I will investigate this further . Ty for your patience . Those prefabs are not working : assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_b.prefab assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab
Hello ... Will look on it asap !
- #custom loot
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Version 1.1.5
How to use : You get 4 map Items . You can get those Maps from rust containers/prefabs . You chose what map will spawn in what container and chance to spawn in that container in config . When player press unwarp on map item it will spawn chest from that map . Player will get chat text where chest spawned and he will see MapMarker on map. Each map will spawn chest(prefab) with your loot inside. All is customizable , Map Items ,Loottable items, Prefab Chest - prefab skin, Prefabs where maps will spawn with chance , Npc Prefab - amount of npc - spawn radius, LocalTreasureMaxDistance: " ", MaxOpenedMaps : " ", MapOpenCooldown : " " . Coins are also unwarpable ,after unwarp you will get loot from your config for that coin (item/plugin balance) Also maps can be spawned as event . Great for PvP and for PvE ! You can chose : "AutomaticEventEnabled": true, "MaxEventsAtTime": 10, "MinEventTimer": 600.0, "MaxEventTimer": 1200.0, For each map : "EventProbability": 1.0, "MarkerRadius": 0.2, "MarkerDisplayName": "Green Treasure", "MarkerColor": "00FF00", "MarkerOutlineColor": "00FF00", Key Features : Customizable Map Items : Offer a range of treasure maps with distinct loot tables, stack sizes, and skins to make each find a fresh experience. Dynamic Loot Spawns : Configure treasure chests with specific loot tables, ensuring rewards are always enticing and fair. NPC Defenders : Add an extra challenge with NPCs guarding the treasures, making each hunt a thrilling encounter. BRADLEY : You can add bradley for each map item ,bradley will sit on spawned chest. You can change for each map item will it be enabled , health, min - max chest . Flexible Spawn Configurations : Set where and how often maps can spawn in the game world, adjusting the rarity and discovery chance. Permission : treasuremaps.give Commands : command : /givemap <display name> <quantity>; example /givemap green map 5, command : /givecoin <display name> <quantity>; example /givecoin gold coin 5, command : /givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givemapto copek green map 5, command : /givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givecointo copek gold coin 5, console command : givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givemapto copek green map 5, console command : givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givecointo copek gold coin 5, For opening virtualy chest to balance loot : ConsoleCommand : mapsim <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in game console ConsoleCommand : mapsimr <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in rcon console Config Example : "LocalTreasureMaxDistance": 150.0, "MaxOpenedMaps": 3, "MapOpenCooldown": 60, "MaxOpenedCoins": 3, "CoinOpenCooldown": 60, "TreasureMapsDescription": "LocalTreasureMaxDistance - max distance of spawning prefab/chest", "CustomStackSize - you can change stack size of each map,and for coins", "You can change skin and display name of each map,for each coin", "MinItemPerChest/MaxItemPerChest - how much items player will get from spawned chest ", "MinItemPerCoin/MaxItemPerCoin - how much items player will get from coin", "SpawnedPrefabChest - what chest will spawn when you unwarp map item,if you put default rust container it will be default rust loot table", "SpawnedPrefabSkin - skin of prefab", "You can add more items to loottable,works also with loottable of coins", "Min/MaxAmount - quantity of that item (you can put min/max - to same number (1),so its min and max 1 quantity of that item)", "Probability - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) chance to get that item", "IsBlueprint - if true you will give bp of that item", "command : /givemap display name quantity; example /givemap green map 5", "command : /givecoin display name quantity; example /givecoin gold coin 5", "Spawns - PrefabPath (chose where will map spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn map in that prefab),works also with coins,works also with coins", "SpawnCount - how much scientist will be defending chest", "SpawnRadius - distance where scientist will spawn", "NpcOptions - you can change stats of npc Health,Damage and more", "Kits - you can use kits or you can manualy add wear,belt items", "EntityDisplayName - name of npc, for each group change name ,if you are using custom loot for npc", "CustomLoot - true/false ,if true you can add custom loot table for npc body", "You can now add new custom item <coins>, coins can we crackopen/unwarp and you will get items/plugin balance", "In coins you have option to give economics and serverrewards", "Economy: here you put item or plugin", "PluginName: economics or serverrewards" ], "Maps": [ { "CustomStackSize": 10, "ItemDisplayName": "Green Map", "ItemShortname": "xmas.present.large", "SkinID": 3073615238, "SpawnedPrefabChest": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "SpawnedPrefabSkin": 1818868472, "MinItemPerChest": 1, "MaxItemPerChest": 2, "LootTable": "greenmap", "LootTables": { "greenmap": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "rock", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 5, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] }, "NPCSpawns": [ { "SpawnCount": 1, "SpawnRadius": 5.0, "EntityDisplayName": "Treasure Guard", "Health": 100, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 30.0, "SenseRange": 20.0, "ListenRange": 10.0, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 1.0, "CheckVisionCone": true, "VisionCone": 140.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "AimConeScale": 1.0, "Speed": 6.0, "MemoryDuration": 10.0, "Kit": "", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "Amount": 0, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "" ], "Ammo": 0 } ], "CustomLoot": false, "LootTable": [ { "DisplayName": "Custom Rock", "Shortname": "rock", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 5, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] } ], "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 0.0 } ], "SpawnBradley": false, "BradleyHealth": 1000, "MinCratesToSpawn": 1, "MaxCratesToSpawn": 3 }, "Coins": [ { "CustomStackSize": 10, "ItemDisplayName": "Gold Coin", "ItemShortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MinItemPerCoin": 1, "MaxItemPerCoin": 10, "LootTable": "goldcoin", "LootTables": { "goldcoin": [ { "Economy": "Item", "PluginName": "", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 10, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "Economics", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 100, "MinItemAmount": 50, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "ServerRewards", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 200, "MinItemAmount": 150, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] }, "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 } ] } ],$13.00- 51 comments
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- #custom loot
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Version 1.6.2
Plugin Features: Custom Crafting Recipes: Craft weapons, armor, tools, medic items, special items and vehicles with fully customizable recipes and ingredients. You chose what will be able to craft for how much ! Custom items or default items ,its about you ! This is great for giving player chance to upgrade items ,to get that Recycler or what ever . You have text fields : Server name , and short info where you chose your text in config. How to open Craft UI : command - /upgrades or/and in WorkBench custom button You can chose how players will open UI ,will you give them both ways ,or only one , its about you ! Permissions : "crafting.craft" - perm for crafting "crafting.upgrades" - perm for command /upgrades "crafting.button" - perm for WorkBench button How to use Plugin : This is very simple plugin with easy to understand UI. Most important thing is that for every item you need to put his : "Identifier": " " . You can add what ever item in what ever tab , based on shortname/skinID ,and cost for that item. You can give amount of item what will be crafted ,will it be 1 Ak or 10 ,hmm yea .. You can change names of items ,you have description for each item . You can put what ever number of items per tab ,there are pages . There is text field where you can put server name ,and some info text. Now you are able to change icons and text field of tabs ,and image of background/main image in config file. Everything is in config ... Vehicles : You can craft vehicles now ,and you can pick them up with hammer.. Vehicles are placed like innertube and large box . Spawn distance is how far will vehicle spawn . Identifier = 67, DisplayName = "Attack Helicopter", Shortname = "box.wooden.large", Amount = 1, SkinID = 3033643127, IsVehicle = true, VehiclePrefab = "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", SpawnDistance = -0.5f, Description = "Attack Helicopter", Future Plans : Economic/ServerRewards Config Example : { "BackGroundIconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oekoayvmkcc73b2ip77pv/Anvil.png?rlkey=cmrd35fxc2p7uk6ivtzb7v9h9&dl=1", "Panel1Text": "WEAPONS", "Panel1IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f1i0stpz9zz758i8azo0p/rifle.ak.png?rlkey=4w3ew16xrjcg81g6vxuhtl5gp&dl=1", "Panel2Text": "ARMOR", "Panel2IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0dmyzne2p3cv318337wf6/metal.facemask.png?rlkey=btxceyv5xnuc9yqlz7pj6s52a&dl=1", "Panel3Text": "TOOLS", "Panel3IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1grgskr9xhfdfoccytblv/icepick.salvaged.png?rlkey=8pased5k7rn4gtei0mjyx90sq&dl=1", "Panel4Text": "MEDIC", "Panel4IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zdhfaer2crjcqr907c7e9/largemedkit.png?rlkey=qedbem0v9pb43whx6gk6edzi2&dl=1", "Panel5Text": "SPECIALS", "Panel5IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pe2gw856tjn6kv8goq024/star.png?rlkey=9jnasfu3xa4ntzub24oxzja1b&dl=1", "Panel6Text": "VEHICLES", "Panel6IconUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u1sd8tthfvtvue9i37j6r/attackhelicopter.png?rlkey=olivi4ki0g3o5q2aay9hgm5yq&dl=1", "ServerName": [ "Welcome to My Server Name" ], "Info": [ "INFO:", "There are 6 tabs : Weapon, Armor, Tool, Medic, Special, Vehicle.", "", "You can upgrade level of item.", "", "You will need some items and resources for crafting.", "", "You can put what ever text here ,and add more text!" ], "WeaponCraftRecipes": [ { "Identifier": 1, "DisplayName": "Vamipre Ak Lv1", "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 3065510373, "Description": "5% lifesteal", "Ingredients": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "" }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 100, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "" } ] }, "ArmorCraftRecipes": "ToolCraftRecipes": "MedicCraftRecipes": "SpecialCraftRecipes": "VehicleCraftRecipes":$8.00- 12 comments
- #craft
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My items use SkinID,my plugin is based on shortname and skinid ,so i didnt use images ,,, I dont know how "craft menu" works ... I can upload images of items from my plugin ,but you will need to upload them ,so you can get image link ...
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- #custom
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- #custom
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Version 1.0.2
Customizable Healing Items: Custom Medics allows you to define and configure bandages, syringes, and medkits. Each item can have its own healing properties, including instant heal, healing over time, and the ability to counteract negative status effects such as bleeding, poison, and radiation. Buff System: Tailor the buff system to your liking. Enable or disable buffs for specific items and specify the maximum health increase. With this system, players can temporarily boost their health beyond the default limit, making for an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience. UI: Your players will appreciate the informative in-game tooltips. Whenever they select a custom medical item, a tooltip will provide details about the item's effects, making it easier for them to understand its functionality. Permission System: custommedics.use - players can use custom medics custommedics.give - can use give command Give Command: Chat : /givemed <cmdgivename> [amount] [player name or ID] //// amount and player name are optional Console : givemed <cmdgivename> [amount] <player name or ID> //// amount is optional (that cmdgivename is name of med item what you will get ,you can change names) Config Example : { "VWeaponsDescription": [ "You can add more medical items", "HealAmount - instant heal", "HealOverTimeAmount - healing over time", "Bleed , Poison , Radiation - decrease those", "EnabledBuff = true/false (will buff be enabled or disabled for that item)", "MaxHealthIncrease - 0.1 is 110 hp ,1 is 200 HP ,10 is 1100 HP", "Duration - how much buff will lasts (seconds)", "CmdGiveName - this name is for give command /givemed + (cmdgivename)" ], "Meds": [ { "ItemDisplayName": "Bandage Lv1", "ItemShortname": "bandage", "SkinID": 3054607253, "CmdGiveName": "ba1", "Instant Heal": 100.0, "Heal Over Time": 100.0, "Bleed": -100.0, "Poison": -50.0, "Radiation": -100.0, "Enabled": false, "MaxHealthIncrease": 10.0, "Duration": 60.0 }. { "ItemDisplayName": "Syringe Lv2", "ItemShortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": 3054594972, "CmdGiveName": "sy2", "Instant Heal": 100.0, "Heal Over Time": 100.0, "Bleed": -100.0, "Poison": -50.0, "Radiation": -100.0, "Enabled": true, "MaxHealthIncrease": 10.0, "Duration": 60.0 }, { "ItemDisplayName": "LargeMedKit Lv3", "ItemShortname": "largemedkit", "SkinID": 3054597441, "CmdGiveName": "mkit3", "Instant Heal": 100.0, "Heal Over Time": 100.0, "Bleed": -100.0, "Poison": -50.0, "Radiation": -100.0, "Enabled": true, "MaxHealthIncrease": 10.0, "Duration": 60.0 }$8.00 -