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Everything posted by copcopekcro

  1. Thank you ! I will do big updates soon
  2. Version 1.3.0


    Key Features : You can add to what ever tool Gather Bonus. You can chose what tools will have Gather Bonus (based on shortname ,or Shortname + SkinID) , when you put only Shortname all that Shortname tools will have gather bonus. Fully customizable percent of Gather Bonus . Custom MaxDurability - You can change MaxDurability of Gather Tools ,and you can even make them Unbreakable. Buff - tools can have special buff (more gather bonus) , you chose how much bost they will get ,how long ,and how much cooldown is . Buff is activated on middle mouse button. Ui where you see stats of your tools (Yield bonus ,durability) UI buff icon with timer , you can change icon ,you can hide timer . You can add Gather Tools to loot table containers. You can chose prefab and spawn chance . Permission System : gathertools.use - players will have gather tools bonus gathertools.give - can use give command gathertools.buff - can use give command Give Command : /givetool "cmdgivename" (that cmdgivename is name of tool what you will get ,you can change names) Config Example : "IconImageUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2bo0kezjneydplgy4pri6/pick-axe1-kopija.png?rlkey=b6llekf13rjqf332hn8tuorbx&dl=1", "GToolsDescription": [ "IconImageUrl - you can change icon ,just paste your image link", "You can add more tools", "You can use shortname to apply gather bonus ,so all those tools with that shortname will have gather bonus(skinId=0)", "And you can add what ever skin to it,so tool with that skin will have gather bonus(shortname + skinid)", "GatherRateBonus - 1.0 (100%) is normal gather rate ,you can increase it or even decrease gather rate", "Unbreakable = true/false , if true tool cant be broken", "MaxDurability = null/1.0 is default value of durability ,you can increase that 2.0 is double durability", "BuffEnabled - if true tool will have buff when player press middle mouse button", "ShowTimer - will you show to players timer how long buff lasts", "BuffDuration - how long will buff last , BuffCooldown - how long they cant use again buff (seconds)", "BuffedGatherBonus - default is double gatherrate ,you can change it", "CmdGiveName - this name is for give command /givetool + (cmdgivename)", "TSpawn - PrefabPath (chose where will tool spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn tool in that prefab)" ], "GTools": [ { "ItemDisplayName": "", "ItemShortname": "stonehatchet", "SkinID": 0, "GatherRateBonus": 1.0, "Unbreakable": false, "MaxDurability": 1.0, "BuffEnabled": false, "ShowTimer": true, "BuffDuration": 5.0, "BuffCooldown": 30.0, "BuffedGateherBonuse": 2.0, "CmdGiveName": "stonehatchet", "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 }, { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 } ] }
  3. Will do ! Iam making UI now ,when i finish UI , i will update sound also ..
  4. Oke ..Good that all works fine .. I will look for that console error ... Ty!
  5. Is it causing you a problem with stacking ?
  6. Version 1.3.0


    Key Features : You can add to what ever weapon lifesteal. You can chose what weapons will have lifesteal (based on shortname ,or Shortname + SkinID) , when you put only Shortname all that Shortname weapons will have lifesteal. Fully customizable percent of lifesteal . Custom MaxDurability - You can change MaxDurability of vampire weapons ,and you can even make them Unbreakable. Buff - weapons can have special buff (more lifesteal) , you chose how much bost they will get ,how long ,and how much cooldown is . Buff is activated on middle mouse button. Ui where you see stats of your weapon (lifesteal percent ,durability) UI buff icon with timer , you can change icon ,you can hide timer . You can add VampireWeapons to loot table containers. You can chose prefab and spawn chance . Permission System: vampire.use - players can use lifesteal weapons vampire.give - can use give command vampire.buff - can use buff Give Command: /givevampire "cmdgivename" (that cmdgivename is name of weapon what you will get ,you can change names) Config Example : "IconImageUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pqc1je5r117uvl013tqcp/pngaaa.com-516965011.png?rlkey=j7jj9ck9dyf5ywk9h1ggcgwh1&dl=1", "VWeaponsDescription": [ "IconImageUrl - you can change icon ,just paste your image link", "You can add more weapons", "You can use shortname to apply lifesteal ,so all those weapons with that shortname will have lifesteal(skinId=0)", "And you can add what ever skin to it,so weapon with that skin will have lifesteal(shortname + skinid)", "HealPercent - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) from damage dealt", "Unbreakable = true/false , if true vampireweapon cant be broken", "MaxDurability = null/1.0 is default value of durability ,you can increase that, 2.0 is double durability", "BuffEnabled - if true weapon will have buff when player press middle mouse button", "ShowTimer - will you show to players timer how long buff lasts", "BuffDuration - how long will buff last , BuffCooldown - how long they cant use again buff (seconds)", "BuffedHealPercent - default is double lifesteal ,you can change it", "CmdGiveName - this name is for give command /givevampire + (cmdgivename)", "VWSpawn - PrefabPath (chose where will weapon spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn weapon in that prefab)" ], "VWeapons": [ { "ItemDisplayName": "Vampire AK", "ItemShortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 3042995136, "HealPercent": 0.1, "Unbreakable": false, "MaxDurability": 1.0, "BuffEnabled": false, "ShowTimer": true, "BuffDuration": 5.0, "BuffCooldown": 30.0, "BuffedHealPercent": 2.0, "CmdGiveName": "ak", "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 }, { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 } ] } Enhance your Rust server's gameplay with the exciting VampireWeapons plugin. Embrace the darkness, steal life, and dominate your enemies like never before!
  7. Version 2.1.5


    Unlock the secrets of treasure hunting in the world of Rust with the "Treasure Chest" plugin. This feature-rich plugin allows server owners to create custom loot experiences for their players by introducing unique treasure chests, each with its own set of surprises and rewards. News: You can now change skin and display name of chest . You can change for each chest custom stack size. Small UI changes. 4 custom chests : Green, Blue, Red, Gold Customizable Loot Chests: The plugin allows server administrators to define multiple types of Treasure Chests, each with its own set of loot items. Chests can be enabled or disabled individually, giving administrators fine-grained control over the available loot. Create loot tables for each chest, specifying the items, skins,quantities, and probabilities players will find inside. Chest Spawning: Treasure Chests are spawned in the game world based on predefined containers and chances . Admins can chose containers where will Treasure Chest spawn ,with spawn chance . Permission: treasurechest.itemloot.givechest // to be able to use give command Commands : Command: /givechest "display name" quantity Command : /givechestto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity> // example /givechestto copek green chest 5 Console Command : givechestto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity> // example givechestto copek green chest 5 For opening virtualy chest to balance loot : ConsoleCommand : chestsim <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in game console ConsoleCommand : chestsimr <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in rcon console Configuration: The "Treasure Chest" plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to create a truly unique loot system on your Rust server. Customize everything from the items inside chests to the chance of finding them. Usage: Set up your custom treasure chests with the desired loot. Let players uncover the riches by interacting with these chests. Admins can distribute chests as rewards or for special events,and more. Configuration: The "Treasure Chest" plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to create a truly unique loot system on your Rust server. Customize everything from the items inside chests to the chance of finding them. Config Example: "Enabled - true/false , if false chest will not spawn in PrefabPaths", "CustomStackSize - now you can change stack size of each chest", "You can change skin and display name of each chest", "MinChestAmount/MaxCHestAmount - how much items player will get from chest ", "CooldownSeconds - how much seconds will player need to wait to open another chest", "You can add more items to loottable", "Economy: here you put item or plugin", "PluginName: economics or serverrewards", "If you use plugin ,shortname and skinId will be showed in Ui as item for economy,you will not get that item you will get balance of plugin", "IsBlueprint - if true you will get bp of that item", "Min/MaxAmount - quantity of that item (you can put min/max - to same number (1),so its min and max 1 quantity of that item)", "Probability - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) chance to get that item", "command : /givechest display name quantity; example /givechest green chest 5", "Spawns - PrefabPath (chose where will chest spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn chest in that prefab)", "Dont put same prefabpath for more type of chests,for each chest use different prefabpath", "Opening effect : if empty its disabled,you can change opening effect to something else" "Chests": [ { Enabled = true, "CustomStackSize": 100, ItemDisplayName = "Green Chest", ItemShortname = "xmas.present.large", LootBoxSkinID = 3038475567, MinChestAmount = 1, MaxChestAmount = 2, LootTable = "greenchest", "CooldownSeconds": 60, LootTables = new Dictionary<string, List<LootTableItem>> { ["greenchest"] = new List<LootTableItem> { new LootTableItem { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "Economics", "Shortname": "rock", "MaxAmount": 5, "MinAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "SkinID": 2108583966, "DisplayName": "EcoMoney", "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "ServerRewards", "Shortname": "wood", "MaxAmount": 300, "MinAmount": 100, "Probability": 1.0, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Item", "PluginName": null, "Shortname": "stones", "MaxAmount": 300, "MinAmount": 100, "Probability": 1.0, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "IsBlueprint": false } } }, "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", // where can "green chest" spawn "SpawnChance": 50.0 // chance to spawn in that crate_normal_2 } ] }, Get ready to surprise and engage your players with a loot system that goes beyond the ordinary. Unleash the treasures of Rust with the "Treasure Chest" plugin!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here are 2 special underground tunnel monuments , large and small one . Easy to place ,simple drag and drop in Rust Edit . Just place enterance on ground ,and apply Alpha Mask. Large : Dark place with few light objects ,you go deeper and deeper (follow the rail) ,at the bottom you will find container room with hackable crate and elite crates . * Green Loot Room (2 normal crates) * Blue Loot Room ( 2 military crates) * 2 Red Loot Room ( in one hackable crate, in another one 2 elite crates) * Few more Tool Crates , and few more military crates in container room. Small: * Mining Outpost * Cave (good to put some bots and crates)
  9. copcopekcro

    Raidable Bases

    Hello ! How to add custom places for spawning raid bases ? TY
  10. { "Death Removes Conditions": true, "Pause on Disconnect": true, "Require Diagnosis": false, "Show Doctor Indicator": true, "Messages Enabled": true, "Message Icon ID": 0, "Images": { "Undiagnosed": "https://imgur.com/u7oETkU", "Doctor": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/shkpDE2.png", "Damaged": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/09ql1eL_1.png" }, "Status Conditions": { "concussion": { "Enabled": true, "Likeliness": 0.5, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/aZAJqAq.png", "Damage Scale": 1.0, "Show Duration": true, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": {}, "Interval Min Seconds": 15, "Interval Max Seconds": 20, "Duration Min Seconds": 20, "Duration Max Seconds": 45, "Infliction Entities": { "scientistnpc_roam": 0.3 }, "Infliction Items": {} }, "foodpoisoning": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/UplSFWD.png", "Damage Scale": 1.0, "Show Duration": true, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": { "healingtea": 0.5, "healingtea.advanced": 0.75, "healingtea.pure": 1.0 }, "Interval Min Seconds": 10, "Interval Max Seconds": 12, "Duration Min Seconds": 200, "Duration Max Seconds": 240, "Infliction Entities": {}, "Infliction Items": { "chicken.spoiled": 0.75, "humanmeat.spoiled": 0.75, "wolfmeat.spoiled": 0.75, "jar.pickle": 0.25, "apple.spoiled": 0.1 } }, "z13virus": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/hIEhCUR.png", "Damage Scale": 1.5, "Show Duration": false, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": {}, "Interval Min Seconds": 10, "Interval Max Seconds": 14, "Duration Min Seconds": 3600, "Duration Max Seconds": 3600, "Move Items to Zombie": true, "Reanimation Seconds": 10, "Infliction Entities": { "scientistnpc_heavy": 0.5 }, "Infliction Items": {} }, "rabies": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/38Wk5EV.png", "Damage Scale": 1.5, "Show Duration": false, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": {}, "Interval Min Seconds": 10, "Interval Max Seconds": 14, "Duration Min Seconds": 3600, "Duration Max Seconds": 3600, "Infliction Entities": { "wolf": 0.15, "boar": 0.15, "bear": 0.15, "polarbear": 0.15 }, "Infliction Items": {} }, "brokenleg": { "Enabled": true, "Likeliness": 0.5, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/S11eeWk_1.png", "From Legshots": true, "From Falling": true, "Damage Scale": 1.0, "Show Duration": true, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": {}, "Duration Min Seconds": 30, "Duration Max Seconds": 45, "Infliction Entities": { "scientistnpc_roam": 0.3 }, "Infliction Items": {} }, "tapeworm": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://www.linkpicture.com/q/KTCquA7.png", "Damage Scale": 1.0, "Show Duration": false, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": { "antiradpills": 1.0 }, "Duration Min Seconds": 3600, "Duration Max Seconds": 3600, "Infliction Entities": {}, "Infliction Items": { "meat.boar": 0.5, "chicken.raw": 0.5, "bearmeat": 0.5, "humanmeat.raw": 0.3, "deermeat.raw": 0.3, "horsemeat.raw": 0.3, "wolfmeat.raw": 0.3, "fish.raw": 0.1 } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } }
  11. There is a problem with "z13virus" ..when player die ,he still lose hp ,he still got it .. even its not showed on framework ..only reloading plugin fix it ...
  12. Hello ,i like the plugin ... But there is a problem with "z13virus" ..when player die ,he still lose hp ,he still got it .. even its not showed on framework ..only reloading plugin fix it ...
  13. yea it worked ...but lot of work now ,for each player .. TY
  14. Great Plugin ,can dung be collected ? How to add custom item ? there is no skin ID. "Psyche recovery for custom item": 20.0, "Psyche recovery item shortname": "antiradpills",
  15. Hello ... I need to change postion of xp bar ... I change it here,but ofc that is for new players .. So how to change for "old" players ? TY "Default xp bar offset - this is for any new player connecting to the server": { "min_x": -1045.713, "min_y": 20.0, "max_x": -913.287, "max_y": 42.0
    Great plugin, easy to use and even better developer. Easy to get answer from them. They respond very fast. Players like to have more protection. Great for PvP and PvE servers.
  16. So are they ?
  17. can we spawn items without rotation ? can we place custom items ?
  18. I put NPC with your command ,not with another npc plugins ...
  19. Talking NPC, Botrespawn i have
  20. I have one problem , when i add custom place for npc ,he can be killed and he despawn after i restart plugin/server
  21. Hello ... First od all ,this is great plugin ! Well done! I have one question ... In Gather Config ,there is multiplier ,but is it possible to make it from 1.0 to 0,5 ? so they get less
  22. how to open green card room ? where is fuse ? It was my bad ...i deleted io connection sry
  23. Okey ,thank you for your answer ... I like all ,only thing what iam missing here ,at least for me is upgrading items .. That players can get more and more buffs on one gun .. with exp or with some another item upgrade .. so if they have example 1 % more dmg ,thats it they cant get more on that item ,they need to find another one with 2% and more ... So yea it would be rly nice to have chance to upgrade it


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