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Everything posted by copcopekcro

  1. copcopekcro

    some issues

    btw can you add me in discord ,or join my channel ? there we can talk faster
  2. copcopekcro

    some issues

    no worries mate ! Iam looking rn what is problem ...
  3. copcopekcro

    some issues

    ok,,.will try with your config now ...
  4. copcopekcro

    some issues

    are you using this config : { "SpawnCount": 2, "SpawnRadius": 5.0, "EntityDisplayName": "Treasure Guard", "Health": 100, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 30.0, "SenseRange": 20.0, "ListenRange": 10.0, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 1.0, "CheckVisionCone": true, "VisionCone": 140.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "AimConeScale": 1.0, "Speed": 6.0, "MemoryDuration": 10.0, "Kit": "treasureguard", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "Amount": 0, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "" ], "Ammo": 0 } ], "CustomLoot": true, "LootTable": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "keycard_green", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 1, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 0.5, "IsBlueprint": false }, or : NPCSpawns": [ { "SpawnCount": 1, "SpawnRadius": 5.0, "EntityDisplayName": "Treasure Guard", "Health": 150, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 30.0, "SenseRange": 20.0, "ListenRange": 10.0, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 1.0, "CheckVisionCone": true, "VisionCone": 140.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "AimConeScale": 1.0, "Speed": 6.0, "MemoryDuration": 10.0, "Kit": "", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "Amount": 0, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "" ], "Ammo": 0 } ], "CustomLoot": true, "LootTable": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "keycard_green", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 1, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 0.5, "IsBlueprint": false },
  5. copcopekcro

    some issues

    I updated version ... i didnt fix that 1.0 to always be inside of loot..will do that in day or two .... Fixed safe zone,added bp of items .. Added stats for npc (health,dmg,kit,default/custom loot) Ty for your patience !
  6. copcopekcro

    some issues

    i will make fix for that
  7. copcopekcro

    some issues

    { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 1, "MinItemAmount": 2, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": true }, in new update you will have this in config ..you just put true on "IsBlueprint" and you will get bp not item I didnt look your all config..but if you have more than one item with 1.0 it will look for only 1 for first item ,then it will look again for other items..so it can happend if you have 2 items with 1.0 ,that you get only one of them... I think i will update that also ..that you always get items with 1.0 in cfg
  8. copcopekcro

    some issues

    I updated bp items ,,,you will be able to give bp item in chest ...and i fixed spawning in safe zones ... It will be later tonight...i will probably add more things .
  9. copcopekcro

    some issues

    Hey there..all worked so far just fine ! I tested now that 1.0 for scrap with some other items (my config) It worked just fine ! from 20 boxes in all 20 boxes i got scrap . About spawning chests ,,yea they can spawn now in safe zones...i will update that ,i will add check for safe zone ! Bp items no for now ,but maybe i add that in same update with that safe zone check ... About drop rate for maps in prefabs ... its from 1 to 100 % ... yea you can put just bigger number than 3 %, and it should be just fine ! If you have loottable plugin ,,you can just add there maps ,their drop rates ...If that works better for you ... Anyway i will try to improve all that ! { "CustomStackSize": 10, "ItemDisplayName": "Green Map", "ItemShortname": "xmas.present.large", "SkinID": 3073615238, "SpawnedPrefabChest": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "SpawnedPrefabSkin": 1818868472, "MinItemPerChest": 1, "MaxItemPerChest": 5, "LootTable": "greenmap", "LootTables": { "greenmap": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "scrap", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 50, "MinItemAmount": 25, "Probability": 1.0 }, { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 1000, "MinItemAmount": 750, "Probability": 1 }, { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 2000, "MinItemAmount": 1250, "Probability": 0.5 }, { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 60, "MinItemAmount": 30, "Probability": 0.2 }, { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 60, "MinItemAmount": 30, "Probability": 0.2 } ] }, "NPCSpawns": [ { "NPCPath": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_roam.prefab", "SpawnCount": 0, "SpawnRadius": 5.0 } ], "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 } ], "SpawnBradley": false, "BradleyHealth": 5000, "MinCratesToSpawn": 10, "MaxCratesToSpawn": 10 }, This config worked just fine ,without any issue .
  10. Sorry , what ? when you have gap ? Player gap ,server gap or what ?
  11. copcopekcro

    unstackable Items

    Hey... If items have same shortname and skinID (and display name) they should stack ,.. If your stack plugin allow it ..
  12. Well it should work just fine...Just use correct name and its fine..If not i will fix it
  13. /givemap green map 5 This is command ... so without " " /givemap Syrup Sipper 5
  14. Hello. You have problem only with that skin ? What happens ,when player open his box ? or when he open treasure map box ? Treasure Maps or Treasure Chest plugin ? Send me your config .
  15. For now no ... you can only put "chests" in treasure box .
  16. Thank you! Just wanted to check is it still scientistnpc_roam ... Yea its about them
  17. Hey... What prefab is using BotReSpawn ? Is it scientistnpc_roam ? Cant make changes on randomraids and skilltree ,there scientistnpc_roam dont count when i kill bot from your plugin .. Any advice ? Thank you!
  18. Hey... I have one problem with exp ... When i kill bot from botrespawn plugin i always get 100 exp.. "ScientistNormal": 50.0, "TunnelDweller": 50.0, "UnderwaterDweller": 50.0, "ScientistHeavy": 50.0, "Scarecrow": 50.0, "default_botrespawn": 50.0,
  19. I have one problem ,botrespawn bots are not counting at all ... I tryed with scientistnpc_roam/patrol,and they are not counting in data file ...
  20. Hey ,for me all is working fine ! Contact me on discord so we can see what problem you have with it .
  21. Did you try with smaller amount ? "Heal Over Time": 4500.0,
  22. I will check it out ... So when you have low number of med kits is it taking insta item ,or there is 5 sec delay ? Or that happens when you have lot of them in stack ,like 20 or more ? What crafting are you using ?


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