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About Custom Currency

Custom Currency plugin for Rust lets you create your own virtual currency and seamlessly exchange it for items or custom items through a user-friendly interface.

You can choose in config whether you will use your new custom currency or use those well-known economy and server rewards. For both of those plugins, you will be able to exchange it for an item/custom item true UI. The plugin comes with IconUI, your custom image URL, and the balance of custom currency, eco, or SR. You can turn it on and off in the config, and you have a command to turn it on/off.

There is a UI for exchange and the command for exchange, and you can press on the icon (if you have a visible icon) to open the exchange UI.

Admin Commands:

  • /addcurrency <playerID/name> <amount>: Add currency to a player's balance. 
  • /subcurrency <playerID/name> <amount>: Subtract currency from a player's balance.
  • /givecurrencyitem <playerID/name> <amount>: Give a currency item to a player.
  • /wipecurrency <playerID/name|all>: Wipe the currency balance for a player or all players.

All those commands work with custom currency and also with economics and server rewards, so with these commands, you can also control eco and SR . 

Player Commands

  • /toggleui: Toggle the visibility of the currency UI.
  • /exchange: Open the currency exchange UI to convert the virtual currency to items and vice versa.

Exchange works with custom currency and also with economic and server rewards so that you can change eco, rp to custom item. Suitable for trade or VIP or shops.

Console Commands:

  • addcurrency <playerID/name> <amount>: Add currency to a player's balance.
  • subcurrency <playerID/name> <amount>: Subtract currency from a player's balance.
  • givecurrencyitem <playerID/name> <amount>: Give a currency item to a player.
  • wipecurrency <playerID/name|all>: Wipe the currency balance for a player or all players.

All those commands work with custom currency and with eco and SR.


  • customcurrency.admin: Allows use of admin commands.
  • customcurrency.exchange: Allows use of the exchange command


  "Currency Type [0-CustomCurrency, 1-Economics, 2-ServerRewards]": 0,
  "Currency Name": "RealBlood",
  "Currency UI Visible": true,
  "Icon Image URL": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/apo1ukopeuavdln77a70b/512x512.png?rlkey=vujn178mozhm5o93wq5cgd771&st=96xo0sf5&dl=1",
  "Currency Item": {
    "Short Name": "scrap",
    "Skin ID": 0,
    "Display Name": "Scrap"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0


public void API_AddCustomCurrency(string playerID, int amount)
    AddCustomCurrency(playerID, amount);


public void API_SubtractCustomCurrency(string playerID, int amount)
    SubtractCustomCurrency(playerID, amount);


public int API_GetCustomCurrencyBalance(string playerID)
    return GetCustomCurrencyBalance(playerID);
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