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Permission/Group Shop 1.0.1

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About Permission/Group Shop

This plugin allows players to buy permissions and groups true UI.
Very simple to use , all can be done true UI ... No need to hard placing perms ,groups in config .

All modification work can be done true UI :

Adding or removing perms/groups  .
Customize the permissions/groups .
Changeable Perm/Group Title , ImageUrl, Description, What Perm/Group they will get , Cost .

Flexible Economy :

Item-Based Economy: Use in-game items as the currency for purchases.
Plugin-Based Economy: Economics, ServerRewards, and CustomCurrency.

Commands : 

Chat Command : /buyperms - Opens UI (Changeable chat command in config).
Console Command : open_perms_ui - opens UI.
Console Command remove_perm <player_id or all> <permission or group_ or title>  -  remove from player or from all players that specific perm/group/title.
Console Command : wipe_perms <player_id> or <all>  -  with this console command you wipe for that player , or for all players buyed perms/groups.

Perms :

required to open UI.
"permbuy.admin" required to be able to add/remove ,modify perms/groups true UI .
"permbuy.bypasscost" required for not taking any cost when you buying .

Lang File Supported - you can change all texts there !
Data file - you can see there who buyed what !

Example Config :
"Open UI Command": "buyperms",
  "UI Title Text": "Buy Permissions/Groups!",
  "Show Purchased Permissions in UI": true,
  "Cost Configuration": {
    "Economy Type [Item, Plugin]": "Item",
    "Plugin Cost Type [CustomCurrency, Economics, ServerRewards]": "CustomCurrency",
    "Item Shortname (if using Item-based)": "scrap",
    "Item Skin ID (if using Item-based)": 0,
    "Item Display Name (if using Item-based)": ""
  "Available Perms/Groups": [
      "Perm/Group Title": "God Mode",
      "Image URL": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/18yy55g7bfcz8tj4yhnkr/5e2c4da074770.png?rlkey=24zmukgzu3rll382s6wpkbd65&st=e1bi9i7k&dl=1",
      "Description": "Allows you to become truly invisible",
      "What Perm/Group": "vanish.allow",
      "Cost Amount": 100
      "Perm/Group Title": "Bronze VIP",
      "Image URL": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ir8e03hvw0wtv59ofbey1/bronze-badge.png?rlkey=9gq4axhg5swt92dgqar6jk97e&st=8rz8iqh9&dl=1",
      "Description": "You will be Bronze VIP player!",
      "What Perm/Group": "group_VIP",
      "Cost Amount": 200


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