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Vampire Weapons 1.3.0

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About Vampire Weapons

Key Features :
You can add to what ever weapon lifesteal.
You can chose what weapons will have lifesteal (based on shortname ,or Shortname + SkinID) , when you put only Shortname all that Shortname weapons will have lifesteal.
Fully customizable percent of lifesteal .
Custom MaxDurability - You can change MaxDurability of vampire weapons ,and you can even make them Unbreakable.
Buff - weapons can have special buff (more lifesteal) , you chose how much bost they will get ,how long ,and how much cooldown is .
Buff is activated on middle mouse button. 
Ui where you see stats of your weapon (lifesteal percent ,durability)
UI buff icon with timer , you can change icon ,you can hide timer .
You can add VampireWeapons to loot table containers.
You can chose prefab and spawn chance .


Permission System:
vampire.use - players can use lifesteal weapons
vampire.give - can use give command
vampire.buff - can use buff 

Give Command: 
/givevampire "cmdgivename" (that cmdgivename is name of weapon what you will get ,you can change names)

Config Example :

"IconImageUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pqc1je5r117uvl013tqcp/pngaaa.com-516965011.png?rlkey=j7jj9ck9dyf5ywk9h1ggcgwh1&dl=1",
  "VWeaponsDescription": [
    "IconImageUrl - you can change icon ,just paste your image link",
    "You can add more weapons",
    "You can use shortname to apply lifesteal ,so all those weapons with that shortname will have lifesteal(skinId=0)",
    "And you can add what ever skin to it,so weapon with that skin will have lifesteal(shortname + skinid)",
    "HealPercent - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) from damage dealt",
    "Unbreakable = true/false , if true vampireweapon cant be broken",
    "MaxDurability = null/1.0 is default value of durability ,you can increase that, 2.0 is double durability",
    "BuffEnabled - if true weapon will have buff when player press middle mouse button",
    "ShowTimer - will you show to players timer how long buff lasts",
    "BuffDuration - how long will buff last , BuffCooldown - how long they cant use again buff (seconds)",
    "BuffedHealPercent - default is double lifesteal ,you can change it",
    "CmdGiveName - this name is for give command /givevampire + (cmdgivename)",
    "VWSpawn - PrefabPath (chose where will weapon spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn weapon in that prefab)"
  "VWeapons": [
      "ItemDisplayName": "Vampire AK",
      "ItemShortname": "rifle.ak",
      "SkinID": 3042995136,
      "HealPercent": 0.1,
      "Unbreakable": false,
      "MaxDurability": 1.0,
      "BuffEnabled": false,
      "ShowTimer": true,
      "BuffDuration": 5.0,
      "BuffCooldown": 30.0,
      "BuffedHealPercent": 2.0,
      "CmdGiveName": "ak",
      "Spawns": [
          "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
          "SpawnChance": 100.0
          "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
          "SpawnChance": 100.0

Enhance your Rust server's gameplay with the exciting VampireWeapons plugin. Embrace the darkness, steal life, and dominate your enemies like never before!

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