About Crafts
Crafting system that allows you to create items, cars, vehicles, recyclers, etc!
- craft open interface
- crafts.setwb [categories: cat1 cat2 ...] set new custom workbench
You can set permission in config, for example:
"Permission (ex: crafts.use)": "crafts.use",
crafts.setworkbench - allows you to use the "crafts.setwb" command (set custom workbenches)
Craft Types
- Command
- Vehicle
- Item
- Recycler
- ModularCar
How to install a custom workbench
1. Spawn the workbench (for example, in RustEdit or a plugin)
2. In the game, go to him and use the command "crafts.setwb" and specify the necessary categories. Example: /crafts.setwb Misc
3. Go to config (oxide/config/Crafts.json) and configure this workbench (use SafeZone, workbench level, etc.)
Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config