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Found 5 results

  1. Version 2.5.4


    Upgrades your furnaces, ovens, refinery, mixing table & etc to beyond. Upgrade each attribute of your furnace; Supports different oven types; It is possible to define default attributes for all ovens on the server; You can set a default value for all base ovens (replacing quicksmelt); You can enable/disable any features you want; Option to keep attributes when removing the furnace; Option to auto split ores; Automatic fuel calc based on the upraded oven attributes; Now BBQ and Campfire can also be improved; Option so that only the furnace owner can upgrade it; Option so that only owner's teammates can upgrade it; A new completely redesigned UI; NEW Supports Mixing Table furnaceupgrades.use - This is the unique permission. required for all players to upgrade furnaces
  2. Version 2.0.2


    As soon as the event starts, several troops (NPCs) are spawned to defend an hackable crate that will be delivered by the CH47. This crate may contain a lot of loot, so the troops have the duty to defend it. For this purpose, there is a variety of troops such as snipers, close-range shooters, and long-range shooters. If a player manages to initiate the hacking of the crate, all the airfield troops will be relocated to a combat position. In other words, all troops that you haven't seen yet or that are hidden will be moved to the center of the airfield to defend the crate. After a few minutes, a plane will be sent with supply drops containing weapons to assist the troops in defense. However, airborne troops will also be dispatched from the plane to parachute down and aid in defending the crate. If the crate is looted, all troops will be destroyed, leaving only the crates, supply drops, and bodies to be looted by intruders. /ma start to start the event /ma stop to stop the event /ma position to get the current position based in the airfield monument (used to config) militaryairfield.admin to access all commands private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventStarted(); - // Called when the event starts private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventEnded(BasePlayer? lootedBy); - // Called when the event ends
  3. Version 1.0.4


    DangerZones is a plugin that creates a bombing zone event, just like in Battle Royale games! Demonstration video: Auto spawn Danger Zones; Custom map marker; Custom zone radius; Can modify rockets damage; Can modify rockets ground distance; Can modify rockets speed; Chat command to spawn danger zones; Multiple danger zones at the same time; Can modify the interval between rockets; You can modify the number of rockets that will be launched at the same time; Custom status label with the SimpleStatus plugin; Fully customizable UI toast notifications; Enable/disable damage to structures; Enable/disable damage to NPC's & Animals; The default configuration file:
  4. Iftebinjan

    TC Levels

    Version 1.3.3


    Reduce the decay damage by tick; Upgrade the authorizations limit; Upgrade the building grade limit; Upgrade the storage capacity of the cupboard; Unlock some deployable items; Upgrade the stack size limit of the cupboard; Set a default building grade for the server; Modify the default decay; Keep the cupboard attributes when remove; Make your server fun ^u^ The plugin has a unique permission, which allows the player to use the cupboard upgrade: tclevels.use F.A.Q How many items can be blocked? and which? You can block unlimited items and all items must be deployable or they will not be blocked. Which area will be checked when I place my cupboard? The entire privilege area will be checked. But you can also disable checks in the configuration file. Could it cause conflict with any plugin? Yes, but i am providing an API for the plugin so that other developers can integrate with it, so if there is a conflict, just go to the developer's plugin support and ask them to integrate it. Also if it is possible for me to integrate it from my plugin, i will do so without any problem.
  5. Iftebinjan

    NPC Bands

    Version 1.1.0


    HOW TO ADD A TRACK? If you have already created your own track file, skip the first 3 steps. To add a new track, it’s very easy, follow the steps below: 1° Have the midi file (.mid) you want to add ready. 2° Goto the https://npcbands.vercel.app 3° Upload your file and click in the DOWNLOAD button 4° Move the downloaded file to oxide/data/NPCBands/Notes/ Now, the track name to add to the configuration file will be the file name without the .json extension. AVAILABLE INSTRUMENTS Guitar Trumpet Flute Sousaphone Canbourine Jerry Can Guitar Shovel Bass Piano Drumkit Xylophone FEATURES ▪ Create multiple bands ▪ Clean music controls UI ▪ Spawn unlimited bands ▪ Create a song-notes filter for each NPC ▪ Add custom clothing for each NPC ▪ Use of deployable instruments ▪ Fully customizable UI ▪ 2 band-mode (automatic and proximity) ▪ Unlimited NPCs for the same band ▪ All NPCs will play the notes that the instrument allows (can be filtered) ▪ Interval between songs ▪ Permission to use controls ▪ High performance, no server lag ▪ Option to force immediate stop ▪ Easily convert your midi files using the npcbands website ▪ 1 file for each track to avoid a large configuration/data file ▪ Delete all bands automatically when clearing the map ▪ Destroy all NPCs automatically when unloading the plugin ▪ Delete all NPCs on the plugin load in case of possible server crash ▪ Custom chat command ▪ Custom band radius ▪ Notifies you when you enter the band area COMMANDS /npcbands spawn <band_key> to spawn a new band /npcbands remove <band_id> to remove an existing band /npcbands list [page] to list all existing bands PERMISSIONS npcbands.admin - Permission for chat commands & music control npcbands.control - Permission for the music control only CONFIGURATION FILE NPCBands.json


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