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Version 1.6.101
XPerience Addon: READ BEFORE PURCHASE! This is an addon to XPerience! You must have XPerience installed on your server to use this. XPerience Website: Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! New Admin Options: ✯ Full rewrite and conversion of admin panel to text inputs and toggle options ✯ Can now add/edit welcome message, command list, and custom pages in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit custom special items in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit maps in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit all image URLs in admin panel including damage bar skins in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit Global Event reward items and commands in admin panel Added Skills/Stats: These abilities are added to the already existing stats and skill within XPerience.. Added Miner Abilities: Option to increase quarry production by % per Miner level Option to set production duration Option to set cooldown duration Added Weaponry Abilities: Option to fire free ammo from weapons Option to set free ammo chance per weaponry level Increase max distance per Weaponry level Increase max effective range per Weaponry level Added Scavenger Abilities: Chance to receive more items from vendors Option to set percentage chance per scavenger level Option to set percentage amount per scavenger level Added Forager Abilities: Chance to for free recycle for items (gives materials but keeps item) Option to set percentage chance per forager level Added Medic Abilities: Passive Healing Increase health every (x) seconds for (x) amount MedGun for healing entities from a distance Added Demolitionist Abilities: Enable rocket locking Select rocket trackable entities Select rocket trackable ammo Adjust rocket lock chance percentage % Adjust rocket lock time Adjust rocket max lock distance Adjust rocket max lock distance increase percentage % Adjust rocket detonation time Adjust rocket speed increase percentage % Adjust rocket damage increase percentage % Includes Rocket Launcher UI that shows target name, lock status, distance, and max distance allowed Other Features: Global Event Feature: Gathering and Kill goals for all players collectively Set total number of required kills for different entities Set total amount of resources for different types (wood, ores, scrap, and more..) Reward Options: XP, Items, Economics, Server Rewards, Special Items, Per player Commands, Global Commands Awards all players in the server active player list Global Event deposit box for event contributions (obtained by chat command or give button on welcome panel) Option to restrict getting a global event box by permission Option to set max number of global event boxes allowed per player Option to show chat notifications when contributions are made and goals are reached Global Event HUD option to show all goals (with or without border) Option to auto reset global event after x amount of hours from completion Option to destroy all global event boxes on event completion Button to manually destroy all global event boxes Button to manually reset Global Event Global Event details page shown on Welcome Panel Map Display/Voting: Shows 3 maps at a time on welcome menu Can list as many maps as wanted with map name, small img, large img, map size, and details Can set max number of votes per player Can auto clear map/vote data on wipe Can manually clear map/vote data in admin panel More feature to come.... Special Items: (requires XPerience V1.6.9+) Option to set special items as soulbound (only recieving player can use) Option to show Special Items in Welcome menu Option to enable economics purchase of special items Option to enable server rewards purchase of special items Option to enable permissions for purchase options Special Items can be purchased from Welcome Panel Admin chat/console commands to give special items Option to set percentage (%) chance item drop from actions Premade Items: Can change skinID of each default item in config XP Scroll Small XP Scroll Medium XP Scroll Large XP Scroll Massive Option to set amount of xp gained per scroll Option to set scroll rarity drop Stat Book Small Stat Book Medium Stat Book Large Stat Book Massive Skill Book Small Skill Book Medium Skill Book Large Skill Book Massive Option to set amount of points gained per book Option to set book rarity drop XP Booster Option to set percentage amount Option to set duration in mins Custom Items: Admin chat/console commands to create/delete custom items Option to set custom name, type, rarity, award amount, skinID, economics cost, serverrewards cost, and duration Option to include custom items in drop chance Playtime XP: Option to enable XP for time playing Option to set XP amount for every xx mins Option to increase XP amount by percentage % Target Damage Display: (Health/Damage Bar) Shows target health/max health in live UI when target attacked Disappears when target is killed or after 5 seconds if not killed Option to show last damage amount Option to show names on bar Select from 10 premade skins to use for default health on the damage bar UI Add/Create as many damage bar skins as wanted Option to allow players to choose what damage bar skin they want to use Death Records: Option to enable Death Records Track all kills/deaths from players Shows victim, attacker, weapon, damage type, distance, and time Players have their own Death Records profile UI (accessed from XPerience profile) Option to set custom chat command for DeathRecords UI Option to send death record notice to chat Option to adjust chat font size and colors Option to send death record to discord (Discord Messages required) Option to show player turret kills Option to give bonus XP for kill distance Option to set bonus xp amount and distance multiplier Option to list all entities you want to track in config Player Notes: Option to show XP gains Option to show Level Up Option to show Rank Up Option to show Stat Level up Option to show Skill Level up Notify UI: (Player & Global) Option to enable Player and Global Notify UI Bar Option to show when player ranks up Option to show when player levels up Option to show when player increases stats or skills Option to set timeout in seconds when UI bar disappears DiscordMessages Support: (requires DiscordMessages plugin) Discord webhook URL Option to send player rank up to discord Option to send player level up to discord Option to send player stat level up to discord Option to send player skill level up to discord Welcome Panel: Option to use background image Option to use profile background image from XPerience so they match Option to set welcome message on main UI screen Option to set list of chat commands on command page Option to show skill Item Drops (split into 2 parts forager/scavenger) Shows all items listed in the forager and Scavenger skill lists Shows percentage drop chance per skill levels Option to show XPerience profile button Option to show server XP/Level settings Option to show map voting list Option to show special items (books, scrolls, xp boosters) Option to show Mods Installed Option to exclude list of Mods Installed Option to show Admin panel button Option to show custom pages Option to show Custom Item Drops list page (Requires Custom Item Drops V1.0.6+) Shows all items in the Custom Item Drops plugin separated by lists Shows percentage drop chance for default and vip settings per list RaidableBases support: Shows all active and completed raids RustLevels Website: (Optional Feature) IMPORTANT: If you want your server to appear on RustLevels you must join our discord at to receive a link to your auto generated ServerIDKey. This is now required for your server to connect to Sends Server data to RustLevels (Name / IP) Option to set server banner URL Option to set website URL Option to hide player steam info Sends XPerience player data to RustLevels Sends Kill Records player data to RustLevels RustLevels Details: This Addon collects all player data from XPerience, Kill Records and other mods if enabled and sends it to through SQL. All servers with this addon mod can be be publicly shown on with their own page and player profiles if you choose. Once purchased you must submit your server's IP or DNS to our discord here: so that it can be allowed to access RustLevels database and receive your Unique ServerIDKey to place in your config file . Please allow up to 48 hours for your server to be accepted. Player steam badges can be hidden on by config option. This will prevent steam badges for your server players being shown on our website. All player steam information is supplied by Steamworks API with permissions listed in steams privacy policy section 5.5 which RustLevels has no control over: Chat Commands: Server Admins Only /xpglobalremove - removes all data from RustLevels that match your server (will be added back automatically on next data send) /globalupdate - Sends a one time update of all players to RustLevels /xpaddonreload - Reloads the XPerienceAddon mod /newitem "<name>" <rarity> <stat/skill/xp/booster> <points/xp> <skinID> <economics cost> <serverrewards cost> <duration> /removeitem "<name>" /xpitem <name/id> <playername/id> "<itemname>" <amount> Console Commands rustlevelsclear - clears all server and player data from RustLevels rustlevelsupdate - updates all server and player data on RustLevels newitem "<name>" <rarity> <stat/skill/xp/booster> <points/xp> <skinID> <economics cost> <serverrewards cost> <duration> removeitem "<name>" xpitem <name/id> <playername/id> "<itemname>" <amount> Damage Bar Skins: Add/Edit Damage Bar Skins In -> /oxide/config/XPerienceAddon.json "dmgbarimgs": { "0": { "name": "DmgBar0", "url": "" }, "1": { "name": "DmgBar1", "url": "" }, "2": { "name": "DmgBar2", "url": "" }, "3": { "name": "DmgBar3", "url": "" }, "4": { "name": "DmgBar4", "url": "" }, "5": { "name": "DmgBar5", "url": "" }, "6": { "name": "DmgBar6", "url": "" }, "7": { "name": "DmgBar7", "url": "" }, "8": { "name": "DmgBar8", "url": "" }, "9": { "name": "DmgBar9", "url": "" }, "10": { "name": "DmgBar10", "url": "" }, "11": { "name": "DmgBar11", "url": "" } } Map Data: Add maps in the -> /oxide/data/XPerienceAddon/MapData.json { "Maps": { "0": { "name": "Map 1", "details": "Monuments: 116 \n Safezones: 5 \n Land Percentage: 45% \n Islands: 4 \n Large Monuments: 13 \n Small Monuments: 14 \n Tiny Monuments: 78 \n Caves: 5 \n Rivers: 4 \n Mountains: 0 \n Icebergs: 14 \n Ice Lakes: 3", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 0 }, "1": { "name": "Map 2", "details": "Monuments: 101 \n Safezones: 8 \n Land Percentage: 67% \n Islands: 1 \n Large Monuments: 11 \n Small Monuments: 8 \n Tiny Monuments: 99 \n Caves: 5 \n Rivers: 9 \n Mountains: 2 \n Icebergs: 7 \n Ice Lakes: 2", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 1 }, "2": { "name": "Map 3", "details": "Monuments: 106 \n Safezones: 6 \n Land Percentage: 54% \n Islands: 2 \n Large Monuments: 16 \n Small Monuments: 23 \n Tiny Monuments: 58 \n Caves: 1 \n Rivers: 5 \n Mountains: 1 \n Icebergs: 13 \n Ice Lakes: 1", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 0 }, "3": { "name": "Map 4", "details": "Details about this map", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 0, "votes": 0 }, "4": { "name": "Map 5", "details": "Details about this map", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 0, "votes": 0 } } } Addon Config: { "Welcome Panel": { "showonconnect": true, "autoclosetimer": false, "timeout": 10, "AnchorMin": ".5 .5", "AnchorMax": ".5 .5", "OffsetMin": "-300 -200", "OffsetMax": "300 200", "InsideAnchorMin": ".03 .01", "InsideAnchorMax": ".99 .97", "usebgimage": true, "usexpbgimage": true, "usemenubgimage": false, "bgfadein": 0.2, "menuwidth": 0.2, "menuheight": 0.75, "menubuttonheight": 0.07, "menubuttonfont": 11, "openwelcomepanel": "welcome", "welcomemessage": "Welcome {playername} to our server. This server has the XPerience mod installed which allows you to gain XP, Levels, and Points to spend in different Stats and Skills. Each Stat and Skill will give your character increased abilities. Check out the XP/Level Info page for more details and the Commands page for list of chat commands you can use. Click the My Profile button to view your XPerience profile and all the abilities you can earn. You can also view all the mods installed on our server by clicking the Mods Installed button.\n\nYour Level: {xp.level} \nYour XP: {xp.experience}", "showcommandsbutton": false, "showskillitemdropsbutton": true, "showcustomitemdropsbutton": true, "showprofilebutton": true, "showsettingsbutton": true, "showmodsbutton": true, "excludemods": "RustCore,UnityCore", "showadminbutton": true, "showcustombuttons": true, "showraidsbutton": true, "showspecialitemsbutton": true, "showscustompecialitems": true, "showmapbutton": true, "commands": { "0": { "command": "/xpstats", "details": "Opens your XPerience profile" }, "1": { "command": "/deaths", "details": "Opens All Death Records" }, "2": { "command": "/xphelp", "details": "Opens Help page in XPerience UI" }, "3": { "command": "/xptop", "details": "Opens Top players page in XPerience UI" }, "4": { "command": "/welcome", "details": "Opens the Welcome Panel UI" } }, "custompages": { "0": { "button": "Server Rules", "CustomSubPages": { "0": { "title": "Server Rules", "content": "Server Rules:\n\n* No Harassment, Racism, Sexism, Trolling, Disrespect, or Hate Speech!\n\n" } } } } }, "Maps": { "maxmapvotes": 2, "autoreset": false }, "Connection Info": { "serveridkey": "", "sendtorustlevels": false, "hideplayerssteam": false, "hidemodlist": false, "websitebannerurl": "", "websiteurl": "" }, "Other Features": { "usepermissions": false, "dmgbar": true, "dmgbarname": true, "dmgindicator": true, "dmgbartimeout": 10.0, "dmgbarupdate": 0.5, "dmgbarskindefault": 3, "dmgbarlocation": 35 }, "Note Messages": { "xpgain": true, "xpgainnote": 1, "levelup": true, "levelupnote": 1, "statup": true, "statupnote": 1, "skillup": true, "skillupnote": 1, "rankup": true, "rankupnote": 1, "combine": true }, "Skills": { "minerquarry": 0.1, "minerquarryduration": 120, "minerquarrycooldown": 600, "weaponryammochance": 0.01, "weaponryreload": 0.05, "weaponrydistance": 0.08, "weaponryrange": 0.04, "scavengervendingchance": 0.05, "scavengervendingamount": 0.05, "foragerrecyclerchance": 0.05, "foragerrecyclerspeed": 0.1, "medicpassivehealing": true, "medicpassivehealingcooldown": 10, "medicpassivehealingtimer": 10.0, "medicpassivehealingamount": 0.02 }, "Notify UI": { "playernotify": true, "rankup": true, "levelup": true, "statup": true, "skillup": true, "globalnotify": true, "rankupglobal": true, "levelupglobal": true, "statupglobal": true, "skillupglobal": true, "notifyuitimeout": 5.0 }, "Death Records": { "enabledeathrecords": true, "usepermissions": false, "senddeathtochat": true, "sendplayerdeathtochat": true, "senddeathtodiscord": false, "usepopupnotifications": true, "logturretkills": true, "chatfontsize": 10, "attackercolor": "#FF0000", "victimcolor": "#00FF00", "weaponcolor": "#0000FF", "distancecolor": "#00FF00", "enabledistancebonus": true, "xpbonusamount": 50, "bonusrangedistance": 25, "deathrecordschatcommand": "deaths", "discordwebhookurldeaths": "", "entityList": { "0": { "entity": "chicken", "name": "Chicken" }, "1": { "entity": "boar", "name": "Boar" }, "2": { "entity": "stag", "name": "Stag" }, "3": { "entity": "wolf", "name": "Wolf" }, "4": { "entity": "bear", "name": "Bear" }, "5": { "entity": "polarbear", "name": "Polar Bear" }, "6": { "entity": "simpleshark", "name": "Shark" }, "7": { "entity": "ridablehorse", "name": "Horse" }, "8": { "entity": "scientistnpc", "name": "Scientist" }, "9": { "entity": "tunneldweller", "name": "Tunnel Dweller" }, "10": { "entity": "underwaterdweller", "name": "Underwater Dweller" }, "11": { "entity": "scarecrownpc", "name": "Scarecrow" }, "12": { "entity": "zombienpc", "name": "Zombie" }, "13": { "entity": "customscientistnpc", "name": "Custom Scientist" }, "14": { "entity": "bradleyapc", "name": "Bradley APC" }, "15": { "entity": "patrolhelicopter", "name": "Patrol Helicopter" }, "16": { "entity": "basehelicopter", "name": "Patrol Helicopter" } } }, "Images": { "xperienceaddonlogo": "", "rustlevelslogo": "", "dmgbarimg": "", "dmgbarimgname": "", "notifybar": "", "welcomepanel": "", "raideasy": "", "raidmedium": "", "raidhard": "", "raidexpert": "", "raidnightmare": "", "welcomebg": "", "menubg": "", "xp": "", "dmgbarimgs": { "0": { "name": "DmgBar0", "url": "" }, "1": { "name": "DmgBar1", "url": "" }, "2": { "name": "DmgBar2", "url": "" }, "3": { "name": "DmgBar3", "url": "" }, "4": { "name": "DmgBar4", "url": "" }, "5": { "name": "DmgBar5", "url": "" }, "6": { "name": "DmgBar6", "url": "" }, "7": { "name": "DmgBar7", "url": "" }, "8": { "name": "DmgBar8", "url": "" }, "9": { "name": "DmgBar9", "url": "" }, "10": { "name": "DmgBar10", "url": "" }, "11": { "name": "DmgBar11", "url": "" } } }, "Discord": { "enablediscord": false, "discordwebhookurl": "", "discordrankup": false, "discordlevelup": false, "discordstatup": false, "discordskillup": false, "useecludedlist": false }, "Raidable Bases": { "easyxp": 500.0, "mediumxp": 1000.0, "hardxp": 1500.0, "expertxp": 2000.0, "nightmarexp": 2500.0, "awardall": true, "awardpercentage": true, "percentagereduction": 0.1 }, "Special Items": { "createitemcommand": "newitem", "deleteitemcommand": "removeitem", "xpboosterduration": 3, "xpboosterrarity": 3, "xpboosteramount": 0.1, "xpscrollsmall": 50.0, "xpscrollmedium": 100.0, "xpscrolllarge": 250.0, "xpscrollmassive": 500.0, "scrollsmallrarity": 1, "scrollmediumrarity": 4, "scrolllargerarity": 7, "scrollmassiverarity": 10, "recievechance": 50, "soulbind": true, "deletesoulbind": true, "includecustomitems": true, "kills": true, "bkills": true, "ckills": true, "boosterkills": true, "looting": true, "blooting": true, "clooting": true, "boosterlooting": true, "missions": true, "bmissions": true, "cmissions": true, "boostermissions": true, "raidablebases": true, "braidablebases": true, "craidablebases": true, "boosterraidablebases": true, "bookofstatknowledgesmall": 1, "bookofstatknowledgemedium": 2, "bookofstatknowledgelarge": 3, "bookofstatknowledgemassive": 5, "bookofskillknowledgesmall": 1, "bookofskillknowledgemedium": 2, "bookofskillknowledgelarge": 3, "bookofskillknowledgemassive": 5, "smallstatbookrarity": 1, "mediumstatbookrarity": 4, "largestatbookrarity": 7, "massivestatbookrarity": 10, "smallskillbookrarity": 1, "mediumskillbookrarity": 4, "largeskillbookrarity": 7, "massiveskillbookrarity": 10, "smallxpscrollskinID": 2875023577, "mediumxpscrollskinID": 2875023708, "largexpscrollskinID": 2875023800, "massivexpscrollskinID": 2875023861, "smallstatbookskinID": 2876483610, "mediumstatbookskinID": 2876483501, "largestatbookskinID": 2876483375, "massivestatbookskinID": 2876478826, "smallskillbookskinID": 2876486178, "mediumskillbookskinID": 2876486286, "largeskillbookskinID": 2876486372, "massiveskillbookskinID": 2876486500, "xpboosterskinID": 2874722752, "useeconomics": true, "useeconomicsbooks": true, "useeconomicscustom": true, "useeconomicsboosters": true, "specialitemeconperm": false, "useserverrewards": true, "useserverrewardsbooks": true, "useserverrewardscustom": true, "useserverrewardsboosters": true, "specialitemsrperm": false, "xpscrollsmallcost": 100.0, "xpscrollmediumcost": 250.0, "xpscrolllargecost": 500.0, "xpscrollmassivecost": 1000.0, "statbooksmallcost": 100.0, "statbookmediumcost": 250.0, "statbooklargecost": 500.0, "statbookmassivecost": 1000.0, "skillbooksmallcost": 100.0, "skillbookmediumcost": 250.0, "skillbooklargecost": 500.0, "skillbookmassivecost": 1000.0, "xpboostercost": 1000.0, "xpscrollsmallsrcost": 10, "xpscrollmediumsrcost": 25, "xpscrolllargesrcost": 50, "xpscrollmassivesrcost": 100, "statbooksmallsrcost": 10, "statbookmediumsrcost": 25, "statbooklargesrcost": 50, "statbookmassivesrcost": 100, "skillbooksmallsrcost": 10, "skillbookmediumsrcost": 25, "skillbooklargesrcost": 50, "skillbookmassivesrcost": 100, "xpboostersrcost": 500 } } About RustLevels: RustLevels collects data from Rust servers that use the XPerience, XPerience Addon, Kill Records, and other plugins. Each server gets added and updated automatically each time the server saves and displays all their player's data related to these plugins. Every server is setup differently based on the owners of each server so no two servers will be alike. RustLevels website will show all players that play on each server with their progression based on that server's setup. RustLevels is NOT responsible for any server progression or setup nor do they have any control over the player data displayed on their website. (Player data is controlled by each server individually not by RustLevels) You can subscribe to our discord mod update channel where we post updates when released at: [ ] The version numbers at the bottom left of the RustLevels website should match the Addon version your using at all times.$29.99- 33 comments
- 11 reviews
- 2
- #xperience
- #stats
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.3
WordPress Elementor Website Template/Kit for your Rust Server! Shows all important information about your server. The complete demo template is provided. Everything is completely editable Try to log in with the demo account: Login: Guest | Password: Demo123 Requirement: WordPress WooCommerce Elementor Pro (Shop) Wordpress Claimer* *This Elementor theme/kit does not directly include a system that allows the connection between your website and your game server. This is why we suggest you use WordPress Claimer to connect your website to your game server. For any questions regarding this plugin, please contact its author directly. For more information or support, visit our website.$10.00 -
Version 1.0.0
Bring your website to life with this Rust-inspired Elementor kit! Shows all important information about your server. This kit is set to the official Rust colors and includes Header, Footer and a Home page. Everything is completely editable. Installation guide provided. ___ ___ Upcoming Update: Responsive Adaptation$8.00-
- #website
- #website template
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.0.1
Things coming. Auto Perms via a Rust Plugin Blacklist a user Discord bot (more info soon) Reworked profile to support store... Maybe App Track (Applications) LIVE PREVIEW HERE: App Track is a streamlined application management system designed to simplify the submission and review process for organizations and communities. It is built with user convenience and administrative efficiency in mind, offering secure authentication through the Steam API and a dedicated admin dashboard for effective application handling. Features: User-Friendly Submission: Easy-to-navigate interface for users submitting applications. Secure Authentication: Integrated Steam API ensures secure login functionality. Admin Controls: Comprehensive dashboard for reviewing, managing, and approving submissions. Purpose: This system is ideal for gaming communities, organizations, or any group needing an efficient way to handle online application submissions. Profile for users that have already applied where they can see the status of there app! Installing: There is a HowToInstall.html file that will tell you how to install this with out any issues. If you come across any issues please reach out and let me know and i will help you install this and get it up and running! - More cool features coming soon to the `profile` side!$35.99 -
Version 1.0.1
Rankeval 20% off first 3 months discount code - modbyko Current/Lifetime stats: Overall PVP PVE Resources Installation Download zip file. There will be two folders inside zip file. rankeval-img - move this folder to your Ember root public/img/ rankeval-leaderboards - move this folder inside Ember root modules/ After that visit your Embers site and automatic integration will start. When integration is comple visit your Admin panel > Rankeval there you will be able to add your server name and API KEY after that all stats from Rankeval are visible inside your Ember site. Remember you will have to need Rankeval subscription for this module to work. Support Feel free to message me if you want some customizations or have troubles to setup module. Discord: kokars Email: [email protected]$22.95 -
Version 1.0.2
Minimal & Clean Rust Server Homepage Template A simple, mobile-friendly, and lightweight homepage template for Rust server owners. This theme includes only index.html and style.css, making it easy to set up and customize without complex configurations. Why Choose This Theme? Minimalist & Elegant – A clean design that looks great on all devices. Effortless Setup – Simply upload the files and edit the server details manually. Direct Access to Your Community – Easily link visitors to your store, Discord, and Steam with stylish buttons. Basic Server Info Display – Modify index.html with a text editor to add your server names, IPs, and wipe schedules. One-Click Copy Feature – Visitors can copy your server IP:Port with a single button for quick access. Additionally, right-click functionality is disabled on the page for added protection. Who Is This Theme For? This theme is perfect for Rust server owners who need a simple and clean homepage to display their server details and provide easy access to their community. No automated server tracking or online data fetching—just a lightweight, no-fuss homepage to inform visitors. Installation Guide 1) Extract the downloaded files (main.webp, web.png, logo.png, style.css, and index.html) using WinRAR or any other extraction tool. 2) Upload these files to the root directory of your hosting server. 3) Replace logo.png with your own logo (keep the name logo.png for it to work correctly). 4) Open index.html with a text editor (such as Notepad or VS Code) and update the following: - Store, Discord, and Steam links - Server names, IP addresses, and wipe schedules 5) Save the changes and upload the modified file. Need Hosting? If you don’t have a hosting service yet, get a special discount through our referral link: Get Affordable Hosting via Hostinger Set up your Rust server website in minutes! No coding knowledge required! Just edit a simple text file to update your details. Get your Rust server website set up in minutes!$7.99- 1 comment
- #rust
- #rust server
(and 24 more)
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- #rust
- #rust server
- #rust theme
- #rust server tool
- #rust server template
- #rust server theme
- #rust website
- #website
- #website template
- #website theme
- #rust template
- #homepage
- #homepage template
- #simple website
- #rust server list
- #simple website theme
- #minimal website
- #landing page template
- #one page
- #index
- #index theme
- #index template
- #rust web
- #rust templates
- #rust themes
- #website templates
Version 1.4.2
Rust Premium Website is 100% customizable, allowing you to change the site's colors, links, text, and more. You have the freedom to personalize every aspect, creating a unique experience for players. One significant advantage of our website is its translation capability. You can add as many languages as you want, enabling players from different regions to access and navigate the site easily. Effectively communicate with a diverse community of players. Our website features a leaderboard and profile system, which requires the DatabaseStats plugin. This system allows you to track players' progress and achievements, fostering healthy competition within your community. The leaderboard adds an extra element of excitement to your Rust server, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Additionally, our website seamlessly integrates Steam authentication, allowing players to log in using their Steam accounts. This secure authentication method ensures a seamless and reliable experience for players. Build a strong community and establish trust by providing a familiar and secure login process. Moreover, our website prominently displays real-time statistics about the number of players on your server. Stay informed about player activity and showcase the popularity of your server. This feature helps attract new players and demonstrates the thriving nature of your Rust community. Take full control of your Rust server's online presence with our fully customizable, translation-ready website equipped with a leaderboard system. Engage with players from around the world, deliver an immersive gaming experience, and showcase the vibrant community you've built. Start creating your dream website today! Warning: 1. If you want to use Leaderboard and Profile pages, you need to install and configure the DatabaseStats plugin. 2. If you want to add more rules, you can add it on the array of language file, same at services and custom links. If you want to edit text from website, just edit it from the lang folder. 3. If you want to add more languages, just copy language file from lang folder, and rename to language code, for exemple en.php to ro.php, after that, add language in translations_list.php. This website use IP location to detect the language code, languages are taken automatically form visitor IP. You can find country codes at 4. This website is written in PHP, so, you need LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) to use it. 5. Make sure your host is capable to read .htaccess files and your Apache server have mod_rewrite enabled. 6. If you want to add many servers just copy the current array from servers_list, add comma and paste the copied array. 7. If you want to update the website from an older version to a newer one, you must delete the old website, minus the files config.php, translations_list.php and the translations folder, then copy the new website to host. 8. If you want to have Launcher available for download on the Launcher page, you must put them in the download folder, then put the file name in config. 9. We recommend hosts that use CPanel, Plesk or CyberPanel, also even using LAMP technology directly on Linux if you are familiar with Linux. Some of the hosts we tested are: Hostico, Hostinger, GoDaddy, BlueHost and HostGator. Configuration: $name = "Rust Premium Website"; // The name of website $timezone = "Europe/Bucharest"; // The timezone of website $custom_protocol = ""; // The custom protocol of website. Default is http or https $folder_path = ""; // The folder path of website. If it is blank, the path will be / $favicon = "favicon.ico"; // The favicon of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here $logo = "logo.png"; // The logo of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here $header = ""; // The header image of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here. If it is blank, the displayed image will be the default $color = "orange"; // The color of website. Select from: orange, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink $link_hub = ""; // The link of servers hub $link_store = ""; // The link of server store $link_steam = ""; // The link of Steam group $link_discord = ""; // The link of Discord server $link_youtube = ""; // The link of Youtube channel $link_facebook = ""; // The link of Facebook page $link_instagram = ""; // The link of Instagram account $link_x = ""; // The link of X account $link_tiktok = ""; // The link of TikTok account $name_launcher = "Rust-Premium-Launcher-setup"; // The name of launcher file $version_launcher = ""; // The version of launcher. If it is blank, no version will be displayed $contact_email = "[email protected]"; // The contact email of server $copyright_name = "dFxPhoeniX"; // The Copyright name $copyright_link = ""; // The Copyright link $home_page_name = true; // Enable/Disable the name of the page on Home page $social_icons = true; // Enable/Disable the social icons $dark_mode = true; // Enable/Disable the dark mode theme change $default_dark = false; // Enable/Disable the default dark mode theme $open_newtab = false; // Enable/Disable opening social links in a new tab $display_errors = false; // Enable/Disable display errors $log_errors = true; // Enable/Disable log errors // Enable/Disable pages $page_hub = false; $page_leaderboard = true; $page_store = true; $page_profile = true; $page_launcher = false; $page_api = false; $page_custom = false; // Enable/Disable modules $module_status = true; $module_email = true; $module_rules = true; // Enable/Disable socials $social_steam = true; $social_discord = true; $social_youtube = true; $social_facebook = true; $social_instagram = false; $social_x = false; $social_tiktok = false; // Enable/Disable leaderboard top $leaderboard_deaths = true; $leaderboard_suicides = false; $leaderboard_shots = false; $leaderboard_headshots = true; $leaderboard_farmeditems = false; $leaderboard_looteddrops = false; $leaderboard_thrownexplosives = true; $leaderboard_playtime = false; $leaderboard_votes = false; $leaderboard_balance_money = false; $leaderboard_balance_rp = false; // Enable/Disable profile stats $profile_ip = true; $profile_isbanned = false; $profile_ismuted = false; $profile_lastposition = false; $profile_joindate = false; $profile_lastconnected = false; $profile_rank = true; $profile_playtime = true; $profile_votes = true; $profile_balance_money = true; $profile_balance_rp = false; $profile_kills = true; $profile_deaths = true; $profile_suicides = true; $profile_shots = true; $profile_headshots = true; $profile_farmeditems = true; $profile_looteddrops = true; $profile_thrownexplosives = true; // Enable/Disable launcher download $launcher_windows = true; $launcher_macos = false; $launcher_linux = false; $launcher_ubuntu = false; // Enable/Disable api stats $api_ip = true; $api_isbanned = false; $api_ismuted = false; $api_lastposition = false; $api_joindate = false; $api_lastconnected = false; $api_rank = true; $api_playtime = true; $api_votes = true; $api_balance_money = true; $api_balance_rp = false; $api_kills = true; $api_deaths = true; $api_suicides = true; $api_shots = true; $api_headshots = true; $api_farmeditems = true; $api_looteddrops = true; $api_thrownexplosives = true; const session_name = "rustpremiumwebsite"; // The session name const session_domain = ""; // The session domain. The preceding dot must be used if you want subdomains to work as well const session_time = 60 * 60 * 24; // The session cookie lifetime. Time is in seconds const session_maxtime = 60 * 60 * 24; // The session cookie max lifetime. Time is in seconds const steamauth_key = ""; // Your Steam WebAPI-Key found at const steamauth_domain = ""; // The main URL of your website displayed in the login page const steamauth_logout = "./"; // Page to redirect to after a successfull logout (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning! const steamauth_login = "./"; // Page to redirect to after a successfull login (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning! const steam_profileurl = ""; // The default Steam API Profile URL const steam_avatar = ""; // The default Steam API Avatar const steam_avatarmedium = ""; // The default Steam API Medium Avatar const steam_avatarfull = ""; // The default Steam API FULL Avatar const servers_list = [ 'Rust Server' => [ 'rust_servers_key' => "", // API Key from 'mysql_ip' => "", // The MySQL IP 'mysql_port' => "3306", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Port 'mysql_username' => "rustuser", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Username 'mysql_password' => "", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Password 'mysql_dbname' => "rustserver", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Database Name 'mysql_tablename' => "DatabaseStats" // The DatabaseStats MySQL Table Name ] ]; Live demo:$20.99- 8 comments
- 2 reviews
Version 1.4.8
This plugin connects your store to your Rust Oxide server. It checks if a player has made a donation on your Tip4Serv store and delivers the order in a minute (group, inventory item...) by typing commands in the server console. Supports Rust Garry's Mod FiveM Minecraft Discord ARK and more HMAC authentication Tip4serv adds a layer of security using HMAC authentication to communicate. It is a strong authentication method that is used by banks HMAC WIKI Features for starter plan (only 5% fee) Unlimited game servers & commands Create subscriptions plan Commands status tracking Stock management Deliver roles & messages on Discord Easily offer a product to a friend Create discount coupon Add managers for your store Purchase email and invoice Sales statistics Private flow for subscribers Custom sub-domain Resend commands Fast delivery of orders (less than 5 minutes) No ads Features for PRO members (subscription required) Dynamic Dark/Light theme Account linking with avatars Product page with gallery & video GUI colors editor & additional CSS Top customers & related products Store available in 15 languages English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Several payment methods Here are the payment methods you can offer your players: Card, Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ideal, Giropay, Bancontact, Sofort, My Bank, Sepa, EPS, BACS, Multibanco, BECS, Przelexy24, BOLETO, OXXO, Mercado Pago. Installation via Plugin Open an account at, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Drag and drop tip4serv.cs into the oxide plugins directory on your Rust server Reload the plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in your Rust server console. Set key to your tip4serv API key in the config file tip4serv.json. Reload plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in console. You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Installation via RCON Open an account at, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Enter your server IP Enter your server RCON port Enter your server RCON password You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Setting up commands on Tip4Serv Before setting up your commands on, you should know that command work in your server's console (not ingame as an admin). Here are some sample commands you can use in the products configuration: MY PRODUCTS. But you can use any plugin commands you want. Give a group or permission Add a player to a group previously created with add [group-name]: oxide.usergroup add {steam_id} group-name Remove a player from a group: oxide.usergroup remove {steam_id} group-name Give a permission to a player: oxide.grant user {steam_id} permission-name Remove a permission from a player: oxide.revoke user {steam_id} permission-name Give an item to a player inventory with steam_id (advised) IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor inventory.giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: inventory.giveto {steam_id} scientist 5 Give an item to a player inventory with Give plugin IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: giveto {steam_id} fun.guitar 1 Give a kit to a player with Give plugin: givekitto {steam_id} kit-name Give money Give money to a player with Economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} amount Give points Give points to a player with Server Rewards plugin: sr add {rust_username} amount Quantity multiplier You can also multiply the quantity choosen by the customer like this: {quantity*50} Note: You must first activate the **Allow quantity choice** option in your product. Use this command on Tip4serv if you want to sell bundles of $200 with economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} {quantity*200} This will run in your server console after a purchase if the player buys product 4 times: deposit 76561198181797231 800 Store examples Need Help ? Read the Tip4Serv documentation here Any issues feel free to contact us here -
Version 2.2.1
This website provides a secure and user-friendly platform for managing images, files, videos, and Rust maps. Users can log in using their Discord accounts, with permissions controlling their ability to upload or delete content. Those with view-only access can browse photos without the risk of unauthorized uploads or deletions, ensuring a well-organized and secure environment. PHP-based website Discord bot (Node.js) A domain with web hosting to host the website. A Discord bot (though it does not need to be active for the website to function). 1.Download the .zip file from Codefling. 2.Extract the contents of the folder. 3.Upload the website files to your web hosting provider. 4.Configure the config.php file with your settings. 5.You're all set! 1. Retrieve the .zip file from Codefling. 2. Extract the contents of the folder. 3. Transfer the ImageHosting Bot files into your bot hosting service provide or if you are self hosting the bot you can skip this. 4. Fill out the config.json file. 5. Your main bot file is index.js so if you are using pterodactyl you will want to put that in the startup page depending on the host. 6. Start the bot. 7. Done! Image Management: /image-upload - Upload an image to the website. /image-list - List all uploaded images. /image-remove - Remove an image from the website. Video Management: /video-upload - Upload a video to the website. /video-list - List all uploaded videos. /video-remove - Remove a video from the website. Map Management: /map-upload - Upload a Rust map to the website. /map-list - List all uploaded maps. /map-remove - Remove a map from the website. File Management: /file-upload - Upload a file to the website. /file-list - List all uploaded files. /file-remove - Remove a file from the website. Ability to upload images, files, videos, and Rust maps. Option to remove images and other files. Quick copy feature for direct links to uploaded content. Permissions control for secure content management. RustForge is a Discord server dedicated to aiding both novice and seasoned server owners, as well as plugin developers. If you require assistance with any of my plugins or prefabs, I strongly advise joining the server to receive support. RustForge Invite Graphics: @Khakiz Inspiration: @Zand3rs Special Thanks: @Bojack$16.99 -
Version 1.0.14
A feature-packed, fully customizable Rust server template that comes ready to go out of the box! Features include mobile responsiveness, server auto-discovery, and compatibility with the outpost Tebex theme! Features Rust Themed - The template is heavily inspired by the Rust in-game UI, so people will instantly recognize what they’re used to. It is kept in a darkish style to stand out from all the other default-white templates out there! Server Auto-Discovery - No need to manually add server information anymore. The inbuilt auto-discovery automatically updates your server information every 10 minutes and caches it (for website performance). It is automatically connecting information about the map, the player amount, server name, your banner, the description, and the tags used in game. All you have to do is add your IP + Ports to the config file! Fully Customizable - The template was developed with non-developer server owners in mind. Even if you have no idea about web development you can easily edit the most important parts of the template. This includes the links in the navigation, the servers (via auto-discovery), rules, and your social links. All from a single configuration file! Mobile Responsve & Extremely Fast - The template doesn’t only look good on the desktop. If you have someone checking out your site from a mobile phone, rest assured, it is mobile-ready! In addition to that, it has extremely fast loading times. Your site will not take longer than 200ms to load, once the server information is cached. Comes ready to use - The rust server website template comes with example values in the configuration file, including a basic ruleset. Setting up your website will not take longer than 15 minutes! Compatible with the Tebex Rust Output template! - If you do not run your own shop, do not wait! This template looks amazing in combination with the Tebex Outpost Theme, which I made as well. Thats the perfect combo of both Shop and Content! Demo Webspace Requirements You can see all the requirements on our Discord Recommended Webhoster If you are not with a hosting company yet, I recommend using Hetzner ( They offer great and cheap hosting with all the requirements. You can go with their cheapest plan without an issue. Buy the website, edit the config.php, get the FTP information from their cotnrol panel, upload all the files (on Hetzner: into the public_html folder, delete any existing files in that folder) – now you’re ready to go! Installation Instructions Installation instructions can be found on our Discord Troubleshooting Additional information and help to troubleshoot issues can be found on our Discord Contact and Support If you need additional assistance or got any open questions before purchasing, join us on our Discord:$29.99 -
Version 1.0.5
Modern, unique & easy editable Theme for all Tebex compatible games webstores. Documentation: CLICK Features Strong Design - The template is strongly inspired by the appearance desired by clients and modern standards, which includes the maximum functionality of the Tebex platform. Fully Customizable - Even if you have no knowledge of Web Development, you don't have to check dozens of files until you customize the template. You can make all changes to the template through JSON forms, which saves a lot of time and can be done in a few minutes! Mobile Responsve & Extremely Fast - The template loads very quickly, thanks to SEO and is perfectly responsive on all devices. 7 Color Schemes - You don't have to complicate yourself with changing colors, I have prepared 7 color schemes perfectly compatible with the activity of game stores, which will boost the productivity of your store and impress customers! Multi-structured - You will have the choice of how the store will be structured, to change the navigation system, package structure, header menu and many others Shopping Cart - The animated option to add the products to the cart Package View - The option to present the product description in a separate page or Modal page 2 Preloader Styles Show/Hideen Modules Premium Support NOTE: YOU NEED TO HAVE TEBEX PLUS TO BE ABLE TO USE THIS THEME. REFUNDS WILL NOT BE GRANTED TO THOSE WHO PURCHASED THE RESOURCE WITHOUT HAVING THIS REQUIREMENT. General FAQ: How do I upload the Theme to my store? Above is Axel Documentation, Installation section, also in the downloaded zip you will have README.txt file with guide How do I set my server information? After you uploaded the template and following the steps in the Setup instruction file, you will see template options. Check Axel Documentation, section Settings Does this work on CraftingStore, MineStore etc.? This theme was created for Tebex. Possibly in the future. Can I remove your Watermark ? In no case, only with my permission, it requires an additional payment, contact me to pay. I purchased the theme but do not have access to download it. What do I do? Please have your information ready with the email you used to purchase the resource and the order number for it. If the purchase is still pending by PayPal, you will need to wait for the payment to go through. How long is the license? You are granted a lifetime license to use the theme for your own store. This license is granted for the BuiltByBit Account in which it was purchased on. It is not allowed to use the template for multiple stores! If you have any additional questions, feel free to message me via BBB or discord. INFORMATION Discord: Johnn#8299 - Installation, configuration, edits, custom templates have an additional price. - Breaking Terms of Service may result in the removal of your license. REVIEW If you liked the theme please leave a 5 star review! If you are having problems ( Contact me ), before leaving a review$39.99 -
Version 0.1.5
What is GameCMS.ORG? GameCMS is a platform that allows server owners to create their own website in just a few clicks. GameCMS is focused on covering all server needs without the need to create different domains or installing different systems for each part that you want to have. GameCMS is an all-in-one solution that is build to cover multiple games! Some of the GameCMS Features: Intuitive user experience Store System Integrations Easy to use Modules Vote Module Punishment Module Forum Module Forms Module And that's just part of the modules! There are many more available and many more to come! Plugin Information Currently, our plugin is used to handle the following things: Execute store commands when a player buys something from your store. We are open to any request of how we can improve our Rust integration with our platform! Installation and Setup Create your website at Create New Normal Server Integration from Integrations > Servers (Once you create your website) Download the latest version of our plugin from the GitHub page. Download the plugin and upload it to your /plugns folder. That is located in oxide/plugins or carbon/plugins Reload the server plugins. Type the command gamecms.server.apikey API_KEY (Change API_KEY with the key from 1st step.) Ys, it's that simple! Additional information You can find more about our Minecraft Java Plugin in our documentation If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us or join our Discord server at -
Version 1.1.7
TEMPLATE STYLES Live Preview Knights Next-Dev Trapworldrp VALABLE FOR MINECRAFT, FIVEM, RUST, ARK, UNTURNED AND GARRY'S MOD GAMES What's the difference? Now it is possible to select the game for which you use this template, saving you the time needed to customize other templates foreign to your game IMAGES FEATURES Quick Customization ( 60+ options ) Custom Basket Custom Category & Products Custom Navbar / Sidebar & Header menu Custom Footer Custom Modules Mobile Friendly Custom Discord & Minecraft players count Logged Minecraft skin User Panel Buttons Animation Custom Dropdown Menu Custom Currency Menu Custom Login Page Custom Checkout Page Clean, formatted code Icons from Material Design Icons Favicon support High-quality support INFORMATION Discord: Johnn#8299 - Installation, configuration, edits, custom templates have an additional price. - Breaking Terms of Service may result in the removal of your license. REVIEW If you liked the theme please leave a 5 star review! If you are having problems (Contact us), before leaving a review$34.99 -
Version 1.0.3
These themes will set you apart from the competition. For you and your community, I've prepared some great themes! Dependencies Ember (Required) Current Themes Transparent Purple Rounded Transparent White Rounded Transparent Black Rounded Transparent Green Rounded Dark Rounded How to install one of the themes! 1. Select your theme 2. Open the CSS File(Example [dark.css]) 3. Go to your admin General settings(Location: [] Replace your "" with your domain) 4. Select Color Scheme (Dark) 5. Press "Custom CSS" 6. Copy the text from your CSS File 7. Paste it into the "Custom CSS" Field 8. Press "Save" 9. Reload your page 10. You have completed the installation Any issues? Contact me on discord! Join and verify your purchase before support! Im planning to add more Themes in the feature!$5.00- 6 comments
- 4 reviews
- #ember
- #ember themes
(and 6 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.1
The Azuriom Player Ranks Plugin effortlessly allows you to display your players' statistics for PVE, PVP, Farming, and Raiding, along with their personal stats, directly on your website. Highlight their impressive achievements in an elegant leaderboard and foster a sense of community. Azuriom Player Ranks Integration: Showcase your Rust players' statistics for PVE, PVP, Farming, and Raiding, as well as their personal stats on your website! Key Features: Real-time Leaderboard: A clear ranking showcasing player achievements in PVE, PVP, Farming, and Raiding. Multilingual Support: Smooth support for both English and German, perfect for diverse player communities. Seamless Integration: Easily integrate into your website. Quick installation and seamless blending. Theme Compatibility: Designed to perfectly align with all Azuriom themes for a consistent and professional look. Online-Offline Display: Shows players' online status (visible when logged in). Personal Statistics: Your personal stats will only be visible when logged in and having played on the server for more than an hour. Live Search Function: Quick and easy player search with a live search feature. Customizable Pagination: Adjust the number of rows in the leaderboard to suit your needs. Further insights can be found in the images. Note: For optimal functionality, you need the free Rust plugin "Player Ranks" by Steenamaroo and the free CMS Azuriom ( HOW-TO: Rust Server Setup: a. Visit the Player Ranks on CodeFling website and download the plugin. ( ) b. After downloading, copy the plugin into the "plugin" folder of your Rust server. c. Open the plugin's configuration file and set Use MySQL - true/false to true and ensure the database connection details match those of your Azuriom installation. Azuriom Web Server Setup: a. Download the "playerranks" folder for Azuriom. b. Copy this folder into the "Plugins" directory on your web hosting space. c. Log into your Azuriom Admin Dashboard. d. Navigate to the "Plugins" section. e. Locate the "playerranks" plugin in the list and click "Activate". f. Once the plugin is activated, navigate to the navigation bar in the admin dashboard and enable the entry for the "playerranks" plugin, making it visible on your website. By following these steps, you will have set up the "Player Ranks Statistic" plugin on your Rust server and the corresponding Azuriom plugin on your web server. Doldak$25.00- 5 comments
- 3 reviews
- #player ranks
- #azuriom
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
This is a premium web design that you can upload to any web host of your choice. It's complete and includes all pages! It has everything you need. You can also extend or customize it to your liking with little knowledge. The webdesign was written especially like a Rust plugin, you can set everything in a config like with Rust plugins. Please understand that I do not incorporate any special requests or make the web hosting customizations for everyone. If you are ready for a premium web design, please follow the detailed documentation! Adjustments You can make adjustments very easily and quickly. You have the corresponding language files in the /lang/ folder. There you can formulate it according to your wishes. Then you have the config.json file in the main directory. I have deliberately built the website a bit like a Rust plugin so that everyone can use it without html/css or js. You can enter your data in the config and don't have to search and fiddle around in large html files. You also have the possibility to promote special holidays on your homepage. Currently the advent calendar is possible, you can simply activate or deactivate it in the config: "calendar": { "enabled": false, The same applies to effects, for example, if you want to activate a winter or Christmas feeling on your website, set the effect to true: ```“snow”: true``` There are more festivities planned, but currently it only includes Christmas. To-Do: - New Year - Easter - Halloween Project Tree Installation Step 1: [Unzip and upload files] - upload all files from the folder to your web hosting provider. Step 2: [edit the following files online or locally (if uploading a new local file)]. - config.json in the main directory. (self-explanatory structured like a rust plugin) - adapt the content of your website in the directory to the respective language files you will find them in the /lang/ directory. Step 3: Done Multilingual Support: The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages: default: EN EN | DE | ES | FR | IT | NL | PL | PT | RU | SE | TR | UK | CN | KR | CH Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool DEMO load, run, enjoy$29.99- 3 comments
- #website
- #website template
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.2.0
Rust Tebex Template – Outpost Stand out from the competition with this Rust-themed Tebex template! Features Rust Themed The template is heavily inspired by the Rust in-game UI, so people will instantly recognize what they’re used to. It is kept in a darkish style to stand out from all the other default-white templates out there! Fully Customizable Everything is directly integrated into Tebex. If you are already running a shop with them, it will integrate in a few minutes. If you are new to setting everything up do not worry – it is pretty straight forward! Comes with product images Product images make you stand out and allow to get attention from your players. The template comes with a few basic product images so you can focus on getting everything set up! Perfect addition to the Rust Website Template If you didn’t already know, I have published a Rust-themed website template before. Check it out over here. The Tebex template is heavily based on that, so if you plan to extend your existing website, try to give it a go! Requirements ! You need to have the paid Tebex Plus plan to be able to use custom themes! We do not refund payments if you don’t have the plan available. ! Installation Instructions Installation instructions can be found on our Discord Troubleshooting If you have any open questions or problems while setup, check out the troubleshoot guide on our Discord Contact and Support If you need additional assistance or got any open questions before purchasing, join us on Discord:$29.99 -
Version 1.1.8
RustStatistics is a plugin to recover players and server statistics We have a warning system automatic "Admin System Bans" Whitelist system for your server, can be activated with a click on the dashboard of your server from our website How to install on the server ? Linked the plugin Admin System Bans ( Prenium ) Data Recovery on Players Data Recovery on Servers Config Lang$2.00- 13 comments
- #statistics
- #servers
- (and 12 more)
Version 1.0.0
Introducing the Ultimate Azuriom Rust Plugin Bundle, an all-in-one package designed to elevate your Azuriom platform with unparalleled features and seamless integration. This comprehensive bundle includes five powerful plugins that will enhance your Rust gaming community's experience, offering everything from dynamic themes to detailed player statistics and ban management. Explore each plugin's unique features and discover how this bundle can transform your Azuriom site into a vibrant, user-friendly hub for your Rust players. Save $25 When You Buy the Bundle for Only $79! 1. Azuriom Rust Theme Transform your Azuriom platform with the Rust Theme, inspired by the rugged, immersive world of Rust. This theme offers a unique, visually appealing user interface that will captivate your gaming community. Features: Stylish Design: Rustic yet modern aesthetics for an engaging user experience. Easy Installation: Simple setup with a step-by-step guide. Customizable Configuration: Personalize with homepage selection, background settings, and custom header images for up to 8 servers. One-Click Server Connection: Effortless connection with a single click. Ongoing Enhancements: Regular updates to keep your theme current. Optimized User-Friendliness: Balances visual appeal with usability. 2. Azuriom Player Ranks Integration Showcase your players' prowess with the Player Ranks Integration plugin, which displays detailed statistics for PVE, PVP, Farming, and Raiding on your website. Features: Real-time Leaderboard: Highlights player achievements. Multilingual Support: Available in English and German. Seamless Integration: Quick and easy setup. Theme Compatibility: Blends perfectly with all Azuriom themes. Online-Offline Display: Shows player status when logged in. Personal Statistics: Visible only to logged-in players with sufficient playtime. Live Search Function: Instant player search capability. Customizable Pagination: Adjust leaderboard rows as needed. 3. Azuriom BattleMetrics Bans Plugin Keep your community informed about player bans with the BattleMetrics Bans Plugin, integrating ban lists directly onto your Azuriom site. Features: User-Triggered Updates: Automatic updates of the last 50 ban entries with a 10-minute buffer. Download ALL Bans: Admins can download and save all ban entries. SQL Database: Stores ban information securely. Multilingual Support: Available in both English and German. Easy Integration: Seamless setup and integration. Customizable Title: Changeable ban page title via the dashboard. Required: API Token and Banlist ID from BattleMetrics. 4. Azuriom RaidableBases Integration Showcase your Rust players' RaidableBases achievements with the RaidableBases Integration plugin, providing a sleek leaderboard for raid statistics. Features: Highlighting the Elite: Top 3 performers prominently displayed. Real-time Leaderboard: Live ranking updates. Multilingual Support: English and German supported. Seamless Integration: Easy to set up and blends perfectly with Azuriom themes. Web Dashboard Integration: Quick access to player stats via the Azuriom dashboard. Future-Proof: Continuous updates and new features. 5. RaidableBases DataBase SQL An essential addition to the RaidableBases plugin, this tool efficiently tracks and updates player statistics, storing them in an SQL database. Features: Automatic Updates: Stores player statistics after each raid. Manual Updates: Use "rb.update" command with SteamID for targeted updates. Effortless Management: Simplifies tracking of player progress. Why Choose the Ultimate Azuriom Rust Plugin Bundle? This bundle is designed to provide a comprehensive solution for managing your Azuriom platform, enhancing user engagement, and streamlining administrative tasks. With seamless integration, real-time updates, and extensive customization options, the Ultimate Azuriom Rust Plugin Bundle is the perfect choice for any Rust gaming community looking to elevate their platform to new heights. Get it now and transform your Azuriom site into the ultimate Rust hub! Special Bundle Price: $79 (Save $25!)$79.00 -
Version 1.0.6
NOTE: DEVELOPMENT HAS BEEN HALTED DUE TO LOW DEMAND. IF RUST UPDATES ITS WAYS OF WORKING THIS WILL NO LONGER WORK. This website tool, is a way for you to be able to have an organized list of bans and manage them from here. You can also manage online players, plugins and monitor a live console. I plan on expanding this product to make it more of a centralized hub for your server admins. Dependencies: .NET 6.0 Enhanced Ban System Setup with MySQL (Optional) IMPORTANT NOTE: The price of this tool will go higher as the tool gets more features. Not to an enormous amount, but still worth saying now. Features: Centralized ban management via enhanced ban system. Unban from web page Live player counts Live RCON console to monitor your server RCON command sender to manage your server like banning, muting, kicking, oxide commands, etc.. Online Player Management (Still very basic) Future Ideas: Scheduled commands More statistics Manage online players using the web UI instead of the console view Added. Reports based on a certain period of time Authentication (Maybe) How to setup: (Optional) Setup correctly and note down the username, password, database name and server IP, as they will be used in the following steps. For Windows: Edit appsettings.json and add the proper values for the DefaultConnection, under ConnectionStrings and add your MySQL server ip, database, user and password Still in the appsettings.json, set your RustServerIP, RCONPort and RCONPassword accordingly If you want to change the default ports and hosts the website can run on, edit the launchSettings.json file To run the website, you have 2 options. The simpler one, being to run the RustBanManager.exe executable and connect to the website using your browser of choice The more complex one is setting up IIS on your windows server using this guide: For Linux: Edit appsettings.json and add the proper values for the DefaultConnection, under ConnectionStrings and add your MySQL server ip, database, user and password Still in the appsettings.json, set your RustServerIP, RCONPort and RCONPassword accordingly If you want to change the default ports and hosts the website can run on, edit the launchSettings.json file To run the website, you will need to set it up manually, since you cannot just a .exe directly. Set it up with the following: Example Enhancedbansystem config with equivalent appsettings.json file information below: "DataType - MySQL - Database": "rust", "DataType - MySQL - Host": "", "DataType - MySQL - Pass": "password", "DataType - MySQL - Port": 3306, "DataType - MySQL - use": true, "DataType - MySQL - User": "user", For example, if this is your data in the ban system config, your configuration for the plugin implementation section would be the following: "PluginImplementations": { "EnhancedBanSystem": { "use": "false", "server": "", "database": "rust", "user": "rustuser", "password": "password" } } It is arguably way easier to simply run the tool locally on your windows computer, and probably safer, as there is no authentication for the website.$25.00- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
Version 1.0.0
Explore the Rust Theme for Azuriom! Enhance the aesthetics of your Azuriom platform with our exclusive Rust Theme. Inspired by the Rust world, this theme provides a unique and engaging user interface that perfectly complements your gaming community. Features: Stylish Design: Immerse your users in a visually appealing Rust atmosphere. The theme has been carefully crafted to offer a rustic yet modern look. Easy Installation: Thanks to our step-by-step guide, installation is a breeze. Download the theme, copy it to the theme directory, activate it in the Admin Dashboard, and your Azuriom with the Rust Theme is ready. Customizable Configuration: Tailor the theme to your preferences. Choose pages for the homepage, enable the page background set in `Settings/Global`, and add individual header images for up to 8 servers. One-Click Server Connection: Clicking the "Connect" button automatically copies the connection link to the clipboard. Paste it effortlessly into Rust in the console and initiate the gaming experience seamlessly. Ongoing Enhancements: Our Rust Theme is continually updated and expanded with new features. Benefit from regular updates to ensure your Azuriom stays up-to-date with the latest Rust aesthetics. Optimized User-Friendliness: The Rust Theme not only offers an impressive appearance but also optimized user-friendliness. Your gaming platform will not only look good but also feel great. Make your Azuriom unique and distinctive – get the Rust Theme now and immerse your gaming community in a new dimension of design! Installation and Configuration Guide for the Rust Theme in Azuriom ## Step 1: Copy Theme to the Theme Directory 1. Download the `Rust Theme` if not done already. 2. Copy the `rust` folder into the theme directory of your Azuriom installation. Typically, you can find this directory under `resources/themes` in your Azuriom root. ## Step 2: Activate Theme in Azuriom Admin Dashboard 1. Log in to the Azuriom Admin Dashboard. 2. Navigate to the "Designs" section. 3. Locate the `Rust Theme` in the list and click on "Enable." ## Step 3: Configure Theme 1. Navigate to the "Designs" section. 2. Click on "Edit Configuration" at the top. 3. In the first section, you can activate the page title. Choose a page created under "Pages" to be displayed on the homepage. Alternatively, deactivate it here if you don't want any page to be shown. 4. The page background set in `Settings/Global` can be activated here on all pages. Otherwise, it will only be displayed on the homepage. Note that a page background is mandatory. 5. In the following section, depending on the number of servers you've set up in Azuriom, you'll have the option to insert the header image for each server (up to 8 servers). Tip: Under "Content -> Images" in Azuriom, you can upload images. After uploading, find the link in the "File" column. Right-click on it, choose "Copy link address," and paste the link here.$24.00- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
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- #rust theme
- #rust design
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Version 1.0.1
About Ember Themes V2 These themes will separate you from the competition. I have put together some great themes for you and your community! For users that have already purchased the Themes For Ember contact me on discord and I will give you 50% off the new theme Discord exoticccc Dependencies Ember (Required) Preview Rustafic Current Themes Transparent Blue Transparent Green Transparent Red Transparent Orange Transparent Custom Color How to install one of the themes! 1. Select your theme 2. Open the CSS File(Example [red.css]) 3. Go to your admin General settings(Location: [] Replace your "" with your domain) 4. Select Color Scheme (Dark) 5. Press "Custom CSS" 6. Copy the text from your CSS File 7. Paste it into the "Custom CSS" Field 8. Press "Save" 9. Reload your page 10. You have completed the installation Any issues? Contact me on discord! Discord exoticccc$7.50 -
Version 1.0.0
Ember - Admin Application Module Installation: Put zip files content (admin-application) folder inside `/modules` folder in Embers root directory Go to your embers site in browser and it will automatically show Updated page Click Update & Run Migrations Your are all set to accept new admin applications User form submission: Users fill out the application form. Form includes fields for role, server, age, gaming hours, server experience, location, languages, admin experience, and suitability for the role. Admin Review: Admins review submitted applications. Admins evaluate based on the user's provided information and qualifications. Feel free to message me if you want some customizations or have troubles to setup module. Discord: kokars Email: [email protected]$12.95- 1 review
- #ember
- #ember rust
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.0.0
What's The CloudFlare Automatic DDoS Protection Api; -This is a php library and Its purpose is to detect incoming requests to your site and decide whether it is a ddos attack or not, If this is a ddos attack, it will connect to your cloudflare API and activate the UnderAttack mode of your site. Example Using <?php include 'UnderAttack.php'; $underattack = new UnderAttack(); $underattack->setRequestFile('requests.json'); // Set your request log location. $underattack->setModeFile('mode.json'); // Set your mode log location. $underattack->setSeconds(5); // If there are as many requests as you enter within the second you enter, it will keep the underattack mode on for the second you enter. $underattack->setRequests(40); // If there are as many requests as you enter within the second you enter, it will keep the underattack mode on for the second you enter. $underattack->setHoldTime(600); // It will keep the UnderAttack Mode on for as long as you enter it. $underattack->setCloudflareApiKey('Your CloudFlare Api Key'); // Your CloudFlare Api Key $underattack->setCloudflareEmail('Your CloudFlare Email Address'); // Your CloudFlare Email Address. $underattack->setCloudflareZoneid('Your App Zone id'); // Your CloudFlare App zone id. $underattack->SetIpDriver('REMOTE_ADDR'); // Ip Get Driver. $underattack->run();$15.00- 2 comments
- #ddos
- #cloudflare
(and 3 more)
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