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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Air Event

    This is from the Developer. If you get this plugin and it either is not initially working or stops working at some point with Carbon, you just have to create a ticket and let us know and it will be addressed.
  2. Jbird

    Water Event

    This is from the Developer. If you get this plugin and it either is not initially working or stops working at some point with Carbon, you just have to create a ticket and let us know and it will be addressed.
  3. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    Try the new update and let us know if you continue to have issues moving forward! Note the new config options.
  4. Jbird

    Animal vs. NPC

    The developer had responded that the help was accepted in Discord @boofhead187 perhaps you can jump in the Mad Mapper Discord and ask about it, KpucTaJl might still have record of what he referenced or otherwise is the greatest resource you can have to attempt custom changes to his plugins.
  5. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    So that doesn't sound like an amount that would cause any issue. Which map is this happening on? Can you visit the area without the event active and see if it's still giving you frame drops there? Maybe it's a holiday themed map and has Christmas lights and such there, some of the Halloween and Christmas prefabs are resource heavy. Trying to think of possible causes. We will run some tests when we can on our end too to see if we notice anything.
  6. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Understood. Glad to hear it's sorted and thank you for letting us know!
  7. Jbird


    Can you submit tickets in at least one of those plugins, create a new support request here on Codefling for one of those plugins or come to the Mad Mapper Discord to create a ticket. Let us know if you've upgraded to the most recent versions as well as some fixes have been coming out just recently that may address what you're talking about.
  8. Do you see those files in the data/BetterNpc/Custom folder @Arachnicution? I would recommend reloading the plugin and paying close attention to the loading messages. It will show you where the plugin stops loading or also point out some common errors as well such as a missing folder.
  9. Jbird

    Better Npc

    I was only explaining since you mentioned AlphaLoot wasn't sure what you meant when you mentioned it. LootTable can be used if you use option 0 for default as the plugin is changing the servers 'default' loot.
  10. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    It helps when there are more reports and more details in order to do something about anything. With that many details it could just as likely be a server or client side issue that's not an issue that can be resolved or changed. How many NPCs do you have active in the event? It is one of my only initial ideas to check into as a few updates back Facepunch made changes that caused each NPC to use more resources. There is not really enough information to say what we could do but we could at least run tests on our end as soon as we are able and see if we are seeing any similar results. If not then we would need to dig more into why it is happening for you and what the cause is before we could do anything.
  11. We are happy to hear that @HairOftheDog I appreciate the feedback and the follow up! If there is anything else at all don't hesitate to create a new ticket, or even stop in the Mad Mapper Discord to hang out and get support! Have fun with it!
  12. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Added to our notes and suggestions. He just finished a new plugin and is going back to updating and looking at either bugs or suggestions that have been brought up so this has been added to those notes. For AlphaLoot you would use the heavy scientist loot table, it is the base for all NpcSpawn NPCs. You can also create your own custom table in the configuration exactly as you want it. There are a few ways to do custom loot tables honestly some are less work but may require balancing such as using the prefab path to mimic loot from one or more crates as example.
  13. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Have you fixed the issue? One plugin can start to cause problems with other plugins so that's quite possible.
  14. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Do you know at all what is happening around the time this error occurs? It may be a config option but only because I'm curious and not sure what the key is referencing there. If you can tell us what happens when the error occurs we might be able to more quickly find out what this is about. It would also be worth reloading plugins like NpcSpawn and anything that is using it to see if they are loading properly.
  15. Jbird

    It doesn't work.

    Sounds like a plan I hope to hear good news soon @K9N_Twitch I am sure we will sort it out one way or another.
  16. When I say we I am talking about @KpucTaJl myself and now @KorolOff helps with support as well. Not sure why you would insinuate that he would not be made aware when I made sure you were aware that we all were aware. A new plugin will be released soon and then updates to existing plugins will be worked on.
  17. Jbird

    It doesn't work.

    So does it only show the plugin unload and reload as it was above or what does it show? It should show confirmation and correct loading messages, what you saw above, or should show errors if something is wrong. What version of WaterEvent and NpcSpawn are you currently using @K9N_Twitch? If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord or even if you are not you should stop in and create a ticket, you can share your config and we can review it. But I would probably recommend making a backup of your current file, deleting it, and reloading the plugin to see if it will load properly. If that has any error I would do a fresh reinstall, might even just do that the first time possibly but sometimes it's good to take one step at a time until it is running again properly, then try to apply your changes again if you've made any customization.
  18. So here is the first thing I want to point out, you don't have the timer activated in the main configuration. "Block a player from entering the event area if he is the owner of another event? [true/false]": false, You don't have owners being blocked in the main config file. As far as NPCs being pulled away outside the bubble that is somewhat of an issue, but where has the other team gone when this happens? Just curious not debating your issue. We would need to see video or examples of how you are getting multiple owners to the same event though that part definitely should not be happening. Unless perhaps it is something in regards to the first thing I've already pointed out in config then we would need to collect more details as many as possible to look into that further. I am adding a suggestion to our notes though as far as perhaps a reminder and a configurable timer for how often the reminder can show up if you try to attack something and are locked out. Generally it should be apparent depending on how the server is set up but still that's a great suggestion so we can look into it. Thank you for sharing!
  19. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Collection of BetterNpc profiles if there is one that the team has collected. I don't think it's on there but thought I'd share it anyway. BetterNpc Custom Map Profiles
  20. Can you double check @Ghosty and look at your core PveMode settings? The main config for the plugin might have settings you weren't aware of. If it is set properly there just get a few more details and follow up and we can look into it further.
  21. Jbird

    It doesn't work.

    Reload the plugin and share all of the console messages when it's reloaded @K9N_Twitch it will likely tell us what's wrong.
  22. Jbird

    Animal vs. NPC

    It's in the description at the end @boofhead187 here it is though. If you need Npcs to be able to fight with other Npcs, then set the value of CanTargetOtherNpc inside the plugin to true If you need Npcs to be able to fight with other Npcs, then set the value of CanTargetOtherNpc inside the plugin to true
  23. Jbird

    fail compiling

    Excellent news @Null happy to hear it!
  24. Jbird

    not working

    I've already made a note of the suggestion. It is as simple even as a new configuration entry it won't likely need a permission, it would work similar though you can change the configuration and reload the plugin. I would suggest server restarts for some changes such as this though.
  25. Jbird

    fail compiling

    Calling hook 'OnServerInitialized' of plugin 'BossMonster v2.1.1' failed (UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to path '/opt/rust_server/oxyde/data/BossMonster/Bosses/Clown.json' was denied. ) This is saying your server is not allowing access to the file. Here is a video although you may need to find something else since this is in English, but it has information on how to achieve fixing this issue.


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