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Everything posted by Jbird
Are you saying the NPCs were deleted? This is showing the servergibs being deleted which I believe are the pieces of heli that you can break. Where did the heli go down? Did you grab a clip or any screenshots of where it went down or any of that? I know that it is really common for some of the parts to get deleted but I'm not sure what would have caused the NPCs to despawn. That would be a first. Will need more information or to be able to try to recreate most likely to say for sure.
Interesting, and makes sense why you would report it here. Create a ticket for Convoy on the site, or if you'd like, join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there. You can tag me in it too, tag Adem at first to look into whether it's an issue with Convoy that we can sort out and we will go from there wherever you choose to post it.
The biggest hurdle people run into is understanding Rust's core loot system and how it works. Myself included early on, we try to make our own loot table and percentages but don't actually understand the way Rust pulls loot. A quick tip though that might help illuminate the issue is that Rust by default looks at a loot table, chooses a random item, then rolls the chances of it dropping, and moves on to the next slot. By general assumption the percentages for more randomization need to be much lower than most expect just based off of common sense. The next best way to see something more randomized, would be to look at the drop chance on a normal Rust loot table. This will give a better idea of how low most things are, to really randomize the process. Most people would thing for example, 5-10% seems small. It's actually huge when the system is running the calculation at incredible speed to fill the loot. With those higher percentages it will often end up grabbing really similar items often. Anyway I hope that provides a bit of clarity. The issue is mainly that people want to use their favorite loot table, and apply it to a plugin that has a custom table built in, and nobody really understands how loot is pulled so some people that try that, end up opting for another method instead. Not all plugins have engaged developers that will add API or make adjustments themselves to work better with other plugins, like in this case, so KpucTaJl has done the best he can to add anything that gets requested. AlphaLoot was one of the last to be added because it's just not easy to work with it as it's main focus is replacing the default loot on the server. I hope I am making at least some sense just trying to explain some of the behind the scenes aspect. Correct, this will be the base NPC for anything that uses NpcSpawn on the server, since that is what spawns and controls the NPCs as a core. I actually added a note myself after other feedback had given me the thought that possibly being able to choose the base by plugin maybe even preset, instead of just having one base for all, could be helpful for some servers. No promises but the note is in there for future updates so if we can find a way to do that without it negatively affecting the performance then it very well may be added in a future update.
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
Gotcha, thank you for letting me know! And you're welcome, any time. Glad it's sorted! -
And I've told you that you are asking to unlock things that do cause actual errors. I feel like I have been completely reasonable in explaining the situation. Maybe a reasonable request gets a reasonable response? I explained that I don't write the plugin, it is not MY plugin, KpucTaJl wrote the plugin, and I do support for him. I told you that I added an entry to our notes and referenced the ticket. The plugin is usable. The only person deciding things are unreasonable or not is you. All I have done is explained WHY it is currently set the way it is and has been for quite some time now without issue. You are welcome, I guess. At least I know that explaining things doesn't really help because you apparently are not even reading my responses. The note is there, not sure what else to say. The developer reviews the notes and references regularly.
First let me just clarify that KpucTaJl develops plugins and I provide support for him. We are a team. Then although I already explained it, I will again explain that these things were blocked with reason and in response to customer feedback and issues that arose. As I stated in my previous response the developer may be willing to and interested in adding some configurable options, but it does depend on the situation. Some things are blocked or removed for a reason but it can certainly be discussed. Nobody ever said it was a problem. The one thing I will say though is that checking while building is a good idea. I see no argument for it being a bad idea. If players don't have time and resources to waste, then checking early is a great idea. This is always going to be the case regardless of if certain things are given a config option, some things will always be blocked and if players don't check until after they've finished the entire base then they would be out a lot more in time and resources to make another base or make changes to the current one than if they just check as they are building. This is not an issue for countless other customers and their servers. The plugin has been purchased over 250 times just on this site. You can use the plugin you paid for, and the last thing I want to point out is that plugins are as they come. It's fine to give feedback and make suggestions, but try not to jump conclusions or make demands just because you want something a certain way. I am not trying to be dismissive, argumentative, or anything like that. I was simply explaining why the system was in place and that it has reason. I will go ahead and add a note for this plugin and reference the ticket. The developer will take a look, consider it, and if needed might reach out if he has any questions.
So the potential conflict only happened on an older oxide version? That could make a lot of sense. Thank you for the feedback and for letting me know! If anything else comes up don't hesitate to reach out.
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
Glad you were able to find the issue. What plugin if you don't mind me asking, in case others have a similar issue. -
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
Is the navmesh error happening before it loads as well or only after? Test by unloading. What version of NpcSpawn are you using? Willing to jump into the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket? We will sort it out I'll have the developer help if I can't figure it out myself but I'm sure we will sort it out. You said it's the new version, have you had the files for awhile? Maybe an older file with spawn points that have been removed. Or do you have any custom files enabled from another map that you are not currently using? -
So AlphaLoot is tricky, it doesn't play well with other plugins as well as some loot plugins. Your only option to use AlphaLoot loot tables is to use option 2. But it will use the NPC path from the NpcSpawn file configuration. By default this is heavy scientist. You could change the NpcSpawn to use the prefab you configured in AlphaLoot and see if this is what you were trying to achieve. Hopefully that makes sense but let me know if you have any questions. To use an AlphaLoot loot table though you must use option 2 and the single path to the prefab.
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
I understand, you said that. But if something isn't installed correctly there can be issues. As I said, reload the plugin, and check for an error there, as well as making sure nothing is missing from the download such as the Custom folder, even if it is empty it is needed. Villager and Homeless are from the Radtown file Patrolman is from the Road file -
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
Reload the plugin, check the console messages to see if it is loading completely. Consider joining the Mad Mapper Discord and creating a ticket there. Do you have the Custom folder? It can be empty but it is missed sometimes when moving things, and most files do not finish loading. Yes. "Names": [ "Villager" ], "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "tshirt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 810516022 }, { "ShortName": "pants.shorts", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1992565884 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 540930084 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "blunderbuss", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } "Names": [ "Villager" ], "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "boots.frog", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hat.boonie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1263169170 }, { "ShortName": "shirt.tanktop", "SkinID (0 - default)": 847069938 }, { "ShortName": "attire.hide.pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2713850136 }, { "ShortName": "jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1349521714 }, { "ShortName": "santabeard", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1349521714 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "revolver.hc", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], They should have the new shotgun or revolver equipped. Do you have AdminRadar or something to check their name? -
Looks like you gave the path instead of just the prefab short name. ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot This is all you need to put inside the ammo field in the configuration file.
npc spawming partly under ground or floading
Jbird replied to Angry Dragon Gaming's Support Request in Support
I think the first examples are somewhat normal. It is due to the terrain being technically below the road. Are you by chance in vanish when you approached or did you just sneak up on them? Usually they will have adjusted already before you can tell. In regards to the floating NPC, replace your LaunchSite file with a newer version from the download. You are using an older version of the file. There used to be a tower there. -
It is not just a matter of making raids easier, as many of those instances create errors when the NPCs cannot navigate in certain areas. There was feedback and testing taken into consideration during the plugins development and early versions. Configuration allows raids to be made easier or more difficult. If something is blocked then during testing and or feedback there was a reason for it. There is never not a reason that players cannot start a raid. Players can run the command while placing the initial foundations if they want to run raids there, or they can find places to construct small bases just to run the event. The command can be run during construction once a TC is placed as well as checking after it is complete if the event cannot run, to see what areas are affected. There is a guide in the Description for what the different symbols mean. In regards to the cooldown, unload the plugin, delete the DefendableHomes file in your servers data folder, and load the plugin again. Additionally if the map markers are not desired, maybe this particular issue can be considered and made configurable, I will ask about it. Alternatively as well you can ask the map developer to remove them, or remove them yourself in RustEdit. Currently it is in a beta version as a note.
- #gas station
- #crates
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- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
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That is an error servers are having due to Facepunch issues it seems, or at least it has not been resolved yet. The developer created a plugin and shared it in our Discord so I shared it here with you, hopefully it will help if that has anything to do with it, which it sounds like it might.
You can just reload only the plugin next time. The plugin seems to load correctly. So next check the config files in your data folder for both places and check to see if anything stands out. You can also jump into the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there if you'd like.
Check also your server convars, I wonder if you have a setting or as you said another plugin that was not an issue before. Anything you can do such as you were already doing as pinpointing the time and any clues around that time or soon before it to lead to what is causing it.
Actually I may see an issue here, just not what is happening with BossMonster, but your other error. You can try this plugin to fix the chinook error. KillNpcFromCh47.cs Can you tell me what helped you to this conclusion and what you mean? What error is occurring and what is the event doing to cause it?
- #gas station
- #crates
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- #supermarket
- #crates
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Test this further to see if you can confirm the errors occur during that event. If they do, please create a support request under the plugin where the error is occurring.
Can you share the full error? What version of NpcSpawn do you have?