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Version 1.0.20
Item Perks is a plugin that enhances everyday weapons, tools and armour with over 50 different types of perks. Items with perks can be obtained a variety of ways, including: Finding them randomly in crates or barrels during your morning scrap farm. Randomly crafting an enhanced version of your equipment while you roof camp noobs from your base. Recycling enhanced equipment and finding enhancement kits stuck in the teeth of the recycler. Using a console or chat command that can be ran through seedy plugin traders like GUIShop. The plugin gives a large amount of control to server owners when it comes to implementation. You can: Enable/disable perks, or modify the minimum and maximum values that they roll when applied to gear. Blacklist or whitelist items to each perk, so they will be exclusively excluded or included (based on the list you choose). Adjust the weight of each perk, so it is more or less likely to be seen on gear., or adjust the chances amount of perks that items can potentially have. Fully adjust or disable the chance for item drops to be found, or enable the enhancement kit system so players can recycle gear. So much more (watch the configuration section of the video below to see the full extent). There are over 50 perks included with the plugin. The following list will describe briefly what each perk does. Name: Prospector Description: This perk increases your mining yield when mining stone, metal and sulfur nodes. Name: Lumberjack Description: This perk increases your woodcutting yield when chopping living or dead trees. Name: Butcher Description: This perk increases the resources gained from skinning humans and animals. Name: Horticulture Description: This perk increases the amount of resources gained when harvesting grown plants. Name: Forager Description: This perk increases the amount of resources gained when picking up map generated collectibles. Name: Angler Description: This perk increases the amount of fish you receive upon a successful catch. Name: BeastBane Description: This perk increases the damage dealt to animals. Name: ScientistBane Description: This perk increases the damage dealt to scientists. Name: FlakJacket Description: This perk reduces the damage received from explosions. Name: Elemental Description: This perk reduces damage from received from cold and heat sources. Name: Scavenger Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find additional scrap from crates and barrels. Name: Manufacture Description: This perk increases the speed of your crafting. Name: Durable Description: This peark reduces the durability damage of all equipped items. Name: BeastWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from animals. Name: ScientistWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from scientists. Name: Builder Description: This perk provides you with a chance for your building upgrades to be free. Name: Thrifty Description: This perk provides you with a chance for your crafting components to be refunded upon a successful craft. Name: Fabricate Description: This perk provides you with a chance to duplicate an item upon a successful craft. Name: Pharmaceutical Description: This perk increases the amount of healing received from all sources. Name: MeleeWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from melee weapons. Name: Academic Description: This perk provides you with a chance to receive a scrap refund when researching an item at the research bench. Name: FallDamage Description: This perk reduces the impact damage received from falling. Name: Lead Description: This perk reduces the damage from radiation. Name: Smasher Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to instantly destroy barrels with any amount of damage. Name: Environmentalist Description: This perk will increase the speed of recyclers that you activate. Name: Smelter Description: This perk will increase the smelting speed of furnaces you activate. Name: Paramedic Description: This perk provides players that you revive with additional health. Name: Prepper Description: This perk provides you with a chance to not consume food when eating. Name: Regeneration Description: This perk will passively regenerate you. Name: SharkWard Description: This perk will reduce the amount of damage received from sharks. Name: SharkBane Description: This perk will increase the amount of damage dealt to sharks. Name: Deforest Description: This perk provides you with a chance to cut down nearby trees when successfully cutting a tree down. Name: BlastMine Description: This perk provides you with a chance to mine out nearby nodes when successfully mining out a node. Name: Tanner Description: This perk provides you with a chance to skin nearby corpses when successfully skinning out a corpse. Name: Vampiric Description: This perk will heal you for a percentage of the damage dealt to certain enemies. Name: Reinforced Description: This perk will reduce the the amount of damage that your vehicles receive when mounted. Name: ComponentLuck Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to receive additional components when looting barrels and crates. Name: ElectronicsLuck Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to receive additional electronics when looting barrels and crates. Name: UncannyDodge Description: This perk provides you with a chance to dodge incoming damage, reducing it to 0. Name: LineStrength Description: This perk increases the tensile strength of your fishing line. Name: HealShare Description: This perk will share healing effects with nearby players. Name: Attractive Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to automatically pick up components when destroying barrels. Name: WoodcuttingLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you cut down a tree. Name: MiningLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you mine out a node. Name: SkinningLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you skin out a corpse. Name: FishingLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you catch a fish. Name: Sated Description: This perk will increase the amount of calories and hydration you receive from food and water sources. Name: IronStomach Description: This perk provides you with a chance to negate negative effects when consuming food. Name: TreePlanter Description: This perk will provide a chance for a tree to instantly regrow when cut down. Name: RockCycler Description: This perk will provide a chance for a node to instantly respawn when mined out. Name: BradleyDamage Description: This perk perk increases the damage dealt to Bradley Tanks. Name: HeliDamage Description: This perk perk increases the damage dealt to Patrol Helicopters. Command: ipgive Type: console/chat Parameters: <target ID/Name> <optional: shortname> <optional: perks> Description: Gives the target player an enhanced item. If shortname is specified, it will base the enhancement off of that item. If perks are specified, it will add only those perks to the item. Command: ipgivekit Type: console/chat Parameters: <target ID/Name> <perk> Description: Gives an enhancement kit to the target. itemperks.use - Required to receive any benefit from enhanced items. itemperks.loot - Required to loot enhanced items from crates and barrels. itemperks.craft - Required for a chance to received enhanced versions of crafted gear. itemperks.admin - Required to use admin commands. itemperks.enhance - Required to add enhancement kits to items via the workbench. itemperks.recycle - Required to receive enhancement kits from recycling enhanced items. IPAPI_CreateItem - creates and returns an enhanced item using the details fed into the method. If shortname is left blank, it will pick a random valid item. If api_perks is null it will pick random perk(s) and add them. Returns Item [HookMethod("IPAPI_CreateItem")] public object IPAPI_CreateItem(string shortname = null, ulong skin = 0, Dictionary<string, float> api_perks = null) { List<KeyValuePair<Perk, float>> perks = Pool.GetList<KeyValuePair<Perk, float>>(); foreach (var perk in api_perks) { Perk _perk; if (parsedEnums.TryGetValue(perk.Key, out _perk)) perks.Add(new KeyValuePair<Perk, float>(_perk, perk.Value)); } var result = CreateItem(shortname, skin, perks); Pool.FreeList(ref perks); // Returns an Item class return result; } Example usage: [ChatCommand("testipapi")] void TestIPAPI(BasePlayer player) { Dictionary<string, float> perks = new Dictionary<string, float>() { ["Prospector"] = 1f, ["Lumberjack"] = 1f, ["Butcher"] = 1f, ["Horticulture"] = 0.5f }; var item = (Item)ItemPerks.Call("IPAPI_CreateItem", "hammer.salvaged", (ulong)2830083288, perks); if (item == null) { Puts("Failed"); return; } item.name = "tool of the trade"; player.GiveItem(item); }$25.00- 135 comments
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Yeah probably a simpler solution at this point aha
If you want to see if its another plugin potentially causing the issue, delete all but EventHelper, Skirmish and FishingCompetition from your server temporarily and then restart it to see if it's picked up automatically.
Ok so I loaded up the map on my server. Dragged Skirmish across and loaded it. Arenas etc were found fine. Shut my server down and restarted it. Plugin auto acquired everything after booting up without issue.
Unless you have shared the link with anyone else, it will be fine Ill let you know once I have tested it.
Is the a way to make tier 3 combat perks relevant on a PVE server?
imthenewguy replied to 0athbound's Support Request in Support
Unfortunately the 3 pvp perks in the combat tree wont have relevance unless you have any form of combat (mini games/arenas etc). You can replace or remove any of the skills in any of the trees with whatever you want. On the likely chance it exists somewhere else in another tree, it will still stack; just make sure the name of the skill is unique. SkillTree doesn't set the rate for the split. It will simply rolls a chance each time a piece of wood burns, resulting in it burning an extra ore in each slot. -
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- #leveling
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Hey mate I don't have any messages here. DId you want to upload the map to dropbox and send me the link, and upload the config here?
Still no XP given for Zombies from ZombieHorde
imthenewguy replied to Watcher's Support Request in Support
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Still no XP given for Zombies from ZombieHorde
imthenewguy replied to Watcher's Support Request in Support
It's in the next release. I got the method to fix it from KillYou directly. -
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Hey mate, Not too interested in a prestige system as the plugin allows for a large amount of options for grind, duration etc as is. Multiple buffs per node wont be a thing. The only exception to this is permission based buffs being added to regular buff nodes etc (which is currently a thing). If the authors of the events can provide that info I would be more than happy (and would much rather) a shared xp system. What I have implemented is what is possible though. Not too interested in loadouts. Don't see much value for it myself but if a lot of people ask for it I can look more into it. I do like the idea of a more expensive respec cost. I can look at adding a modifier and tracking the amount of respecs done per data wipe per player. Would this be in addition to the scrap value, or would it be a separate system by itself? This is doable but would be very expensive on server resources. I would have to have a separate group of sources for shared xp. Please submit a support ticket.
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Hey thanks for the feedback. I have been away since last Wednesday (still away) and I dont have access to my files at the moment but I will respond the best I can. Im not sure I will do a rewrite to allow adding multiple base stats as the way this functions at the moment is as intended. The only way to exceed the maximum hp in rust is to modify the same stuff that the max health teas do. This adds a lot of conflicts for other plugins and the teas themselves which can be a bit of a minefield to cover. Not ruling it out; would need to write it in a way that handles all bases. If I do, it would probably be used in my other plugins as well. Adding a bonus to increase the xp for skill tree could be easily achieved by adding permissions in the config of skill tree with the desired modifiers (+0.05x, +0.1x etc) and attaching a permission name to it. You can then add the permission as a bonus to the set when the item is equipped. I will look into explosion damage increase for raidable bases. I will look into a luck based system for barrel smashing. I will look into the NRE.
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Did you want to send me a map file through that has the prefabs on it and I will do a boot test to try and replicate the issue?
Nah not intentional. I will do some testing on my server and see if I have the same result.
The only conflict that would trigger that is when someone tries to stack the caskets on top of each other. If they get stacked and opened, all the caskets get removed.
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