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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Pickup the entity and redeploy it to test. If it was placed before the plugin was updated, or if it was placed when the config was set to false, then it won't have the ground watch behavior. If ground watch is false when the recycler was placed down, it won't be deleted.
  2. You need to contact Codefling support for this. I can't help if it is a site issue.
  3. Have reached out on Chaos code to find out.
  4. How often does it happen and do you know what causes it?
  5. imthenewguy

    bug with loot crates

    Cant see anything off the bat that would mess with it. To test it, do the following: Unload all plugins (o.unload *) Make sure the arena is fully despawned. If it isn't, run the command I mentioned above. Adjust the config of SurvivalArena so that it only requires 1 player to join ("Minimum players required for the event to proceed": 1) Load EventHelper (o.load EventHelper) Load SurvivalArena (o.load SurvivalArena) Start the game with /survivalarena. Join the game and wait for it to begin. Once the doors are open, check the loot and see if it has spawned. Let me know what you find.
  6. imthenewguy

    bug with loot crates

    Mine sending me a list of plugins that are running on your server?
  7. imthenewguy

    bug with loot crates

    What loot plugin are you using? Anything like AlphaLoot, BetterLoot etc?
  8. imthenewguy

    bug with loot crates

    I recommend running the removal command /wipeoldarena and see if that fixes the issue. If it is happening to all boxes; what loot plugins do you use?
  9. imthenewguy


    Oh, then you need to make sure your oxide is up to date. There was a bug fix for OnEntityBuilt 5 days ago. Download the latest oxide version: https://umod.org/games/rust
  10. imthenewguy


    All you need to do is give the player an item with the shortname: "box.wooden.large" and the skin ID: 2531319393 So long as the plugin is loaded, when the player attempts to deploy the above item, it will be removed and replaced with a recycler.
  11. imthenewguy

    NRE Spam

    Ok np. I will take a look into it when i am feeling well again.
  12. imthenewguy

    Loot Magnet

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Setting ground watch to false means the recycler wont get destroyed when its parented entity is removed.
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. Hi please update umod to the latest version to fix this issue.
  16. imthenewguy


    HMU on discord if you would like to discuss it further.
  17. imthenewguy


    The plugin has 24 base set types (miners, transporters etc). It also has 28 set bonuses. Items are assigned with 1 buff, which prefixes the item. That buff then has access to set bonuses, which are unlocked as the player equips more of the same piece. IE 1 Miners item gives no set bonus, 2 Miners items gives a setbonus, 4 miners items give more set bonuses etc. You can customize the set bonuses to your liking and add/remove/change them as you please. The buff values can be changed to your liking. You can not add multiple buffs to an item, only setbonuses. IE you cannot have Miners and Crafters on the same piece, but you can have Miners give the Lead and Smasher perks if the player was to equip more than 1 piece.
  18. imthenewguy


    There is a console command for the plugin that allows for items to be generated for a player. You can use arguments to specify the item type, buff type and tier that the item will be. genitem <steam ID> <item shortname> <buff type> <tier> Example: genitem 76561197988695317 pants Miners s Would generate a set of pants with the miners buff and a modified that falls within the s tier, and gives it to the player with 76561197988695317. As long as GUIShop supports console commands that require player steam IDs, and arguments, it should work ok.
  19. imthenewguy

    NRE Spam

    CanLootEntity hook is triggered in 2 separate instances. It can trigger when a LootContainer class of entity is looted (such as crate_normal_2 and crate_normal etc), and will handle rolling for new loot items and the scavengers buff. The second instance is when a player loots a lootable corpse for the first time, it has the chance to generate a random epic loot item. Realistically these shouldn't crash the server, but if you are worried you can PM me on discord and I will send you a copy that can log to file each time it fails (i will wrap them in try/catch tags), so we can attempt to debug the issue. im the new guy#0001
  20. imthenewguy

    NRE Spam

    It could be trail healing from a medical syringe.
  21. imthenewguy

    NRE Spam

    I'll need a bit more if possible. The OnPlayerHealthChange hook is connected to the Medics set. Are you able to test and see if it is happening when a player who has a piece of Medics clothing on is healing, or if it triggers when someone who does not have a piece is healing?
  22. imthenewguy

    Loot Magnet

    Should be no reason why bleach is not included, unless it is not in the barrel when the ability triggers.
  23. imthenewguy

    arena de spawn

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  24. imthenewguy


    Hey mate sorry ive been away with the family all weekend. It is impossible for me to see what the issue is without seeing your config. Please also advise which line(s) you have changed so I know what I am looking at.
  25. imthenewguy

    kick not joined players

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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