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Everything posted by Zoreeno
Just after posting this I was able to find a work around but having my NPC run the command as: SendAsPlayer botrespawn toplayer playerID boss I'm assuming using this method is calling the hook as the player though the F1 console which is why it's working (complete guess here). However, it would be nice if running the command through RCON worked if possible.
If i try the command from chat nothing happens and no messages in console. If i run the command via F1 console it works fine. If i try to run it through RCON manually it throws an error. I'm trying to have a friendly NPC run the command on demand as so: botrespawn toplayer playerID boss however this method runs through RCON so the error is thrown. Any way to fix this? Error: (02:46:42) | Failed to call hook 'botrespawn' on plugin 'BotReSpawn v1.0.6' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.botrespawn (ConsoleSystem+Arg arg) [0x0013f] in <1d3d30f4ab8e4d74a725f5f0866dd932>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x01880] in <1d3d30f4ab8e4d74a725f5f0866dd932>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0
That'd be great if you could add that back in. We're trying to set up a boss fight event where the player has to talk to an NPC and give an item, then the NPC runs the toplayer command to start the fight. idk if it's supported for commands by default, but if you could make it so that it supports something like "playerID" or %STEAMID% that would be perfect. Example: botrespawn toplayer playerID profile1
For our 2x server we would still want to disable it. We're trying to keep anything to do with gathering or resource gains on an even playing field for all players. We had the Zlevels plugin in the past and we noticed a lot of players joining the server were a little turned off by knowing that other players may be getting resources quicker than others. However, I do like the option of being able to have output modifiers, especially for our other server. Being able to set smaller values for output rates would be great. I think the main thing we are looking for is the ability to completely disable it and remove any mentioning of it, but also be able to turn it back on when needed.
Hey David. Another great plugin! Question: Is there a way to completely disable the output leveling? Currently I just removed all Modifier options except for the default, which tells players that they are at max level, so it's essentially disabled. But i was wondering if it's possible to completely remove the mentioning of output levels when the upgrade menu is opened?
It would be nice to be able to globally disable category notifications. I want players to see their rewards from Kills, but not all the spam from pick-ups and opens. And 70% of the players will never use the /rr menu to disable it on their own. They just get annoyed by the spam and leave. So currently the only choice i have is to disable all notifications. If you find the time, something like this would be perfect: "General": { "Disable_All_Notifications": true, "Disable_Kill_Notifications": false, "Disable_Harvest_Notifications": false, "Disable_Open_Notifications": true, "Disable_Pickup_Notifications": true, "Disable_Activity_Notifications": true, "Disable_Welcome_Notifications": false, "TakeMoneyfromVictim": false, "LogToFile": false, "LogToConsole": false, "HappyHour_BeginHour": 17, "HappyHour_EndHour": 21, "Player_Kill_Reward_CoolDown_Seconds": 0, "View_Reward_Values": true }
Thanks David, that work around worked beautifully.
The english language file isn't working for me. If i add my own entry, it will remove it when i reload the plugin. However, if i change one of the default listings, the change is reflected. Seems to overwrite back to the default language file every time i reload the plugin if i add my own entry. I'm just adding metal fragments, it's removed everytime i reload plugin. I've tried unloading the plugin completely before saving my new data file, but my changes are gone as soon as i load the plugin back up. { "metal.refined": "HQM", "propanetank": "Propane Tank", "metalpipe": "Pipe", "metal.fragments": "Metal Frags", "wiretool": "Wires" }
Hey man. Thanks for the quick update on adding my suggestions! So far things are looking good and working good! Here are some things I would love to see in future updates: #1: The ability for more and more xp to be required for each level. Right now all levels take the same amount of XP to level up, which is not very realistic for an XP system. It would be great if there was a way to set it so that from level 0 to level 1 takes 100xp, level 1 to 2 takes 150xp, level 2 to 3 takes 200xp, ect ect. The ZLevels plugin has this ability, if you need a point of reference. Some server owners may actually like the simple XP gain system that you currently have, so to add an option for "basic XP gaining" or "scaling XP gaining" so people could choose between the two would be absolutely awesome if it's possible to do. #2: Instead of having to provide a custom image link to display the custom reward items, allow it to show the skin of the item on the reward screen. Currently the image shows the default skin even if i enter in a custom skin ID. I can put a custom link to the image that I want it to display, and it will work, but I think it would be easier if there was an option to just show the custom skin image through image library. Again, thanks for quickly updating the plugin. People really appreciate when developers listen to feedback, I know i do. And it's nice to see that someone is working on a proper easy to use XP/Reward system with a nicely designed UI for Rust. I'll likely be checking out some of your other plugins as well
Love it! I have purchased a couple plugins from David and he never disappoints! This plugin has a little bit of a learning curve at first, but once you get going, you'll have buttons created and positioned in no time. If you run a lot of plugins that require players to do /commands to use them, this is a must have. Having the buttons right in front of their face on the screen is a huge help for player retention. So many players have joined my servers, played for hours and hours and did not know all the plugin commands they had access to no matter where i post about it. The buttons make it clear as day to them.
After some digging i was able to find the issue. On line 972 and on line 1044 you have: new CuiOutlineComponent { Color = "0 0 0 1", Distance = "-1 1" } But it should be: new CuiOutlineComponent { Color = "0 0 0 0", Distance = "-1 1" } the "Color = "0 0 0 1" is causing the black box, changing to "0 0 0 0" makes the box behind the numbers transparent.
A decent plugin with a lot of potential. There are a couple problems though. #1 - There is no way to disable the VIP row at the bottom in the Rewards Menu, if you do not have the vip permission, the row is still there, only grayed out. For those of us that do not want to use a VIP system, it would be prefered if the second line in the rewards menu can just be removed completely. #2 - We need a way to be able disable the coupon system completely. It's a nice system, but there are going to be a lot of users that don't want to have any mention of it on the plugin because they don't want to use it. #3 - There is no UI customization options. #4 - The Custom Items feature you list is not working. If you set the reward to a custom display name, it will still show the non-custom name of the item when you claim the reward. There are plenty of other plugins that are able to make the display name match the custom name, so I would assume this is an easy fix? #3 - In your screen shot, the background of the number overlay is transparent, but on my server, the background is black and covers the entire reward icon How can we make these numbers transparent like in your screenshot? Hopefully you can correct this Also, the console spams this error when you bring up the /level UI. Although it doesn't seem to cause any issues that i can see, it's just a lot of spam. Like i said, this is a nice plugin with a lot of potential. It just needs some more customization options and a way to disable features that some users will not want to use. Good job with this one!
Still one of the best custom monuments out there, and to be offered for free! Every time i use this monument I get at least 1 compliment on how nice it is and how good the puzzle is. The foliage adds a nice aesthetic. I like to surround it with forest splat/topology to make it feel like it's really a "lost" factory. Well done sir!
- #rust
- #custom monument
- (and 4 more)
in the previous version i was able to set which notifications where shown to players on a global scale. In the current version i can't seem to find that functionality. I can disable all notifications globally, but not individual notifications. I know that players can manage their own notifications which is great, but I would much rather be able to do it globally. The setting may be there and I'm just missing it, idk. Thanks for keeping this updated! We appreciate it.
Thanks for the reply. Good to know i can go down to 1%. And yeah i can set it to 0 in the UI, just can't can't set it to 1% in the UI, it jumps from 0 to 5, which isn't a big deal since i can just adjust in the json to 1.
Just a quick question. The setting for "Drop Weapon Percent" (or all other chance % settings).. The setting in the UI only goes down to 5%. I'm assuming this is just to make the toggling via the arrows a little less painful (rather than flipping through every single possible number). If i adjust the percentage down to 1% in the json file will the plug in actually do 1%? or is the 5% the lowest it can go? If 1% is doable, how about lower than 1%.. like 0.5%?
This plugin does exactly what I need and does it well! I was having trouble finding a plugin that has the ability to disable all default recycler outputs and use completely custom output options (including custom skinnable items). The config file is very basic and easy to set up. Plus the developer is quick to respond to inquiries, which is great!!
Hey. Good on you for the quick turn around time to attempt to fix! However, I still get the same result when trying to recycle large stacks of items (this is when default recipe is blacklisted and i input a custom one). It recycled the entire stack at the same time. Also there is now a new bug. If you attempt to recycle an item with a condition bar (electrical components, weapons, ect) using a custom output, it never recycles. The recycler stays on endlessly and never outputs anything. When i switch back to version 1.0.0 of the plugin, it recycles fine.
Nice plugin man. The only problem i'm having with it is that there needs to be a "Max Amount of Items Recycled per Tick" (for each entry if able) config option. I tested with the ability to recycle sulfur into stone and if you put a stack of 1,000 sulfer in the recycler it will recycle all 1,000 at once. It would be need to be able to limit this to like 100 sulfur per tick (every 5 seconds).