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Everything posted by Kaucsenta

  1. Kaucsenta

    TC Limiter

    To be honest, i was not aware, there is a similar one on umod, so i can't answer this, but based on that description it is similar to this.
  2. Kaucsenta

    TC Limiter

    Each member has the limited number of the TC. I didn't analyze yet the possibility to have a limitation like that, since there is so much exploit case.. like somebody have already 3 somewhere, then join to the clan, then what .. But interesting idea, i think about it, sorry for the late respond, but i didn't get notification about any question regarding my plugins ...
  3. Version 2.1.1


    This plugin give the possibility to spawn a bunch of trap randomly across the map to make it a bit hard for your players. The selected numbers of traps are consistent through the server life, so as soon as 1 is activated, a new will spawn somewhere else. Traps set up after 30 sec after restart/reload. It can work with and without TruePVE . It handle separably the trap trigger and trap damage, what is configurable. The traps can't be picked up, only activated or disarmed. With the base setup it check for free location outside of monuments, radiation zones and ZoneManger zones. The traps dmg 50hp, can cause wounded effect with 50% for 5 second and TruePVE selected as to be used. Permissions surprisetrap.admin - To use the 3 command surprisetrap.trapdetect - Too be able to use a geiger counter to find traps on the map Commands Chat: /show - Show all possible found spawn location (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots) /trap - Show all active trap on the map (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots) /setup <mine|bear> - set up a trap where the character look, only for test purpose. (the new position will behave as a new spawn location, but only until the next restart) Console: show - information about the additional free spawn locations trap - information about the available amount of traps setup - manually start trap setup in case of not enough trap on the map (compared to the configured amount) Configuration "Bypass the distance limtiation on the trap and spawn location show command": false, "Enable/Disable Chat notification about player Death by any \"Random Trap\"": false, "If all originally set location occupied, then look for new position": true, "Minimum Distance From Building": 20.0, "Number of traps on the map": 500, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At Monuments": true, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At RadiationZone": true, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At ZoneManager": true, "Random knowdown duration": 5.0, "Retry to get a new location(the bigger the number, bigger the resource consumption to try a new free position)": 200, "The distance on the trap and spawn location show command (only if not bypassed)": 150, "Trap activation randomly knowdown": true, "Trapdamage default 50": 50.0, "Try to look free location this many times on server init (Not necesseary mean it will find this many free spot, bigger the number, bigger the resource consumption to try a new free position)": 2000, "Usage of Beartrap": true, "Usage of Landmine": true, "Usage of TruePVE": true, "Traps can be detected by players with Geiger detector": true, "The distance to detect by the player with Geiger detector": 50.0 API TrapDestroyedByPalyer(BaseTrap trap, BasePlayer player) can be used to catch triggen, when a player killed a trap (for example events or quest to destroy specificly spawned traps)
  4. Kaucsenta

    Mute Chat

    Version 1.0.0


    This plugin give the possibility to disable voice and normal chat via permission. The command usage still allowed, if the chat is blocked. Simple and elegant. Permissions mutechat.mutechat - Mute chat mutechat.mutevoice - Mute voice chat Configuration EnableMutedVoiceNotification = false, - To show notification in the chat for the player, that this feature is blocked EnableMutedChatNotification = false, - To show notification in the chat for the player, that this feature is blocked
  5. So the red side is visible, and everything is clearly visible from the "glass block" under the water? Like to sea feeling?
  6. Hey, how it looks line on a real map? it is also like this with the red lines or it is invisible "bubble"? May you can post a video?
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins Changed Fixed In to 2.1.0
  8. Hello, this is one time issue or repeatedly occure? Do you know anything about the conditions, who tried what, how etc?
  9. Kaucsenta

    /sc show not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.4.1
  10. Kaucsenta

    raidbase blockt

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  11. Kaucsenta

    raidbase blockt

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.2.1
  12. Kaucsenta

    raidbase blockt

    As i read, the raidbase plugin now has an own ladder setting, please read about it and disable it, if it collide with this plugin.
  13. Kaucsenta

    /sc show not working

    I not see you under buyers on Codefling
  14. Kaucsenta

    /sc show not working

    Where you bought it? On codefling? Are you logged in?
  15. Kaucsenta

    /sc show not working

    as i see we already talked about this, and you have the pre-released version, what i gave you in private. I added a debug message in case of stucked event, there was any message in the console? You should look something like this: "Stucked previous event somehow"
  16. Hello Kevin, i was not able to finalize and test it unfortunately, IRL i have a work to
  17. Kaucsenta

    /sc show not working

    Hello, what is your configuration? Usually it can only happen, if the previous event stuck and don't closed properly. A plugin restart shall solve the issue.
  18. Kaucsenta

    Add Configuration?

    Hello, in the fist place, i suggest to use this command with cool-down on a Shop level (we do this on our server and work like a charm). I will check about the possibilities to add a counter and permission combo, for the usage, but not really clear for which usage may you want this. For the chat or for the console command? Or both? And what do you mean under "configurable amount of time for the uses", please clarify. I'm not aware of any problem with the raidable bases plugin, we also use it actively. The plugin can only restore if you have a corpse or a corpse-bag. Possibly some setting is a raidable bases do some mismatch, as i remember it has some config, to teleport out the loot out of the bubble or something like this, and it not move but destroy and recreate the loot of the corpse, what this plugin will be not able to track, because it is a third party effect. Please let me know if you found out more, or just post your raidable bases config here or send it in DM, and i will do a check on it.
  19. Kaucsenta

    Skin attire

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  20. Kaucsenta

    Skin attire

    Hello, you mean the head/chest items? Same as the weapons, etc. Check the video.
  21. Kaucsenta

    Not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  22. I suggest to open a support topic and collect the needs there, and we can see it can feasibly or not in the end. (The NPC hit didn't contain bodypart information, they just shoot without this information, that is one of the reason why the item didn't break in general normally without the plugin ... )
  23. Kaucsenta

    Not working

    Hello, this plugin is activly used on our server, and it is working. It was not just rotten away?
  24. Hey, no, it is just make it possible, that finally the NPCs are able to break the items as well, not just he player based hit. The item eject option is quite easy to add, but currently the item durability loss based on this plugin active, if an NPC was an originator, so if a player issued the dmg, it work with the original facepunch logic regarding the durability loss. The damage negation or negation on chance is a bit bigger story. It can easily mess with the Truepve or other plugins to bother the dmg handling, i will check this question, but for first i would say, not that easy to add as described , since not this was the original goal of this plugin.


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