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TC Limiter 1.2.0

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About TC Limiter

About TC Limiter

This plugin prevent the abuse use of the ToolCupboards, if limitations are set. Also extra TCs can be added based on permission and players also can bypass the configuration. I recommend to use the plugin only from the start of the wipe, otherwise it will have no effect on the previously placed TC-s and only track from the newly placed ones.


tclimiter.admin - Permission for admins or other players to bypass the TC limit.
tclimiter.clearpermissions - For wipe usage, you can clear the previously set EXTRA permissions with the combination of the "/wipetc" chat command.
tclimiter.extra_* - Based on the configured extra allowed TC, additional permissions will be created.


The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the TCLimiter.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.

Example Configuration:

  "minimum_allowed_TC": 1,
  "extra_TC_to_allow": 2


/tclist - list available TC number
/wipetc - use it for clear up the given EXTRA permission before/after wipe.


English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files.

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