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Everything posted by Bumfuzzler

  1. Another suggestion Having /sma export as a console command would be extremely useful. For me this command would be part of my wipe ritual and I do that from the console entirely. It would be time consuming to be required to launch Rust to save signs. Thanks!
  2. Suggestion When a player creates a sign, and it auto saves they get a message in chat advising them that it was saved and they can access it using /sm. Allow this message to be editable in the language file. Why this is so important, IMO, is that players won't know about this plugin, but they will create signs. If the message came up each time a sign was automatically saved advising them about it, they would learn about the plugin and it would get used more.
  3. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    It appears that it does. If I go inside a raidable base and try to tp without tc access, it blocks me as expected. If I get tc access and use the /home command to tp out, it works, but it teleports me only a meter or so outside of the tc coverage for that raidable base. If I destroy the tc, it works the same as if I have access. Something to note, when I use home, for a second I can see the place I expect to teleport to. Then it brings me right back to the raidable base just outside the tc coverage like I mentioned. So it appears to be intercepting it. "Allow Teleport": true, "Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop": true, "Allow Players To Build": true,
  4. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    I have allow teleport set to true. I'm using HomeGUI, TeleportGUI and TownTeleport.
  5. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    I think you mentioned sometime ago that it's expected if a player teleports or uses home inside the raidable base tc range, it will teleport them just outside of the raidable base. Tell me if I'm wrong. If I'm correct, do you foresee changing this behavior? I have players trying to teleport home after they take a raidable base and they believe something is broken because they only teleport a few meters away from where they are. Thanks.
  6. Great idea for a plugin! It would be great if the '/sma export' command could happen on an event or timer. Keeping the images from wipe to wipe is a main perk so forgetting to do this on wipe day may ruffle feathers. Also I'm sure admins don't need another task to remember on wipe day. Does the import happen only on the next restart or does it happen every restart? I'm guessing it only imports the export once on restart. I'd love it to work the opposite way where it automatically exports more often and imports maybe after a wipe? Just some thoughts. Looks great!
  7. Is that a plugin? Did a search didn't find it. If you could direct me towards it that'd be great.
  8. I would suggest moving cookables into ovens doesn't necessarily mean they're on automatically. I do want them to move into furnaces and for meat to move into BBQs for instance, but I don't necessarily want them to be on. Unless wood is automatically added. Otherwise it looks really strange. The lights on feature can handle whether they turn on.
  9. Thanks, it was "Move Cookables Into Ovens"
  10. Bumfuzzler

    Furnaces Started, burning

    I notice that bases with furnaces automatically have the furnaces started. Sometimes there isn't any wood in them, just resources, so this seems weird. Is there a setting to control this? Or something else I should know to change this behavior?
  11. Bumfuzzler

    Unable to loot autoturret

    In my configuration I have the following: "Allow Traps To Drop Loot": true, "Allow Players To Loot Traps": true, However, when I try to loot an Auto Turret (assuming that's considered a trap - maybe not) using open on the Turret opens and then closes extremely fast and I'm unable to loot it. Are there other settings I'm missing that control this or is there an issue of some sort?
  12. Receiving this error It appears to fix the issue just need to rename .Instance to .ServerInstance Just wanted to document it.
  13. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    Very awesome thank you. Question. I notice that all radiable bases seem to have stability of 100% across the entire base. Is there a way turn that off? Reason being, on my server I try to blend raidable bases in to the base population and players are using stability to know what is and what is not a raidable base.
  14. Bumfuzzler

    Welcome Panel

    Does the purchased plugin come with a more complete configuration file? The configuration file sample that's posted doesn't appear to depict any of the pictures I see. Maybe I'm wrong.
  15. Thanks. I use that, but it doesn't have the ability to change the tips in the upper left hand corner of the screen. As I run custom plugins, I was hoping to use those tips to explain features on my server.
  16. Is there a way to change or add to the game tips that show during the loading screen? I would like to modify them and/or add my own that are specific to my server. Does anyone know of a plugin that can do this? Thanks.
  17. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    Any chance you're adding loot weighting in the next update? My purchase would be expedited!
  18. Honestly that's not what PMs are used for IMO. Posting something like that out in the open is important so that demand can be properly understood. Many times people won't request something unless others do first. What's interesting is posting links in PMs at Umod is also not allowed, but you can do w w w . c o d e f l i n g . c o m lol
  19. I had a few situations where I was having conflicts between plugins or I was asking an author to build support for another plugin on a different site. I had to speak in coded language to explain what I was talking about. A good example is the difference between Clans and Clans Reborn. Saying Clans would be confusing, but I wasn't able to reference Clans Reborn. Umod doesn't really like you to mention plugins from other sites either - not just linking.
  20. I might be able to help out. Feel free to reach out.
  21. Cool plugin! It would be awesome if you could add permissions per vehicle type.
  22. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    I was curious if there are any plans to expand the loot tables to include item weight and possibly groupings. I find I have issues controlling the loot because all items spawn with the same weight, I wouldn't want certain items to spawn too often items spawn in boxes in patterns that players would normally not put together, no boxes are organized. for instance, you would normally see weapons together or teas together or medical supplies together. It would be helpful to be able to control the weight of an item and also potentially how they are grouped together. Of course, due to the massive size of this plugin, if I've missed something let me know!
  23. I donated to this project before this was a paid plugin, but I don't see me purchasing this. The limitation on base count doesn't make sense to me and I don't see why I'd pay $50 to be limited in any way, especially to a handful of bases per difficulty. I spent lots of time making many bases of variation which is what players want. I can't imagine for $50 how there should be any limitation at all to something like base variation. If you remove limitations, I would consider it. Also, it would be nice if my donations could count towards the purchase. Thanks.
  24. I'm seeing the following error in my console. Unsure of significance. 08:23 [Error] Exception while calling NextTick callback (ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index) at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.WalkingDead+<Spawnnpc>c__AnonStorey3.<>m__0 () [0x003e8] in <2876375810b4419187214b7468c026c5>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0
  25. it's a little strange that this case set to closed no? I'm not seeing any reply...at the same time, I admit I haven't seen this happen again, but that's beside the point.


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