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Everything posted by Bumfuzzler

  1. Could you please change the log to read something other than error? 06:05 [Error] [UpdateChecker] Waiting 30 seconds for rate limit I tend to search my logs for the word error to find issues and I have to cut through a bunch of these which are not really errors. Maybe it could be 06:05 [Info] [UpdateChecker] Waiting 30 seconds for rate limit Thanks! Love the plugin.
  2. Interested in seeing a fix for this since the plugin doesn't even compile.
  3. Actually I went back to 1.1.6 and it appears I still have this error. Disabling for now.
  4. Ok, now I'm getting notifications, but nothing regarding Kits Nation Codefling Updates Checker BOT — Today at 9:37 AM [ChaosCode]AbsolutSorter 2.0.16 -> 2.0.18 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/absolutsorter.46/ [Codefling]BotReSpawn 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/botrespawn [ChaosCode]CarCommander 0.2.70 -> 0.2.71 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/carcommander.71/ [ChaosCode]ClansUI 0.1.46 -> 0.2.2 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/clans-ui.41/ [Umod]DeathNotes 6.3.7 -> 6.3.8 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://umod.org/plugins/death-notes [ChaosCode]HomeRecycler 1.4.5 -> 1.4.6 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/homerecycler.109/ [ChaosCode]PlaneCrash 0.3.6 -> 0.3.7 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/plane-crash.16/ [ChaosCode]PowerSmelt 1.0.11 -> 1.0.13 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/powersmelt.121/ [Codefling]RaidableBases 2.6.5 -> 2.6.6 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/raidable-bases [ChaosCode]SkinBox 2.1.15 -> 2.1.17 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/skinbox.17/ [ChaosCode]TeleportGUI 1.7.24 -> 1.7.25 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/teleportgui.22/ [Umod]VehicleStorage 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://umod.org/plugins/vehicle-storage [Codefling]WalkingDead 1.1.6 -> 1.2.1 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/walkingdead [Codefling]WelcomePanel 2.7.2 -> 3.0.7 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-info-ui [Codefling]WPKits 1.0.5 -> 1.1.4 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-ui-addons [Codefling]WPSocialLinks 1.0.5 -> 1.1.4 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-ui-addons [Codefling]WPVipRanks 1.0.5 -> 1.1.4 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-ui-addons [Codefling]WPWipeCycle 1.0.5 -> 1.1.4 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-ui-addons [ChaosCode]ZombieHorde 0.5.7 -> 0.6.4 LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/zombiehorde.120/ CHAOS AbsolutSorter Sort items from your inventory into designated storage containers with the click of a button Image Codefling BotReSpawn Spawns set numbers of customised npcs at monuments, various events, supply drops, biomes, custom locations, and 'toplayer'. Plugin Description. This is a new plugin. Old BotSpawn data files are not compatible. You will have to create your profiles and spawnpoints from scratch, however the majorit... BotReSpawn CHAOS CarCommander A custom car controller with many options including persistence Image CHAOS Clans UI GUI menu for use with Clans Image uMod - Death Notes by Mevent Broadcasts deaths to chat along with detailed information Image
  5. Since I updated to the latest version I am not getting updates for plugins when new versions are released. Here's an example Rust Kits just released version 4.4.0. I have 4.3.0. I have my configuration set as you see below { "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "Kits", "Plugin version": "4.3.0", "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "https://umod.org/plugins/rust-kits", "Ignore new version": false }, I checked the webhook for discord and it's correct. What should I be looking at to troubleshoot or is this an issue with the plugin. Note, I have multiple servers and I am not getting updates for any of them since I upgraded to the latest version of Update Checker. Thanks in advance.
  6. Bumfuzzler

    Raidable Bases

    I regards to stability, where copy paste files must be edited you said "hi, yes, sorry this was changed in the latest update. I will change it back" Are you moving back to the way it was? I don't want to edit everything and then find out I have to reverse it again. Thanks.
  7. I'm guessing if I add a new plugin the next time Update Checker loads it will add it to the config? If so, can you add a discord message that advises there's a plugin that is not ignored without a link? This would be helpful in case a plugin is missed in the setup. Thanks.!
  8. I'm starting to think it would be easier to whitelist plugins at each site rather than blacklist. Just mathematically the amount of work is much more with blacklisting. I have one plugin. I will only want it to check 1 site in 100% of cases. I would have one entry under the site of choice to whitelist. With blacklisting, I have to have 3 entries instead. 1 for each of the sites the plugin doesn't reside on. This creates a lot of management issues. Checking every list is time consuming and prone to error. I'd love to see a whitelist added to ensure each site is only checked for the plugins that reside there along with the ability to turn off blacklisting or to leave it blank.
  9. "Automatic blacklist (If a plugin doesn't exist on a site)": true, Might this be the issue? That must be what's adding items to blacklist.
  10. Something weird is going on. On one of my servers, the configuration is blacklisting UpdateChecker from every source. Something makes me think plugins are being automatically blacklisted. I'm pretty sure I didn't add that for Codefling. Again I could be wrong and I made a mistake, but seems strange.
  11. I just checked and these plugins were blacklisted under Codefling, but I can't imagine I added them there. Possibly my mistake and not a plugin issue.
  12. I'm on version 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 is out, no alert - https://codefling.com/plugins/limit-entities I'm on 2..1.3 and 2.1.5 is out, no alert - https://codefling.com/plugins/convoy
  13. I continue to get notifications in Discord for plugins that are up to date. Each of these are at the version it suggests I need to update to - including UpdateChecker.
  14. What would be an amazing reward is to give players access to a permission or group for 'x' time, but I realize that's advanced and maybe more challenging than multiple rewards or tiered rewards.
  15. I have 1.0.9 and it appears the issue is still occurring.
  16. I'm getting notified about plugins on ChaosCode for plugins that don't exist there. I can blacklist them of course, but I guess I'm surprised it's finding these as being associated with ChaosCode. They are all plugins on umod. [CHAOSCODE] Monument Radiation 0.2.57 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] Monuments Recycler 0.2.6 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] Chill Fuel 0.3.1 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] Master Key 0.7.7 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] MedicRevive 0.1.0 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] Admin Auto Teams 0.1.9 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/ [CHAOSCODE] No Give Notices 0.3.0 -> LINK TO DOWNLOAD -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/0/
  17. Ok thanks, you answered my questions. It's plugin specific.
  18. Are you saying that there is no resource ID for all the plugins on ChaosCode? Or just these plugins?
  19. I'm getting a lot of false positives from ChaosCode. All of these plugins are the latest versions. Discord alerts suggest they are out of date.
  20. I would love to see a bit of an extension on the rewards. For instance either: Allow for multiple rewards to be given - run a command and give certain items and/or Allow giving inviters different rewards based on the number of players they've invited get one reward for inviting one person get a different reward for the 4th person invited Thanks. And thanks for fixing the issues that existed.
  21. I would also like to see this. I was looking at this plugin for my PVE server to potentially allow some raid times.
  22. I've made several posts about 2 weeks ago at the same time as this one, but haven't received a response. The issues I've posted are preventing me from using the plugin in production. If possible can I get a reply to my posts about whether or not these situations will be addressed? I'm guessing the thumbs up means they will be.
  23. Checked lang and config file in json validator. It doesn't find anything,
  24. I'm unsure how this works. I would expect these are the steps: Player invites another player The invited player must play for x time, gather x resources and potentially kill x players. Once that invited player does that, both the invited and invitee receives the reward you've designated they receive. Is that how it's meant to work?


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